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Friday 13th....


T. W. said…
Christian did tell us.

1) How Will the Queen Close Out 2019, Her Second “Annus Horribilis”?

2) The Queen Is Having A Hard Time Writing Her Annual Christmas Speech

Dear Buckingham Palace,

If you pay off my student loans and give me some cash you can use this as your speech:

This year has been a trying one for all of us. I have nothing to say except I pray the next decade is better. May love, truth, and justice prevail.
Anonymous said…
Chick'sOpinion said…
And locusts. In their huge numbers infest the earth. And leave a trail of misery wherever they go.

Locusts plagued the great western migration in America. This is why the sweet little American show that i loved as a kid, The Little House On The Prairie. Was a totally inaccurate version of American history.

So untrue. On so many levels.
And yet i believed it.

The settlers...the homesteaders in reality.. on the praries .
Were inundated...with drought. Conflict with native Anerican Indians. And economic failure.

And 1872 was the year of the Locust (or Grasshopper) in America. And their destruction on the settlers of the great plains of the U.S.
And all their crops.

The sky went dark. And everything was decended upon. By locusts or grasshoppers.

Laura Ingalls famously said on that show, The Little House On The Prairie

'Home is the nicest word there is'

But not if its full of locusts.

And anyway. And she had many homes real life.

Her father was an itinerent no-hoper. Who failed at everything. Cause he couldn't stick to one thing.

The occasional plague of locusts were not his only problem.
T. W. said…

Did you read the books? All of them are worth your time. The illustrations are great too.

No one here in America believed the tv show to be historically accurate. It was well known the books are fiction.

As for the books,

1) They were never marketed as fact. They have always been sold in the children’s fiction section. Libraries shelve them with the rest of the children’s fiction.

2) Historical fiction is considered a literary genre in America. The author creates a work of fiction that is based on historical facts.

3) There is significant evidence Laura’s daughter Rose wrote them.

4) Laura Ingalls Wilder was functionally illiterate. Some of her handwritten letters survive and they are pitiful.

5) Laura was a battered wife. If you read the books, you might remember A) Ma told Laura not to marry a farmer B) Ma told Laura not to get married wearing a black dress because “marry in black, wish yourself back,” C) There was a disease outbreak. Almanzo got sick and his personality permanently changed for the worse.

6) Pa was a Freemason. This is not mentioned in the books. I read that in “Laura Ingalls Wider Country.” Funny thing is, the man knew how to build. One of the homes he built for the family still stands & it is beautiful.

7) Mary regained some of her sight. She lived with a female roommate for the rest of her life. Interpret “roommate” any way you want.
T. W. said…
The Book of Revelation is full of symbolism.

I truly believe the pit that the locusts exit from is the Hadron Supercollider, also known as CERN. The “scientists” are on record saying they want to open a portal to the spiritual realm. They say they want to time travel.

Yet these same scientists mock Christians, saying we do not believe in science because we believe in fairy tales. This is not true about us. But as you know, you cannot argue with a fool.

Read about the locusts in Revelation 9:1-12. It’s on the internet if you don’t have a Bible or Bible app.
T. W. said…
Is anyone else conCERNed?

1) Mock Human Sacrifice Ritual Caught on Video at CERN (video)

2) Mandela Effect is Real! The Secrets of CERN Documentary
Chick'sOpinion said…

No i didnt read the books.

But i wanted to. My mother didnt buy them for me.

I had no clue. That Laura Ingall's version of her

childhood was totally inaccurate.

All I cared about was hoping my mother would start sewing me print dresses and we'd move to a rustic house in the country.

And have a lovely dad like Laura Ingalls had.

The show sold a dream.

And people in other country's who did not know American history. Really believed early American life was like that.

I read awhile ago the book, Prairie Fires:The American Dream Of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

What an eye opener.

On the real American settler experience.

Im not surprised that one of the houses her father built is well built. He was great with his hands.

But not at committment to things.

And being a free mason he would have had alot of assistance.

Probably why... oddly... he got to run a store at some stage.

Yes. The book makes clear..That Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter Rose soon learned that writing those books were a very easy money venture.

Selling the past as a dream to Americams who lived in the cities i guess.
T. W. said…
Some of the events the books describe actually happened, even the blizzard, the starvation, & miscarriages. Nellie Olson was actually based on 2 girls who bullied Laura. The books were meant to be fiction for children to read. They are easy and enjoyable to read. Well worth your time.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of plagues of locusts.

I need to do christmas shopping.

How i hate Christmas shopping.... with everyone pushing and shoving. And swarming onto bargains they spy.

It should be called the 12 days of insanity. Not the 12 days of christmas.

Sorry but I'm the Grinch.

I think Christmas should be banned.

Or only held nationally every 5 years.
Or only for people with children.

I swear Christmas shoppers would even bash eachother with sticks of christmas wrap if they thought they were missing out on it.

If anything, they should bring back the Victorian version of Christmas. Where people just went maybe to a Church service.

And gave eachother a gift of an orange. Or a bag of nuts.

True Christmas.

Not this mass consumerism fiasco.

That most people hate anyway.

And can't afford.
T. W. said…
Please tell me you meant Christmas shopping season should be banned.
T. W. said…
Jesus Christ wasn’t even born in December. Some scholars use information found in the Gospel of Luke to support this. Clues show he may have been born sometime around September 4-11 if you use the current calendar system.

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