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Just a reminder for this weekend..


Chick'sOpinion said…
Can Poland be an excepection. Of a country that nearly died of invasion.

The Germans, the Red Army, the Slovak military invaded them.

I feel sorry for the Polish people. They are the ones who should have got the most funding for reconstruction after WW2. Which was supplied by the U.S.

It was called the American Marshall Plan Aid.

And who got the largest amount of that funding?

West Germany.
Can you believe that?

Why did they get it?

Well. Because the point of the Marshall Plan was focussed on restoring major industial countries. Like Germany, France and the UK.

Poor Poland missed out. Cause those arseholes, the Soviet Union (Russia) refused the American financial aid.

And unfortunately Poland was run then by the Soviet Union.

And so were most of the European bloc countries. So they missed out too.

That's why those countries still looked like shit in the 1990's. They never received any post war reconstruction funding.

A great injustice.
CyndiTx123 said…
I do remember reading that this great Prez Lincoln had the psychic sense himself..... knew about his passing before he had happened, etc. His secretary 's was named Kennedy and Prez Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln... go figure folks.... Lincoln knew sooo much.
T. W. said…
Poland still exists.

I think Lincoln is saying even if a nation is conquered via an invasion, that nation was reaping what it has sown.
T. W. said…
Speaking of rotten:

Bloomberg reportedly considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate

Mike Bloomberg Considering Hillary Clinton as His Running Mate
Chick'sOpinion said…

Clinton onboard with Bloomberg.

I'll use your expression that made me laugh, 'no bueno'

Some psychics are saying Bloomberg is gonna bring it. He has the power to get Trump outa Office. Once and for all.

I guess...If Hilary has to come along for the ride.

It's undesirable.

But probably unavoidable.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah I know Poland still exists.

But I'll use an Australian expression.

It's shithouse.

And more recently Poland had to deal with Russian territorial agression.

It was so bad back in June 2019 Trump had to respond to a request from Warsaw for 1000 U.S troops to be deployed to Poland.

This agression from Russia has gone on for quite a few years now. Land grabbing.

Do Poland EVER get a break from conflict. And misfortune?

And their position next door to Ukraine. Which has been a war area for a long time. Is precarious.
I refer to the annexation of the Crimea area from Ukraine in 2014... by the Russians.

When Russia starts annexing countries...think Hitler. Cause that's what it amounts to.

Remember Hitler and Germany annexed Austria in 1938. There's no difference between that aggression. And what the Russians did in Ukraine in 2014.

Be interesting to know if the U.S Army is still in Poland.

CyndiTx123 said…
I do not see Boomberg being our next President, but he sure is bugging the heck out of Trump. Boomberg is 5 ft 8 and Drumpf is calling him a midget... really? Bloomberg is taller than my hubby... wtheck?
Linda Commanche Lady did say she felt that A LOT OF negative press is going to be popping up for him for sure.... She also said like CD has been saying... watch out for the next few weeks into March or so that Trump is in for more downfall.... How low can this pres be and still maintain his presidency....ugh! his health is really bad too..... No next prez here for trump.... Tired of his negativity and ruining our Country... I know there is light at the end of this tunnel Trump has put us all in.
T. W. said…
People tend to look down on Polish people. Dunno why.

I don’t know who will be the next president.

I see Hitlery got her dose of adrenochrome. She’s not shaking & laughing uncontrollably from the kuru, uh, unknown disease anymore.

I like Elizabeth Warren, a relative of mine does not. Warren has concrete plans but unless something happens soon I don’t see her in the White House as president. Maybe VP.

Bloomberg is just like Trump - a racist billionaire.

I will agree that Hillary is QUALIFIED to be president. I pray to God that unless it is God’s plan for Hillary to be in the White House that someone else gets in. I pray our next president is the person God wants to have in office.

I will say it again. Hillary was supposed to be President in 2008. She was “persuaded” to drop out of the primaries so that Barack Obama would win. She was promised the Secretary of State job (I have no problem with this as she is competent). She was also promised she would be the Democratic candidate for president in 2016. She was promised the White House.

Well man plans, God laughs.

Yes, yes. I know rasPutin put Trump into office. I perceive God allowed this. Even though Donald Trump is one of, if not the worst Presidents ever, something worse would have happened had Hillary taken office at that time.

What is that worse thing you ask?

