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Top what.......

So with another project about to be released.
Tommy Boy, is about to roll out his latest.
Girlfriend, or should I say "Clothes Horse".
She'll be around for about 18 months.
She's not a Star, nor a celebrity.
But, she does dress properly.
She signed up for the deal.
She is going to be very depressed.
Very soon...!!!


T. W. said…
No comment. My back hurts. I want to see what you all have to say about this. I might offend some Friends if I speak up. Plus my back hurts really bad right now & I am stressed.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Its only going to take one of these paid girlfriends/wives to write a Tell All book.

To reveal the whole shonky operation Tom 'Crazy' Cruise his life.

All i can say is... the shut up money must be huge. To keep these ex's and oh's silent.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Get down girl, go head get down.
T. W. said…
I told them to contact me. I guess they don’t come to Christian’s blog. Bummer.
Cordelia said…

A soak in a nice hot bath may help and some hot chocolate.
T. W. said…

Thanks. I got 2 holes healing in my back cuz I recently had surgery. No chocolate due to other health issues.

I’m trying to be optimistic but it is getting harder by the day.
Cordelia said…

I know what you mean after surgery you have good days and bad days. Hope today will be a good one for you.
Anonymous said…
TW, I am really sorry you are in pain. The back is such a vulnerable area to have surgery -- your back is constantly in use. Getting out of bed, sitting in a chair, getting up out of a chair, lifting anything, having a shower, brushing your hair, putting on winter boots, bending over to brush your teeth. You probably feel everything in your back whenever you make a move. I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. By spring, hopefully you will feel much better!

TOP GUN movie - I loved the original, and am looking forward to the sequel. No way it will be as good as the first, but probably still enjoyable. It will be a huge hit because people loved TOP GUN, especially Americans. Not sure what everyone here thinks, but I think it will do well at the box office.

Tom is getting old and his star power is dimming. I guess he feels it is important to the industry to pretend that he is involved with a woman for the sake of his career. He did date some beauties in his younger years. Shocked that he went out with Penélope Cruz for over three years. But back then, he had huge star power and she wasn't as big as a star, at least not in America. Then she met and married the right guy.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Thank you Cordelia!

You know, putting heat on sore muscles is like giving yourself a hug. I had some heat applied today and I started thinking about God. God is Love and God’s Love literally feels like a warm, soothing hug.
T. W. said…
Thank you CAP Anonymous!

I’ve never seen Top Gun but I would like to. Tom Cruise is a good actor.

I wish he would stop having cosmetic procedures done to his face.
Letty said…
Tom Cruise is a major reptilian player in Hollywood
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. I loved the first Top Gun movie too.

And the music in it.

Take My Breath Away by Berlin is a beautiful song.

Always makes me recall the era immediately
Chick'sOpinion said…
The destruction of the Scientology cult will be his eventual days of thunder.

Have the U.S revoked Scientology's Tax Free status yet?

They should do it urgently.
T. W. said…
But Letty, I thought Tom Cruise is the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard? Ha ha ha!!!

Do they worship Xenu or Cthulu?
T. W. said…
Thanks for the laugh Chick'sOpinion!

I don't see the US Government revoking $cientology's tax free status unless they can prove racketeering.

They call themselves a church but they do not even believe in Jesus Christ. The word "church" means "the body of Christ." This is the people of Christ.

Since the word "Christ" means "anointed one" maybe the $cientologists believe L. Ron Hubbard was anointed and that makes them a church.

Goat Lucy collects payments this time of year. Maybe he will pay $cientologists a visit...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thats a shame, cause revoking the Tax free status would end them.

And something i read recently in the book, The Manson Women and Me by Nikki Meredith.

Charles Manson studied Scientology on a course in one of the many times he was in jail.
Years before he became known as a murderer.

Yes. You read that could do a course in Scientology in jail in the 1960's.

Anyway....the study of how Charles Manson manipulated his members in his 'Charles Manson Family Cult'. Were the exact techniques Scientologists use to recriut and retain Scientology recruits.

Funny that?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yes. I was shocked he dated Penelope Cruz.

What was she thinking?
T. W. said…

Charles Manson saw $cientology for what it was and used it to his advantage.

As far as tax free status. Yes, $cio needs to have this revoked. But here’s a workaround.

The government needs to investigate them using the RICO statutes. This way the government can seize all of $cio’s assets. Then the government should take its sweet time investigating them.
T. W. said…
Penelope Cruz thought she would become A List in Hollywood if she dated Tom Cruise.

