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BEWARE those that not honest ...


Cordelia said…
You dont need to see the whole staircase just see the first step.
T. W. said…
Even her (Justice) pu$$ycat ain’t safe from being grabbed.

The voters are watching. I doubt Teflon Don will be impeached.
T. W. said…
Someone asked me last month if Kobe was a cheater. I said not that I knew of. Well, I’ve been remembering things since brain rest (I’m still on it). A blind on CDAN jogged my memory.

Kobe’s wife filed for divorce but then dropped it. I remember Kobe gave her a huge diamond ring. I think it was yellow or pink. Story made front page on The National Enquirer.

Here is the blind about the alleged love child:

T. W. said…
Still think the entertainment industry isn’t the devil’s playground?

Kanye West: 'Record Label Contracts Ban Artists From Saying 'Jesus'!!'
T. W. said…
Thai Doctors See Success Treating Coronavirus With HIV Drugs


The drug treatment includes a mixture of anti-HIV drugs Loinavir and ritonavir, in combination with flu drug oseltamivir in large doses.


The link between HIV and the coronavirus was first reported by Dr. Eric Ding, a visiting health scientist at the Harvard School of Health. permanently banned for publishing a post about Dr. Ding's theory linking HIV to the coronavirus. was supposedly banned for "doxing" a researcher at a level 4 laboratory in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the virus.

The researcher, Dr. Peng Zhou, studied bats to determine why they are reservoirs for the world's deadliest pathogens yet they don't get sick. questioned whether Dr. Zhou developed a superbug from bat virus or whether one of his bats escaped from his lab, which is located about 4 miles from the fish market linked to the first reported coronavirus death in Wuhan.

Twitter has banned or suspended accounts for promoting the idea that a man-made virus bioweapon is the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus. But Dr. Ding's Twitter account is still active.
T. W. said…
Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions", Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon

Friends, it’s best to read this article for yourselves.
T. W. said…
In my opinion Super Bowl and the rest of spirting events are rigged.

Patrick Mahomes 'Anti-Trayvon Martin' Tweets Go Viral Again After Superbowl Win


At the time, Patrick believed that George Zimmerman - who most African Americans regard as a racist psychopath - was rightfully found "Not Guilty" by jurors.

The jury in the Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin murder trial ignored mountains of evidence against George - including his past racist behavior, his previous assaults of police officers, his previous cases of domestic violence, cases where he threatened to murder someone and then lied to police, saying it was self-defense, that he was told by the 911 operator not follow Trayvon Martin, a minor child, and did anyway, that he was a grown man and armed and that Trayvon Martin was a minor child and unarmed - and the jury acquitted Zimmerman, to the outrage and disgust of many African Americans.
T. W. said…
In case anyone is wondering, another reason I post excerpts or entire articles is because sometimes articles are removed from the internet.
T. W. said…
Link to halftime show:

Dear straight men & lesbians,

You are welcome.

T. W. said…
Let’s see:

J. Lo performed on a stripper pole & then posed on it as though it were a cross,

Children later came on stage after the sex show,

Some children performed inside of ILLUMINATED cages,

J. Lo & Shakira were scantily clad and shakes their butts while the children were on stage.
T. W. said…
The other psychic predicted the corona virus in 2013. I will post a link because he allows me to post links to Christian’s site. Also, this deer does not copy Christian but he has confirmed a lot of what Christian says. I have seen others copy Christian word for word.


Quiet said…
Is that Kelly Anne Conway in the pic with man hands covering her run off mouth ?
jele6 said…
I only watched a few minutes of the Super Bowl. How did Demi Lavato do? I remember CD said something about her maybe having problems.
Letty said…
They could care less if the world is watching

Lucifer approves of their conduct and that’s who
They report to!! That is who protects all of them

I am starting to feel that trump will be re-elected
In November
Chick'sOpinion said…

Well just like the jury aqquitted George Zimmerman.

Looks very much like in the final vote, the senate are going to aquit Trump.

This is apparently because a majority would require a two thirds majority.


There is uncertainty over the margin of the vote and it's possible some Senators will cross party lines.


Some of these senators from both parties are keeping real quiet of which way they are gonna vote convict Trump or aquit him.

