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Coming to a nose near you....

You ask, I answer....
If you believe anything that Trump.
Tells you about this developing crisis.
This is coming to the USA and beyond.
Sooner than you think...
 It's been here before.
It wasn't good..........
This time it is in very real danger.
Of being MUCH WORSE.
We have mass transport as never before.
We are being lead to believe.
 A paper mask will help.
Give me a break.......
The vaccine is at least 18 months away.
I am not telling you this to cause a panic.
But in fact to prevent one.
We all need to stand up.
Tell Trump and his cronies.
To get off their sad, white, male fat arses.
Beacuse this horror.
Seems to be attacking.
Old, Fat white man...
THE MOST.........


T. W. said…
This is one of the few times I am glad to be a female.

I have masks but not the respirators. If anyone knows how I can order quality NEW & UNUSED masks online please share. Amazon is selling used masks from 3rd party vendors. There are few new masks for sale & they cost too much.
Chocmint33 said…
Thanks for the warning CD. I live in Brisbane, Australia and I'm taking it very seriously.

We should all avoid places where international travellers and the wealthy go (especially the rich Asians) like Casinos, first-class travelling on planes, and Uber.

Those plush places with their air conditioners is an easy place to catch it, simply through the air.

Also avoiding fairs and markets where large crowds gather would be helpful too.

If on public transport like trains and buses avoid sitting or standing too close to people.

Personal hygiene like always washing your hands and using hand sanitizer when out and about is wise.

When shopping use hygiene wipes on the shopping trolley handles before you push them.

And most importantly, avoid those wretched shop assistants who sneeze into their hands while serving you. Gross.

Just wise advice from a Virgo hygiene freak!
Anonymous 843 said…
Another tip:

Leave your out-and-about shoes at the door or other designated place and wear dedicated house shoes or slippers in the house. This has been the custom of many Asians for a long time and makes good sense.
Odin said…
UK Queen visited Mi5 HQ and had a secret meeting last night. What did she talk??? Takeout of Andrew & Meagan?
Johanna said…
OK CD, do you have any thoughts on what each of us can do - precautionary measures? Thanks for being willing to give us the heads up.

~ Johanna ~
Chick'sOpinion said…

Choc. Love your Virgo hand hygiene freak advice.

See. Virgos have a practical role in life.

Especially when there's a Pandemic on.

Viva la Virgos.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Can you tell us. Did that grandfather, who dropped his baby grandaughter Chloe from the window of a Royal Carribean Cruise ship. And killed her. Do it on purpose?

His name is Salvatore Anello and today it's in the Daily Mail that he will not be doing jail time.

I think this is outrageous.
Sana said…
Thank you for telling us CD. I live in Sweden so I get a cold and as TW said glad I’m a woman
Chick'sOpinion said…

Well the Queen is now fully convinced Meghan is the anti Christ. So perhaps she's meetin with MI5 to draw up plans. To bump her off.


Silence her forever. And control her movement.
Meghan is naive enough to think keeping herself in another country. Will keep her safe.

Ummmm. Actually it's the reverse.
They murdered Diana deliberately on foreign soil.

But hey. It was a holiday 'accident'
Chick'sOpinion said…
The modern invention of Globalization doesn't feel so good...with CoronaVirus raging. Does it.

In fact globalization is kinda at risk right now.

But the real threat to globaluzation continuing the way it's been. Has been coming for a long time.

Climate change, terrorism, trade issues. And now, the one thing the average Joe can criticize about the rich and global air travel.
Lots of it. And even green beans comin from Africa outa season.

So also, industrial supply chains are under the microscope.

Way before the scurge of CoronaVirus.

As Prots and Airports have always been gateways to disease. Countries who have Populist politicians. Who have been trying to get, well, more popular. Now have their chance.

They can now claim. That migrants, foreign visitors...are bringing in CoronaVirus. And up the racist rhetoric.

So it's a good time for Populist leaders to ask the government to boot out foreigners. And. Multinational companies.

Yes. It's amazing...CoronaVirus incubates Right Wingers too. And helps them breed.

And here's the China part of the CoronaVirus story.

The New York Times quoted Ivan Vejvoda of the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna today. He said the following,

'It (CoronaVirus) makes China seem a bit more fragile and dependance on China as the factory of the world...more iffy'

Is this Karma? For how China destroyed manufacturing companies in every country in the world? So long ago. With all their cheap mass produced stuff.

