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Well, at least he has a beard.....

Rapper Common 
Tiffany Haddish.. 
Dating, OK ........
But not for long....
Even if you call it that.
I can't wait  for one of these Haddish Girls. To be arrested in PUBLIC...


T. W. said…
But, which one is The Beard?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Haddish sounds like Radish.

I'd change my name if it sounded like a Radish.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Seems she is a comedienne.

But now it seems she's moved into acting.

Acting as a gf
Chick'sOpinion said…
I nominate Maggot of Month

Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.

While literally 1000's of Volunteer firefighters fought bush fires all over Australia.
In all december. And over Christmas.

At seriously high risk to their safety

And. Mostly unpaid

Scott Morrison went on a holiday.

He's now home. And yesterday swam on Bronte Beach.

Well love him or hate him.
At least Tony Abbot, former Australian Prime Minister.... fought bush fires in his local Rural Fire Service team this Christmas.

He's been a solid active member of his local branch since 2000.

You wont catch that fat upper middle class slob, Scott Morrison volunteering in his local Rural Fire service.

Not a chance in hell.

Also I nominate for Maggott of the Month

Australian actor Chris Hemsworth

Who instead of buying and giving 1000's of litres of water to local farmers near him at Byron Bay on the Nth Coast.

To save their farms. And livestock.

He bought the 1000's of Litres of water to save his luxury garden at his mansion. In Byron Bay.

Local farmers can't afford to buy 1000's of litres of water like him.

Selfish materialic shallow prick he is.

I apologise in advance. But I just can't stand him.
Anonymous said…
Hi, Chick,

In the States but we prefer to watch the BBC news. Continued thoughts and prayers. It is so heartbreaking to watch. Your volunteer firefighters kick ass! As for the others you mentioned, there’s the saying, “God don’t like ugly (behavior).”

Anonymous 843
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous 843

Yes. Our volunteer firefighters are very brave.

2 died last week.

They were in a truck convey.

Probably totally surrounded by a burning forest.

They usually are.

Anyway a tree fell on the truck they were in. And it caused it roll down off the road.... down a hill.

They were 2 of many.... fighting fires around Bargo, Buxton, Balmoral, Green Wattle Creek. And Wollondilly Shire. Here in Australia.

40 homes were lost in those fires.

One of the dead man's father, was volunteer fighting a fire at Gospers Mountain at the time of his son's death

What pisses me off is...

Is the Rural Fire Service Brigades are a tight knit lot. And stick together. And that's fantastic.
But while they were risking their lives. Together.

Our Prime Minister wasn't sticking with
Our Prime Minister was sunning himself in Hawaii.

And trust me. It's way dangerous to be a volunteer in the Rural Fire Service.

Wbich is why I'm not NOT volunteering in my area.

I counteract my guilt... over being a coward.

By making donations to them.

There are a alot of women in the Rural Fire Service here by the way.

Some of them are Captains in it.

Meghan Markle should ask Vogue or Harpers Bazaar to do a feature on them.

Cause as you say, they Kick Ass.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Australians were advised just before Christmas. To not travel.

Due to the 100 fires that were currently burning. And the potential that Australians drive into fire areas.

And roads get blocked and they can't escape.

Or.....their homes burn down while they are away.

Alot of Australians travel long distances to celebrate christmas and cross states to be with family.

In the lead up to Christmas and his Holiday in Hawaii...the Australian Prime Mimister had been missing for months anyway. Not available.

Long before the crisis week. Where those in government, left behind to act for him...declared A State Of Energency in Australia.

You know, Scott Morrison claims to be a Pentescostal Christian.

His behavior this month. Has proved to me he is.

In the version of how I see the majority of Pentecostal Christians.

As the greatest hypocrites ever seen. Or experienced.

Virtually none of them I have ever met. Stop judging long enough.

To examine their own behaviour.
And if it is equal to to what they preach.

If they did.

They would find it isn't.