First of all, Tom’s name was mud by the time she started dating him.

Second, they have no chemistry and their stupid movie bombed.

Third, her accent is very thick. I live in the South, home of weird accents. We have migrant workers here too. I can understand them just fine. I have no clue what Penelope Cruz is saying.

Finally, America is racist. Yeah, she is from Spain instead of Mexico. I think she learned the hard way that if you don’t look and sound white and don’t speak Spanish then you ain’t right.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for the financial legal framework info on how they can investigate Scientology. And really fuck them up.

And aren't the government takin their sweet time shutting them down.


Its suspicious to me.
T. W. said…
Rumor has it $cientology has a lot of dirt on people & bribes some people too. No one is going to talk & those who want to talk or to investigate $cio fear for their lives.
T. W. said…
Rumor has it $cientology has a lot of dirt on people & bribes some people too. No one is going to talk & those who want to talk or to investigate $cio fear for their lives.
Anonymous said…
TW, You've never seen the movie, "Top Gun?"

I've probably seen it at least two dozen times!

TW, Chick's Opinion, I discovered that Penelope was a huge star in her homeland. She had won many awards, similar to what we call Oscars.

I think she is lovely, classy. When she dated Tom, he seemed classy, handsome, and normal. He was one of the biggest Hollyood stars and his movies were super popular at the box office.

Ever since he married Katie Holmes (she married him for his stardom, she didn't love him, no way), and his link to Scientology, he's lost that popularity. But people still like his movies, such as the Mission Impossible series, with all those stunts.

Anybody notice how quiet George Clooney has become? I think he might be linked to Epstein?

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

I was a young child when Top Gun came out.

True, Penelope is A-list in Spain. They speak Spanish there. Americans in general equate Spanish with Mexico and we do not like that we have to translate everything for them. We believe that unless you are a refugee who had to flee quickly then you had better learn English if you want to live and/or work here.

Also, unlike Europe, most Americans speak only one language. Also, foreign films aren’t that big here unless people watch French films (guess why) or anime.

People here did not know who Penelope was when she started working in Hollywood. And as I stated before, her thick accent did not help her at all.

People did not know who Priyanka Chopra was when she had her own show (Quantico) on television. Rumor has it the show was good but her attitude got it canceled. People did not know she was a major star in Bollywood. I didn’t know the Bolly tree existed.

Priyanka married Nick Jonas and people still don’t know who she is.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yes. Agree ...Penelope Cruz is classy and lovely.

But her and her Spanish actor husband, Javier Bardem have angered Hollywood bosses.

By openly criticizing Israeli military intervention in Gaza. He and Penelope have called it 'genocide of the Palestinian people.'

Now last time i looked. Hollywood is run to a larger degree, by jewish men.

And women.

Or at least used to be.

So i dont think they have done their acting careers in the U.S any favours. By weighing in on political issues.

I saw Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men.
A movie that won many awards.

He played a scary character.

And so well.

Apparently Penelope Cruz left Tom Cruise because she hated Scientology.

Did Tom Cruise destroy Penelope Cruz's career in Hollywood?

Wouldn't surprise me.
Apparently the movie, Vanilla Sky. That she made with Tom Cruise was crap.

Ive only seen a bit of that movie.

If anyone knows why it was so unsuccessful as a movie. Please comment.

Or was that movie sabotaged? To destroy Penelope Cruz's future career in Hollywood.

I agree with TW. Her heavy accent was a big problem.

Javier Bardem has been in a few Pirates Of The Carribean films.

But he mainly acts in European Art House films.

The problem is. Hollywood is dominated by American actors.

Consequently, its very difficult for European actors to break through.

New, quite young actor, Timothee Chalomet is actually a French actor. But he has managed to break thorough completely. Because he speaks English with no accent at all.

Because he has an American mother. And grew up partly in the U.S and partly in France.

He was recently in the movie, The King. And he was also in Ladybird

This inability to break through into Hollywood for Europeans has been a decades old problem.

But if you think about it. Ingrid Bergman of the finest actresses of her era,spoke English with an accent.

And it didnt hurt her career.

She told her italian daughter, Isabella Rossellini 'start learning English young so you have no accent for a film career'

Did Isabella listen to the advice of her mother. No.

Consequently Isabella Rosellinni was offered very few movie roles.

Which is astounding. Because she was married to famous director, Martin Scorsese for a long time.

And director David Lynch.