Trump's been complaining about the senselessness and cost of shipping parts country to county. For a long time.

So perhaps this now risky suppy chain for things because of CoronaVirus.... is his chance.

Companies are not going to risk sourcing parts etc from a supply chain that cannot be guaranteed.

So. Whoops! There goes the Chinese economy.

Cordelia said…
God willing I hope and pray that this virus mutates to become weaker and weaker.
Sash said…
CD you are absolutely right! Too many people of social media are sharing out the wrong kind of information causing people to freak out, and in turn this disrupts not only local authority and those working in our health sytem but the power of those in overall authority, and the doctors and scientists fighting for a cure. If it's not from an official news source or a person specialising in the subject at hand, please just ignore it! We are literally putting our own lives at risk by denying the truth and panicking, and we will be all so much calmer and in control of both our sanity and our health by working together!

Love from Ireland!
Sana said…
I zoomed in on how this sickness is attacking OLD WHITE FAT MEN
Why panic then?
chris said…
This is the face mask I found. And ordered.

Good Luck everyone. Hunker down and get your supplies together -- water, toilet paper, tissues, food, meds.
T. W. said…

I’ve seen video surveillance of the incident on the news here in America. The grandfather knew the window was open. I think he even stuck his arm through it. Then he places his granddaughter in the porthole/windowsill. She falls out.

Even if he didn’t put his arm through he had to know it was open. Why, you ask? Easy:

1) He could have smelled the salty ocean air

2) He could have felt a breeze

3) He could have heard the ocean water

4) He could have heard animals if any were present at the time
T. W. said…

There is a rumor going around saying Africans & people of African descent are immune to Coronavirus or can easily fight it off. Do you have any insight into this? If this is true then this is one of the few times being black will pay off...
T. W. said…
Anonymous 843

Asians aren’t the only ones to do this.
T. W. said…

Psychic Tracey Brown says it’s China’s karma for murdering newborn baby girls. She said the virus was bioengineered. The Chinese President wanted to stop the Hong Kong protestors. He did not anticipate the outcome & is now regretting his decision.
T. W. said…

They are sold out.
T. W. said…
I see Africa, South America (except Brazil) & Mexico are not reporting a Coronavirus outbreak. I bet Mexico is glad we have a border wall...
T. W. said…
Here’s a repost of Moe Othman’s Coronavirus video. He tried to tell us over a year ago.
nico123 said…
I have a prepaid trip booked to Spain, France, and Italy in June 2020. I should cancel right? I hope I get my money back.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Erm mer gerd. I have a job where I have to visit people in the community. All day.
Often sick people.

The other night I came down with what I thought was the flu. I was as sick as a dog. How happy I was.....when I discovered I just had food poisoning from the day before's Sour Cream I used to make one of my pasta concoctions.

I had to ring in sick for work. But I was dreading in the early evening doing that. That I may have to admit flu. Cause that would have meant I'd be banned for my job for at least a month.
Or more.

My managment is on high alert about precautions against Coronavirus.

But no. Thankfully I was able to tell the early morning sick line girl. 'I just have food poisoning and I know what from, bye'.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And being glad at having walls is sad.

This CoronaVirus is creating division.

The worry is for Far Right Wing leaders like Italy's Matteo Salvini. Are revelling and thriving in all this....division.

Salvini is a dangerous little fascist.

I don't know if he's closed italy's ports. Wouldn't surprise me. He doesn't have the power at the moment. Cause he's in opposition.

I know that he's certainly demanding Italian Ports are closed asap.

But he does have his big fat gob. And that can't be closed. And he's demanding 11 billion Aid money for Italians affected by CoronaVirus.

If they get it. They'll never see it.

Because the Mafia will approriate it, before it's even distribed.

The 11 billion he wants is for emergency measures.

See this Populist Right winger, Salvini can always harp on how Italy's ports are vunerable due to their....Italy's, proximity to North Africa.

You would have to be desperate to try and seek refuge from Africa, in Italy.

Italy generally treat Africans really bad.

And here's a typical example. Italy excels at producing luxury goods for all the high end Luxury fashion labels. Especially leather.

And Italians make alot of money from that.

But they have legalised slavery in Italy. In their small family owned factories that produce these luxury leather etc...goods.

All staffed by African migrants. Who are paid peanuts. And beaten really badly if they complain about or go to the cops.

If celebrities really cared about 'woke' world issues.