But they don't seem to do much self examination.

They are too busy, breaking their own rules..or policing single mothers. Or those who are having sex becore marriage. Or who don't want go get married at all.

God help Australia, if Pentecostals ever get the large section the vote they get in the U.S.

It will take Australia back decades.
In a negative way.
T. W. said…
Hi Anonymous 843!

If the Maggots feel hot now, they should see how hot the flames of Hell can get...
Chick'sOpinion said…
Common? Whats ya flavour?

Women or men?
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Channing Tatum and Jessie J have split.

What an odd couple they nade.


And were they ever really a couple ? Or was it a typical faked up PR Relationship.

And any girls who want to date Channing Tatum. He's using apparently.... the App Raya find a new gf.

I thought he was sworm off apps generally. Forever.

When he went on a public rant about an astrology App he was using.

He claimed as soon as he got the app they started evesdropping on all his phone calls.

And then used the info to give him accurate horiscope readings.

Sounds nutty?

It isnt.

TW alerted us to the fact that alot of these apps have hidden spyware technology in them.

Not uncommon.

Jeez. Its getting like Russia.

Where you dont watch the TV.

The TV watches you.
Anonymous said…
Hi, TW! Your comments add so much to the discussions here!

Anonymous 843
T. W. said…

You made me laugh. Yes, this is serious but you still made me laugh.

Friends. Your phones and what not still spy on you when they are turned off. You need to unplug them and/or take the batteries out. You can’t remove the battery from an iPhone...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yahhh I’d be scared to watch TV in Russia
Chick'sOpinion said…
And Rapper Common.... who has no Common sense sings to Tiffany Radish,

‘Somebody told me, that you had a boyfriend

Who looked like a girlfriend

That I had of February last year

It’s not confidential

I’ve got potential’

You know, These actors and celebrities tell so many lies.

They must be scared to go to sleep.

Which is the one circumstance you can’t stop yourself speaking the truth in?

When you are asleep.

Sleep talking.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Tiffany. Don’t chew his radishes.

Cause it would be wrong.

He’s gay.
T. W. said…
I always wondered how the media knew how many people were watching a television program. Nielsen ratings don’t work that fast. I’ve done their surveys. You do it via mail & they ask for details. Know way they would know the next day how many people watched a program that aired the previous day.

I figured either the media is lying or there is something inside the television that transmits a signal to tell them what channel we are watching.

Mother thinks I am paranoid. Paranoia is a symptom of severe mental illness. So if mother is correct I need to be put in care until the right medication can be found. Also, you cannot hold me accountable for any comment I make here. Perhaps all my comments about Red Pill subjects are figments of my imagination and I am not worth surveillance...
Anonymous 843 said…

I have read of smart tv’s being able to spy on people. With all this electronic stuff, some paranoia is a healthy thing in my opinion. On a forum recently, I was reading a thread where the OP was describing how he was just thinking about buying something very, very different from his past purchasing and browsing history. He also wrote that he had not told anyone or even had said the name of the item out loud. Well, guess what popped up in an online ad? Several other posters described similar experiences. Sure makes one wonder....

By the way, are you familiar with the term “gaslighting”?

Anonymous 843
Chick'sOpinion said…

I believe TV’s transmit a signal to them. Of what you are watching.

I agree .... how could they possibly know so soon about what TV programs were really popular. And with whom.

And they always seem to know.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous 843

We shouldn’t be surprised. But we are uncomfortable with this spyware etc and bots. Taking over our lives. Our privacy. Our freedom.

And governments are doing nothing to stop Robotics ruining society. And the workplace.

And society’s source of income.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 843

I have heard from gaslighting. You see clearly.

I’ve heard a lot of people say their phones gave them ads about things they were talking about, etc. Thus even happens when the phone is off. This has happened to me as well.
T. W. said…
Christian, you have another Told Ya!

Tiffany Haddish Beaks Up w/ Common - Threatening To Spill Tea!!

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