The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
I thank You for being a good God. I thank You for being a loving God. I thank You for life.
I thank You for Christian’s blog. I thank You for Friends. I thank You for this prayer circle.
Nothing is too hard for You.
I ask that you please supernaturally put out the fires in Australia. I ask for no more loss of plant, animal and human life. I ask that You send supernatural healing and recovery to everyone and everything affected because of the fires.
I ask that you please give comfort and aid to all living beings in Australia.
I ask that everyone and everything receive the blessings You provide for them.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I ask and receive the answers to this prayer on their behalf.
I feel your prayers were helpful. I haven't had bushfires in my close area for 2 weeks. Since last time we had your prayers.
There has been smoke since New Year...from fires distant to me. But not bad smoke.
A little country town though nearby... called Wollombi. Far enough away from me. Came way too close to being being lost altogether.
To bushfires on four fronts.... in the lead up to up to Christmas/New Year.
The residents had to get involved and save it with the Bucketty And Rural Fire Service. And international firefighters were flown in apparently.
The fact is ...there have been bushfires non stop in the National Park beside Wollombi town. Since Spring. I used to own land and a cabin in that National Park beside it. It was a dumb idea.
And in about 2004 I was out there alone, painting the cabin during during a bushfire behind the hill.
I shouldn't have been there at all. My bf then couldnt accompany me. He insisted 'dont go'. 'Cause there's a bushfires out there, several'.
I said 'no I'll just go overnight'.
As I painted the cabin next day. Suddenly God told me to leave.
I threw the paint can, grabbed the keys and jumped into the four wheel drive. I didn't even need to call the dog really. He willingly jumped in the car.
Because he knew.
And I drove in what I thought was the direction away from the fire. Like a bat outa hell on untarred road to reach Wollombi town safety. Through deep bushland.
I remember being so scared I didn't even lock the cabin.
The fire did come down the hill. Eventually. How soon after I do not know.
But the local Rural fire Service saved the cabin. And my water tank. Not much else though.
Lots of people have been in situations. When God suddenly says to them. Get outa this situation now.
Otherwise you will die.
We ignore that message at our peril.
It comes quietly but suddenly upon you. You think it's your own rational thought. Well it partly is. But because it comes with so much emotion.
It's my experience it's God telling you.
To give you... your own free will choice, to save yourself.
Are you far from Mallacoota and those coastal towns?
As Australia recovers from this, may she and her people experience a rebirth of spirit and love and hope towards all her peoples and animals.
Prayers and White Light for the people, animals and beautiful land affected. May the Australian towns recover and be even stronger. Give them plenty of rain sweet Lord. Amen.
May I add my prayers that is may god hear our prayers and bring much need rain to all parts of our world that need it. But most of all be their for the many wild life and human too who have or will pass over at this time.
Thank your Lord for hearing my prayers
I am glad you listened to God and I think you described it perfectly:
“ It comes quietly but suddenly upon you. You think it's your own rational thought. Well it partly is. But because it comes with so much emotion.
It's my experience it's God telling you.”
Father God,
I thank you for keeping Chick’sOpinion and her dog alive.
I ask that You send healing rain showers to Australia and to all places that need the water. Please send them now. May Your will be done.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
I haven't seen many dead animals because of the fires ...up in the country here.
Except in North Rothbury. A dead Kangaroo.
Definitely not road kill. Definately burnt to death.
Seems we've had 'Total Fire Ban Today' flashing on the signs on the Freeway all Spring and Summer.
All the grass is brown here too... inland.
But brown isn't a good colour as you know. Perfect for fire conditions.
Generally, I don't like to be more than 1 hour away from home. In case a Bushfire does start near my place.
I consider myself one of the lucky ones in New South Wales though. 35,000 peoole in Southern New South Wales still have no electricity.
Come home and volunteer for the Rural Fire Service.
There's not nearly enough.
The Government have had to roll out 3,000 Defence Reservists to cope with so many fires.
We pray for rain. But as we know....many of the bushfires start because of Lightning. So thunder storms are a mixed blessing.