For abuse of power or obstructing Congress.

Are they keeping real quiet. Because they are going to vote aquit.

I think so.

Because the reality is.... whether they are Republican or Democrat. Some of them probably believe the changes Trump is making in the U.S.... are needed. And will vote aquit.

Who knows.

But the fact is...the U.S needed change. Years ago. Because they were and still are, in alot of the hole financially.
To China. Soooo much debt to China.

How the did China become the U.S's landlord?

It's just shocking.
And reprehensible.
The debt has gone down quite abit since 2018.
But still stands at 1.10 Trillion to China.
And the U.S need a miracle to get outa this level of Debt to China.
No wonder Trump is argumentative and furious with them.

Poor Japan is the 2nd most in debt to China.

But unfortunately the U.S is in the most debt to them.

Most people would agree with the fact that some kind of change was needed in the U.S with many things.
Not just what to do about the Chinese debt hole.

But what alot of people don't agree with. Is how the changes have been done by Trump.
To fix the problems.

For a start... Most Americans would be against Trump giving his son, daughter and son-in-law high profile high security roles in the U.S Government.
Enough to have high levels of influence.

And. For them to financially gain from those roles.

That is unforgivable in my veiw.
And was one of Trump's biggest errors.

Well. One of these senators said they 'won't know till they walk in.' Which way they are gonna vote in this impeachment.

I call B.S on that.

You don't need any closing arguments to know your own opinion of Trump's politics.
Everyone knows their own opinion.

No. They are keeping secret on how they are gonna vote.
Because they are gonna vote to aquit Trump.

And they don't want to be judged on which way they vote.
Until the vote is over.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I always thought George Zimmermann would end up being murdered.

Didn't Christian predict that?
That the Karma Gods would visit him?

George Zimmerman is currently suing as you know, Trayvon's Martin's family. For $100 million.

Is he nuts?

That's pokin a stick at a Rattlesnake.

He's managed to stay alive since murdering Trayvon Martin in 2012. And had the good fortune of being acquitted of 2nd Degree murder for it.

Anyone else would be fully grateful for that aquittal.
When it was clearly murder.

But. Nope.

Not this guy...George Zimmerman
Chick'sOpinion said…
The Coronavirus in France.

But not in Russia. Never in Russia...China's direct neighbor.... Border sharers.

Funny that.

Oh I'm sorry...there are 2 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Russia today.

But they are NOT Russians.

They are Chinese Citizens.

Funny that.

No. CoronaVirus was never planted in Russia.

By prior agreement.

But it was planted in many other countries.
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi T.W. nice to see that you are back - but still remember to take it a little slow for a while OK
Anonymous said…
TW, you have it exactly right. Kids in cages are now entertainment...singing for the masses. As are hyper-sexualized, middle-aged women writhing around and shaking their asses. Just your basic depiction of America on Trump.
Anonymous 843 said…
HRH TW, *hugs,* echoing Talkgirl12, so happy to see you but don’t rush and take care of yourself! Personally, I firmly believe you are under spiritual attack at present.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Dr Ding and his Dingbats...


Pretty sure there's no way the Chinese would let an accident... like an infected bat escape the Lab.

Still believe the virus was released purposefully

by the Chinese.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Watched some of the Super Bowl Half Time Sex show.

Cause that's what it was.

Agree. It was highly sexualized. The Pole Dancers and J Lo on the pole really topped it off.

Not to mention that silver costume of her going right up her crutch.

Made me cross my legs. Every time she deliberately dropped to her knees. And spread her legs.
It put me off my afternoon tea.

As for Shakira.
She'd be alot more watchable if she stopped doing all those Pelvic thrusts to simulate sex.

Actually I dislike all female entertainers doing that.

It cheapens them.

And I agree with TW. Over sexualised show all round. Without consideration kids are watching that.
Totally wrong.

I noticed for Shakira's set. She used part of a Led Zepplin song called Kashmir.

If you are that good. You shouldn't have to use other people's hits.

But one thing I will agree on. Shakira and J Lo are fantastic dancers.

For older chicks.
They can bang it out.
Anonymous said…
Jele6 - Demi Lovato looked and sung beautifully. High praise from everyone. Good for her!

