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Lick lick... NOT....

Seems that Meghan "Bagit" Markle.
Has her eyes on another fortune.
Applying for copyright & trademarks.
 Left, right & centre.
I do hope that she doesn't beleive.
That this will work.
Lillibet, will be stamping that out.
Only one head on stuff in the UK.
QE2s' that's all folks.....


yep said…
Meghan doesn't care about 'family' or the RF. For her it's about all about global fame, money and how she can be constantly in the news. She's not a loyal or caring person. Their foundation is like the Clinton foundation - raising money for themselves. She's using the BRF to build her own brand so she can go back to America in a couple of years (without Harry) and be there the star that she's always wanted to be.
Anonymous said…
It's quite obvious that she uses Harry as a stepping stone. She married him for fame and money. She will leave him someday. She's a narcissist who controls and manipulates Harry, he's her lapdog. She successfully lied and slept her way up.

JMO said…
Meghan is a useless BRF member and fake af. Harry and Meghan really create their own negativity. People would be nicer to them if they would stop being so arrogant, spoiled and hypocritical. They're overexposed and just not a likeable couple. The Sussex foundation is just like the Clinton foundation - donating a bit of money and the rest will use Meghan for herself.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Rather amusing little turn of phrase

'fake af'

Like it.
Quiet said…
Queen is probably thinking to herself... What a flea market peasant.
T. W. said…
yep took the words out of my mouth.
T. W. said…
All these comments are making me laugh.

God bless all of you!
T. W. said…
Speaking of licking...

Universal Has Abandoned Its Academy Awards Campaign For "Cats," Shocking Everyone Who Heard It Was Even A Plan


[...] The controversial film adaption of Cats is no longer part of Universal Pictures' lineup for award season contenders.

Just a few days after the film version of the Broadway musical, which critics mildly described as a "descent into madness" and a sight "no human should see," bombed its opening weekend at the box office (earning a mere $11.2 million WORLDWIDE), Universal Pictures quietly abandoned its Oscars campaign.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Meghan sings to Prince Harry

‘If you leave me now, you take away the biggest part of me’

And the parts include for Meghan....

‘My Royal Brand
My free luxury accomodation.
My free flights
My huge clothing and shoes budget
My Royal Collection jewellery
My opportunity to commercially exploit the Sussex Title for millions
My powerful connections I’ve made since becoming a Royal
My face in magazines each week and online
My servants and personal slaves I treat like shit
My goal to eclipse Kate
My opportunity to convince the world I am sincere in humanitarian issues’
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. When is this Prince Harry going to have an ‘awokening’?

The media tried to claim that he and Meghan spent Christmas in the mansion of a friend on Vancouver island.

But really? Did they actually spend Christmas together?

And ...After today’s announcement of her and him applying for a huge amount of copyright. For merchandising everything with SussexRoyal as a brand. I’m more and more convinced Prince Harry did not come up with this one.
As an idea.
Because he’d already know it’s illegal.

The Queen and Prince Phillip will go berserk with anger over Meghan thinking. That she can use a Royal Title and insignia and or monogram to create a huge merchandise income for herself.

Sorry. But the audacity of it really gets me.

Meghan Markle either doesn’t ‘get’ a Royal Role


She gets it.

But doesn’t care. Or respect it.

It can only be those 2 possibilities here.

If it’s the ‘doesn’t respect it’

Then she doesn’t deserve the role.

It’s obvious she’s never really ‘lived ‘ in the UK.

Anyone who’s lived there knows. The Queen is the only one who has the right to draw income or otherwise from her Coat of Arms, insignia or anything with her armorial bearing,

Including Royal Flags or a representation of the Royal crown. Or ....representation of any member of the Royal Family

Nobody is permitted except her.

To derive anything from those things.
And that’s actually protected by international law.

I know Meghan isn’t ‘woke’ in these areas. Greed overcame reason with her.
But she has the brains to consult lawyers before she embarked on this trashy commercial venture. And exploitation.