From my reading, the Aboriginals were very good at controlling bushfires in Australia.
And they used it to their advantage. To clear vegetation. For easier walkways. To grow crops easier. And or attract game for hunting.
Oh and for Spiritual reasons.
But their fires were low intesity. From what I've read.
All I know is...Coastal Aboriginals back then, didn't have to put up with 42 and 45 Degrees days, continuously. In Summer.
This is the result of climate change.
My Prayers and thoughts go out to everyone in Australia, to the families who have lost loved ones but most of all the animals, creatures bugs etc as well as the plants and trees and last but not least my prayers also to the brave firefighters, may God keep them safe.
I cannot bear the thought of the pain and suffering inflicted upon the wildlife.
Praying for rain and an end to the bush fires in Australia, I cannot believe they have been burning since September.
Your words are very moving.
Know that it's very common that most Australians. Have experienced nearly losing a house to bushfire. Sometimes more than once.
Or at least know people who have.
We are used to it. In a way.
The threat of it.
Epecially people outside cities.
They dont freak out about it.
They are quietly brave about it tbh.
It's part of life here.
You learn to live with the possibility each season. Especially if you live close to any bushland.
Or in the country.
Country paddocks are a problem too. Because grassfires are quite lethel too. And get out of hand real quick.
You are so right about the wildlife. After a bushfire has gone through. There is just silence. That's the sad bit.
No birds, cicadas, crickets... nothing.
The only positive thing about bushfires. Is it brings communities together.
We tend to watch and just keep 1 eye on bushfires near us and one eye on the website for quite a while.
The websites alert us to the status of the fire when they break out near us.
As a bush fire can burn for days. Sometimes weeks. We don't gather and discuss it or talk to neighbours about it, until the the fire is really close. On us.
Then you suddenly start to see the community working together. Saving the elderly. Discussing plans with eachother. Checking on neighbours.
Rescueing their pets if they are currently at work.
It's wonderful to watch.
People really caring about people in their immediate locality.
Yes. It's every man for himself.
But in a communal spirit.
We even hose down neighbours houses. If they are away. Or not able. Clear debri near their house, that will catch from sparks.
A crisis always brings people togetger.
If our houses are saved.
We all rejoice about it. Together.
We have good chats.
And then hope to God next bushfire season isn't as bad.
We have had rain.
I dont know how much. But got up this morning and it's seemed to have rained quite a bit last night.
It actually started yesty. I was driving to work and I noticed some drops on the windscreen. That's all. And then it stopped.
But it was the weather the rain drops brought ...that was a reprieve. It was Cloudy and cool all day.
How wonderful.
And. It reduced our vunerability.... to bushfires starting in my area immediately.
Thank you all.
Thank you for your kind support.
Please know that your kind prayers have not just been sending controlling bushfires in my area.
But others.
Last few days I have also been concerned for a bushfire that was out of conrol near my friend's place. She is a single mum.
And the bushfire was very bad timing. Because her father is really really ill. And the last thing she needed was an out of control bushfire near her place. When she has to leave the kids at home. And be at the hospital with her dad.
She text messaged me and advised that helicoptors crossed over all night. And smoke seemed to be gone.
And at this stage the bushfire is out.
But honestly ...I would move if I was her. Immediately. She's had 3 really bad bushfires in that semi rural suburb since end of Winter.
She has a plan to move to more city area.
But I want her to move earlier. For safety.
And peace of mind.
I'm asking God and her Guardian Angels to provide her with the money to move earlier.
'Ask and you will recieve'
It works for me.
I ask God to get rid of clients I cant stand my roster.
God almost always obliges.
If it's a fair request.
And next thing you kmow, these aggravating client's names disappear from my roster.
Like magic.
I ask that you send rain to Australia without the fires spreading because of the winds. Please just rain. Archangel Ariel, the angel of Nature and the Natural World, I also I ask that you open humanity's eyes to climate change and the seriouness of climate change and to act swiftly in order to heal this planet for the betterment of humanity and all involved. Archangel Raphael I ask that you help Australia and Australians to heal during this time.