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TOLD YA.. Only took 12 hours....


For those that asked.....

So, now that BJ has retained his key to #10.
Please don't think it's over & done.
Oh, no.............................
It's only just beginning....
As he tries to push through Brexit.
Which he won't be able to.
As the dust begins to settle.
As the people freeze.
As the kids have no Christmas.
As Scotland goes it alone.
Followed by the troubles, in Ireland.
As well, as on the mainland...
BJ stills believes that he rules an Empire.
No he doesn't, it's only a tiny Island.
Off the coast of Europe.
To those that voted with their wallets.
Don't complain, when the fires start.
The bombs explode......
Riots in the Streets.......
They will......


T. W. said…
Is he going to add the “death squad” clauses to the plan?

I want to know a hospital would give morphine drip to a patient who was admitted for a urinary tract infection.

Y’all might want to talk to all the Americans who had older relatives go in for health care & were given morphine to ease their suffering because the doctors say a treatable condition was going to kill the elderly relative.

Ask your American friends if they have to wait weeks for a referral to see a specialist. I went to see primary care in October about a potentially life threatening condition but I can’t see a specialist until NEXT YEAR.

Cash is king.

Good luck Britain and God bless you.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Mmmmm. The English are gonna go crazy about this prospect.

The Tories are going to make themselves instantaneously deeply unpopular with this one.


The English have had basically free medical care under the NHS system since the end of WW2. 1948 in fact.

How the the Tories think they'll now sell a system of English people paying for universial healthcare. Is beyond comprehension.

This, dear definately part of the de-evolvement of the UK.
That Boris Johnson planned for.

Yes yes. English people can argue. That in effect they do pay for their universal healthcare already.

Through the small levy that comes out of their weekly pay packet. Called National insurance.

But do you notice that? Cause it's so small.


So really compared to countries like the U.S, UK Healthcare, like in predominately free.

And perceived and experienced as free.

Well Boris and his Tory friends are now planning insurance payments ....that are so large. They'll notice.
In their bank accounts. And government coffers.
Direct from British pay packets. Big sums.

It shouldn't surprise anyone. That the UK Tories...or British Conservative party and their supporters. Are idealogically opposed to the notion. Of free healthcare for the working classes.

I'd say they have always hated the NHS healthcare system.

Because they don't nake any money out it. And find it difficult to financially exploit it.

They dont give a shit if working class people get sick.

They deem sick working class people as not useful.

To them.

Cause they are unable to work...for starve guts wages. To create wealth for Tories and the ruling classes.

Sorry I'm gettin down to raw politics here. But raw politics. And social structure explains what's at the heart of this sly little proposal on UK healthcare.

You know, in my opinion. The best thing about the modern laziness of today's working classes. Is that the vast majority of them ...would rather stay in bed for the day watching TV. On benefits.

Than slave for pennies .....for Tories.

That's not actually a bad thing.

Cause it forces those who would seek to exploit. To come up with an offer of a wage, worth the working classes getting out of bed for.

Someone needs to remind the aint 1910 anymore.

And Downton Abbey is just a show on TV.

In the old fashioned days. Working class people were denied access to education. And had to leave school at 14. And go and slave while they were fit and young....for a few pennies a week. At some establishment or mansion owned by Tories.

For 50 pence a week. And be grateful for it.

Its now 2019. And there's vast changes in the working class experience. And expectations.

But the Tories want the grand old days back. Where working class people where under their boot.
With few choices. And life of drudgery.

And if you got sick. You couldnt afford to stop work because their where no benefits to pay your rent. Or support you while you recovered.

Only available in the UK prior to 1948 and The NHS system. Were medical charities and private health.

And you had to be interviewed to get it.
Yes. Interviewed. By a kind of nurse/social worker.
Or you could end up in a workhouse infirmary. In the real old days.

Shocking places.

Some working class people back then, paid into a community savings scheme. For situations of ill health.

Yes it true. Some hospitals back then were funded by the philanthropy of some rich people. But you had to be assessed for the right to use those hospitals.

If you earned too much were sent away and advised you have to use private health. Pay a doctor and nurses to come to your house.

No. This proposal by the Tories on Healthcare is a step back in time.

Bad times.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah nothing like a compassionate right-wing populism Torie.

I bet Steve Bannon is thrilled to bits - laughing and farting in absolute joy. It was he who predicted that the world will go through a right-wing populism revolution.