She had breathtaking beauty as a young woman. Just like her mother.

But unfortunately spoke English with a heavy Italian accent.
Anonymous said…
TW, the movie Top Gun is on TV constantly, like every month it seems, on different channels of course.

Priyanka Chopra, I did not know she was a major star in India. Wasn't she in a pageant, such as Miss Universe? I should Google that for the answer. When she was on "Q," which I never watched by the way, I recall seeing her on Entertainment Tonight saying how she would like to be the next female James Bond. Hmmmm, confident or arrogant? I don't think her marriage to Nick will last long. They hardly knew one another when they got married so quickly, so I'm sure that "tude" of hers will be coming out in full force behind closed doors. Good luck, Nick!

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Pryanka Chopra's marriage to Nick Jonas is a faked PR relationshop according to Christian's prediction ages ago.
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, great comments, as always.

That movie, Vanilla Sky, the story was so strange. I've only seen it once and I was a young pup. Perhaps I should try watching it again to see if it makes more "sense." LOL And I think Penelope and Tom parted ways soon after the movie came out.

I did not enjoy the movie "Country for Old Men" either. Javier is not the first male actor to express his political views but he should take a note that Hollywood is run by Jews (and I believe it still is and will be for some time to come), and is very foolish to speak against the people in your industry. So we might not see Javier in too many "A" movies. No doubt Mr. and Mrs. Bardem have some "loud" arguments. They both have strong personalities and Penelope is not a pushover. So they might be a good match.

If I was an European actor who came to Hollywood, the first thing I would do is take English lessons. Anyone who comes from another part of the world who wants to work in North America (especially Hollywood) needs to realize three things: 1. You have got to speak English. 2. You must speak it well. 3. You must learn to read and write English. This goes for every industry. I worked with a woman who was incredibly smart but her English was poor. The worst public speaker you ever heard. This was a game changer, they demoted her and she was pissed to say the least.

Interesting about Isabella. I recall seeing her in Lancome cosmetic campaigns. She was lovely. I think she grew up wealthy, and sadly sometimes people that do don't have that hunger like other people do. She didn't want to learn to speak English and sadly it affected her career. She was rich no matter what, she probably didn't really care whether she worked or not.

CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Thank you!

Yes. I wanna see Vanilla Sky movie. And give it the benefit of at least one sitting.

Sometimes Critics pan movies. Because they personally dont like them.

Which annoys me. A good example ... The nicole kidman move about Princess Grace of Monaco.
Called Grace Of Monaco.

It was a good movie. Nicole Kidman put in a good effort. Actually it was well acted by everyone.
But no. The critics said it was crap and a joke.

No it wasnt.

I agree with you regarding the necessity of English. And building a new life in a new country.

I worked once in a migrant centre for a few months. Loved the migrants. Hated some of the workers there.

Anyway. I was shocked at the variety of problems migrants who dont speak/read/write English have. Its shocking.

They get in legal problens because they cant read simple letters/emails.

Oh and i think in a way..... Hollywood is carrying out its own version of 1950's McCarthyism today . And actors today are not permitted to speak out on political issues.

I think they get lots of warnings not to. For their careers.

Did Penelope Cruz get this warning? To shut up about political issues.

If she did. She ignored it.

Tom Cruise would have given her sound advice about her career. He was more experienced than her.

Mmmm. Check out if you can, how beautiful Isabella Rossellini was when really young.
Should have been a huge star.
But, as i said... she was too rebellious to listen to her mother, Ingrid Bergman. About English.

But then again. Ingrid Bergman was really rebellious. Ran off as a married woman with italian director Roberto Rosellini. And got pregnant with twins to him.

She was booted outa Hollywood for that.

Did she consider it a mistake later.

In one way yes.

The marriage to Roberto Rossellini wasn't a success.
And as a director he insisted that she only appear in his films only.

I would have said 'fuck that '

But ingrid bergman allowed that.

When really... she was usually director, Alfred Hitchcock's main actress... like Grace Kelly was.

So Ingrid Bergman only starred in her husband Rosellinni's films from then on. For at least 10 years anyway.

And Rossellini's later films were not good. And only screened in Europe i believe.

Roberto Rossellini was famous for 1 major good film.... 'Rome Open City'. When he married Ingrid Bergman.

And from what those who were actually there claim. 'Rome Open City', was only clever and groundbreaking because Frederico Fellini was involved in its production.

Roberto Rossellini was too stupid and nuts.. to make a decent movie alone.

