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One down, many more to go......... Hollywood too

At the moment the pig that is Harvey Weinstein.
Is gloating, that a single charge has been dropped.
Well, that's a case of counting your chickens...
Before they are hatched.
He'll still be wearing......
In the not so distant future........


Anonymous said…
He got off on the most serious charges, he will probably win the appeal. Because Cosby's legal team are following this case.
chris said…
Lady Justice seems to have had enough of these abusive old white men who think they are invincible. Trump is next.
Psychic Gossip said…
He won't get off. plus he has to face the same in LA soon..CDX
T. W. said…
This deformed entity could spend up to 25 years in prison. Los Angeles can take Weinstein to trial too.

He will learn all about rape in prison...
T. W. said…
The Harvey Weinstein Verdict Is In: Guilty Of Third Degree Rape And Criminal Sexual Act

BREAKING: Harvey Weinstein NOT Guilty On Serious Charges, Convicted On Lesser Charges
Chocmint33 said…
Sweet Karma!

He's joined another entertainment big shot Phil Spector in the slammer.

Both abused woman. Spector killed one.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Is Harvey Weinstein's experience a big enough lesson to Hollywood?

A Hollywood that now operates soley on the evil motivations. Of exploitive sex, violence and porn in their films. And behind the scenes, Pedophilia.

And. A deep lust for money. And the material.

You see a Hollywood movie today.

And all you see in alot of them. Are sequences of porn, gratuitous violence. And male and female actors being used as Porn actors.

If you were watching movies decades before all this...before they decended into this indecent embarrassment. You find it quite rightly, offensive.

It's not about being a snob. It's about values. Respecting human beings.

And it's about NOT enjoying watching actors being demoralised.
And a personal choice. Of NOT wanting to watch porn.

If people want to watch porn. There's always been a way of accessing that. Separately from the art of film.

And the average movie goer doesn't want or need to see porn in a Hollywood movie. Or ....really serious violence.
Where people are harmed.

Does Hollywood know this?
Don't think they do.

Movies as an art form. Were produced very well...without pornographic scenes and extreme violence before.

The public then, understood that when a door closed on a couple in a scene.
The director was suggesting sex.
That's all that was required. Suggest it.
But don't make Actors simulate sex.
With the audience as voyeurs.

No way.

Harvey Weinstein's case for me. Only represents one sympton of the sickness in Hollywood.

And it's gonna take more than him being jailed to fix it.
The public have got to stop accepting porn in movies. And the level of violence that directors like Quentin Tarantino include.

Quentin Tarantino, like most directors, are clever enough to not need to include this stuff.

I would like to see strict guidlines on decency to be re-introduced into Hollywood.

It would not be a step backward.

It would be a step forward. Into the modern world. And would protect actors and actresses again.

Cause at the moment. They have very little protection in Hollywood.
Actually none in my veiw.
Anonymous said…
ELATED that Weinstein was found guilty!!!! Yessssssss!

Chick's Opinion, one thing that won't ever change is MEN.

Men will always be Men. Sex assaults have been since the beginning of time and I don't think this issue will ever go away as long as there are men and women that roam the earth.

Mind you, those life-like robots that are coming in the near future might be the answer... Hmmm...

So perhaps there will be less of this issue, but I still think it will never really quite disappear.

I feel Weinstein won't survive very long in jail. He will die.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Agree. But old Hollywood was never as bad as this.
And poor behaviour towards women has reached epidemic levels in my view.

I think it was not bad many decades ago...because men's general behaviour towards women was much more formal.

We need to bring that back.

The big boundaries need to come back.

Because in most cases that protected women.

Sophia Loren claimed she only experienced one unpleasant incident in her time in Hollywood makin movies.

She said that Marlon Brando grabbed her around the waist one day after filming.

She claims she slapped his face. And said 'don't you ever dare do thst again.'

And he didn't.

Slap a guy around the face for crossing boundaries today.

And he will not only slap you back. He'll belt the living daylights outa you.

That did not happen in the old days.

I asked my stepfather who's in his late 80's why.

He said,

'because ANY man who hit a woman back in those days was consisered a laughable coward. Hitting women was just not done'
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. That Phil Spector should have been locked up in the 1960's.

He got away with it. For so long. Because he was a big shot. But I also believe he paid off the local cops.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I also think men need to find in themselves integrity again.

They had it many decades ago.

They can get it back quite easily with the right choices.

Speaking of integrity. Did you all notice George Clooney is in the news today.

George Clooney advertises Nespresso Coffee.

But it's been discovered that Nespresso uses child labour to pick their coffee.