Well, Steve enjoy your laughing and farting while you can, as with every extremist political movement the great unwashed - who those right-wing extremists refer to - come out swinging.

Just like CD said there will be riots, marching, massive protests. Remember the French Revolution where the disgustingly rich who ate too much caviar and cake got kicked out along with their decadence?

Isn't it amazing how these idiot political rulers ignore history.

As I said before, right-wing extremists will peak in January with powerful Pluto and Saturn conjunct in conservative Capricorn. After December 2020 comes a free fall.

By January 2021 there will be Aquarius humanitarian planets out in force squashing that conservative right-wing mentality. The world will be kinder.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Universial Credit was the beginning of this Tory plan.

They have their eyes on dismantling many reliable UK structures.
T. W. said…

“Slave” is definitely not the right word to use. I know what you meant but I would not be your friend if I didn’t say something about it.
T. W. said…
UK going backwards.

Escape British Tyranny. Come to America.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I like your observation that Steve Bannon farts when he laughs.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Its all getting very heavy. Worrying about the destruction of the UK's NHS health system.

So lets all sing

'Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin alive, stayin alive
Feel the city breakin and everybody shakin
And we're stayin alive, stayin alive
Ah ha ha ha, stayin alive, stayin alive'

Jules said…
Chicks opinion - Our national health service is funded by general taxation, which accounts for 80 per cent of the entire budget, and then supplemented by national insurance contributions and patient charges, for things like prescriptions and dentistry. National insurance contributions in 2017/18 were estimated to be just under £24 billion and in 2016/2018 a total of £1.6 billion was collected through prescription charges.

WE the people collectively pay for our health service, whether its perceived to be free or not .. it not free ... we COLLECTIVELY pay for it and I can tell you this now there will be a national call to arms if anyone DARES interferes with this .. if the riots are down to this .. then they are going to be awful.
Chick'sOpinion said…

As I emphasised. It’s perceived as free.

And as you said. There will be rioting in the streets. If something that has been perceived as ‘free’ is potentially going to be lost to the UK people.

I paid into it just like you do today. For 12 years.

Through my national insurance contributions. From my wages.

It felt like free healthcare to me.

As the amount was hardly noticeable.

From what you say, the other source of funding seems high.

But in my view ... that’s rather cheap for everything you get on the NHS in the UK.

Agree with you. People will go crazy if there’s an attempt to end the NHS.

And it’s the length of time that the British have had this wonderful thing called the NHS.

Which is what the Tory’s are up against ...if they want to dismantle it.

It’s a very well established and loved system.

Well. If the attempt to dismantle it fails. And that gets the Torys voted out.

Then it will all be worth it.

Riots or not.
T. W. said…
Jules, 80% of your tax revenue is budgeted for healthcare?!

Are some of the bad care reports I hear exaggerated or just singled out to make your care look bad?
Jules said…
TW - No, 80% of our tax revenue is not budgeted for our healthcare, last year 19% of the total tax revenue collected went on the NHS. Down 1% from the previous year. The NHS funding comprises of 80% tax revenue with the remainder coming from NHS prescription charges and contributions from the National insurance fund.

I am not sure what portion of our National Insurance contributions go towards the NHS, but the fund is also used for state pensions, maternity and disability allowance and state benefits such a universal credit.

I have no idea what you have heard about the nhs... but I thank God for it.
T. W. said…
I heard it takes forever to be seen. That’s all I can remember right now.
Jules said…
TW - The length of time you wait will depend on your specific treatment and clinical needs, and you could be seen quicker or wait longer than the waiting time shown for your procedure. There are official government guidelines for waiting times ... and every hospital has to adhere to them. The maximum waiting time for non-urgent, consultant-led treatments (such as knee replacements) is 18 weeks from the day your appointment is booked through the NHS e-Referral Service, or when the hospital or service receives your referral letter. The maximum waiting time for suspected cancer for example is 2 weeks and I know from experience that friends have been seen within the same day. or next day and started treatment immediately.

In most cases you have the legal right to choose the hospital or service you'd like to go to, as well as the clinical team led by a consultant or named healthcare professional, this means you can book the appointment at a hospital or clinic of your choice, on a date and at a time that suits you. This gives you the freedom to compare waiting times for hospitals.
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules. This is better than America.

At least your treatment is covered nationwide.

Medicaid does not cover nationwide care. The individual states run it. Into the ground.
T. W. said…
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