But. Seems she didn’t get legal advice.

Or is she just tryin it on. As the English say.

To see if she can get away with it.
Palace Officials and Palace lawyers would have spotted it immediately.

Well. The kill switch on this money grabbing venture of Meghan’s.

Will be flicked quietly.

The English Monarchy operate as silent assassins.

They don’t need negative publicity. Or seek it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And instead of looking at Jewellery catalogues.

Meghan Markle should be reading this English legal fact.

Clearly stated the Trade Marks Act 1994

Under 'Unorthorised Use'

Section 99 (1) states that a person shall not without authority of Her Majesty use in connection with any business, the Royal Arms (or Arms closely resembling the Royal Arms as to be calculated to deceive) in such manner to lead to the belief that he is duly authorised to use the Royal Arms.
Cordelia said…
It's for its own good that the cat purrs.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And Meghan is the cat.

Who purrs
Chick'sOpinion said…

Is the movie Cats that bad ? Or are they exaggerating slightly.

I mean if anyone has seen it post here what you think
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree. From the British Monarchy's point of view's behaviour equal to a flea market peasant.

But as we know...peasants are actually nicer than Meghan Markle.

They live without all material luxuries.

And most dont care. They accept their social position.

Largely without malice
T. W. said…
I have seen the Cats trailer. I got a good laugh. Let me tell you, Donald Trump won't be grabbing that pussy...
T. W. said…
Blind Gossip is on the case:

1) The Big Plan

2) Big Baby Bucks
Chocmint33 said…
Hi TW. Thanks for the link.

Yeah the line "We isolate ourselves from 99% of our family and surround ourselves with celebrities because… Family! Safety!"

How right is that! Harry is now isolated from his Windsor family, just like she is from her Markle family. Not a good influence is the old Megs on Harry.

Oh well at least she is not as bad as Andrew.

About Cats - I was so excited about seeing it when I saw the enticing ads for it when I saw Judy (excellent movie - Renee should get the Oscar) in October.

But I read the reviews - not good. One reviewer wouldn't even give it a single star. That is bad. It must be really appalling as that reviewer is fair. Another ABC reviewer said it was catastrophic.

No I don't think I'll waste 2 or so hours that I will never get back.

It goes to show that putting heaps of celebrities on screen and spending millions on production won't make a difference if the story is not well written or structured appealingly.
T. W. said…
No problem Chocmint33!

The bad reviews are entertaining and worth reading. Cats is based on a book of poems by T. S. Elliot. The plot of the film is straight up occult. I refuse to watch an old cat "square the circle."

Prince Harriet is stoopid.

As for "Judy," American tabloids claim Liza Minelli is livid because no one consulted her for the film. Liza allegedly believes people love making money off Judy's tragic life. I agree with this. Judy Garland was one of those people who are born into this world and don't have a chance.

I'm glad you liked the film. It looks good but I don't know if I will leave the home to see it. We have rain most of the week and I am still recuperating. "Judy" and "Joker" are the only films I want to see. I have yet to see "Black Panther."
Chick'sOpinion said…

Im glad you highlighted that Judy Garland was such a tragic figure. Who everyone just stole from.

These low lifes focus and zoom in on financially successful addicts.

And make full use of the disordered state of mind addicts have rip all their money from them.

And they get away with it.

People with addictions all end up totally financially irresponsible.... as their addiction progresses. If they live that long.

And unfortunately other people have to take over as you know. While these people are in this disordered mind.... for years.

So often these people have their own agenda. As you know... For the addicts money and assets.

Is it that judy Garland should never have divorced the director, Vincente Minnelli?

She'd already been shockingly exploited as a young person. And I've often wondered if she had remained married to Vincente Minnelli, her life would not have been so tragic.

As her money would have been protected.

All the money from her final shows in the 1960's was stolen by a manager too.

