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TOLD YA... Mummy will be very pissed....

Wait till next week...

If you think this last week,
 was a mess for Randy Andy.
Just wait till next week...
he better not think of flying,
to the USA, he won't get out.
Mind you "Mummy" hasn't finished yet...


Chick'sOpinion said…
Is there a country Prince Andrew hasn't played 'money fixer' to?

Doesnt look like it.

And even when he lost his position years ago as Trade Envoy to the UK.

He continued to be a contract 'money fixer'.

As long as there was always 3 million in it for him.

With any shady politician or businessman.

Im not claiming Prince Andrew doesn't have a flair for business and trade.

He actally does. And does care about Business in the UK.

But unfortunately he has ruined that vocation as a Royal who works.

To make himself very rich too.

So he can enjoy a lifestyle way beyond what is normal for Royals.

And his greed unfortunately extended to raping underage girls.

Other Royals.... like Prince Edward and Sophie of Wessex and Prince William.

That do everything by the book. And within a legal and Royal financial framework.

Will have had it up to here.

With these Royals that have been doing what they like.

No. The sooner Prince William takes over the better.

Prince Willian apparently keeps a professiomal distance from his staff.

And is quite officious and distant with them.
Non emotional.

I think he is deternined not to make the mistakes he's seen other Royals make. In many ways.


Perhaps he views his mother's long and deep friendship with her butler, Paul Burrell as a mistake.

Hopefully, when Prince William is King...he will actively audit and monitor the activities of Royals he suspects of doing the wrong thing...... like Prince Andrew.

And cast them out.

Like a real Game Of Thrones.

Sadly its what is needed.

To get the Royal family back on track.
T. W. said…
Must be nice to live a life of luxury.

Don’t be fooled.

Goat Lucy always collects payment in full.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well if Pedo Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson end up stone broke.

They can always go and live rent free with all the Tax Haven Tycoons they know.

I wonder if Sarah Ferguson finally realises that it would have been a far better idea to have re-married a millionaire after her divorce.

Instead of hanging on to her tawdry Royal identity.

It dosent give her class.

Shes been bankrupt more often than customers at Cash Converters.

She probably even gets Pay Day Loans.

What does she do with all the money she gets?

Indulges herself with a lavish lifestyle thats what.

And hey, no disrespect to people who have to go to Cash Converters.

My auntie goes all the time.

Its a necessary evil when ya havin a fiscal crisis.

I mean broke.

But its not meant to be a service for the Royal Family.

Sarah Ferguson would be good at working at Cash Converters.

She'd tell tell people it aint worth shit in a nanosecond.

I swear Sarah Ferguson hocked/pawned all her jewellery that she claimed was stolen on a flight to Switzerland years ago.

There should be an inquiry into that event.
Cause I've always wondered if she pawned the jewellery from the Royal Collection...she got when married.
Cordelia said…
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Chocmint33 said…
I wonder how Andy is going to go with his accuser Virginia giving a BBC Panorama interview very shortly?

Also I wonder if this CD 2019 prediction relates to the royals and their decadent wealth, not to mention their tax havens.
22 'In a sitting room of wealth.
We are told to tighten our belt.
Yet they spend on plumbing.
What would cure the people begging.'
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - I do wonder now what will become of Fergie now that Andy will more than likely be exiled. You're right - she really should have found another rich man years ago when she still had her youth, rather than clinging onto the royal prestige apron strings.

Check out Linda G's psychic opinion on the Andrew scandal. She confirmed a lot of what I sensed about the situation. Here's the link:
T. W. said…
Will watch Linda G when I am able.

Judiciary Report has the following articles:

Jeffrey Epstein Accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell To Do Television Interview

Labour Party Releases Unredacted Documents Illustrating Plot By Boris Johnson And His Tory Politicians To Sell The NHS In Trade Deal

The Queen Cancels Prince Andrew’s 60th Birthday Party And Kicks Him Out Of Buckingham Palace Due To Jeffrey Epstein Pedophilia Scandal

More to come.
Apple Monkey said…
Am watching the interview. Those poor poor girls. I hope Epstein is rotting.
CD - do you see Andrew being thrown out? Friends do you know? I am so tired of living in a world where evil seems to prosper.

Love to you all, Apple Monkey xx
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

I literally feel your pain.

Please know you are loved and you are not alone.
Cordelia said…
Love to Apple Monkey, TW and friends

I think we all feel a bit low as it gets towards Christmas and the New Year and this year has been tough for so many.

We are all on the earth to help others; what on earth the others are doing I don't know.
T. W. said…
I love you too Cordelia.

I swear you must be reading my mind.

The gossip sites have been lit with tea this month. Seems like the Universe is bringing early Christmas presents to people.

I pray the decent, the needy, the helpless, the hurting, etc. finally get the blessings we are overdue.
Apple Monkey said…
Aw TW - love you girlie and xoxo to you. And you too Cordelia - thank you so much. You are right - this year has been very hard and you go through so many emotions in the run up to Christmas and the new year don’t you?

I just get sooo frustrated that these rich men can do so much good with their wealth and yet they inflict so much pain.
T. W. said…
That makes me sad too Apple Monkey. Some people spend in a month what others make in a year.

A lot of communities could use wells, clinics, schools, etc.

Not just Africa and Asia. Parts of North Carolina have no hospital. Imagine traveling over 1 hour one way if you are having a medical emergency. You wouldn’t survive.

I think Nevada does not have any OB-GYNs. They can’t afford to pay the malpractice insurance.
Apple Monkey said…
TW that is shocking about Nevada. In London there are lots of kids who come hungry to school. There are breakfast clubs to give them food. It shouldn’t happen.
Epstein could helped so many families, help create hospitals, educate people. Instead he chose to engage in so much depravity. I give up with this world at times.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

I literally feel your pain. I think one reason some of us become jaded is because the people we help take advantage of us.
T. W. said…
I forgot to say. British taxpayers provide over 100 MILLION British pounds to the monarchy. But citizens go hungry.

Y’all need to ask your French & American friends what we did when we got fed up with the monarchy...

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