The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Perhaps politically inspired Elves are going to bring him down.
Now I have heard that elves and fairies can be very mischievous.
With their magic.
If anyone knows the capability of them.
Comment here.
Well. Apparently Boris is banning the B word quite soon. From ministerial papers and discussion.
B stands for Brexit in this case.
And he doesn't like the word Brexit anymore.
Well. B can also stand for Bankruptcy.
And the worry is many British firms are gonna go broke because of the UK leaving the EU.
The UK's independent newspaper is very cautious about Boris Johnson's boundless optimism about Brexit.
Well Optimism or not. the 'combative' talks with Brussels starts in the New Year. With all the Eurocrats. He and and Nigel Farage don't like.
Boris has gone ahead and made it unlawful for these talks with go beyond 2021. So that gives the Brussels Eurocrats no choice but to reach quick trade deals.
With the UK.
The Irish Prime Minister with the very un-Irish surname, Leo Varadkar. Believes that Boris Johnson has a harder Brexit in mind than he is admitting to. And Boris Johnson's real plan is, for the UK to undercut its European rivals on food, health, and product safety
Well ...we'll have to wait and see.
The Irish are really concerned about the outcome of all this. That's for certain.
Oh and I believe Irish Elves are called Siog.
And they have quite a strong belief in them.
'Come they told us
Pa rum pum pum pum
Our newborn King to see
Our finest Trade deals we bring
Pa rum pum pum pum
To lay before the King
Pa rum pum pum pum'
Unfortunately... They are now going to have to pare back their trade negotiations with him. Because dear Boris the bastard isn't giving them enough time.
He is the ultimate British Christmas Ebenezer Scrooge. From Charles Dicken's novel, A Christmas Carol.
EU Member States leader's already know.... they are going to have to agree to 'a basic free trade agreement' with him.
Is he doing this deliberately? Giving them an insufficient 11 months to negotiate a comprehensive deal?
And if so. To what purpose?
The UK will officially leave the Single Market and customs union by 31st December 2020.
Well regardless of how/when they leave. The UK's Leave Voters. Will be singing Joy to the World.
Will there be dancing in the street?
Like the day Margarget Thatcher died.
Well. Lets see if it even happens.
And Boris may even be long gone by Dec 2020.
I’m linking to another psychic because that person allows me to share links to Christian’s site. The video is in the post. I will also provide link to the video.
2) Prince Philip health: Fears grow for Duke as it's revealed he was HELICOPTERED to hospital
3) LONELY THIS XMAS Queen faces Christmas alone after Philip, 98, is flown by helicopter to hospital after fall and months of ill health
I tend to not believe that. I think Prince Andrew will be at his ski lodge or chalet that he owns in Gstaad, Switzerland.
He might be lying low.
But unlike normal criminals. He will lying low in his usual fabulous luxury.
Though I do admit. He and Sarah Ferguson are in future going to have to reduce their love of luxury living.
As Prince Andrew has lost many of his avenues of revenue recently. Be it bribe money to introduce powerful people. Or sponsership.
Good. It's high time this pair was taken down a peg or 2.
Is this the beginning of the end of the LDS Church?
Is Prince Phillip gonna pass this Christmas? That would be sad.
He didn't have an easy life as a kid.
All the being dumped by his parents for up to 5 years. In foreign boarding schools.
And them never visiting him.
And then when he was only 16, and still in Boarding School, in 1937, his 8 months pregnant sister Cecillie, her husband Georg and her two young sons were killed in a plane crash on the way to see him. To attend a wedding I believe too.
In England.
Also killed in that crash was Cecilie's mother-in-law.
They were able to work out that Cecilie had actually gone into labour on that flight from Germany. And actually delivered her baby on board.
And because of that, they were attempting to land in bad weather.
But the baby died in the crash also unfortunately.
The plane crashed in Belgium I believe.
Unfortunately the funerals were held in Nazi Germany.
And Prince Phillip had to endure a Nazi Parade type of Funeral March there.
Prince Phillip always hated the Nazis.
He was kicked out of boarding school in Germany for continuing to laugh loudly when they had to salute Heil Hitler.
I truly hope thus is the end of all these fake churches.
2) If Prince Philip doesn’t like Nazis then he married into the wrong family.
