The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
And peculiar.
Like Solange.
Especially the cream jump suit Solange wore to Marry in.
It was all too bizarre for me.
And arriving at your wedding on bicycles.
Nah. Stupid.
Solange may be nuts.
But I think she had Jay Z's character worked out very early.
She knows he cheats constantly on her sister.
And for that she doesn't like him.
When Solange had a physical fight in that Lift with Jay Z that time. I believe it was over his treatment of Beyonce.
Why aren’t female celebrities wearing bras anymore?!
This has gone on for over 20 years and needs to stop. They will thank me when they get older...
The trend of female celebrities not wearing bras in public has gone on for over 20 years and needs to stop.
I don’t care if a person has breast implants. Then things sag too.
What dies the term Basement Baby mean?
That psychopath R.Kelly thinks he's gonna get out of all these Charges. And Not go to jail for the rest of his life.
He's wrong.
Plus there's enough families of girls he imprisoned. And sexually abused.
That are after his guts.
And his money.
As a Cherry on top.
If he isn't flat broke now. He will be.
For the rest of his life.
I wonder if that singer Aaliya.
Who died young in that plane crash. Was harmed by R.Kelly too.
When she dated him real young.
She wasn't in a relationship with R.Kelly at the time of her death.
She was with Damon Dash.
R.Kelly has harmed every human that's ever come anywhere near him.
So I guess we'll be hearing R.Kelly victim stories till long after he's dead.
A Basement Baby is a mad relative the family keep locked up.
When I was growing up we had a neighbor who kept an adult relative locked in his room. I did not know this until I became an adult. Two of my relatives confirmed this happened. I believe it because they had junk hidden behind a curtain. Turns out the junk hid the poor man’s bedroom door.
It has been proven over 20 years ago that R. Kelly groomed and abused Aaliyah. Vibe Magazine broke the story when she was still a teenager. He even procured a fake birth certificate for her so he could marry her. Vibe Magazine printed a copy and provided other proof.
Other news outlets shared the story after her death.
By the way, Vibe Magazine spilled a lot of tea. It is no longer in print. They spilled the wrong tea about the wrong person. That is the risk you take when you are honest and try to help others. Ronan Farrow has better watch her back.
Remember how she would hide one eye with her hair? That hairstyle was not trendy at the time. Us Red Pillers recognize that hairstyle means she has been MK Ultra’d. An Illuminati pawn.
She was also allegedly Beyoncé’s Illuminati sacrifice. Notice the timing of Aaliyah’s death and the timing of Beyoncé’s solo career.
This is not worth fame and riches. The devil always gets his due.
Better to let God bring you honor before humanity. Your fame will last forever and you will still have your soul.
Poor Aaliyah. Her death was very sad.
Anyone who does not live to see 120 years has died prematurely.
As far as her going kamikaze in the elevator with Jay Z, it sure didn`t stop Beyonce from having a set of twins with him, did it. So maybe that`s what Christian means when he says ``She`s nuts too.``
R.Kelly definitely thinks he`s going to walk, I agree. There isn`t a snowball`s chance in hell that he will. He`s a predator and they need to lock him up and throw away the key until he is very old.
CAP Anonymous
It would be so difficult to have such a pretty and ridiculously talented and successful sister.
Beyonce seems so grounded compared to Solange.
Despite the enormous challenge of being married to Jay Z.
Another psychic said that, Beyonce has to fight women off him ....right in front of her. Women just throw themselves on Jay Z. For his money and fame.
And unfortunately, Jay Z takes up the offers.... on a regular basis.
He's not one bit loyal. And Beyonce won't divorce him. Because she has very old fashioned ideas about marriage being Forever. And loyalty.
Awwww how sweet.
But how stupid.
Well my view is.
If you are not being offered loyalty. In a marriage or relationship.
Then you are not obligated to offer loyalty. And it's time to dump their arse.
But Beyonce has complicated business relationships with Jay Z too. And she's very materialistic they also say.
So she'd be worrying about her wealth. And all her houses. Stuff
Well I think Beyonce needs to look beyond.
Beyond Jay Z.
He's a not a good guy.
It is my fervent wish.
That Solange belts him again.
But not in a lift.
Somewhere more public.
And calls him out for who he really is.
Beyonce has had documented affairs of her own. She was photographed with her body guard with her lipstick on his face. Her lipstick was smudged and her hair was unkempt. Draw your own conclusion.
Some people claim she swings both ways. If you have seen the videos to the Lemonade visual album then you know these claims are credible.
He's been married to silly Solange since 2014.
That's about all he take of it.
The first warning and Red Flag he should have paid attention to. Was when Solange said,
'Let's arrive at our wedding on matching cream coloured bicycles '
That's nutty.
Anyway...he's so much older than her. 23 years.
She was 22 when she married him and he was in his early 40's.
So Blind Freddy could have seen.... this relationships wouldn't work.
She also married at 17. And was a single mum for years.
I'd say Alan Ferguson will go get a relationship with something in his age group. And on the same planet.
Solange exits in a different galaxy to all of us.
And incidently TW. It's a planet where no one wears bras.
Can you get over how arrogantly sure R Kelly is...That he won't be going to jail, for a very long time.
It's so delusional.
It always amazes me how people who held a tyranny over peoole for a very long time, totally choose to live in a deluded state.
When they have lost power.
R Kelly needs to be told.
Denial is not a river in Egypt.
Face facts.
A life behind bars awaits.
And what is the next group of people R Kelly going to attempt to control. And be abusive to?
The prison population.
He'll have quite a few who will quite easily challenge that.
And anyway. There will already be a prisoner or two, running the Prison.
And they are unlikely to give over that power to R Kelly.
The tables are turned.
Thank you for making me laugh out loud!
But the one advantage he has over any current kingpins in the pen, is he has money for leverage. But then again, maybe after the trial, he'll be quite broke. Oh, is he gonna cry!
CAP Anonymous
Good point.
And other psychics are predicting that R Kelly ends up flat broke.
For the rest if his life.
Good. That SOB has damaged alot of people through the power of money.
And his violence.
CAP Anonymous