And yes. I want to see Black Panther too.
T. W. said…
Vincente Minnelli was gay. He was not the only gay husband she had. Roma’s has it Judy’s father was gay too. Her mother was the stereotypical stage mother from Hell.

MGM Studio got Judy hooked on pills. They were trying to control her weight. Judy has a female manager or assistant that allegedly abused her when she was underage. Some reports claim the relationship was consensual. I beg to differ. A lot of people needed Judy to be doped up so they could control her.

I’m anti abortion unless the mother’s life is in immediate danger. But stories like this make you wonder. Then I remember Hitler and think the wrong people get aborted. Then I tell myself the wrong people influenced Hitler. Don’t blame abortion.
T. W. said…
I meant "rumor" has it
Chick'sOpinion said…

Did not know Vincente Minnelli was gay.

But did Judy Garland know he was gay?

I couldn't think of anything worse. Than to marry and find out your partner is actually gay. And you have children and he/she is leaving you because of it.

This happened to my neighbor.

She had 5 children.

By the time I met her. She was struggling to raise 5 children alone. In a huge Pole Home house they owned. With a very difficult steep access to the door.

The gay husband had long gone left.

I say they were struggling ...because after the divorce they discovered she had breast cancer.

And at the time she was doing everything she could she get her eldest son his driving license. Because she was too sick to drive all her children to school anymore.

But she couldn't teach him to drive. She was too sick.

They were evangelical Christians.

And as I only ever saw their dad come there once, with his bf. I wondered if her hardship was made worse because they rejected his presence... because he was gay.

Who knows. Alot of evangelics reject homosexuality. Or maybe he was not wanting a part of the kids lives anymore.

It was the saddest situation I ever saw. I wanted to help. But they were deeply suspicious of us since we moved in. As we were clearly not the sort of people they mixed with. For a start, my kids didn't go to Christian schools.

After a while ...we noticed that the Jewish family on the opposite ridge were helping.
In practical ways.

We didn't live in that street long. The area was pretty but had a gloomy energy.
T. W. said…
I cannot speak as to whether the woman's religion played a role in how she treated others. I see you agree. The only way to know is to spend time with them and they did not want that. Perhaps the cancer had something to do with how you were treated?

Regardless, seems like the Christian Church in Australia is very different from the Christian Church elsewhere. I am speaking in generalities here. When I think of Christian Church in Australia I think of Hillsong. We both know that is a cult.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I think it's very different.

Our mainstream churches. Like Anglican, Uniting, Catholic, Presbyterian are dying.

Most of their existing Parishioners are very old.

And services are half empty.

The average age of Evangelical church goers in Australia is 39.

Younger generations are not choosing the old style of church that I and many other's grew up in.

And I dont like these new Rock Music inspired talking seminars they call Evangelical church these days.

They just don't seem like Church Services to me.

They just present as Cults to me.

There's something deeply missing in them. And I think it's Godness.

They are, as an Australian journalist described .... more like Anthony Robbins Seminars.

Oh and they want ya money.

Yes. They implore these 39 year old Evangelical church goers to. 'Go and be prosporous, God wants you to be prosperous, get a high paying job, start a successful business'

They say this because the more you earn the higher the Tithe you pay to their evangelical church.

They get richer. And more powerful.

And you are stuck in a social set of only Evangelical Church goers.

And if you leave. You can garentee you will instantly have no friends. Church friends.

In my view that's a good thing. But alot of people cant cope with the new isolation.

No. Ive heard of what they do to people in Australia in Evangelical Church.

It just disgusting.

Plus they are all hypocrites.

Who look down their noses at others.

With an arrogant self rightous self claim. That they are following the true path in life. And with God.

And everyone else is just shit.

I've worked with 2 of them.

That was enough.

Isn't it interesting what you learn about the human condition.

By working with arseholes.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And on Meghan and Prince Harry...What amazes me.

Is Prince Harry and Me-gain have gone from 'woke' social and environmental activists.

