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Trumps Xmas card....


Chick'sOpinion said…
Even the Holy Family are not safe.

No room at the inn for migrants or their babies.

According to the Trumps.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Is the Photo that Meghan and Prince Harry released of them with baby Archie. At Christmas.

Is it real. Or photoshopped to hell?

And the baby, 'Archie is just added in because he's not even being cared for in the UK.

And Prince Harry has already parted from Meghan.
Chick'sOpinion said…
In an article in the New York Times today... they are reporting a bit of a shift. Towards secularism in Arab countries.

Secularism, for those who don't know , is society not being dominated entirely by religion.

And it being shared with government and institutions. In a fair way. And Religion taking a more minor role.

This shift in Arab countries is rather Islam, as a religion is well known for being rigid and absolutist.

And quite different to Christianity. And its role in the West.

Christianity shares power with our goverment and institutions. In the West.

And takes a minor role. Perhaps less so in the U.S.
Where it's a big part of the vote.

But the fact is ....alot of Arabs are now describing themselves as non religious.


They think what's causing this shift. Is a big disappointment with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The anger at the Muslim Regime in the Sudan.
ISIS. And a distrust of Muslim leaders.

In 6 pivotal Arab countries they are reporting declining attendance in Mosques.
And. They are not as supportive of Islamist Political Parties.

Apparently the shift is most notable in the Gulf.

But in Iran most people are now identifying with democracy.

Well. They kind of had it 1979. Before the revolution dumped Iran back into a country led entirely by extreme Muslim clerics.

Mini skirts were one of the first things that got banned.

In Turkey they now associate Islam with corruption and injustice.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised that disillusionment has crept in.

Especially with the shocking scenes we and Arab countries witnessed with ISIS.

And they are still a problem.

And Trump is kidding himself that he's wiped them out completely.

He wiped alot of them out. But they still continue to terrorise the countries and their people.

I found it interesting that The New York Times article noted that it was the horrors of religious wars that started 'The Enlightenment' period in Europe.

And big change in history.

Perhaps people in Arab countries are seeing clearly. That the majority of Islamic leaders are only in it to get power too.

There's definatley a mass consciousness awakening going on globally.

Even in these countries.

The Arab Spring was the beginning of it.

Despite it being visibly crushed.

It seems to have had a permanent shift in people's viewpoint.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I see they dressed Lady Louise as a nana again this Christmas. For the Royal family's visit to Church this Christmas.

Actually Sophie of Wessex and Prince Edward dress her in nana clothes 12 months of the year.
Even with granny cardigans.

I'm surprised they don't give her a walking stick as well. To complete the look.

CD. What is wrong with Lady Louise? Or them.
I fear she'll die an old maid. And never be able to marry.

Because they are either, dressing her in children's clothes or nana outfits. With weird things like Velvet hairbands in her hair.

Princess Diana hated Velvet hairbands.

Despite the fact that in her era in the early 80's and early 90's... her class of gels never went anywhere without a Velvet hairband.

It was the ultimate Sloan Ranger look.

Princess Diana actually called these girls ...the Velvet hairbands.

Please God. Save Lady Louise. They are turning her into Benjamin Button.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Our resident Royal Correspondent.

Why are they doing this to Lady Louise?

Why are they dressing her this way?

It's quite sad.

Jules said…
The photo released by Meghan and Harry is obviously photoshopped ..its all over twitter and the newspapers .. they have really lost the plot.
T. W. said…
Prince Harry is the only one who appears out of focus in the pic.

Something is not right.
T. W. said…
Saudi Arabia & other “mid-east” nations have been moving towards secular society since I was a teenager. I’m 40 years old.

I remember seeing news reports about it on Nightline, Frontline, and other news documentaries.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I was under the impression that alot of Muslim Nations became more religious.

Especially how ISIS found many willing recruits.

But then again. Lets look at the facts.

ISIS and The Taliban provide new recruits with a sizable income.

I read about that a lomg time ago.

Which disgusted me.

So perhaps the near decimation of ISIS has caused a financial crisis for them. As an org or whatever they see themselves as.

And anyway any young Muslim guy would know now. That to be hired as one of their 'soldiers'.

Ends rather quickly in death.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And they get Lady Louise to wear the worst shoes on earth.

They can afford expensive shoes.

And. Her shoes had just started improve. At Easter ....they'd at least stopped her wearing flat Mary Jane Shoes.

That children wear.

It's been discovered that Lady Louise actually wore one of her mums outfits. Cardigan and all. Exactly... To one occasion.

Would you have worn, at 16 ....ever worn one of your mum's entire outfits?

Hell no!!!

Last Christmas she was dressed closer to normal for her age. But in that older formal style most Royal women wear.

I'm starting wonder if Lady Louise is in the same suituation as Queen Victoria's doomed daughter.

The one she selfishly wouldn't allow to marry. At least till it suited her.

And turned her into companion. Trapped at the Palaces.

As Queen Victoria wanted her to stay with her. While she lived out her widowhood. And old age.
I cannot remember her name.

But I'm getting this vibe about Lady Louise's situation.
T. W. said…
I don’t know what is going on with Lady Louise. I didn’t know Prince Edward existed until a few months ago. That is telling.

As for the Muslim nations, what I am about to share is coming from first, second, and third hand sources. The second and third hand sources match what I have been told first hand:

1) The younger generations are all about love and tolerance, not oppression.

2) Most Muslims are not radicals. As you know, people look at fake preachers & charlatans and form an opinion about all Christians based on that. In the same way, some people look at radical Islam and judge all Muslims based on that. All of us Friends here know this is wrong.

3) A lot of Muslims are desperate to escape for economic, religious, and or political reasons. Some of the Mid East nations are not wealthy. Saudi Arabia put its oil company on the international stock market to raise funds.

4) Freedom of speech is nearly non existent there. Did you know you cannot be a missionary in Israel? If I went there and started talking to Jews about the Jewish Jesus and how he is the promised Messiah I would be deported.

5) Mid East governments are cutting internet access.

6) Some if you know about the yacht circuit. A lot of the men abusing the women are from, you guessed it, the Mid East.

7) Some of the younger generations are secret Christians. They live as though they are still devout Muslims because they fear what will happen to their loved ones.

8) Chick’sOpinion made a good observation. ISIS and other groups are weak now but they are coming back. ISIS is back with a vengeance in Nigeria. They just put out another beheading video. I refuse to watch it.

9) Funny how we rarely hear about the Muslim extremists in Africa.

10) Did you know Libya has OPEN slave markets? BBC News in America did some stories about it. The mainstream American news bury this on their websites. You have to dig for this story.

11) Please tell me how killing Qaddafi, the former leader of Libya helped society?

12) Want to hear the allegedly real reason Qaddafi was killed? You do? Okay. Qaddafi was tired of China and Europe owning African resources & taking them for themselves. Africa has the most natural resources of any continent yet it enjoys none of them. Qaddafi was trying to unite every country in Africa. Certain people and entities did not want this. They want Africa’s riches for themselves. Qaddafi almost succeeded.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Very interesting about Quaddafi

I always say.

No governents in reality ever give to Africa.

They just take.

Throw in a succession of corrupt African leaders. Or just one every now and again.

And the people of African nations are back to square one. No further ahead.

What other possible reason is there as to why Africa is so undeveloped and poor?


Without a general standard of 1st World living. Even today.

It's becauae everyone just takes.

And the level of opulence and luxury corrupt African leaders live in.

Is astounding.
T. W. said…

Thank you for understanding this and for caring.

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