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For those that asked.....

So, now that BJ has retained his key to #10.
Please don't think it's over & done.
Oh, no.............................
It's only just beginning....
As he tries to push through Brexit.
Which he won't be able to.
As the dust begins to settle.
As the people freeze.
As the kids have no Christmas.
As Scotland goes it alone.
Followed by the troubles, in Ireland.
As well, as on the mainland...
BJ stills believes that he rules an Empire.
No he doesn't, it's only a tiny Island.
Off the coast of Europe.
To those that voted with their wallets.
Don't complain, when the fires start.
The bombs explode......
Riots in the Streets.......
They will...... 
Don't complain.....
You voted for Trump 2.0
They, will.........
Just wait..........


T. W. said…

Rumor has it Ireland & North Ireland will make peace with each other because of this. I do not know if they will become one.

Rumor has it Scotland will want independence because of this too.
T. W. said…
I found the video of Harry Styles eating cod sperm
T. W. said…
I need all single British men to immigrate to the United States.

Do this now!
Chocmint33 said…
Couldn't agree more. The misguided Brits voted with their wallets. They only cared about the short term and whether they had money in their pockets. They didn't give a damn about the long-term health of the nation. Short term solutions never work alone, and ironically they will have less money in the long term because of their decision.

It reminds me of what happened in Australia for this year's Federal election. They rejected the Labor government with its long-term plans and re-elected the conservatives and Scott Morrison because he offered more short-term benefits such as tax cuts.

Morrison and his party assumed that with the tax cuts, the public would spend more which would stimulate the economy. But they're not spending, they're saving the extra money they got in their tax returns because they think the country is about to go into recession.

The Morrison Government is ignoring advice from the Reserve Bank boss to do more spending to stimulate the economy. Fair enough they're spending a bit on infrastructure - but that's not enough. That's because they are hell-bent on getting a surplus.

But it's all well and good getting a surplus, except if the country goes into recession due to a lack stimulus that surplus will just disappear anyway. It's better to have the country in a bit of debt than to have a recession. With debt the economy can still grow.

Unfortunately, Morrison and his lot fail to see that. One way of stimulating the country is to raise the rate of Newstart - which is another name for the Dole in this country. The Dole here is about $AU500 a fortnight - which is not enough to adequately live on let alone actively look for employment.

Raising Newstart will get the unemployed spending which will help the
economy. But no, Morrison won't give money to the riff-raff (as Basil Faulty would say) as it will stop them getting their surplus.

What is it about these conservative governments not wanting to help the poor? After all it is the poor who spend and create stimulus. Austerity and being stingy doesn't work as is evident in some of those European countries and their economies.

Anonymous said…
I absolutely love English men!

But they fool around too!

CAP Anonymous
Cordelia said…
Sad but true.

The die is cast.
T. W. said…
Why do they fool around so much? Is it because they feel entitled?

If Tacticus weren’t already dead I would wring his neck.

Relax freedom of speech police! I am making a point, not advocating murder. Please catch real criminals. You’ll find plenty in the hallowed halls of various governments. Please subpoena Randy Andy.
T. W. said…
Dear men of the world and lesbians,

Please avoid all Kardashians and Jenners.

Prayers for Lamar Odom:

Purity is Not the Reason -
Anonymous said…
why did Labour lose the election?
Their negative campaigning annoyed people.
They are an unpatriotic champagne socialist party that hate the northern working classes and called them bigots for the last 3 years for voting brexit. Labour are finished.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Not near as often as italian men and french men.

Cheating is a national sport to them.

At least English men don't view cheating as normal

My ex was English. He didnt cheat on me once.

The nearest he got to that was blushing when he was talking to a very pretty German girl once.

And for that I teased him about it all the way home.

With 'you fancied that German girl didnt you?'

'Yes you did'

'Dont lie'

'I could tell...because you began talking nonsense to her and smiling all the time'

I can honestly say my english husband was very ashamed of himself.

No. I agree. English men make better husbands.

And so polite.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I didnt like our Australian prime minister Scott Morrison in the first place.

And then i saw him clapping his hands at a Hillsong Church Service.

And that was it for me.

Hillsong is well known to be a Cult.

He's a member though of some Penetecostal church down in Sydney. Just visits Hillsong.

My friend whos parents were in multitudes of church's when she was a kid. Said that the Penetecostal church he's in. Will believe that everyone who isn't a member of their church.... is shit.

And will all die in the end times. That they vehemently believe in.