3) I’ve read news reports claiming Prince Philip has made racist comments. I guess it’s okay to be a racist as long as you aren’t the Nazi kind.
4) My dad used to say you can make a person mean.
Prince Phillip was truly blessed with bad luck with the family he was born into.
Although he was born into the Greek Royal family, his father Prince Andrew of Greece, was removed from the throne. When Prince Phillip was a baby. And his family was forced to flee Greece.
Prince Phillip was dumped in boarding schools. And his father was just a Playboy who spent the rest of his life bonking his mistress in the South of France.
So support whatsoever.
And. Prince Phillip's mother was a woman with mental illness. And religious fanaticism.
And was even hospitalised for mental illmess at least once.
At one point she became a nun. Stayed a nun. And also abandoned Prince Phillip.
His mother was also completely deaf.
By the time Prince Phillip was in boarding school in the UK in the 1930's. His sisters had married German aristocrats.
And some of them were unfortunately Nazis.
This made it incredibly difficult for Prince Phillip.
Not easier.
When he finally married... as it was so soon after the War. His surviving sisters could be invited to his marriage/wedding to Elizabeth.
It was far too soon after the War. 1947
No one had got over the devasting impact of the Nazis. And the UK were not about to invite Nazi wives to a Royal Wedding.
Elizabeth wouldn't stand for it. And neither would the British public.
In his marriage to Elizabeth. I believe Prince Phillip has found a real sense of family. And stability.
Cause he definitely didnt have it as a kid.
Here are just a few,
"British women can't cook" he told the Scottish Womens' Institute in 1961. Lovely.
"Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed" (during the 1981 recession).
"You are a woman, aren't you?" (in Kenya after accepting a small gift from a local woman).
"I would like to go to Russia very much, although the bastards murdered half my family," at a very heated period of history in 1967.
"We don’t come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves," he told journalists in Canada in 1976.
"It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from her school art lessons," he muttered while being shown Ethiopian art in 1965.
"If you stay here much longer you'll all be slitty-eyed" (to a group of British students during a royal visit to China).
"You can't have been here that long, you haven't got pot belly" (to a Briton he met in Hungary).
"Aren't most of you descended from pirates?" (to a wealthy islander in the Cayman Islands).
"How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test" (to a Scottish driving instructor).
"It looks as if it was put in by an Indian" (referring to an old-fashioned fuse box in a factory near Edinburgh).
"Still throwing spears?" (question put to an Aboriginal Australian during a visit).
"There's a lot of your family in tonight" (after looking at the name badge of businessman Atul Patel at a Palace reception for British Indians).
"The Philippines must be half-empty as you're all here running the NHS" (on meeting a Filipino nurse at Luton and Dunstable Hospital).
"Is it a strip club?" he asked when meeting a female Sea Cadet who told the Prince she worked in a nightclub, in 2009.
"That's a nice tie ... Do you have any knickers in that material?" he asked Annabel Goldie, the Scottish Conservative leader, when welcoming Benedict XVI to Edinburgh in 2010.
"You look like you're ready for bed!" he told the President of Nigeria in 2003, who was dressed in traditional robes.
"So who's on drugs here?... He looks as if he's on drugs," he said of a 14-year-old boy while at a Bangladeshi youth club in 2002
"Deaf? If you're near there, no wonder you are deaf," he told a group of deaf school children, who were nearby a Caribbean steel drum band in 2000.
"You could do with losing a little bit of weight," he told 13-year-old Andrew Adams, after hearing he wanted to become an astronaut while visiting a science museum in 2001.
. "It was part of the fortunes of war. We didn't have counsellors rushing around every time somebody let off a gun, asking 'Are you all right — are you sure you don't have a ghastly problem?' You just got on with it!" when asked about stress counselling for soldiers in 1995.
"You managed not to get eaten then?" the Prince asked a British student who had been trekking in Papua New Guinea, in 1998.
"Where's the Southern Comfort?" he said on receipt of a basket of Southern goods from the U.S. ambassador in London, in 1999.
"I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing," when dismissing claims those who slaughter for meat have greater moral authority than those who partake in blood sports in 1988.
"Oh no, I might catch some ghastly disease," when asked if he wanted to pet a koala in Australia back in 1992.
“You look like a suicide bomber.” (to a young female officer wearing a bullet-proof vest on Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, in 2002)
“Who do you sponge off?” Said to a group of Asian women who were volunteers at a London community centre.
