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Trumps Hump Day Tweet...


T. W. said…
That is accurate. Allegedly...
T. W. said…
Princess Anne Might Have Gotten Caught Gossiping About Trump, But She Probably Doesn’t Care
T. W. said…
Sharon Osbourne Is Now Dragging Simon Cowell And “America’s Got Talent”



“It is a boys club, okay, it is. And the boys take care of each other, and the women are not paid as much as the men. I was on the show before Howie [Mandel]. I was one of them that helped put the show where it was.”


“Simon owns the show, and the time I was there, Simon was never on the show. So when the show was doing 16 million, 14 million, Simon was never there. I just go back to Simon’s shows, The X Factor, he brought to America, every time it came on, I think there were three seasons, different little girls… There was him, L.A. Reid, who’s an older man, and in between them was Demi Lovato and Britney Spears. Now, the guys looked like two high rollers in Vegas who picked up a couple of kids… They looked like dirty old men beside these two little girls. I told L.A. Reid and I told Simon–it’s nothing I wouldn’t say to their face–“You look like two dirty old men” and excuse me, but these are kids. They can’t be judging other kids, no matter how successful they are.”


“They brought Howie in. He got his own plane. I love Howie, and I don’t begrudge anyone earning what they earn. But, when my old ass has been there, building the show, and I get an American Airlines ticket and he’s in a private plane. And I get that because I’m me and I’m not in the club.”


“NBC can kiss my ass.”
T. W. said…
The December 9 issue of the National Enquirer pages 8 & 9 claim Duchess Kate is pregnant with twins.

I think years ago Christian said She would have twins. I hope the Enquirer story is true.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I wonder if Trump's going to announce one of his more recent decisions on Twitter.

The decision to cut 700,000 people in the U.S, off from the Federal Food Stamps Program.

Definitely think he wont make a comment on that one.

And the reasoning.

He claims the emplpyment market has improved enough in the U.S.

And alot of these people dont need the food stamps.

TW. Can you comment on this?

How do Americans even qualify in the first place for these food stamps.

And what do you think?

Are their plenty of Americans using Food Stamps who should not actually be getting them?

Food Stamps sounds like something they did here and in Europe during WW2. Like Ration books of the 1940's and 1950's.

Why on earth dont they just give them cash.

Howver ...the closest thing Australia has to this is the Quarantining Welfare money Program.

It has been introduced for years in some parts of Australia.
Basically food stamps. But called the Cashless Debit Card.

It was initially only introduced in certain Aboriginal communities...where they have a long history of spending all their Welfare payments on Gambling, drink and drugs.

Every week.

Mainly in the Northern Territory. And far north Queensland states.

But this 'Quarantine' program of cash, was quickly identified as racist. And now many years later...justice has prevailed. And white families, who continually spend their entire Welfare Payments on gambling, drink and drugs.

Were put on the program too.

They trialled it at first in the Goldfields region of Western Australia

Also the West Kimberley region.
Hervey Bay and Bundaberg in Queensland.

The Australian Government claim that it reduces socual harm where theres high levels of Welfare Dependancy.

I guess the most positive aspect of it is ... that at least the kids get fed that day. Because I'm pretty sure they cant even purchase cigarettes with the Casless Debit Card.
On this Quarantine program.
T. W. said…

Thank you for asking about this. America is the land of opportunity. You have the opportunity to have all your hopes and dreams crushed, and then you get blamed for it, not the system that was purposefully designed to cause your heartache.


Most of these jobs are for part time positions. Amazon is the only company I know of that provides health insurance coverage for part-time workers. One adult who has one part-time job cannot earn enough money to live on. Unless that person has a large savings or has income from another source then that person's wages is well below the federal poverty level. That person qualifies for food stamps in any state.

I have a relative who is a good worker. The relative is a part-time worker. The person's work hours vary, so unless they plan to work over night they cannot work two part-time jobs. We live in an economically depressed area and I am saddened about this relative's situation.
T. W. said…

Food Stamps/EBT is a federal program but just like Medicaid, individual states decide the qualification criteria.

The benefits go on a card. I am old enough to remember they were actually printed out like money and they usually came in the mail. Mail carriers were robbed and some people exchanged them for cash or went to certain types of corner stores to purchase non-food items. I will not condemn these people. Food stamps do not pay rent, pay for diapers, pay for personal hygiene products, etc.