With their preachy 'right on' manifesto. Dominating everything from the stuff they consume and buy, promote. To their Social Media pics and political quotations.

To actually kinda social outcasts.

How did they end up this way?

Well this is what happens when you put yourself on a pedestal in the public arena.

You are far safer, if the public chooses to put you there. And even that's no guarantee. Of retaining your image. On the Pedestal.

Trying to convince the public you should be worshipped. Because you care about the disadvantaged globally. And environmental issues. When you dont even wash your own dishes. Is rather tricky.
.... if you live in the highest level of privilege.

And Meghan almost pulled it off.

But she made fatal mistakes. Rather quickly.

For a start. She did not admit to herself ...that her very real passion for luxury items. And a Lux living. Celebtities, private jets, being seen at Wimbledon, flashing upgraded Diamond rings, VIP Parties etc.

Would get in the way.

Of this humble down to earth image of Peace activist, Social Justice Activist, that she conjured up. For our eyes.

And while she did the conjuring.... with clever PR Companies. And stage managed her Twitter account.

She was busy in the background, applying for Trademarks on every kind of consumerable you can imagine. With her brand, SussexRoyal.

That was another of her fatal 'image' and Pedestal mistakes.

Does she even have an authentic self?

Or is she like a Gemini? Who lives happily and comfortably with 2 versions of herself.

Well. She's discovering. That the Royal family are well aware of the danger to 'image' having 2 versions of yourself.

The public one
And the real one.

They know they cannot be too different.

And also that, the public don't care about the success of faking. What they care about is being hoodwinked.

Trial by media is a gruesome affair. And in the media, the higher you climb. The heavier you fall.

I don't like to mention, Princess Diana. Because Meghan and Prince Harry have already attempted to exploit her memory already.

But I want to mention that, I do not recall Princess Diana ever trying to pull any of this fake arse crap...that Meghan promotes herself as.

In fact. Princess Diana did most things on the Down Low. She invited the media if she was highlighting a cause abroad.

But she didn't attempt to merch her image or beliefs. About social justice, wars or disadvantage.

And she definitely didn't write stupid shit on bananas to sex workers.
T. W. said…

You spoke the truth about those cults.

As for MeGain Sparkles, she is a Leo. She and Barack Obama share a birthday. Notice how Obama is living quietly.

Is it true the Sussex Royals are gonna divorce soon?

Is it true both Madame Clinton and Michael/Michelle Obama will run for President? I don’t like Mike Obama. He said ketchup is a vegetable. Kids in public school went home starving while her ugly a$$ kids went to an elite private school and ate plenty of quality food.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I forgot about Michelle Obama's school starvation lunches.
T. W. said…

That’s okay. A lot of Americans forgot too.

I thank you for caring about us. I hate seeing people be in need.
Anonymous said…
I think Chocmint made excellent points regarding Meghan (and Harry).

Meghan has isolated Harry from his family.
Meghan is the control freak.
Meghan wants to control everything.
Meghan controls Harry. (And yes, why doesn't Harry wake up!!)
Meghan thinks she is above royal protocol and rules.
The queen will control her ass and spin her like a top.
When the queen passes, if Meghan and Harry are still together, I see Meghan really taking advantage. If people think Meghan is out of control now, they probably haven't seen anything yet, as the saying goes!

Chick's Opinion, excellent post(s) as well.

Church attendance is down worldwide. The younger generation don't want to attend. Church used to be a place where people cared, everybody helped one another, everybody went to church on Sunday, it meant something to go to church. There was such a fellowship, but not anymore. Everyone participated in Bake Sales and other church activities. People cared. The doctrine, the damming of the Catholic church -- this just doesn't work for people. People do not want to be associated with a type of religion. Religions used to control people. Priests are the most messed up people on the planet. Look at all the child abuse. Look at the current Pope's behavior. It's bizarre. Why would anyone even bother to attempt to "kiss" his hand? I wouldn't! People are becoming more spiritual. God is everywhere, not just in a church. It's a different world now.

