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Sunday Thought....


jele6 said…
Is he going to be re-elected?
Chick'sOpinion said…
And this man owns Miss USA.

Contestants on Miss USA have reported him just barging into the dressing room. When contestants are dressing or naked.

This is why he wanted to own the Contest, Miss USA

So he could have access to these beautiful women.

Anonymous said…
Yes it is very wrong, he was hanging out with Jeffry Epstein. Hope something is unsurfaced ! He is disgusting.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Trump is a bigger hypocrite than Meghan Markle.

He doesn't like Angelina Jolie. Because he claims 'she doesn't have real beauty'. And.... as he owns Miss USA. He claims to 'know real beauty'

Trump actually thinks Angelina Jolie is a weirdo. That's true.

But I think he dislikes her because she's into humanitarian issues. And feminist issues.

But in light of his old inappropriate comments on Ivanka.

It's funny how he recognizes immediately when someone else is being entirely anti social.
But not in himself.

For example, Trump did actually say the following about Angelina Jolie

''I remember at the Academy Awards a few years ago she was frenching her brother. She was giving her brother lip kisses like I never saw before in my life. And she had just made love to Billy Bob Thornton in the back of the limousine on the way over. And I wouldn't want to shake her hand, by the way'

He also has comnmented he hates Beyonce thrusting her hips.

Megyn Kelly is a 'bimbo'

On Kim Kardashian, when asked does she have a a fat ass her said,


Asked if he thought Kim Kardashian's butt was big he said,

'Well absolutely, its record setting, in the old days, they'd say she has a bad body'

On Heidi Klum

'Sadly, shes no longer a 10'

And when he was 60 he said the following ...

'I'd have no problem sleeping with 24 year olds'

His sexual history appears to be something he's really boastful and proud of.

When you read ALL his quotes on women. He basically seems to think. That despite being really rich. For a guy from Queens hes been incredibly lucky with the women he's got in his life.

Trump wasn't bad looking as a young man. I'll give him that.

But he didn't seem to realise. And still doesn't ....that his 'success' with women. Is predominantly down to the fact that he was/is so rich.

Young women in his day, were often trained by their mother. To look for and marry men like him.

So in his younger days. He would have had young women lining up to date him.

Mercifully, mothers now train their daughters to have careers. And create that wealth for themselves.

One thing is positive. Men, who see women in the way Trump sees them. As just sex objects. Are disappearing.

The passing away. Of an age, that had detrimental fixed ideas about women is happening now.

Men like Trump have really held women back.
T. W. said…

Thank you for posting this!

I have provided links to NUMEROUS legitimate news articles, photographs and videos proving this. Anyone interested can dig through the internet for themselves. The proof is plentiful.
T. W. said…
If you don't believe Christian and if you don't believe me than believe the body language in that photo.
Quiet said…
Ooooh I remember this. His name was the buzz around town and he was physically seen in and around the Niagara casinos being built on the Rainbow Bridge Ontario side. Then this came out in some interview he had at the same time frame. I have always always thought this guy was a big fat creeper. I felt sorry for his daughter when I heard this.

If I reflect back to the beginning of the 1990s i could not escape this trump out of my work life. airline i worked for had a contract for the flight crew to use his atlantic city hotel.

Then in 93 he was in Niagara Falls, Ontario assisting other builders building the new casinos and that is all we heard about on the radio or news.

By 1996 my employer of duty free started sending us to yearly training seminars in various beautiful cities and we had hotel stay paid by several different trump international hotels. I still have a trump bathrobe given to me a complimentary gift stay for free. I asked my boss why we do we always stay in a trump international for yearly training and she said he gave our company such a huge discount that they could not refuse. Something like a few dollars a day per person.

In these new hotels he was building, they were lovely and clean and nice and all but they were ALL EMPTY !!! no patrons, no guests, no vacationers. Not even in his Miami hotel. We had the whole hotel to ourselves, a group of about 30 people.

By the time he came out with the Apprentice tv show, I was just in shock this guy did not retire yet and go away. He has never been liked especially for ripping off all the hard working hotel builders.

Straight up whack job being sexual aroused by his young teenage daughter. When we saw or heard radio interview (cant remember but howard stern was big in radio then/now and maybe howard did interview if memory serves me correct) we were all grossed out back then. Oh then the marla and ivana drama..more gross. what woman on earth who would want that man back then in 93 or today 2020 is not normal.

He has not owned miss usa for a few years now.

Saddam hussein did a number on my careers in 1990 and 2003. another story
T. W. said…

Thank you for sharing this information.

Native New Yorkers tell me people know not to stay in Trump Tower and they say Trump is a slum lord.

You got me thinking. All those empty hotel rooms yet he keeps building more. Here are some possible reasons:

1) He wants to take the financial loss for tax purposes.

2) Those buildings are meant to be used by The Elite. Check out the following links:

Something is Terribly Wrong With Hotel Lucia

Located in Portland, Oregon, the lobby of Hotel Lucia is somewhat nightmare-inducing: Depictions of children in pain and bondage combined with pictures of celebrities and politicians. What exactly is going on there?

What’s Up With Room 322 at Hotel ZaZa?


Hotel ZaZa is a stylish inn located in Houston, Texas. While the hotel is known for its luxurious suites, a recent post on Reddit revealed the existence of the mysterious “Room 322”. This room is not advertised on the hotel’s website and, in short, is the definition of creepy. This is what the Redditor posted:

stay here frequently when on business. Hotel was booked solid and my colleague managed to score a room unplanned. We all had normal zaza style rooms (swank) and he ended up in this goth dungeon closet.

Seriously- the room had a chain holding the bed to wall, pictures of skulls and a creepy, incongruous portrait of an old man. Room was about 1/3 the normal size with the furniture blocking part of the TV, bed and window.

We asked about it at the front desk and the clerk looked it up and said ” that room isn’t supposed to be rented.’ and immediately moved him.

– Source: Reddit
Quiet said…

Your Welcome T.W.

Probably #1 : Take the financial loss for Taxes !!!

Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy New Year !!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting post. Love the bit 'ivana marla drama'

Yes. That's genuinely peculiar how his Hotels were empty. Odd.

Kinda Creepy.

Empty Hotels have the connotation of creepy. Since the horror movie, The Shining.
Jules said…
Absolutely disgusting .. not to mention stomach churning.

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