“And what exotic part of the world do you come from?” The question asked in 1999 of British politician Lord Taylor, who is of Jamaican ancestry. Taylor responded with: “Birmingham.”
Sorry but I think some of the things Prince Phillip has said over the years are hilarious.
A few of them are downright racist. And unacceptable today. I agree.
But I look at Prince Phillip in a bigger context.
The era he has predominantly lived in was, perfectly acceptable to talk like that.
Everybody did. And not just Prince Phillip.
Also...he's stayed alive long enough to experience the ridiculous 'political correctness' fad. That has has destroyed everyday conversation in the West.
Reduced it to a highly inflexible task. And very suppressive. Too near to censorship in my view.
Political Correctness burdens everyone with having to worry in ordinary day to day conversion, if they have offended.
Political correctness is a perfect bore.
And has taken away the humour and fun that used to exist.
And worse. Political Correctness is actually despised.... because it has nothing to do with reality.
There is an American report published on it.
Called Hidden Tribes: A Study Of America's Polarized Landscape
The report reveals that most Americans dont fit into either the 'woke' group who live and die upholding Political correctness or at least claim to.
Or... the alternative group... who reject political correctness and resent its existance.
Most Americans, it claims, share a common ground.
And if I may note, common ground is what makes people get along. Right?
We are at risk of losing that. Because of political correctness.
Im my view, political correctness has caused more division than general racism itself.
Millenials have largely imposed Political Correctness on older generations of people they should be learning from.
Not chastising them, in their lofty 'we're better than you' arrogant delusion.
Prince Phillip has an outstanding war record. If he wants to have a laugh he's entitled in my opinion.
And be how he's always been.
When he was a First Leiutenant in the Royal Navy during WW2...he stopped a Luftwaffe bomber destroying their ship... during the Allied Invasion of Sicily in 1943.
Very scary event.
No one knew of this event until until the website the People's War started. A crewman that was on that ship that night, shared it.
Prince Phillip has NEVER discissed it publicly.
And yet, Prince Phillip at 21 years old actually saved the crew of that HMS Wallace he was in command of. During that night of heavy bombardment.
He came up with a good plan that night. But those on that Destroyer, that night. Were convinced they were probably sure to die. The plan Prince Phillip came up with succeeded.
They all survived that night.
And even when Prince Phillip was a Cadet in the Navy. He joined Battleship Valiant in Alexandria and took over the running of searchlight control during a night of action off Cape Matapan.
If any Millenials think they have something to teach Prince Phillip and those who participated in the D-Day Landings of WW2. And Luftwaffe bombardment at sea at night during a war.
Then they are seriously delusional in my view.
They dont know shit.
And ought to have more respect and tolerance.
If they did. They may just learn something for a change.
And no, Prince Phillip didnt take endless selfies of himself while in WW2. Or post his achievements to Instagram.
He did his duty for his chosen country.
And never discussed it.
And they have discovered, in reality, Millenials are no more or less racist than previous generations.
The Windsor’s are racists.
The only British “royals” I feel sorry for are the children.
I guess Prince Phillip is one who minimised his hardships.
By not talking about them.
He comes from an era that viewed being a victim. Or promoting yourself as a victim. Was considered a personality defect.
And it was considered back then that, somehow you had failed. If you felt the need to promote yourself as a 'victim'.
You didnt get ANY support for being a 'victim' a few decades ago. Not really.
We now live in a era where promoting yourself as a victim is an entire industry.
People now have entire Facebook pages or an Insta account, devoted to their own personal victimisation....issue.
And followers. Who spill out daily soothing words to help them cope with being a 'victim'.
And worse. Alot of these victims make money off it.
Is this right?
I dont think so.
I dont believe people should be denied intital support. And some ongoing.
But it's getting ridiculous.
And the outcome is. people are becoming weaker in resilience. Not stronger.
Because they are choosing to be 'offended' by everything.
Even an ordinary conversation. Where they are told an element of truth.
Or..... the truth disguided in humerous sarcasm.
And playing a victim..... I must mention, vampires other people's energy. Hugely.
Anyone who knows about energies knows this.
Today. If others, like me, decide to not offer soothing words. And prefer to offer hard facts instead.