T.W., didn't Liza Minnelli marry a gay man too? Now, that's bizarre! I love Judy Garland classics. My uncle was gay, he married my aunt and they had two boys. My aunt had no clue he was gay. None of us did. When she found out he had another "relationship," she divorced him and took just about every penny he owned (and he was a wealthy man). It's a tragedy for all concerned. I'm sure this still happens today (gay people marrying a heterosexual and having kids without the spouse knowing), but much less than in the previous decades, thankfully. Bruce Jenner married how many women? They eventually discovered he was gay. It's sad that the world makes people be something they are not.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Hi Cap Anonymous!

Yes, Liza married a gay man, David Gest. I do not know if he was the only gay husband she had. I think David is dead.

I think you shared your uncle’s story here. Maybe I am confusing you with someone else. I agree. People need to put all their cards on the table when they want to get married. If I were the aunt I would take all his money too, assuming he had an affair. Im not in their situation so I will not comment further on it.

Younger generations who go to church do not like traditional services. Mainline denominations who do not flow with the times are dying. I need to point out that younger generations are visually oriented, do not like the concept of Sunday School (for good reason), and want the church and it’s ministers to “be real.” That is one reason some mega churches are flourishing.

Not all mega churches are frauds who tickle people’s ears. For example, one of my local churches moved into a former Home Depot building. The church has 3 Sunday services. People come from other counties, driving over 1 hour one-way to attend the church. That church is still growing! I can vouch for that church and I am happy for them!
T. W. said…
I just had a thought.

People want a relationship with God. They do not want to be controlled and manipulated. If they are lucky they will know the truth about God but this is still not enough. Jesus Christ came to restore humanity’s relationship with God.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I have to agree with Cap Anonymous. People are moving away from organised religion.

And if they are involved in it. They are looking to see if the leader of that church is who he claims to be.

People are experiencing mass consciousness awakening....of their own at the moment.

But not everybody is coming awake to personal spirituality at the same time.

I think this is because we all grow as spiritual beings at different stages.

And have lessons to learn.

I'm outraged at the Catholic Church. In Italy.

And everywhere.

Especially since I've learned that the Catholic Church particularly engage in evil rituals.

And that is actually the basis of the Catholic religion.

And I'm not actually that surprised.

Given how much sex abuse of children they engage in.

As you know ...I've been to the Vatican City. The Basilica etc in Rome. And I picked up a definate foreboding feeling of evil there.

And it's not very well hidden.

The beautiful statues etc there. Are only there to avert your eyes and senses from the evil that has happened there.

And make the Catholic church seem all powerful.
And I can tell you. They dont actually want you there. Because I picked up that the Vatican City is a very very secretive society in effect.

And they have many secrets. Bad ones.

They only reluctantly allow tourists in to the Vatican City....because they have to they have world Heritage antiquities and monuments.

The other reason the Catholic Church there allow it. Is because they make ALOT of money from the tourism.

Kiss the hand of the Pope?

No way.

Because whether this current pope is knee deep involved in their evil or is trying to cleanse the Catholic church of evil.

In my opinion, he's wasting his time. And may become corrupted by it anyway.

All we can do is sending him healing to be able to combat the deep corruption in Catholic Religion.

I guess I agree... that people are no longer interested in religious doctrine.

Older peoole like me yearn for church to be as it used to be.

The Catholic Church is always an extreme example in my view.

And no linger fits my view. Of a mainline denomination church. That i grew up with.

They have way too many Red Flags about them.

The community feeling that normal church used to have ....has almost vanished.

Because the people who held up that structure. Are long since dead.

And also individual spirituality has really taken off.

There was never any heavy indoctrination in my Methodist church. Nor was there a pressure to go or not.

These new 'mega' churches are pressurising the shit out of their young congregations.

For money.
And a pressure to attend. And live what they perceive as God's way, their way.

People are rejecting that in huge numbers as well.

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