So he's unlikely to care about the level of Newstart unemployment allowance.
We can be assured of that.
And they hate single mothers too.

I'm just saying what her informed opinion is. About church members like him.
And those kinda evangelical/pentacostal churches in Australia.

She also said that church members of those Pentecostals, think everyone outside the chuch is a sinner.
And shit.
She said she came across this shared view in these churches consistantly.

Great world view for running Australia hey?
No wonder Australia has financial issues.

The sooner Scott Morrison is gone, the better.
T. W. said…
I just want to say that although your friend’s opinion of Pentecostals does not apply to all of them she is correct. Sad.

God looks into our hearts and minds. He doesn’t care about denominations and such. As for us Christians: You are a Christian bearing good fruit, you are a Christian who has a lot of growing to do or you are a Christian who needs to be pruned from the vine.
T. W. said…
Men are men no matter where they come from. The key is to figure out which head does the thinking.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - it's obvious where Scott Morrison's priorities lie when it is one of his main priorities to get a religious freedom bill through Parliament before the year ended.

Funny that isn't it with his peculiar religion!

I can think of more important priorities such as meeting with Fire Chiefs who have been trying to get a meeting with him for months to discuss the dangerous and uncontrollable fires and the effects of climate change.

Morrison is too much of a coward to seriously deal with climate issues and have suitable climate and renewables' policies. That's because there are people in his government who still don't believe there is a climate problem despite the scientific evidence. He's dead scared if he does something he will be booted out like Turnbull was.

Then there's the economy which he is clueless about. There hasn't been much growth lately and he refuses to do the right amount of spending which the Reserve Bank boss says will stimulate it. He keeps on saying that the economy is doing really well when it isn't.

He believes that the quiet Australians want what he is doing. And who in the hell are they? More like the suppressed Australians.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Seems Scott Morrison attends Horizon church in the Sutherlandshire area of Sydney.

Apparently this church is growing.

A journalist who went to a 6pm servuce there said it was more like attending the auditions of Australian Idol. Or an Anthony Robbins seminar.

His church is mad on setting up missions in Cambodia. And New Guinea.

Yes. You know, imposing their religion on developing countries.

Pentecostalism is growing in Australia. The average age of their congregationalists is 39.

All other mainstream religious congregations in Australia are ageing.

Apparently he prayed for rain in April at an Albury church.

Perhaps he thinks thats more useful than meeting Fire chiefs about the drought. And bushfires.
T. W. said…

People like this scare people off Christianity and makes Christians look bad.
Jules said…
I agree with TW, Men are men no matter where they come from.

I don't know a single person who voted conservative .. and I live in a town that is a conservative stronghold .. everyone that I know is shocked they got into power. The word on the street is the elections were rigged.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree. The Bristish Election was definately rigged.

Are you guys doing Electronic Voting there now?

If so...thats the perfect pathway for them to rig the votes.

Quite alot of proven accurate psychics claim now. That most world elections today are rigged.
In countries where there is electronic voting.

And who gets to ultimately.... win. Is actually the decision of the World elites.

Not democracy.

An good example of the rigging and corruption is Australian politicians.

The vast majority of them came originally from the Fossil Fuel coal or gas industry jobs. Before they became MP's or held top Government jobs.

They go into Australian politics for a period of enable their political influence and agenda, to end debate about Fossil Fuels being mined/used expoted in Australia.

When they achieve what they set out to do.... they retire from Australian politics early...and go back to being executives on the boards of giant Mining companies. Like Rio Tinto etc .
On huge pays.

They are not fussy what mining companies...fossil fuel companies they work for.

And anyway...they only have to turn up for a few meetings a year to get a huge income.

Oh and....The mining companies give huge donations to the political party they formally represented.

Australian politics is sooooo corrupt.

In a retarded 1950's way.

Because the money in mining is huge.

But how long can they get away squashing the debate to end Fossil fuels in Australia?

Well. As long they live i guess.

It will be our children and our grandchildren who will end fossil fuels completely.


And begin seriously the re-generation of the earth.

I always say...its a fact...the earth would be far better off without us here.
Because of the level of damage to the earth, by us.
And Fossil Fuel companies., graziers who run cattle etc.

Thank god the younger generations are gonna repair what's left.

Because the debate to end fossil fuels and the mining in Australia is being repeatedly sabotaged.

And i cant see large scale destructive mining ending here for a very long time.

Australia has mining holes as big as boroughs or counties in the UK.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - Yes we can vote that way.

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