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Pigs in Clover...

Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party.
Backed by Babyfart.
Is telling that other lying pig.
Boris Johnson............
That if they join forces.
They will be unstoppable.
Well, if you want Trump 2.0.
Go ahead, ‘cause that’s what you’ll get.
If you think Westminster is bad now.
You won’t believe, the “PIG” Sty it’ll become.
& his Cronies
is desperate to become PM…


Amy said…
The gruesome twosome.
T. W. said…
Oh. That is his chin...
T. W. said…
Now maybe people will believe what I said about the time Prince Harry partied in Las Vegas dressed as a Nazi. Blind Gossip forgot to report that Prince Harry was "allegedly" cavorting with males. The National Enquirer didn't forget to report that...

Jerkiness And Your First Priority
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. And Boris Johnson took quite a nasty aim at old Jeremy Corbyn recently.

Making a mockery of Jeremy Corbyn's comments about Fidel Castro.

As Jeremy Corbyn made some nice comments about Castro when he died some time ago.

The thing is. Jeremy Corbyn is perfectly aware of Castro's faults.

He was merely observing Fidel Castro's achievements.

And there were some.

But more specifically, Jeremy Corbyn wanted people to remember that it was Fidel Castro's support of Angola in Africa that led to Apartheid ending in South Africa.

That's a big achievement in history.

Jeremy Corbyn's claim that Castro deserves to be remembered 'as an internationalist and a champion of social justice' is in a way, true.

No wonder Trump backs Boris. And Not Jeremy.

Because Jeremy Corbyn supports a little known British Group called, Cuba Solidarity Campaign. A UK group that campaigns against the U.S embargo of Cuba.

And for an end to U.S occupation of Cuban land and at Guantanamo Bay.

I wasn't aware that was even on Cuban land.

This group also defends Cuban people in a way.

From intervention from foreigners.

Is Jeremy a foreigner? I guess so.

But he's different. He supports the Cubans.

So I don't see Jeremy and Trump sitting down havin a few laughs with Cuba's favourite tipple,

The Daiquiri.

Cause the question of Cuba would turn into one of those bar fights.
Anonymous said…
Jeremy Corbyn is a champagne socialist and terrorist sympathiser who cares nothing for us in the north.
I've seen better dressed scarecrows than Scummy Corbyn. A truly awful leader.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of Fascists.

That arsehole italian Politician, Matteo Salvini is at it again in Italy.

He's just won the electorate of Umbria. In Italy.

Not good. Cause this guy is a nasty piece of work.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Has Boris Johnson finally realised? That being politically aligned with a that tiresome troublemaker Nigel Farage.

Is not a good idea.

Nigel Farage, if given enough freedom and power. Will cause so much division in the UK.

It will eclipse the division he has already caused. With his longed for, successful plan. To take UK out of the EU Zone.

Some social upheaval is necessary for change. I get that.

But Nigel Farage, given the opportunity. Would do ethnic cleansing in the UK.

On a Nazi scale.

So.Let's hope the future of the UK. In or out of the EU. Is one where petty cultural issues or racist ones.

Don't prevent happiness. And harmony there.

Some psychics are saying. Boris Johnson wants to bring back a patriotic feel to the UK.

Which is fine.

But sometimes all that flag waving. Leads some of the retarded and not too bright in society. To start splitting hairs about who is authentically British.

And who deserves to live in the UK.

Unfortunately. That's often an outcome of Nationalism.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And then there's the talk of a United Ireland after Brexit.

Even talk like this is capable of really upsetting the very fragile political stability in Northern Ireland today.

National identity seems from my research, one of the biggest obstacles to a United Ireland.

The British identity of Unionists is a difficult issue. Always has been. Will they have to relinquish their British identity?

And will they do so willingly? If a United Ireland happens.

Good question.

How will a United Ireland cope economically. Cause that change would have to be supported.

They are talking in Ireland about doing an early Poll on the Border issue.

Maybe that's a good thing.

But with the IRA banging their drums. About issues with the Irish border generally. A solution needs to be found fast. For all of these things.

And one that the majority are happy with.

Because 'the Troubles' in Ireland may erupt again. Mighty fast.

And the usual way. Once it starts there. It's almost impossible to stop.

