The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
And loved it.
It's a contemporary version of the drug industry and European Drug Barons.
With more than a bit of the U.S thrown in. With at least 2 American actors
It was filmed entirely in the UK by the looks though.
Mathew McConaughey takes the lead. And he is excellent. And believably a nasty character.
All the actors do an amazing job in this film.
Except to say, actor Jeremy Strong. He is appalling in this movie and I dont know why.
It's like he couldnt act.
The excellence of Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell and Hugh Grant's acting in this movie only makes it more obvious.
Throughout this violent film, there are all these vile little fun lovin.... Very young English villains. And I guess criminals. And I swear Guy Ritchie walked onto a London Council Estate and said
'You you and you, do ya wanna be in a movie'?
Cause they appear very authentic.
Guy Ritchie at least tells the real story of today's London underworld.
Where it isn't just ordinary people growin and selling big mariuana crops.
It's complex underworld gangs.
And it's good too. That Guy Ritchie included Malaysian/British actor, Henry Golding. He was wasted in his previous movie, Crazy Rich Asians.
That lead role in that film Crazy Rich Asians was visibly difficult for him I think.
Because the story line of Crazy Rich Asians was so predictable.
The sufferer can sometimes manage the extreme reactions felt when , for example, the mate/ romantic partner must leave alone to go to work or school.. and upon returning find the "Borderliner" in a some kind of childlike emotional state; the Borderline can run the gamut: from rage to tearful pleading and clinging, to anger, false accusations and vengeful actions.
All directed at the partner who has , just by
leaving for the day, triggers abandonment issues for the BPD affected .
Kaia was out the other day when her dad Rande went to her apartment, where Pete was found "scratching his eyes out" .
Kaia did the right thing by going back home with her parents, because very few people can live with someone so afflicted . Not unless you are up for premature aging , disease , high blood pressure , police visits to your home , and an early grave .
She got severe anorexia too.
I'd say her mum knows. And is monitoring that.
But how do you separate your daughter from a drug addict? She loves.
Especially if she is using too.
Cindy Crawford has led a charmed life
This is one of her biggest challeges.
Perhaps she shouldn't have encouraged her daughter into the modelling industry.
It's the death of many innocent young people. Young male models too.
I just cant get passed the story line after clicking on the article that she has an apartment in Manhattan. She is 18 years old and the article read she was seen kissing him last year in oct or nov by her apartment.
How fortunate to have a New York Manhattan apartment at age 18 and earlier(last year Oct)
I get what Chick’sOpinion is saying about Cindy’s charmed life. Cindy grew up lower middle class or poor and earned a chemical engineering scholarship. She decided to take her chance at modeling and it paid off. No risk, no reward.
I’m gonna take my chance too. I’ve been occasionally leaving the home without my mask and I feel good. Still hungry though. I got other things cooking but I don’t want to jinx them. Hopefully I will have good news later.
I’m a grown woman and I don’t want to live alone there.
Cindy Crawford dropped out of college at 19/20 and moved to NYC to be a model. Maybe she thought Kaia could handle it too. Kaia is modeling and has her own money now. What can they do? I don't think NYC is the issue. She can find drugs and a messed up boyfriend in California or on any college campus.
Thank you for giving us the background on the mental health disorder.
This was very informative to me.
It makes me have empathy for these poor people with mental health afflictions like that.
Can't Please Everybody
4) Maxine Waters' phone call with 'Greta Thunberg' was apparently the work of Russian pranksters
5)Prank with Maxine Waters (Stars Save the Earth #1)
I don't think Aaron Carter wont live long enough to write his memoir.
About Michael Jackson or anything else.
Yes. Imagine having your own apartment in Manhattan. At 18. I'm guessing that isn't normal.
Especially at 18.
I agree with you.
1) I “feel” Aaron Carter is one if those people who never had a chance.
2) What 18 year old needs their own apartment? I can understand this if the person ran away from home, left home to work, is escaping a bad situation, or was kicked out of home. Some parents do kick their children out the day they turn 18.
Yes. I agree.
I was kicked out at 17.
It is the reason I am so responsible today.
And. It's the only reason why I needed accomodation so young.
I am responsible to a boring level because of being out so young. But at least I understand why.
I didn't have the net of the family home to save me... if i failed to be able to pay rent one week.
No rescue system.
Most Generation X people were kicked out at 18. Or shortly after.
Not unusual.
But our generation wanted to be out of the family home anyway.
We couldn't wait.
We were unable to force our parents to change the house and rules to suit us.
They were arseholes in many ways. There's no way we could have our TV in our room. Our own TV.
Screaming at us if we were on their home phone too long.
Had to eat what they cooked. And if ya didnt eat it. They said 'too bad, starve then'
Today's parents are like short order cooks. They actually ask their little kids what they WANT for dinner!!!!
How crazy is that.
But how is Kaia getting an apartment in Manhattan paid for her. Teaching her responsibility.
I know she's a successful model.
But on that unreliable income could she afford an apartment in Manhattan...alone?
No. Daddy or mummy probably bought it for her.
Alot of these rich parents buy or lease flats, apartments for their adult kids.
And they wonder why they are financially irresponsible.
I don't.
They've had it way too easy.
They even buy them nice cars.
No. Buy them an old embarrassing car.
It gives young people the incentive to work hard. To get rid of it.
God bless you.
Perhaps Kaia placed some of her modeling earnings into a trust and that provides some income for her?
Perhaps her parents set up a trust for her after she was born and that provides income?
Perhaps she has been on the yacht circuit. That pays big time.
Oh yes. I forgot about Yacht Prostitution.
Very lucrative for top models...$40,000 a night.
I can see why people do this.