The final stages of The Program would have been implemented ahead of schedule and we would have reached prophetic midnight.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Bloomberg has a less than squeaky clean background.

None of these billionaires have an ethical background.

If they did. They wouldn't be billionaires.

I think Bill Gates is the only one. Or few billionaires. Who is not a total narcissistic creep.

A psychic claimed Bill Gates did not know about Epstein's activity. Enjoyed conversations with Epstein. Because he knew so much.

But his relationship with him was not based on molesting minors. Not at all.

And the link Bill Gates has. And people knowing he knew Epstein... will stress him so much. It will affect his health really badly.

Well. If you lie down with dogs. You get up with fleas.

Bill Gates should have found out far more about Epstein. Before accepting his friendship.

And it's not like Bill Gates couldn't afford a private investigator.
T. W. said…
Dearest Chick’sOpinion -

Bill Gates is one of THEM.

1) He stole the concept for the graphic user interface from Apple

2) Gates frequently gives speeches about population control

3) Gates has publicly stated the human population needs to significantly decrease. Please note the only way to ensure this is for a large number of people to die

4) Gates is financially linked to the biotech lab that CREATED the Wuhan Coronavirus
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I beleive you when you say Bill Gates part owns the biotech ....where Coronavirus was created...escaped or whatever.

But here's the thing I know because my brother has lived in Bejing for more that 10 years. And both my kids went to uni there for language.

China do whatever they want to do.

They don't care about what foreigners intentions are for anything. They are singleminded. They smile politely to your request. Or are as arrogant AF.
And proceed the way they want.

They are the sort of people who would see Bill Gates as a gullible joke. Giving away his money.

Investing in technology, science in their country. Would just be seen as a way to quietly manipulate.
Because the country is run by communists.
Deceitful ones.

They don't cooperate with any foreigners. Not really. And if they do. They are only pretending.

Of everything is how they conduct everything.
They think Westerners are lazy, hendonistic and gullible.

But we know, that's only because we don't live in an authoritarian state to the degree they do.

We live in an element of Democracy. And freedom.
They don't.

It took my daughter 2 months to get a permit to swim at a local indoor pool in China.
That's because they want to know ecactly who you are first. And exactly why you want to swim there.

So how could Coronavirus just escape like that outa one of their labs.

They control Everything!!!

My daughter's Canadian friend (male) got deported from China... When she was there.


He was catching a flight at Bejing airport. And was in the wrong line.
He jumped over the dividing rope barrier to get in the right line.

He was arrested for that. Questioned. And deported back to Canada immediately.

And bear in mind. This Canadian wasn't even in the Departures area of the airport yet.

He was from a uni in Canada. And was there to learn Mandarin.

My impression of China through my family is that China and the Chinese government. Are sneaky, lying, ruthless. And not the least interested in basic human rights.

To the extreme. Well I guess we all know that.
But hearing the real stories... brings it into sharper focus for me.

They would see Bill Gates philanthropy as a stupid waste of money.

And yes. My brother was evacuated from China due to Corovirus. And went into quarrantine here.

I won't say much more about it. Because it's his personal experience. Except to say he's OK.

I will say. That he walks a very precarious fine line as a journalist there. They follow his every move.

My daughter was followed for a long time in Bejing. By a man. After she reported a crime there.

I told her to not worry. He is only following you because they want to catch the person you told the police about. Because eventually they probably believe he will come into your social setting again.

It disturbed her.
Because the Police didn't even tell my daughter, a student.
That a plain clothes policeman will follow her everyday.
For a long time.

That's policing.
Chinese style.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Another sad thing about Poland.

They were profoundly affected by their next door neighbour's Ukraine....Nuclear Reactor accident, Chernobyl, in 1986.

A whole cloud of radiactivity drifted over Poland that day. Also Sweden.

The atmosphere in Poland that day was unusually warm. They noticed. The Polish people didn't even know the accident had happened.
But sensitive people felt something.

They didn't know. Because Poland was Communist.

And it wasn't till April 29th. That the Polish government released a Communique from the USSR (Russia) Also Communist.
That there had been an accident.

Guys. Don't ever wonder why I despise the Communists.
This is why.
T. W. said…
Bill Gates is in on this.

If he was funding biotech labs to help society then he would have funded labs here in America. Investing in China keeps his hands clean. He can always say “I didn’t know!”
T. W. said…
Was your face mask manufactured under sanitary conditions?

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