Nothing new here. With the coffee industry I hear you think.

But as we know, George and his unrelenting 'woke wisdom'. That he saturates his reputaion with these days.

Aint exactly aligned very well with child labour.

George Clooney. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Oh. And I'm sorry. You have to keep taking jobs doing adverts.

Cause the bills for all the designer shoes and handbags. That Amal buys.... is sending you broke.
T. W. said…
Hollywood sure likes sharing herpes...

Harvey Weinstein’s estranged wife Georgina Chapman moves on with actor Adrien Brody
T. W. said…
I thought Anal Clooney works?
T. W. said…
Open Post: They’re Dragging Sista Ava On Black Twitter


Black Twitter is dragging Ava DuVernay by her dreadlocks for an old post she wrote defending serial rapist Harvey Weinstein.

DuVernay and her sisters in Christ - Oprah and Gayle King - are successful Black women who have come under attack for vigorously defending Weinstein in the past.

Now they won't answer his phone calls from his hospital room at Bellevue after the disgraced Hollywood mogul was convicted of sex assault charges on Monday.


In her post dated June 1, 2012, DuVernay acknowledged she'd "heard all the Harvey stories over the years, but still a fan."

Winfrey and King, who also heard all the stories about Weinstein's sordid history, have yet to comment on their former friend's conviction.
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, I always appreciate your writings. You bring up some good stuff to ponder.

What changed? Everything. Society. Men. Women. Expectations. People are angry. Scared. Unhappy. Stressed. Whatever happened to nonpossessive warmth, friendliness, genuineness, honor, respect, affirmation, and empathy. So many narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, etc., today!

Women used to remain chaste and men were the hunters. They married a woman to get sex and other perks. Today? People are marrying less because men can get the "milk for free."

And it's available and free everywhere you go. It seems as though things have lost their meaning, their diamond dust, that loving feeling.

I do think women back in the Golden era slept with Hollywood producers to get roles in movies. Marlon Brando, he had a lot of testosterone! Back then, a hand on a waist was a big deal if you weren't her husband! Today, we laugh at this. Today? I have seen teenagers make out on public transportation with absolutely no embarrassment or shame. Why do women no longer have respect for themselves? Look at the way some of them dress. I'm not a prude, just believe you don't have offer everything on a plate.

But society back in the old Hollywood era was respectful and men acted like gentlemen, just as your Grandfather voiced. Like you said, if a woman slapped a man today, most would hit back!

You hear Dr. Phil on his show all the time telling men who have either hit their girlfriend or wives, that you never, ever put your hands on a woman in anger. And yet, hundreds of thousands of men do. Why?

Men don't even get up and offer a pregnant or elderly woman their seat on public transportation. It's usually WOMEN that do this now. What the hell happened to gentlemen? Like you said, where is their integrity?

The biggest turn-on for me is a gentleman. And what comes out of his mouth. Guys and their four-letter words.

Why are men so abusive today? So sexually-charged today?
These are questions beyond my payscale, I'm afraid.
It's like a sickness.

Elvis made lots of silly movies with lots of pretty women and he slept with probably most of them. And he was married at the time to Priscilla Presley.

A guy like Weinstein, ugh, I could never, abused his power and hurt and humiliated women. But to a desperate young starlet who wants Hollywood, a place where they'll pay you a million dollars for a kiss, and fifty cents for your soul, those girls will do anything, absolutely anything and sadly, some of them paid dearly.

I'm still looking for my younger Tom Hanks.

Yes, I hardly recognized George Clooney at first, he just seems to be aging so badly. Must be all those Tequila shots with his buddy, Randy. Had to laugh what you said about Amal!

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe!

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Astrology And Harvey Weinstein Conviction
T. W. said…
Harvey Weinstein Tosses Walker After Being Found Guilty Of Rape And Sexual Assault

He will be bent over in prison...
T. W. said…
Harvey Weinstein Ex-Wife Has Moved On With Actor Adrien Brody Who Is Half His Age
Anonymous said…
Hi T.W., yes I saw that the ex Mrs. Weinstein is now dating Adrien Brody.

Who is this guy, a once-actor? Perhaps he is a nice man.

She is an attractive woman, and rich.

She was smart to leave her husband Weinstein immediately and divorce.

But that doesn't mean we should be impressed or anything with her.

She married Weinstein, afterall.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous!

Adrien Brody won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in The Pianist. CDAN does not have good things to say about him.

As you know, the most recent Best Actor & “Female” Actress crown the next Academy Award winners.

