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Someone hit her on the head....

So, while on a break (over six weeks).
Megain "ME" Markle, has decided.
Nay, drecreed, that we all need a new newpaper.
For, her to tell us how to live, etc.
Well, considering the job shes done so far..
It's going to be a bust...
But, a first day edition.
Would be fun for the bathroom...


T. W. said…
Does she not know print media is going the way of the dodo bird?
Chick'sOpinion said…
And I feel her Feminist attitudes are totally in collision with the confines of being a Royal 'wife'

I'm not knocking Feminist beliefs.

Everybody knows..I'm of the Feminist perspective. That has one of many catchphrases...

One of my favourite sayings is,

'Make ya own dinner'

Hell, I want that on gravestone.

But seriously.....

How is Meghan Markle a feminist when she's seeking personal power through men, through a marriage to a powerful man?

How is she modelling Feminism when she's hooked on her husband's grandmother's jewellery? And Tiaras.

How is jewellery female empowerment?

To me ...Female empowerment is living on your own independently, payin your own bills, havin a job, happiness not dependant on a man, not neccessarily having to pop outa baby. And if you do....not necessarily needing a man's help to raise it. And equal pay.

Meghan Markle has claimed 'there's no uniform for feminism'

Well Okay, but there's some definate key elements to it. And she's not lookin like a Feminist to me.

And they are starting to write about Meghan and her claim to represent Feminism.

Laura Clancy and Hannah Yelin, 2 university researchers...have written a piece.

Its called Meghan's Manifesto: Meghan Markle And The Co-Option of Feminism.

They argue that Meghan's activist voice has either been silenced or approriated by the Monarchy.

I agree with that. Cause she shut down her independent life. For them. Closed her own Lifestyle insta account.

And tried real hard to shut her gob.
And focussed on clothes, her beauty and image in the media.

I agree with Cheatsheet, 'Becoming a Princess was her most anti-Feminist desision yet'
jele6 said…
So what's going on with Princess Beatrice? Will the wedding happen without drama? Any predictions on her future marriage?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well. Once christmas/ New Year is completely over. Meghan will get the news that the Queen flicked the kill switch on all Meghan's Trademark applications.

Meghan is a silly cow.

Any fool would know and see that.

The only one makin personal income from the Monarchy the Queen.

This trademarks application of Meghan's is so stupid.

It's like thinkin you can Trademark Macdonalds....for yourself, just cause you want to.

Ummm. No

Hell no!
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD is Meghan and Prince Harry using all different babies as Archie, for the small amount of pics they have released?

Not one of them looks alike to me.
T. W. said…
The baby is “dead.”
Anonymous 843 said…
Establishing a new print newspaper is in direct conflict with their environmental and ecological pontifications.

And the baby? Something off with that whole pregnancy and delivery and lack of photos.
Quiet said…
Just like CD predicted last year.. This meghan will make dianas story look like a nursery rhyme.

The last pic taken or shown (yesterday) with harry holding the baby with mountains behind him have some saying it is on the roof top of a Vancouver rehab centre harry has been at. Who knows as all the pics are photoshopped.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 843

That is a good point!


I heard rumors about Harry being in rehab again. The plot thickens...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Ive heard psychics say Prince Harry has a big fat recreational drug problem.

And booze problem.

Meghan likes the booze too. But i doubt if she would not recognize that it was becoming a problem.

As for this baby. Archie.

It's just all too fishy.

Everything. The faked pregnancy. And how they seem unable to produce pics of the baby. Or rarely.

The British Press photographers are some of the most intrepid determined and well connected in the world.

And yet, still they have been unable to produce pics of Archie even from a long distance.

Why is that?

That is bizarre.

As they always get their pics.

Even if it was from a long distance.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous 843

This claim that she's gonna develop her own newspapers is intriguing.

But it's clear to me.

That all the newspaper will be, is a Propaganda tool. For her beliefs or at least faked ones.

And an instrument to further her politician aspirations.

And a Royal Family bashing vehicle. To claim she's great. And they are shit

AND a destination for Ad space for products ...consumerables she's tryin to flog.

Nah. I agree.

This Newspaper idea of hers will tank.
Anonymous said…
Meghan Markle hitched her "feminist" wagon to a star (a royal prince) for the purposes of wealth, fame, status, security, independence.

Does she love Prince Harry? I don't know. Does she control him? Yes, I think she does and continues to control him.

The baby pic with Prince Harry, the one recently posted on their Royal Instagram, at least to me, looks like the same kid that was in Africa (the kid is sooooo cute). The only thing I wonder about their son is its real age. Archie (not Arthur, duh), is seven months old. To me, he looks older? But I don't have any children so I'm not the best person in the world to suggest that the child looks older, but maybe he is?

Meghan has an agenda for everything she does. She is manipulative. Well, tonight she was on the news. Apparently a couple out on a hike on the island where Prince Harry and Meghan were "vacationing" at Christmas and ran into them, and Meghan offered to take three photos of them. Of course, she was nice as pie. Archie was not with Harry and Meghan on the hike.