The moral of the tale women can learn from Ingrid Bergman's giant mistake. In marrying that idiot Roberto Rossellini.

Is before you committ yourself to someone. Who appears to be very talented and clever.

Check they not... just what they call, 'a one trick pony'

That there is real evidence they are talented.
And are continuously stable.

Ingrid Bergman had to pay the bills in her marriage to Rossellini.
Cause his movies bombed. Plus he had schizophrenia. Cheated all the time.
Didnt turn up on shoot days for films.
And stayed in bed all day.

When Hollywood heard about his behaviour from Italian actors. They refused to ever finance a Roberto Rossellini Hollywood movie.

Another blow for Ingrid Bergman.

She divorced him eventually.
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, I saw that Grace Kelly movie that Nicole starred in, I enjoyed it and I too, thought it was well done.

Interesting background on Ingrid's marriage. I didn't know this but what a shame she married this... loser. I bet despite all his flaws, she loved him. I have not seen Rossellini's "Rome Open City" movie. I actually enjoy watching old movies, the storylines and acting are superior to today's crap. I will look for this movie on TMC (Ted Turner's Channel). I've seen a lot of old Grace Kelly movies, she was so lovely!

Rossellini is Italian... some Italians are Casanovas in the bedroom and can't keep their pants on when an attractive women enters the room. I experienced this myself earlier in the year, I lost my mind temporarily, but learned much from the experience (and I dumped him). **smile** Sad that Rossellini was probably talented but whose mental illness affected his career and marriage. Not to mention his sex addiction. Oftentimes, sex addiction and mental illness are sometimes closely associated.

No employee should ever criticize their employer or the industry itself or speak against anything politically related to the industry. It's suicide. Didn't Jane Fonda do this too? It almost destroyed her career. It is foolish but as you are aware, actors have big egos and sometimes they think they are untouchable and can do and say what they want. They cannot. No matter how high up the ladder they climb, you can still see their ass.

In Canada, migrants are given free English lessons. This is an absolute necessity for them to survive in an English-speaking country.

You know what, Chick's Opinion? When you look back to some of the most beautiful and talented actresses from Ingrid Bergman's era, all of them suffered men problems. Look how many times Elizabeth Taylor married. I agree what you said about Marilyn, she was so lovely, so vulnerable, so beautiful. It is very difficult for beautiful women to age, especially back then. Today, there is so much plastic surgery available. I'm sure if Marilyn was still around, she would have had plastic surgery.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Agree agree. Elizabeth taylor married about 8 times i think. Though one of them died young in a plane crash.

Yes. Ive noticed 'old Hollywood ' actresses had no end of men problems.

They trusted them. With their money and decisions.
All the time.

Hell no would i ever trust men .... with my money. Or decisions.

I think they were expected to trust men. In those days.

Unlike today.

When asked why she married so often. Elizabeth Taylor stated that with the way she was raised... it was impossible for her to be morally comfortable with just 'living ' with men. It just wasnt respectable. She HAD to marry.

Also are right ...Ingrid Bergman also allowed her 1st Swedish husband to control all her earnings and negotiations in movie contracts. He was a perfect arsehole. Who controlled her. In every way. And Hollywood studio bosses hated his abusive control of her. And his rude arrogant personality.

He almost lost her opportunities for major movies.

You are definitely right. Even Rita Haywood was abused and mistreated by men as a Hollywood star.

I wondered when i read about Roberto Rossellini. If his sexual infidelity was linked to his mental illness. Though he was thoroughly spoilt. He once took a Taxi home from Rome to his parents place in the country. And expected his father to pay for it.

They did.

Try and and find Rome Open City the movie. It is a ridiculously old film. But its a film that film students study.

Because it was the first Neorealist film of its kind.

Its about resistance workers during the war.

Ingrid Bergman vowed to find director Rossellini after saw Rome Open City. And work for him.
She admitted she fell in love with him when she saw his movie.

Bad move.

Another major movie of the era is Two Women, with Sophia Loren. She won an award for it.

Yes. I hear you about Italian men. I would love to date one.

But ive heard too many stories about their inability to be faithfil.

Its a cultural problem with them.

That would piss me off.

French men are more often the same too.

Nice accent. Bad behaviour.
Anonymous said…
There is no female in this photo.
Anonymous said…
Rita Hayworth, also such a talent and beauty! Loved her hair!

Yup, French are just as bad as Italian men (and equally irresistable).

I'm off men for the time being. **smile**

CAP Anonymous

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