About 'getting on' and telling them straight, to 'suck it up and stop playing and milking victimhood'. We are instantly considered heartless and without empathy.
Yes. Overall I've noticed....The result of this 'victim' craze and I'm offended' nonsense. Is a new young generation.....who cant cope.
With anything.
And if they do. They want Awards, Acknowledgement, 1000 likes.
And Certificates of Participation even if they didnt win, Support or recourse if they failed.
Did Prince Phillip ask for this shit and or recogition after he saved an entire crew and Navy Ship in WW2.
No he didn't.
Im lucky. I have more life experience in the era.. in the time. Where playing the victim of people's words, judgements, or experiences ....was considered, lazy, indulgent, egotistical and wrong.
You did not get to 'play the victim'. It was actively discouraged.
This is why I think I've survived so many hardships.
I just get on with it. Move forward.
I dont need a support group. And if I need support, it's short term term. Doesn't go on for years. Like how these 'victims' literally drag out empathy from their friends. For years.
And they wonder why they have so many problems in relationships.
Victims exhaust people.
Stop being a victim. Become a survivor.
The man is renowned for being an arrogant jerk, with the foulest of tempers, (Charles behaviour towards his staff and how treats them was learned from his father), Phillip is a bully, a male chauvinist pig who thinks he is superior than anyone else ... they often refer to him as an alpha male .. but lets not mince words he was just an asshole who exploited his royal status to the max.. why do you think Andrew is the way he is. Philips behaviour has nothing to do with the era he lived in, its just his character, my grandfather was from the same era and he served in the same war he did and yet he was a gentleman, very polite and very respectful, he never swore in front of my grandmother. Phillip was just down right rude and unnecessary offensive and in some cases very cruel. He went out of his way to embarrass his wife and caused the palace no end of headaches. In many ways He was very unsuitable for royal life. I think once he and the Queen pass their will be no press censorship regarding their marriage and it will be interesting to see what is made public.
There is so much good in this ... however, as with most things its taken to the extreme and the essence of what it meant .. ie be kind and be thoughtful of one another and treat each other as you would like to be treated .. is more than often lost and all common sense goes out of the window and it has become in many incidents ludicrous. Some of the things that have been banned over the year for fear of causing offence is just ridiculous and has punished the majority to keep the minority happy.
Oxford University’s Equality and Diversity Unit tried to accuse people who avoid eye contact with others of ‘racist micro-aggression’ — before it was pointed out that such advice might be seen as discriminatory against people with autism who may struggle to look others in the eye.
Transgender campaigners condemn such phrases as inaccurate and offensive. Even ‘biologically male’ and ‘biologically female’ are deemed ‘problematic’ by the influential U.S. gay rights ‘media monitoring’ group GLAAD (which used to be called the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, because they ‘oversimplify’ the ‘complex subject’ of gender. We’re told the correct usage is to say an individual is ‘assigned’ or ‘designated’ male or female at birth.
Suffolk County Council stopped using traditional signs warning drivers ‘Cat’s eyes removed’ after fears that real cats may have been killed to manufacture these reflective road safety measures.
Applause was banned by the National Union of Students’ Women’s Campaign over concerns that it could ‘trigger anxiety’ among nervous students. Whooping and cheering have also raised concerns. Instead, politically-correct students now show support for a speaker with a bizarre display of ‘jazz hands’, a form of exuberant but silent manual acclamation taken from musical theatre.
‘forefathers’ A word that Cardiff Metropolitan University’s code of practice states is sexist (because it includes the gender-exclusive ‘fathers’) and should be replaced by ‘ancestors’ or ‘forebears’. The code lists 34 words and phrases to be avoided as part of efforts to ‘embrace cultural diversity’.
Mother is a word that’s far too old-fashioned in our modern world where there is sensitivity about transgenderism.
In January, the British Medical Association advised members that mothers-to-be should be referred to as ‘pregnant people’ to avoid offence and ‘celebrate diversity’.
Another previously innocuous M-word frowned upon by the PC brigade is ‘man’: censors at Cardiff Metropolitan University have stipulated that ‘manpower’ should be replaced by ‘personnel’, ‘human resources’ or ‘staff’ to avoid offence to women. ‘Sportsmanship’ and ‘taxman’ should not be used, either.