The thing is. There's so many unhealed wounds in Ireland.

Even today, there are 1000's of unsolved murders in Ireland. Committed during the Troubles, between 1968 and 1998.

Alot of them children. Particularly teenage boys around 14 to 15. But most 20 to 24 year olds.

Their siblings are still alive today.

And they still don't have answers to who exactly killed their loved one.

And they never will.

Because particularly in West Belfast. It was far too dangerous for the police to enter. Unless in armoured vehicles.

So investigations into murders by either the IRA, Loyalists the UVF, UDA, the RUC or even the British Army. Were not investigated in any way thoroughly.

If Boris Johnson is booted out soon. It will be a good thing for Ireland i think.

Because I don't think he has enough sensitivity to the issue in Ireland.

Or the careful diplomacy. To manage a very complex set of issues with Northern Ireland.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Let's look at another reason why alot of UK people, the UK government, including Boris Johnson, want to leave the E.U

To understand it, you have to talk about the powerful European Oligarchs and Populist leaders in the EU Zone. Rich beyond your wildest dreams.

But you also have to go back to when a huge proportion of European countries were Communist.

Hungary is a good example.

Hungary was run... governed as Communist from roughly WW2 till 1991.

In that period Farmers worked in the farms around Hungary's capital Budapest. As workers. Never owners.

You see, the government stole all the land once Communism was established.

So they experienced that injustice.

Many decades later, the children of those farm workers now work that land again.

But still don't own it.

But who are they working their arse off for make others rich?

EU Oligarchs.

Who have got their hands on Hungarian land via their connections and influence with the corruption in the Hungarian Government.

Clearly its not Communist anymore in Hungary.
But there's been no improvement in fairness by that. Or as a member of the EU.

The New York Times describes what going on in Hungary as a.....

'New Feudal system'

You know,like in medieval days.

These 'Land Barons' of Europe, as The New York Times calls them, are financed by the collective EU money.

The 28 country EU Zone pays out 65 Billion in Farm Subsidies.

And who gets alot of it?

The Land Barons.

The Farm Subsidies are intended to support EU farmers and keep EU rural communities alive.

It does that. But unfortunately its made these chosen few, these EU Oligarchs, fabulously rich.

This problem is happening all across Central Europe and Eastern Europe. And has done so for years. Because of their corrupt governments.

The UK can't change corrupt EU governments.

And Ukraine is a very good example of this shit too. In fact Ukraine is a priority partner.

To fix their deep deep economic problems. They never will.

So the the majority of the disapproval of the UK continuing as a EU member. Is this problem.

Of the theft of the Subsidies.

Bear in mind that Tax Payers across in EU member counties have no way of controlling the funding of EU Subsidies being misappropriated.
As it gets deducted from wages.

And why don't the EU member countries want the UK to leave?

Because of all the money, subsidies a rich EU country like the UK, contribute.

After Brexit, the UK will no longer be lining the pockets of billionaire EU Oligarchs.

The whole EU Zone is predicted to end anyway. Next will be Italy I think.

And this folks, is why Boris Johnson want the UK out of the EU.
As soon as possible.
T. W. said…
I do recall Christian saying the UK (England?) should not have joined the EU.

He also said leaving would be painful but the sooner you guys leave, the better.

I think last year another seer said that if you guys left the EU last year or earlier this year, the British pound would temporarily drop but you all would have wound up on top.

Prayers for Britain and the United Kingdom.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. You just reminded me. Christian did say that. Predicted it long ago.

That the UK would be better off out of the EU.

And better off in the long run.

Well for a start. They won't be funding or propping up economically broke EU Countries where corruption is rife.

And will never end. No matter how much money you throw at them. And the cronies who run those countries.

Yes. The UK will be shut out of some markets.

But seriously. What does it matter in the long run.

When the whole European Union is gonna end anyway.

It's only going to take one or 2 more big rich EU member countries to leave the Union.

And seriously. The Euro won't survive. And there will not be enough money to share out to these failing economies. From EU funding

They'll look back. These corrupt governments of failing EU economy countries. And think,

'yahhh we never had it so good, living off the EU gravy train. When there was a European Union.'

All good things come to an end.

And in some situations.

That's merciful.
T. W. said…
I understand. Prayers for the British Commonwealth.

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