Read more:

Her idea of trademarking "Sussex Royal," is so incredibly astonishing. Gawd, she really thinks she is something, doesn't she? And Harry, just follows along. Which is even more astonishing, considering he is a Royal. Have any of the prior Royals ever trademarked their namesake brand? Is everything about the Royals, money to Meghan? She isn't Beyonce!

If you go on Youtube and download any Meghan Markle video, the comments are mostly negative. People DO NOT like her.

My intuition tells me Meghan is bad news. I feel for Prince Harry, he is not manipulative or a bad guy. He got suckered in by her manipulative charms and it's gonna be a sad outcome.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Why does Meghan want to manufacture toilet paper?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Agree with what you are saying. Re. Manipulation

And Meghan IS really unpopular as a Royal. Universially.

The thing is, popularity as a Royal... it's not a long term problem I think for her.

To be really disliked as a Royal.

Because she isn't going to be one long.

Nor is she gonna remain in the UK.

Prince Harry on the other hand, is burdened for life with birthright and responsibilities as a Royal.

Meghan doesnt give a sh..t about screwing up his life.

His reputatuon as a Royal. That's his long term problem I far as she's concerned.

No effect. On her. And the new life she's planning without him.

She's very similar to Japanese, so called artist, Yoko Ono. And how she operated. As wife of John Lennon.

Yoko Ono was/ is a very strong psychopathic personality.

It's a fact that once she was sure she had John Lennon completely infatuated with her. She went up against the 3 other Beatles.

And defied their rules.

And got away with it. Because John Lennon backed her all the way. And. It was easy cause he had addiction issues.

Through this behaviour. Yoko Ono was able to eliminate John Lennon's trusted friends. And turn them into his enemies.

Very quickly.

She also eiminated John Lennon's wife Cynthia, around the same time. And John's son Julian.

She went on a quiet rampage. Breaking down all communication with John's existing trusting relationships.

Yoko then took over the whole managment of John Lennon's media image, music contracts, political activities, his legal issues to do with his U.S visa.

And Managment of his finance. As far as she could.

Then she moved him to the U.S.

Sound familiar.

It's all Meghan's tactics currently with Prince Harry. Quite similar.

The only difference.

Yoko Ono wanted total control over John Lennon for a lifetime.

Meghan only wants to control Prince Harry's life long enough to make alot of money and acheive International fame.

Oh and I don't think Yoko Ono was the least in love with John Lennon at the end of his life. As she claims.

She was already seeing someone else at the time ofJohn Lennon's murder.

A Rolling Stone Journalist who knew her then. Broke that story. Decades later.

I'm not claiming John Lennon was a perfect person either. He was incredibly bitchy. And mean spirited.

But his life got completely hijacked. By a 'Meghan' personality.

And this is also a fact.

While John Lennon was writing the immortal peace and anti materialistic lyrics to the song, Imagine.

Yoko Ono had a whole refrigerated room in their apartment.

For all her real Fur coats.

Like Meghan, her image was carefully cultivated ....faked. And she also, was a master at PR.
Her background as a Performance Artist made it easy for her.

She totally manipulated the media.

Yoko Ono, like Meghan Markle, was all about the money.

The other Beatles, Paul McCartney and George Harrison had Yoko Ono worked out from day 1. And hated her.

Her motivations were easy for them to see. Cause unlike John Lennon....they were not in love with her

Quite the opposite. They despised her.

Paul McCartney left them a note one day when John and Yoko stayed at his London place. It started....

'You and your Jap Tart'

It shows the depth of fury McCartney had for Yoko.

For me, Prince Harry's situation mirrors exactly what happened to John Lennon. And how Prince Harry has lost his relationship with his brother, Prince William. And Kate.

They have Meghan all worked out.

They are just waiting for Prince Harry to wake up from the infatuation. And manipulation.

And get himself free.
Jules said…
There has been a massive change for all public figures since the spread of social media. It's a good thing. Lies are more easily exposed. The ability to mislead and deceive has been greatly reduced. Hence, the utter pointlessness of fake baby Archie photos as they are immediately torn apart ... I will admit I literally laughed out loud when I saw the photoshopped image the Sussex's released over Christmas .. Meghan's face not being blurred is just too funny, the whole image is sooo funny and so badly done, which makes me wonder are they releasing these images on purpose to insult us or are they really that stupid?

I came across some very interesting posts floating around twitter tonight in regards to 'Archie' and I will share them with you ..

Take a look at the following posts from the twitter account Lilac ...

post one ..

post two ...

Lauren Louise @LaurenL45168869 on twitter claims the child Harry is holding recently is a girl called Lila ... she said the following .. Point of photo comparison... odd coincidence a photo of Lila is shared a day after a baby (?), held by Harry, is wearing a strikingly similar hat

the photo comparison is here ..

Jules said…
Christian, can we please do a prayer circle for Australia .. my heart cannot bare this .. the loss of life and the pain they are suffering is unbearable .. ?