Drag queens were banned from a Gay Pride event in Glasgow in 2015 in case they caused offence to transgender people.
Yes. I tend to believe you are far better off not wallowing in self pity and becoming a 'victim'....for years and years.
Because it ends up defining you. And ruining your life.
I remember reading an interesting comment years ago, by the parents of a very well known Australian murder victim, Anita Cobby.
A shocking murder. Happened in 1886 I think.
Anyway, her parents started a Victim Support Group, called Homicide Victims Support.... for family of murder victims. In Sydney.
After so many years, Anita Cobby's parents stopped going to this group they co-founded.
Because they realised... attending it only kept them and people trapped within the grief.
And they were not growing. Just staying locked inside the whole thing.
They never went back.
Is he going to tell people his past caused him to feel no remorse after causing severe physical harm to a woman and her baby with his car?
He has yet to apologize. Perhaps he told them he had a flashback while driving so therefore he is not responsible for the accident.
Woman Tearfully Reveals Prince Philip Has Not Apologized For Car Accident That Endangered Baby’s Life And Left Her With Broken Bones
2) This is a safe place to share opinions. We can disagree on things and still love one another.
3) Political correctness is a joke. I don’t like it.
2) This is a safe place to share opinions. We can disagree on things and still love one another.
3) Political correctness is a joke. I don’t like it.
I'm wondering if Prince Phillip not apologising to that woman he caused injury to in the car accident.
Is because, as soon as you say sorry. You accept liability.
And can be sued.
Anyway I think you know what I mean TW.
You know alot about the legal perspective.
Jeez. It's sad. Sorry has even been refined by humans ....into a law.
And is now loaded with other meaning.
And has to be avoided....because of money.
Nope. Im definately sure Prince Phillip has been advised by the Palace legal representatives, to not say sorry publically, in front of witnesses.
Or on paper. Or in an email.
Because that woman definately has grounds to sue.
Surely though Prince Phillip's car insurance company would have deemed him the 'at fault' driver in that accident. And he would have been liable to pay his excess.
And pay for the repair to her car. And her medical bills.
Prince Phillip sure has struggled in giving up his identity as an action man.
He's been trying to keep alive his former identity. As someone who could fly an Admiral on a ship.
And just about every other 'action ' activity. For decades.
But it looks like ill health. Has finally called 'time' on this behaviour.
It's great to continue to be determined and positive about activity when you age.
But at some point you have to face facts about ability. And safety.
How did he even continue to retain his drivers license?
It's unlikely he would have passed the regular vision ability test.
Nope. He's been the exception.
And retained it because he's a Royal.
I do know they did finally cancel his license though.
Not only that, no criminal charges against the prince have been or will be filed. The royals are above the law you know. How do you think the victims feel?
The royals have the best attorneys money can buy. Giving an apology won’t hurt the prince.
And let’s not forget Prince William’s motorcade ran a person over. I bet he’s glad he wasn’t the one driving.
I don’t know how car insurance works in Britain but I am sure the Royals have good insurance that would have covered the woman and the baby’s expenses. The Queen is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. She could have paid something out of pocket.
Here in America, you promise not to sue the insurance company once the case has been settled. That does not mean you can’t sue the driver who is at fault if you still have legitimate expenses.
Assuming the matter has finally been settled, they need to issue an apology if they haven’t already.
But as you know, society has different rules for different people. I am a black female so that puts me at the bottom of the totem pole. So please forgive me for not wanting to make excuses for people who reign over others because they were born in or married into the right family.
Yes. Given all his circumstances and how it's public knowledge.
You may be right. Theres no reason now for him to not go and apologise.
I posted a reply. But I had some problems uploading it. For some reason.
Yes. I agree ...Prince Phillip was unsuitable for Royal life. Agree.
Cause he was way too bossy.
He was like this i think, because he came directly from a powerful position in the Military.
Into Royal life.
And anyone who has ever had a parent who had an elevated position in the military....will know, they see everyone as their little soldiers.
Not all.
But it's very common.
And he did a poor job at raising Prince Charles and Prince Andrew.
They are like antiquated males from a by-gone era.
Lady Diana, Princess of Wales comnented on this.
She was outraged at Prince Charles' parenting. Or total lack of it.
And I agree with your comments...about all the alarming issues you raise regarding Political Correctness.
Its just shocking.