Halftime Show: Shakira moved her Brazilian assets in a beautiful way. Seriously. But her hair resembled a mop. She also exhibited her tongue skills. That was very strange and funny. JLo looked gorgeous from head to toe. Great Versace custom outfits worth $$$$$$. Aside from that, nothing special. Maybe you had to be there. Some media are saying it was the greatest halftime show ever. Sorry, Bruno Mars rocked it.

Can't they find anyone these days who can really sing? They even showed Cardi B getting all emotional watching Shakira (and JLO). I mean, come on.

T.W. is correct. One minute on a pole, the next you see angelic girls in white singing onstage including JLo's sweet daughter. Kids are watching the show. But today, kids have access to the internet and TV, and they pretty much have seen it all. They are bombarded with sexual images 24/7. The pole part was done in a classy way aside from JLo parting her legs exposing a very thin leather strip, fortunately the camera man did not show that part (of her). The Superbowl execs are really good about keeping things relatively "clean."

Chick's Opinion, thank you for your comments the other day about George Clooney. You always bring an interesting light to things. It makes sense what you said, especially given that George and Amal are friendly with Harry and Meghan. Didn't George speak out in support of Meghan once? Seems after that, he got quiet. Or was it around the time Epstein came to light? Or maybe it was Weinstein? Or after he had the motorcycle accident? I just can't help feeling that George isn't a gentlemanly as we would like to believe. I never liked him for some reason. That's why I think he's "laying low" and not because he's worried about him and Amal looking like hypocrites with their jet set lifestyle, but because there is something else going on. Just a hunch. Bedtime for Bozo! Me! LOL

CAP Anonymous
Melic21 said…
Welcome back TW we missed you hoping for a positive recovery for you 🙏💜
Chick'sOpinion said…

Are you back on top?

Cap Anonymous said Bruno Mars was the best ever Super Bowl Half Time time show.

I'm gonna watch that. Should be good.

At least we know with won't be a sex show.

He kinda remainds me of Michael Jackson.

Is it the moves?

The kinda Motown influenced music?

Not sure

But I really like him.

This Super Bowl Half Time show seeems a huge deal in the U.S.

Where I live I'd never heard of it until recently.

Seems as big as the F.A Cup is to English people
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yes. Well we know dear George Clooney accepted a B.J from Ghislaine Maxwell many years ago.

Which disgusts me.

We know about it. Because she bragged about it to Virginia Roberts...Epstein's sex trafficking minor victim.

Something if it happened. He deeply regrets. No doubt.

And something that Amal would be furious about.

Dont blame her.

Anyway .....I'd say George Clooney is deeply worried his either frienship or even knowing Jeffery Epstein is gonna come out.

Just like Simon Cowell tanned himself tanoexic dark. So it didnt look like him in pics old photos of him with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell ....they are all distancing themselves from knowing Jeffery Epstein.
T. W. said…
Quiet - That is not Conway, that is justice. You will see her blindfolded & holding balanced scale if you go to a courtroom in America. Justice is supposed to be blind and fair. That does not apply to people of color in America.
T. W. said…

China got our land thanks to Hillary Clinton.

Hitlery Clinton brokered deals that allowed China to purchase American land. She also brokered a deal that allowed them to own/control the only deep water sea port on the US west coast.

China “invested” in US when they bought US government Treasury Bonds. Legally, the owner of the bonds can call in the loan at any time & get the monetary value of those bonds at that time.

China can tell the US “We need to cash out all of the T bonds we bought from you. We need our money this week.”

The US is so deep in debt we can never repay this debt. Perhaps China will take land in exchange...
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - Yes, Christian did say that. I’m not holding my breath.

Gangs should think about who they are beating, robbing, and killing. If you are gonna do these things to others at least be a vigilante. I need Robin Hood to give me some money.
T. W. said…

Thank you! I’m not officially back. I’ve been having some thoughts that need to be shared. I will go through and respond to the posts when I am medically cleared.

God bless you and all the Friends!
T. W. said…
Anonymous 843

I agree with you. Bizarre things keep happening. If no witnesses were present when these things happened I would check myself into a psychiatric facility. The mentally interesting have my compassion and prayers.
T. W. said…
LOL Chick’sOpinion!

