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TOLD YA... Lillibet says "NO"..


Dizzy height, then a crash..!!!!!

Meghan Markle seems to think.
Hiring a PR firm be able to fix.
All that’s wrong with her firm “Royal”.
Silly girl, seems to forget....
Lillibet has all the dosh.
All the fame.
Plus all the clout.
Down she’ll go.
Taking Harry with a toll.


Quiet said…
The last sentence could have read...

Taking Harry with a Doll. (baby doll Archie)
Chick'sOpinion said…
Meghan just doesn't get it hey.
chris said…
She is a petulant spoiled brat, who has no qualms about irreparable estranged family relationships. That is not normal. The most interesting thing is to see how she communicates when she is unfiltered. Not a nice person. Harry is so dumb...she will never attend another royal event will she CD? She would be shunned. What a mess that she alone has created. I feel so sorry for her son Archie. He will never know his grandma the queen. Shameful, selfish Meghan.

I really have tried to find nice things to say about her. I've got nothing.
Chocmint33 said…
CD - You also have another 'Told Ya' about predicting that Meghan won't be able to use 'Sussex Royal' trademark. You made that prediction at the end of last year, long before they announced they would leave royal life.

Really Meghan who calls the shots is so clueless. For a start she has a PR person from the US who is advising them.

Honestly, this Hollywood PR person hasn't a clue about the culture of the Royal family. That is evident in the long statement they made about being legally allowed to use the Royal trademark if they wanted to.

The wording in that statement is so Hollywood-like.

Also not having a UK person advising them on PR, has also led to Harry and Meg's final engagements clashing with William and Kate's tour of Ireland.

So I guess they will be annoying the Queen even more.
T. W. said…
None Of The Senior Royals Attended Prince Andrew’s 60th Birthday Party

Queen Elizabeth scraps Prince Andrew’s lavish birthday bash

Prince Andrew's 60th birthday party at Windsor attracted star guests including Bernie Ecclestone and China's UK ambassador... but his siblings Charles, Edward and Anne 'were nowhere to be seen'
T. W. said…
Chris, thank you for making me laugh!

Prince Harriet will wish he never heard of MeghaTron.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I have struggled to like Meghan too.

Though I did like her early efforts at being a bit political. And her interest in women's issues.

Before I realised that really....her only real main interest. Is herself.

And money.


Imagine being so stupid that you woyld deny your offspring of knowing the Queen of England.

Granted...Archie will never remember the Queen. By the time he's a young man.

But seriously. It's so stupid.

OK Meghan hated how the Royal iced her out.

But they definately were not hostile to her in the beginning. Perhaps Royals on the periphery were.

But the main in-laws to her were very patient with her.

Seems Prince Charles put an enormous effort into making Meghan welcome.

But Meghan was never going to accept a quiet Royal role in the background.
That was definitely on offer.

No. No way.

She has to be the star of the whole show.
Or nothing.

The Royal family have taught her an important lesson I think.

that you dont run every show.
And your passive agression wont work on us.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Doesn't surprise me. No one ever celebrates the discovery of a sex offender in the family.
Cordelia said…
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
CyndiTx123 said…
I agree w/Chick's Opinion, I gave MegTron the benefit of the doubt , but she is really into herself...
Pray that Harry gets out of this sane and have his Archie w/him.
Anonymous said…
It seems the BRF didn't learn from past mistakes and karma. Megan has been called nutmeg and monkey as her child, which is not a doll is called too. There is rejection because she is black, why? Although your color does not define ethnicity, and there's no such thing as white.

If the BRF had dealt with truths and the media better, the rebellion and jealousy of the newly weds, would have been lessened. And in not accepting change brings about the greatest changes the BRF want to prevent. It's already on its last legs, this situation,if handled better could have halted that.

Because this world and society is founded in lies and oppression and no matter what these two do, they are ridiculed and mocked, whilst Harry's Uncle is protected.

Jules said…
Meghan had no intention whatsoever of remaining an active member of the Royal Family, her act was all smoke and mirrors if rumours are to be believed, she was planning her exit before she even stepped foot in the church to marry Prince Harry.
T. W. said…
I don’t see what the backlash over Meghan has to do with race. I’m sure there are some people who judged her because of her ethnicity.

But guess what.

I’m black. I don’t like her. I see right through her.
Jules said…
The Queen gave her grandson permission to marry Meghan Markle who was an American divorcee, that fact alone is enough to disprove any racist comments. It is also well documented that the Royal family bent over backwards to accommodate her and make her welcome.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Agree. It's easy go pass off Meghan's unpopularity as racism.