Really missing your predictions.
Jules said…
and another interesting twitter account using images from the public domain .. the truth is stirring everyone in the face .. look through her twitter account .. its very eye opening..

Melisa @Melisa49887344

Chick'sOpinion said…

The toilet paper is probably one of her environmental ventures. To make money.

BTW There's a pic in the Daily Mail today.

Of Meghan from years ago.

It's with her and her good friend, Katherine McPhee.

You can see clearly that they no longer have the same noses. It's Meghan's old double nose.

Also, there's a pic as well, in the article of Katherine McPhee today. She's the golddigger who's married to the old song writer, David Forster.

She's also the one who Christian predicted is hoping he dies. And she gets all his money.
And I think, correct me if I'm wrong too...Christian also said David Forster's health is at risk with her.

I can see why Meghan Markle and Katherine McPhee have maintained a good friendship.

Both shameless golddiggers.

And both had nose jobs.
T. W. said…
I wonder if Yoko Ono was sent to be John’s MKULTRA handler.

In my opinion John Lennon was at best mentally disturbed and at worst he was demon possessed. I’m sure Yoko is a demon.
T. W. said…
I want to know how a 7 month old child can stand in its own without support.

Does that baby look 7 months old to you?
T. W. said…

I noticed the same when I first saw the news report.

Dr. Phil and his family are THEM.

The black and white checkerboard ceiling is a dead giveaway.

One time I saw Dr. Phil talking to a mind control victim. He kept saying strange words to trigger her. The woman said THEY programmed multiple personalities into her.

Dr. Phil told her he thought she needed to go to a psychiatric care facility to have new programs put in. I am not making this up. The poor woman started shaking on camera.

Don’t take my word for it:
T. W. said…

Can you please post a link?
Anonymous said…

Here’s the link to the article that clearly shows old pic of Meghan Markle and her original nose.
T. W. said…
They are 3 years apart in age but went to school together. Okay.

Further proof these reality show contestants are all part of the occult elite. The system is rigged.

If she’s so proud to be black then why did she change her nose?

I see Kay McPhee doesn’t claim her African ancestry...
Chick'sOpinion said…

In your opinion you really think Meghan Markle....really had formally.... an African Anerican nose?

Her former nose looked to me to come from another planet.

It had double sides. Like wings.

It was a good move she had a nose job in my view . Cause her original one was neither a beautiful rounded African American nose. Nor a nice Caucasion one.

It was just plain weird.

She should have got a nose job far earlier.

I think her weird arse nose held up her acting career.

And there's evidence that as soon as she had a nose job. Her luck started to change.

I think she's had work done to improve her lips and smile too.

Blake Lively had a nose job.

If you look at her before and after pics. It improved her looks 100%.

And no doubt, gave her a chance as an A List Actress.

Dear People

Only get a nose job if you genuinely have a terrible nose. That ruins your good looks.

Some people get obsessed that there's something wrong with their noses ...when there isn't.

I'm not sayin butt ugly noses are not common. But most people are born with Okay noses.

I sincerely hope Plastic Surgeons today, say to people at the consultation stage,

'Theres nothing wrong with ya f..ckin nose'
'Im not operating'
T. W. said…
I take it you have not seen many black people in person. Meghan & Katherine definitely had African noses.

I see white people still think we are ugly. Is it any wonder we straighten our hair, bleach out skin, and alter our bodies...
Chick'sOpinion said…

No. If you look at Meghan Markle's original nose. It's far more like her father's.

And he has a the weirdest nose ever.

In fact ...on her website ...the lifestyle one she no longer has. Or one of her former social media sites, she no longer has , she posted a comment one day. To her dad.


'Thank you daddy for my Markle nose'

The thing is, this was long after she'd had a nose job, to change her nose completely.

Just goes to show. She was comfortable about tellin lies on Social Media.

Long before she became really famous. And hooked up with Harry.

She should have actually posted

'Thank you dear plastic Surgeon for my new nose'
T. W. said…
I agree that her real nose did not suit her. That happens to a lot of people.

I have often said that blacks are racist towards other blacks.

Meghan thanked her dad for her Markle nose is throwing shade at her black mother. But who was at her side for her wedding?
Jules said…
TW - I know you dislike tarot readings ... however ... if you are able to watch .. here is a very interesting reading on the latest Archie pic ...

WHY?! BABY ARCHIE NEW YEAR PHOTO! (So Many Things Don't Fit!)

I really like her readings and she picks up on a lot of things .. including the elite etc..
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules.

I do not believe Meghan Markle was ever pregnant.

I do not believe Meghan Markle has any biological children.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I will check out that tarot reading too.
T. W. said…
T. W. said…

I saw what I could of the reading.

Nothing against Jeanine.

Rider-Waite Tarot gives me the creeps. I could feel the evil energy coming off them. Evil spirits are attached to Rider-Waite tarot cards. I don’t know how other people can’t feel that bad energy.
T. W. said…
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