When I saw J. Lo’s outfit with the silver crotch I thought to myself, “That is not the correct way to wear a maxi pad with wings.”

J. Lo is a man so she wouldn’t know...
T. W. said…
Shakira is a trained belly dancer, but I agree, that was not appropriate for a family event.

I’m still disgusted about the kids in cages.

CAP Anonymous

I saw the halftime show on Yahoo! Sports app. I couldn’t miss J. Lo’s crotch. Perhaps Fox didn’t show it due to the mandatory 5 second delay per FCC rules.

The pole dance was “classy” until she did the crucifixion pose. I wonder how many sheeple missed that...

As for George Clooney, I have heard for years he is gay. I’ve heard this from multiple sources. CDAN claims he likes to go to Italy because they have a low age of consent. CDAN also claims one of his bottoms/victims died in the motorcycle crash.
T. W. said…
Thank you Melic21!

Chick’sOpinion - I’m not officially back yet. Bruno has a Michael Jackson vibe. Some people believe Bruno is Michael’s son. Notice he hadn’t put out an album since he won Album if the Year Grammy. Perhaps he values his soul...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I could well beleive Bruno Mars and his life is in danger.

He's a nice little soul. Who doesn't want to get manipulated by the music industry.

But unfortunately resisting can result in you suddenly 'dying' of drugs.

If you are no longer selling out Tours etc as a singer.....suddenly you become a liability to these music labels.

Is Bruno Mars keepin his head down low?

To survive.

I think so.
T. W. said…
I think I misspoke. I think the FCC has a 30 second delay, not 5. I will repost my initial thoughts about the Live Sex Show:

* * * * * * *

I broke doctor’s orders to watch Demi Lovato sing the National Anthem (YouTube) and the Super Bowl Halftime Show (Yahoo! Sports App).

About Demi:

CDAN swore it would be bad because Demi is (allegedly) on drugs and she was (allegedly) seen partying until 6am knowing she would have to sing in about 12 hours.

Demi looked and sounded great! I need to know what drugs she took...

About Shakira & MV, uh, I meant J. Lo:

Lots of Illuminati/occult symbolism. It was obvious.

Pitbull, another Hispanic/Latino man, and Hispanic/Latino children did perform on stage.

Shakira & J. Lo performed together towards the end but you could tell J. Lo did not want that.

Shakira performed first. It’s nice to know a biological female can make it in show business...

She looked and sounded great. She didn’t hide her “flawed” body with shape wear the way J. Lo did.

Shakira played guitar & drums. J. Lo performed no instrument.

Shakira danced great! Her husband needs to write thank you letters to Shakira’s dance teachers...

J. Lo didn’t sing live. If you are surprised to hear this then please visit the link I provide to the revealed blind item. That blind item is Enty’s (CDAN) claim you fame. Be sure to type MV into the search box to see the rest of the MV blinds.

J. Lo had nice outfits.

J. Lo has nice hair extensions.

J. Lo performed on a stripper pole. Keep in mind American football and the Super Bowl are considered family events.

J. Lo was stiff when she danced. Yes, I know she is 50 years old. She will be 51 in July.

But guess what.

Shakira turned 43 years old today and she moved better than people half her age.

Bee Yawn Say is at least 47 years old. She can dance and sing LIVE at the same time.

Janet Jackson is 53 years old. She will be 54 in May. You go to a Janet concert for the dancing, not the singing.

Madonna is 61 years old. She will be 62 in August. Madonna dances very well. You go to a Madonna concert to watch her dance, not hear her sing. Having said that, Madonna can dance and sing LIVE at the same time.

Blind Items Revealed #11 - Anniversary Month
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree ....if theres one thing Madonna can do. Its dance.

She was a professional dancer very early in life.

And got her brother into dancing professionally too.

She was once kind and loving to her brother.

Once he started to take cocaine occasionally. Back in the 90's. She booted him out of her life forever.

Madonna is a very ruthless character.

Does Kabbala teach that?

I doubt it.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

I will choose my words carefully for the sake of my health.

Not all Kabbalah centers teach the same thing.

Also, Jews do not consider Kabbalah a form of Judaism. They say it is doctrines of devils.

No further comment.

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