Well, Adrien Brody kisses Halle Berry onstage for no reason. It was nasty & Halle looked shocked & embarrassed. Then she started laughing out of nervousness. Well. What did she expect? She had sex with a Billie Bob Thornton in camera and won an Oscar for it. Of course people see her as a whore.

Anyway, the Oscar Curse struck both Halle & Adrien. They haven’t had decent roles since & their personal lives are more dramatic than a soap opera.

Don’t forget, Billy Bob was married to Angelina Jolie. She stole him from Laura Dern. BBT & AJ were nasty. Wearing vials of each other’s blood, playing with knives while intimate, etc. These are not rumors. They have spoken about this in public.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Whats changed ?


I agree with you.

Like you said. Even the most basic common courtesies hwve disappeared.

I remember fainting on an early crowded tube train in London when I was very pregnant in the 90's.

I was holding my little son's hand too. And alone.

No one offered a seat.

But they cleared the deck when why last faint quiet words were,

'I'm pregnant and I'm gonna faint'.

I actually didn't lose total consciousness. But as I lunged.... fell forward..someone vacated a seat and I sorta fell onto it.

I pulled myself together. And my 4 year old son said 'mummy are you OK?'

Not one man on that carriage asked if I was OK.
All they did was just force the backs against the interior of the train away from me. And hid behind their paper newspapers.

Like cowards.

No women helped me either. Which shocked me.

No, general public behaviour is so poor now.
And I'm disgusted with men's behaviour today towards women.
They have lost most of their integrity.

They are not ALL like it. But a vast majority of men today will take advantage of any woman or young girl's vunerability.

And like you said...even teenagers will make out in public... on a bus. And what I've noticed....won't even get up and offer seat to an old person. Or mum with 2 children.

And the language they use on a bus in front of women and children disgusts me.
No common respect at all.

And I agree with you. Up and coming stars in old Hollywood were having to sleep with film producers even then..but not all did.

And just dating in Hollywood was pretty formal from what I've read. Just out for dinner. And then taken home.

No sex.

Good. Because sex is allowing a man deep into your soul.

Emphasis on the 'deep' aspect of it.

A channelling of the producer in old Hollywood, Howard Hughes.... on the Chanelling Erik site. That I listened to.

Revealed that Howard Hughes admitted he offered young female stars alot of very expensive jewellery back then.

To sleep with him. And take an interest in their movie careers.

He recealed that Elizabeth Taylor was the only one who refused him.

Funny. Because her 1st love in life was expensive jewelery.

Howard Hughes also said, that planning Jean Harlow's career. And sleeping with her was just a fun 'friends with benefits' arrangement.

Don't understand that. Cause he was a total weirdo even then.

But powerful.

But would you get beautiful jewlery for sleeping with a guy once today?

Hell no.

All you would probably get. Is them sayin derogatory comments about you later to their friends. And on social media.

And in old Hollywood days. Sexual experiences were NOT discussed in a public way.

A personal life was ...well, personal.


But like you said Cap Anonymous. Why would men have formal relationships today? To get sex.

When they can get the 'milk' sex.... for free these days. No strings attached.

Even Howard Hughes had to come up with very expensive jewelery to entice female actresses to sleep with him.

He felt that was normal and fair.

Well tgeres very little thats normal and fair for women today.

In Hollywood.

And agree. Women dressing almost naked in Hollywood and in public is NOT helping the situation.

A guy I dated for years explained it this way.

'Men don't actually want to see all of what you've got immediately. We like it revealed slowly'.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Why is Adren Brody dating that low life ex wife of Harvey Weinstein's?

Is he nuts?

That's a PR nightmare.

In 1993 Adrien Brody was in a serious motorcycle accident.

Where he went head first into an oncoming car.

Perhaps that's affected his brain.

Cause you would have to have brain injury to believe that it's safe for your Hollywood career to be dating Harvey Weinstein's ex wife.

Who clearly knew he was raping and sexually assaulting young women .....over decades.

Weinstein even assaulted a male British director the UK. When he was there once.

Over a slight disagreement.

No . Adrien Brody ought to wake up to himself fast.

Because Georgina Chapman...Harvey Weinstein's ex is a low life creep.

Who has no respect for women either.

Or personal integrity.
Chick'sOpinion said…

There's a mixed up vibe to Halle Berry.

But I think Adrien Brody is just the same.


Mixed up.

But he thinks he's great. Walking around with his stupid toy dog.

Like he's real exclusive.

To everyone. Everything.

I get a real arrogant vibe off him

The Pianist is one of my favourite movies.

But I can't say Adrien Brody is a favorite actor.

Good actor.

But seems very arrogant.

Like he'd only be kind to his dog.

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