They wouldn't even touch an Italian leather handbad or purse.

Perhaps they may catch CoronaVirus from one.

As Karma.
T. W. said…
CDC warns men about facial hair dangers as coronavirus spreads

Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2

President Trump will hold Coronavirus press conference at 6 PM

[It is 7:17 pm on the US east coast. Still waiting for the conference.]


The coronavirus was reportedly developed in a level 4 biohazard laboratory in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak which began in December.

The virus uses ACE2 receptors to enter the human body. Some people have more ACE2 receptors and are more vulnerable to the infection than others. The risk for infection is low for those people.
T. W. said…
nico123 Can you reschedule for next year if you can’t get your money back?
T. W. said…

I’m glad you don’t have Coronavirus.

The masks are sold out here. People bought them in bulk. I have an air filtration system here at home & I bought an extra filter just in case. The filter can trap bacteria & viruses as well as smoke, allergens, pollen, dust mite residue, etc. The unit & extra filter cost over $180.00 total. But it’s money well spent because I have a lot of allergies.

By the way, you cannot buy that specific Filtrete air purifier or the filter from Amazon. I got mine from my local Walmart. It costs more from Walmart’s website.


T. W. said…

I was not serious about the border wall. As you know I do not support it. I think every country should have closed its borders as soon as this outbreak started. Now Wuhan Coronavirus is almost everywhere.
Anonymous said…
Nicol123, about your flights. If you are young and healthy, or have a strong immune system and are fit, you have less chance of getting this virus.

It kills mostly older or elderly people, not younger adults. To my knowledge, it hasn't killed any children, thankfully.

People on the news that had it and recovered, said it was like a flu. The fever was the worst part of the illness apparently, but it goes in 3-5 days.

They keep saying that the summer heat will kill off the virus, so that's good news. Do I think this virus is going to go away. No way. Heat or no heat. Something tells me its going to stick around or something new will crop up later.

I do agree with T.W., I think it might have been China's way of dealing with the Hong Kong protestors and they unleashed a failure of catastrophic proportions. Thank you also for posting links to those air filters. I have one and never use it. I best dust that thing off and plug it in.

Chinatown in my hometown has had very little business ever since Coronavirus reared its ugly head. Restaurants are facing closures. This is probably happening all over North America and beyond.

I also agree with Chick's Opinion, China has lost a lot of business, money, perhaps billions of dollars due to this lab-created virus.

Chris! Thank you for posting the link to that mask! It's excellent and the price is expensive but on sale. Still available. Should I or shouldn't I? Of course if I buy myself some I have to buy family members too. So much for the Spring Sephora VIP sale coming up!

The majority of us can't hide. We have to go out, whether to make a living or go to school (or both). No matter what, we are around others. People cough and don't wash their hands often enough, what can we do? We can't hide under the couch. I've had a SARS-like influenza, the H1N1, and this past Nov/Dec., the most wicked cold or whatever you want to call it (DEATH), in my life. This was not a normal sickness. It dropped me on my ass for a couple of weeks. Took another 6 weeks to feel good again. Now I am back to health. I think it's "good" to get sick once a year - builds immunity.

You know, I just realized ISIS has been awfully quiet. I just know I'm going to regret saying that. I hope I haven't jinxed the peace.

Perhaps they got sick or maybe they are wanting to avoid travelling right now. I guess there are a few positive things about Coronavirus.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
Here are the N99 masks I just purchased online:

I purchased 2 packs and hope I never need to use them.

Note that they come from China and they upped the price because of supply and demand. This is still not a bad price, considering. I wonder what the cost was before the demand. If you pay in U.S. funds, an even better price (not sure about duty fees though).

N99 is superior to N95 masks.

Better to be safe than sorry, I guess. I'm going to carry one with me in my purse at all times. What I don't understand is why people wear masks outdoors. You're outside, the air is plentiful. Inside buildings, or when on public transportation, etc., a completely different story.

CAP Anonymous
nico123 said…
Unfortunately, this was going to be Mother’s Day girl to my grandma in her 80s. Thank u all for the additional information. I have to cancel this trip.
T. W. said…
nico123 - You are welcome. I shall continue to pray for you & your family.

CAP Anonymous - Anytime. Unfortunately the masks are sold out.
T. W. said…
I will post more links & excerpts.

THEY don’t want us to purchase N95 masks, claiming they are only for healthcare workers. I say THEY know there is a critical shortage. Even healthcare workers can’t get the masks.

