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Pass #1 ....


Chocmint33 said…
Looking forward to this clown leaving the Presidency.
T. W. said…
I am too shocked to comment.
Anonymous said…
Chocmint = Ditto
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah. He was quite happy to insult, denigrate and mock so many outstanding people while he's been in Office.

Well now its his turn.

And it has the whole world's attention.

And that Ivanka will be going down with him.

Cause for Ivanka, her father is her whole life.

What is Ivanka gonna do?

When the Trump's have no power in the U.S.

And are the laughing stock of society.

Perhaps she'll move abroad.

Perhaps she might have to.

For security.
Chick'sOpinion said…
We live in an age of lies.

But at the same time we live in an age of truths coming out.

And most people know. You can't make bricks without straw.

And whatever they bring to these Impeachment investigations. They already know they can prove.

Does Trump realise that?

I think getting his own way all his life as a rich adult and rich kid.

Has created such an illusion in Trump.

Cause wealth and power has always saved him.

From everything.

I'm glad I didn't grow up rich. It kinda limits you.

And it's a fact. The most vunerable to join cults.

Are the Middle and Upper class.

Working Class people are far more grounded in reality.

I think, when someone tries to recruit a working class person into cult. Where you are expected to work your arse off for free.
And/or give all your money to them.
A working class person would laugh in their face.

And tell them to off.

No. It's the Middle and Upper Class who are more likely to be sucked into Cults. Between the ages of 15 to 31.

Its not a hard and fast rule. But the stats about this don't lie.

No. If you grew up impoverished. Or with alot of lack.

Be grateful.

It's the best thing that ever happened to you.

For a start. You don't believe you are above the law...Like Trump.

And don't live in illusion.

Donald Trump was earning by age 3, $200,000 A year in today's money.

By age 8 it had increased to point he was a millionaire.

This money was derived from his father's Empire.

At 17 he got from his father... part ownership of a 52 unit apartment block.

By the time he was in his 40's he was receiving 5 million a year from his father's Empire.

He is not a self made man.

There are variety of ways Fred Trump made his son rich. By making him on records, an employee for a start.

Did he actually work. No.

But Trump and his siblings eventually sold off the Empire once Fred Trump died.

And...Trump received $177.3 million as his share.

Makes you wonder why he wanted to be President.

I think it was to bring back the glory days of the U.S strong and powerful economy. That he grew up with.

Plus. He saw it as a way of manipulating the Office of President. To make his family even richer.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - I was wondering if you listen to talkback radio in Australia, especially those Macquarie owned stations like 2GB?

Well, I just happened to be listening for a short time last night. Anyway a lady called in praising Donald Trump saying he's a nice guy and the announcer agreed with her.

Honestly, I couldn't believe it and thought honestly aren't these people and the listeners more enlightened?

But I guess not everyone can see through people like CD and the rest of us on this forum. We are so lucky and have a real advantage. Pity a lot more people don't use their psychic judgement.
T. W. said…
I am weary of what is going on in this world.

I am tired of seeing people sick and in pain, lack, and bondage.

The same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives in works within me and some others. We will have to rely more on this power to love and to do the works we have been commanded to do.

Satan has no power whatsoever. He has to take it from humanity. We need to stop giving it to him.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I don't listen to talk back radio.

As when they are talking. I'm either sleeping or working.

But I did listen to it a few nights once. Late into the night. And the people who were ringing in were either dead set cowcockys. Ringing in from the desert. Or North Coast countryside.

Or nuts. Under the influence of alcohol.

They are pretty funny.

I've had the misfortune of hearing John Laws Show in my car. How I dislike that man.

And his listeners.

Omg those people who follow these talk back radio announcers. Just believe everything they hear.
And worship these radio announcers Like, Alan Jones
It's crazy I know.

I listen to Kyle Sandilands for as long as I can tolerate him at Peak hour.On Kiis Radio station, Sydney. As I'm in my car alot for my job.

I used to like Kyle Sandilands back in the day.

Now I think hes an ill mannered rude pig.
And not too bright.

Did you know he was homeless as a teenager?
T. W. said…

Was it a joke show or a comedy sketch?
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion and Chocmint33

1) You might like Michael Savage. Very intelligent, very funny, but a little off in a good way.

His radio show is called The Savage Nation.

2) If you like to hear stories about The Beyond that may or may not be true, you will like Coast to Coast AM. The true stories are very informative.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah Kyle was homeless as a teenager when he ran away from home. He lived in Wynnum which was not that far from where I lived. He definitely pulled himself up from his bootstraps.
Chocmint33 said…
TW - actually they were dead serious in their praise for Babyfart. Those talk-back radio stations in Australia like 2GB and 3AW attract right-winged populist kind of people who really like the orange man. You can listen to those stations online. You won't believe your ears.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Radio in Australia is bad. We don't have enough variety like the U.S. sounds like you have good shows.

Yes. Kyle Sandilands confuses me. So yeah he was homeless. Then made it big in radio. And TV.

Then becomes rich. And stupid. Eats and smokes himself to shocking a health crisis. And then hangs out with a known Sydney gangster, John Ibrahim.

And claims he only does so, cause John Ibrahim gangsta is his neighbour.

Umm. No that doesn't make sense.

And then he marries a complete Tart and Bogan who is 16 years his junior.

One who never stops showing her tits in the media.

No. I used to like Kyle Sandilands.

Not anymore

He used to have values.

Not anymore.
T. W. said…
Wow. I feel bad for Australians.

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