But yes. Agree. It's just not true.

People...the public ...are looking at authenticity these days. Tell tale signs that someone is faking.

Be it image, beliefs, relationships, intention.

And it's been proved many times over.
That Meghan is just an ambitious materialistic social climber. With a total focus on her own career.

Fame and international stardom.

I don't think she's the ideal wife material for many men quite frankly.

Unless they are into the money power materialism fame she's into.

She was never going to be the Royal who cut ribbons at Hospitals. And baked cakes on the weekend with her maid.


She needs to be at international fashion shows.
Rubbing shoulders with A List celebrities.
Striking big money deals for appearences.
Meeting with designers. In deals to wear their clothes.

No. There's nothing homespun and quiet living about Meghan.
It's not her thing.

And she's been discovered by the world.
For faking it.
Anonymous said…
Sigh. That dam race card again. No, no, no.

I disagree respectfully, Anonymous.

Meghantroid could be Caucasian or any ethnicity, and I would personally still feel the same way about her.

You'll find out soon. Some of us can "see" it and some can't. I don't know why some of us can. Meghan is not a good person.

As Dr. Kent would say on Twitter, some people are more "woke" than others.

(Jeez, I hate that word!) LOL

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
QUIET, Yes, the "doll" is as real as Archie is.

The "doll" with its ridiculously long fake legs, makes its appearance every now and then. Why, I don't understand why the need to fake taking a stroll on the island with your "fake" doll kid.

What purpose does this serve? We know the kid really does exist.

Perhaps Meghan wants to look like a real good Momma taking her baby out for fresh air.

I doubt it. The real kid is back home, with the nanny.

It's too much trouble to have a real kid on your chest so the "doll" is the next best thing. Or perhaps there was "security issues." I mean, as she strolled, she had not one, but TWO bodyguards.

Why? If there is reason for concern, leave the kid home but don't bring the doll.

Or stay the hell home and do a few laps around the 10,000 sq ft mansion. Surely, there must be a fitness room with a treadmill!

Appearances are everything to Miss Markle.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
I hate the word “woke” too. There are many reasons why people are deceived. Let us pray for them.

As for Archie, let’s assume the child exists.

Perhaps MeghaTron uses a doll because she doesn’t want people to see what the real Archie looks like. She can’t make money off his image.
Apple Monkey said…
Should be interesting to see if Meghan makes an appearance on Commonwealth day. I doubt she will. I cannot believe how brazen she is. Harry wanted to be known as just Harry a few days ago but then had the first class carriage for him and his bodyguards. That’s exactly how we would travel.....
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

Agree. If he wants to live like an ordinary citizen. Why book out a whole train carriage to yourself?

Though I think in his case. He has to book out the whole carriage.... to stop journalists from entering his train carriage and driving him crazy with questions and pics.

For 5 hours.

He's never gonna be able to be an ordinary citizen.

He's dreaming.

It's ridiculous.
Anonymous said…
I can't imagine how difficult it must be for Harry to have to "come back" and do his royal thing. It's akin to giving 2 weeks notice to quit your job and then suffering for the next two weeks because your heart is no longer in it.

That's why a lot of companies will let you go as soon as you resign because they know the employee has one foot out the door, so to speak.

I think he must feel a lot like that.

Not to mention he probably has to deal with Grandma and his Dad, and others.

Do I feel sorry for him? Hell, no! He CHOSE this mess and now he has to deal with it.

CAP Anonymous
Apple Monkey said…
Ah HRH TW hope that was a laugh at my comment. ❤️❤️
Chicks - you make chuckle. But we all travel like that 🤣 ? Harry has such a huge entitlement chip on his shoulder. He would last two seconds as a private citizen.... Were you impressed seeing pictures of him BUYING HIS OWN LUNCH. It reminds me of the Pulp song “common people”.
Jules said…
So Meagain Miss SussEXroyal turned up .. shocked .. and overly glammed up too and wearing shoes that actually fit her feet!!! Her dishevelled appearance whilst a royal was obviously an act.

I would not put it passed Meghan to have hired out the crowd at the event they attended last night, because I don't know of a single person who would shout 'love you Meghan' bravo to the brave man who shouted boo.

Apparently, Meghan wants to star in a superhero movie.

Christian, how is this going to end for Mweghan?

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