Yes, there is a lot of false and misleading information. Sometimes what THEY aren’t saying is more important. Please use your best judgment.

Here’s the first part of the links. Please prepare for more.

Why a face mask isn't your best defense against coronavirus


"Anyone who does not have a respiratory illness, meaning a cough or sneezing, should not be wearing any type of mask whether it's a surgical mask or a respirator," Eisenman said.

That warning hasn't stopped people from swarming the stores in mask mania. Several big box stores reported shortages while Amazon saw prices topping $50 for a single mask.

Believe it or not, experts said that by wearing a mask, you could be putting yourself even more at risk.

"People do not use their masks correctly," Eisenman said. "They play with it. They wear it too long. They rub their nose underneath it.
T. W. said…
Ways to protect you and your family in case of coronavirus outbreak in US


There's still no vaccine, although some are in development at the University of Texas-Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas, and other hospitals. The CDC said you can do the same things you would do to avoid the flu.
T. W. said…
This following is a public service announcement for our South Korean Friends:

New cases of coronavirus double in 24 hours in South Korea


Seventy percent of all confirmed cases in South Korea are followers of Shincheonji. Health officials are trying to track down roughly 1,000 of its members who attended church services in Daegu on Feb. 9 and Feb. 16. Also under scrutiny are those who attended a funeral in nearby Cheongdo, the birthplace of Shincheonji's founder, Lee Man-hee. The funeral was for his brother.

The church has now closed all of its 74 sanctuaries around the nation, and President Moon Jae-in has ordered that all of the 1,000 Shincheonji members who reportedly had been in that area be tracked down.

Daenam Hospital in Cheongdo is under quarantine. Dozens of confirmed patients either work in or have visited the hospital.

Daegu is South Korea's fourth largest city, with 2.5 million, and people are advised to stay home and wear masks even when they're indoors. Streets, shops and restaurants were largely empty, and some companies have voluntarily shut their workplaces.
T. W. said…
1) Saudi Arabia halts travel to Mecca, Medina over coronavirus

2) Saudi Arabia closes two holiest shrines to foreigners as coronavirus fears grow

3) Saudi Arabia bans foreign pilgrims as Japan plans to close schools
T. W. said…
You have to read between the lines in the following article:

Coronavirus Cases Surface In China, Japan, Italy, Britain And America With Questions About Its True Source

February 27. 2020
T. W. said…
California is monitoring at least 8,400 people for the coronavirus


California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Thursday that 33 people have tested positive for COVID-19 and the state is currently monitoring at least 8,400 others —a day after U.S. health officials confirmed the first possible community transmission of the coronavirus in a Solano County resident.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doesn't know exactly how the new California patient, who's receiving medical care in Sacramento County, contracted the virus. The patient didn't have a relevant travel history or exposure to another patient with the virus, the CDC said Wednesday.


Newsom said five of the 33 patients who tested positive for the virus have since left the state. It wasn't immediately clear whether the 33 positive cases were part of the group of Diamond Princess passengers who were evacuated from the cruise ship that was quarantined off the coast of Japan. The U.S. had 60 cases as of Wednesday night, 42 of which are people who were on the ship, according to the CDC.
T. W. said…
1) Coronavirus Update: Trump Names VP Pence to Head Coronavirus Task Force

2) Pence's history managing HIV crisis in Indiana under scrutiny now that he's overseeing coronavirus
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
I apologize for all these posts. I believe thus is serious & we need information so we can decide what to do. Again, please use your best judgment.

1) Coronavirus could cost Trump the election, Goldman Sachs warns

2) Coronavirus is threatening to end the world air-travel boom

3) A Guide: How To Prepare Your Home For Coronavirus

4) Coronavirus Was Eerily Predicted in a 1981 Novel

The 1981 novel “The Eyes of Darkness” by Dean Koontz talks about a deadly virus used as a biological weapon named Wuhan-400. The epicenter of real-life Coronavirus is … Wuhan, China. And the eerie similarities do not end there.
Apple Monkey said…
Thank you friends for all the info xoxo
T. W. said…
You are welcome!
T. W. said…
Man Describes In Graphic Detail What It Feels Like To Have
T. W. said…
Coronavirus Wuhan diary: Living alone in a city gone quiet
T. W. said…
Please do not fast forward during this video:

President, Coronavirus & Stock Exchange

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