So BJ, how does it feel to be PM.
With nothing going your way?
Well, it's about to get alot worse.
The EU, have your number.
The Americans have your number.
Even if Babyfart.......
Appears to be your long lost father.
Go ahead follow his advice.
So you too, can be got rid of.
PS. BJ don't think the bribe,
of a superfast railway will help.
You can't even operate the one you have.
Plus you'll never build it...........
PS. BJ don't think the bribe,
of a superfast railway will help.
You can't even operate the one you have.
Plus you'll never build it...........
I predict the democrats will wheel out Hilary so Sanders or Buttgieg do not get the nomination.
I can honestly say. I've never heard of anyone being called a lying dog faced pony soldier.
It's a new one on me.
And rather bizarre.