Statistics show the average people receiving food stamps are:

A - White

B - Children

C - Elderly

D - Disabled

E - Actually have jobs

Here's some more dirty secrets. Some American military service members and their families qualify for food stamps. Adjunct college professors qualify for food stamps too. They don't even earn minimum wage. Minimum wage is what one person living on their own needs to earn to be at least $1 above the poverty level.

Did you know that the Federal Minimum Wage is lower than the living wage in most places in America? The town I live in made national news a few years ago because the living wage was DOUBLE the Federal Minimum Wage.

Food stamps are meant to supplement one's budget. Meaning that the amount you get is not meant to pay for a month's worth of food. Major celebrities used to do the Food Stamp Challenge. They showed how they would eat on $13 a day. Even hoity-toity Gwyneth Paltrow was outraged when she did the challenge.

People complained about her food, saying poor people can't find peanut butter,eggs and fresh fruit in their neighborhoods. This is true to a point, but the people who complained need to realize Gwyneth was doing a good thing by calling attention to the problem.

What the celebrities didn't tell you is that a lot of people received less than $13 a day in food stamps to purchase food. I know this for a fact. I am one of them. And a veteran too.

People can also get emergency food stamps. For example, you lost power for at least 24 hours and your food spoiled. Or there was a major storm or natural disaster in your area that caused power to go out for at least 24 hours. Or you just lost your job, then you can get food stamps for the rest of the month. Smart people who lost work towards the end of the month know to apply for emergency food stamps on the first day of the next month. I don't think you have to prove you have no savings to buy food because the benefit is only to carry you for the rest of the month. If the person still needs help they will have to fill out a regular application.

You cannot purchase food from a restaurant or hot/warm food from a grocery store unless there was a natural disaster in your area and the state's governor allows people to use their food stamps to buy this kind of food.

A lot of people do not know you can purchase seeds with food stamps. So if you have a yard, some land, or can do container gardening then you would be wise to purchase seeds and grow some fruits and vegetables.

The fact that people who actually have jobs qualify for public assistance to purchase food says a lot about life in America. I know I have made outrageous comments pertaining to the Immigration Crisis in America. I stand by my comments. Either these people are confused about how great America allegedly is or the countries they are fleeing is what President Trump calls "a $hit hole." I consider genocide, constant war, etc. qualifies a country, not the people, as a $hit hole.

Donald Trump's slogan was "Make America Great Again." He's right. We are a $hit hole.

I say again, a lot of working adults qualify for and do receive food stamps here in America. Please pray for us. Our society is broken.
T. W. said…

I have a favor to ask.

Some of you donate to food pantries, homeless shelters, etc.

I ask that you please consider 1 - Donating name brand items and 2 - Donate items for feminine hygiene, for babies, and people who have allergies and sensitivities.

Next time you want to donate something, ask yourself if you would use that brand of product and then ask yourself why or why not.

I know, I know. "Beggars can't be choosers." Well, how would you feel if you worked but still needed help and all the food you could get was green beans in a can, corn in a can, rice, and pasta? No pasta sauce either.

You would be malnourished. You would get sick of eating the same thing all the time, especially if you had no herbs, spices, or salt to go with it.

How would you feel if your child could not tolerate soy-based infant formula but that is all the pantry has?

Now put yourself in my shoes. What if you were allergic to nuts, eggs, and certain vegetables? How would you eat if the most commonly donated items to food pantries are common allergens or were processed on equipment that may have been contaminated with known common allergens such as eggs, nuts, wheat, corn, or shellfish?

How would you feel if you were a woman still having periods but you can't afford to purchase sanitary products? I've been there several times. Generic toilet paper gives you paper cuts in bad places. Ask me how I know.

Please. Also consider that people tend to do better when they use products they recognize. I am speaking of both food and non-food items. I am not saying you should not donate generic items. Some people only donate generic items because they believe the poors don't deserve better.

Generic can be good sometimes. I have a relative with severely sensitive skin. The only diapers the baby could use were generic (Food Lion).

Please also consider that African-Americans have special needs when it comes to some foods and also with personal hygiene products. We cannot use the shampoos and conditioners Europeans do. Some brands of lotions and soaps are too harsh for us to use. We often suffer from asthma, so certain fragrances, fabrics, and foods trigger attacks. Eczema, heart disease, and diabetes are also common in our communities.

Also, you do get what you pay for. Ladies, use name brand sanitary napkins or tampons one month, then use off brand the next. You will believe me then if you don't believe me now.

Don't get me wrong. Donating something is better than nothing. I am asking that we all be more mindful.

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