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Birds of a Feather.. THey look like triplets... 1 down, 2 to go..


T. W. said…
Are those really Andrew’s teeths?

When will $cientology end?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. And I can well imagine Prince William definately wants the Royal family cleansed of any sex offenders. Before he becomes King.

I get the feeling Prince William has a hatred of any kind of smut. And perversity.

You only had to notice how berserk he went and sued. When French Magazine, Closer. For took pics pictures of Kate sunbathing topless and quickley published them that summer, in 2012.

The topless pics were taken when Kate and Prince William were holidaying at a private Chateau in Provence, owned by Viscount Linley...the Queen's nephew.

Kate was only wearing the bottoms of her bikini.
The British Press were offered these pics. But refused them.

As there's no way they would ever publish a nude pic of a Royal.

When the pics hit the newspapers and magazines briefly in Europe, Prince William applied for an immediate injunction.

Good. And so he should.

He told the court when it came to court in France, that the pics

'breached the privacy of what was a few days at a secluded villa owned by a member of my family. To enjoy our privacy'.

Prince William won his case.

But I want to say. That I hold every hope. And confidence. That Prince William is going to bring back the class and dignity to the Royal family.
And insist on it.
He appears to not suffer fools gladly when it comes to matters of privacy. And decorum.
Including intrusive questions.

I'm hoping when he becomes King.
That he banishes Prince Andrew from the UK. With strict instructions. That if he involves himself in any kind of sex offending again, public or otherwise. He will cut off every avenue of funding to him. And his family.
Incuding accomodation.

CD. Am I right on this. Because Im feeling Prince William is furious with Prince Andrew.
Odin said…
What about Barclays CEO in UK? Already under investigation
Kitt Med said…
Wonder besides NY, and CA, where these cases will go around the world?
Anonymous said…
There is probably more than just these three.

A lot more.

Probably some are really concerned. Clooney?

Why do I do think he's going to be one of them?

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
Weinstein will get a snack on the wrists. But how many can you get to sign the NDAs?
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Yes. Can you do a prediction about Barclays Bank CEO, Jes Staley.

Seems he knew Jefferry Epstein very well.

When Jes Staley led JP Morgan.

Was Jes Staley one of Epstein's 'customers' ?

Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

George Clooney knew Ghislaine Maxwell at some point.
T. W. said…
Oprah turned off Instagram comments after Weinstein conviction

Harvey Weinstein Went To Bellevue With “Chest Pains” As Bill Cosby Sent Him Love And Support

Bill Cosby’s Instagram posts supported message about Harvey Weinstein


Harvey Weinstein confined to wheelchair at Bellevue Hospital; In stable condition

Twitter Clowns Harvey Weinstein For Ditching His Walker Following Guilty Verdict!!

Harvey Weinstein Transported To The Hospital After Being Found Guilty In New York Rape And Sexual Assault Trial

Yesterday, disgraced Hollywood movie producer, Harvey Weinstein, aged 67, was rushed to Bellevue hospital in New York, complaining of chest pains, after being found guilty of rape and sexual assault. How ironic, as many of his victims suffered panic attacks that felt like heart attacks, due to the chest pains that accompany them.
Chick'sOpinion said…

How faked up his chest pains are.

Does he seriously think that this is gonna keep him outa jail.

And why would Oprah disable comments on her Twitter. When Weinstein's verdict came in?

Bit odd.

Especially when she told anyone who would listen for 3 decades that she was raped as a child.

She's hardly a leader in sexploitation if she wont even be part of the cheer squad for the cause.
T. W. said…
Oprah is a pedo & she supports white male pedos. In my opinion of course.

She & Gay-le yacht on Geffen’s boat. She’s since partying with him, Weinstein, and other alleged sex offenders. She attempted to make a documentary about a black man accused of sex offenses. Guess what. Black celebrities called Oprah out on her hypocrisy.

I’ll say it again. When her talk show was in syndication Oprah would fish for details from guests who were sexually abused. The look on her face told me she was getting off on it.

One time Patti LaBelle did a cooking demonstration. Oprah grabbed Patti’s tittie out of the blue.

One of these days I’ll tell you how I really feel about Oprah...
T. W. said…
What about Steven Spielberg???

Today's Blind Items - More, More, More
Anonymous said…
Whaaat? Why would Oprah shut down? That's very strange, isn't it?

But listen guys, T.W., no way she would know about Weinstein and I believe if she did know the truth about him, she would shun him.

Wouldn't she? Wouldn't you?

Oprah is uber rich, has waaaaay more money than Weinstein and is powerful in her own right. She don't need Weinstein!

One famous actress that did know about Weinstein was Meryl Streep.

I don't agree T.W. that Oprah is a nutter. She's been in the public eye for how long? Years. No one has ever come forward and said anything about her. I think she did those shows on sexual abuse to shed light on the issue as well as to offer healing.

And Gayle doesn't strike me as a nut either. I think they are both good human beings.

Ahhh, Chick's Opinion, there it is. So Mr. Clooney knew Ghislaine? So I'm wondering if she hooked him up.

CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anononymous

I agree. I don't think Oprah Winfrey is a even remotely a pedo. Or a lesbian.

I read Kitty Kelly's biography on Oprah at my mum's place when I was bored stupid.

And I can tell you. One fact. Oprah had a fairly good sex life with men when she was young. When she working at a radio station. Etc.

Kitty Kelly, the author, spills the dirt on celebrities whether they like it or not.

Kitty Kelly is the one who wrote a contraversial biography on Frank Sinatra.

And told the truth. That his mother was a local abortionist in their suburb. When he was little.

I read that biography too.. But can't remember the details. Only that she was very involved in the setting up the deal for people who needed illegal abortions.

Frank Sinatra went nuclear about Kitty Kelly writing that in her book. When this book came out.

With that info about his mother.

In fact he rang frirnds and told them he was seriously considering having Kitty Kelly whacked by the Mafia over it.

He was furious.

And one thing frank sinatra definately had...was a really bad temper. Just like his mother.

Anyway it's proof that Kitty kelly writes all the dirt.... if there is any. Even to the point risking getting murdered to do so.

If there WAS any dirt on Oprah being gay. Or a lesbian. She would have included it in her book.

All she discovered. Was that Oprah occasionally got obsessed in some men.

And we've all done that at some stage.

But lesbian sex. And Oprah?

Anonymous said…
Yup, total agreement, Chick's Opinion.

Yup, if there was something on Miss O, Miss Kitty would have found it and published it. And others would have too -- but they haven't -- ever.

I inherited a whole slew of books, including some books by Miss Kitty.

I have never read them. Never had the time. Someday.

I did not know this about Frank's mother. Wow.

Yes, if someone goes ballistic, it usually means one thing: It's the truth.

Because if it isn't, people don't go ballistic. They might get upset, of course, but they do not go ballistic.

Anyway, such interesting stuff Miss Kitty wrote about. I think she wrote one on Jackie Kennedy too. I think she's dead now. I don't think we have anyone today like Miss Kitty.

Someone who writes should take her place. I just don't think there are enough interesting people to write about anymore. I mean, Trump? Lots to write about him, I'm sure but I don't want to read about him.

CAP Anonymous

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