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Our Heathly, Stable Genius, Slave Master....

So Babyfart, is about to have a fit.
There's a show, to air Sunday on MSNBC.
It's about the Food Industry would collapse.
With out our immigrant freinds.
It's called.
"Whats eating America.
Watch fot the tweets.
But also just how many Undocumented people.
Trump employs..... 
Not including his ex hooker wife.


Chocmint33 said…
How does he get a gut so big when he doesn't drink? Probably too many big macs served to him by kids who get paid next to nothing.
T. W. said…
Why is he orange?!

I bet the Kool-Aid Man is laughing at him.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And to what extent is this connected to the U.S agricultural industry too.

Because that is the source of food.

And how do Trump's new rules about immigration affect all this?

And if you deport alot of the U.S food industry migrants. Are Americans willing to take these jobs?

According to Forbes magazine, 57% of U.S agriculture workers in the U.S are undocumented immigrants.

They work for low wages. But help keep farms in business and keep food prices down.

Small U.S farms are the ones that rely heavily on this cheap labour.

Seems to me, the U.S have developed a big dependancy on migrants as agriculture workers.

As well as the food industry.

Some years ago, it appears the mayor of L.A attempted to make street food legal too. In L.A.

To protect immigrants who had their own Street Vending business. He did this to protect immigrants who were vunerable to Trump's new laws on deportation.

And this L.A mayor also got them access to a legal permit to continue Street Vending.

It's unclear whether he achieved total legalization. But it seems so.

The mayor even had their outstanding fines and criminal charges for street vending dropped.

Apparently though, Street Vending is not a criminal offence in New York or Chicago.

But as it was an offence in L.A and street vendors were routinely fined. And it caused them to have a criminal record.

The sad thing is. These people are just trying to make a living.

Unfortunately, Trump made a goal when he came to power. To deport 2 to 3 million of these immigrants. Especially ones with criminal records.

To what extent did he have to deport migrants without criminal records. To reach this figure. I dont know.

Another thing. Vineyards in the U.S are heavily reliant on immigrant labour.

And it appears these immigrant Vineyard immigrant workers are quite skilled.

They know pruning, planting, pests and diseases, harvesting and water nutrient issues.

These are skills that I guess Americans should have developed by doing that kind of work.

But here's the question... is it possible to get Americans doing vineyard work? Take manual jobs like that.

Or are Americans rejected as possible workers in agriculture. Because Americans will demand better wages and conditions.

The U.S Agriculture industry are benefiting hugely from this issue. Because they are actually screwing these undocumented immigrant workers.

They earn peanuts.
chris said…
By the look of that gut -- it looks like trump is eating America.
Cordelia said…
There is no king who has not had a slave amongst his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his.
Chick'sOpinion said…
As he has a legendary love of junk food. It's probably the only thing he has in common with normal people.

Most people love it.

So do I.

But I can no longer eat the amount of salt they put in junk food. General food.

As it sends my blood pressure high immediately.

Sends everybody's blood pressure really high.

But maybe as you get older. Your body's less efficient at handling it. You definately start to retain fluid too.

Which makes you look fat. Is this why Trump looks bloated.

High sodium diets are a very common cause of serious health problems in American women.

I discovered this....when researching my justification for going on a low sodium diet.
The recommended daily limit of salt is 1,500mg.

But the problem with Trump's fast food diet is. After years and years of too much salt. Too much of it scars the ventricles to the heart.


Speaking of politicians with bad health.

Psychics say Bernie Sanders has really bad health.
Probably worse than Trump's.
T. W. said…
Cordelia, thank you for this!!!
T. W. said…

Americans are willing to work agricultural jobs for fair wages.

We usually don’t work those jobs because we don’t want to work sun up to sun down for less than minimum wage, no overtime pay, no benefits, and we don’t like to work in hazardous and unsanitary environments.

North Carolina heavily relies on migrant labor. I live in a rural part of the state. I can tell you from what I have personally seen & from local newspaper reports that the migrants are treated like shit. They put up with it because the American dollar goes a long way when they return to their home countries.


I am black. I have ancestors who were slaves, share croppers, domestic servants, etc. I feel sorry for some of these migrant workers. What does that tell you?
T. W. said…
God bless you Chris!
T. W. said…
I perceived Bernie was not well before he had his heart attack. I still perceive he is not well and I truly believe he has one foot in the grave. I can see it in his face. I don’t know if he has that “look” or if I am picking up on something. I also noticed he lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. That is never good.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for commenting on this.

And you know alot of Australians would do agriculture harvesting etc. But it's low money. And.

The farmers here actively not hire Australians.

They choose to hire young tourists or Asians.

I dont blame Americans refusing to do it for crap money. Australian won't do it either. In most cases.

But the core of the issue is. Both in Australia and in the U.S. It's the goverments who allow farmers to get away with only offering poor wages.

Which is wrong in my view.

I live in a regional area.

There are plenty of farms around here. I have to go out to a quite remote one for visiting as part of job. To see someone on a big old farm.

Lets get one thing clear ...most Australian farmers are quite rich. They CAN afford to pay proper wages.

I wasn't completely oblivious to how rich some Australian farmers were. But I'm learning more. Since living here.

For a start I've learned...Often in Australia. When farmers want a new house. They abandon the one they were living in. And just have a new one built..... eslwhere on the farm.

They don't sell, lease out their old place. No. They just leave a perfectly good house to just rot. And fall into total disrepair.

And move to the new one.


They drive the best utility trucks. Are hugely asset rich. Some even have their own small planes.

Can they afford to pay good wages? yeah.

They just dont want to.

I have empathy for farmers who lose cattle, horses , fodder aaetc in bushfires. And. Out buildings.
And we all give generously, to get these farmers back on their feet.

But C'mon. They are all insured. Even their fences are insured.

So I'm quite sick of these farmers exploiting an Asian workforce in Australia.

OK these farmers are being really affected big by drought. Here in Australia..... because of not enough rainfall in some areas. Or none.

But. They should have faced the climate change ages ago.

And sold the farm.

And if they did. Would they be poor? Broke?

Hell no.

Some farmers out West, own farms as as big as Belgium.
Or the whole of France.

And if you can afford to abandon one farmhouse. And build a new house elsewhere. On your property. You are not broke. Or needy financially.

And Dairy Farming is no longer as profitable in Australia. As people are NOT eating as much dairy these days.

So why don't these farmers diversify. Instead of complaining all the time. That they want more government subsidies to keep their dairy farm going.

There is a view too that most of these farms here in Australia. Cleared and deforested in thec early days of Australia. Need to be returned to forest. For ecological reasons.

And to manage water availability.
And there are plenty of compelling reasons why. And evidence why Australians should do this.
To totally re-vegetate the land.

For sustainability.

But are Australian farmers adoping this new science?

No. They are just continuing the same old farming route.
In a new world.
Of complete climate change.


Chick'sOpinion said…
And I certainly hope. The more than $ 50 million. That was raised last night in that huge concert, called Fire Fight down in Sydney Australia last night. At ANZ stadium.

Doesn't end up in the bank accounts of rich as Australian farmers.

The ones who don't even have to buy water in. Don't need it.

Dear Townies

Not all Australian farmers are broke.

In my region. They are the richest people. They send their kids to boarding school.

So the 70,000 who went to that huge donation- raising concert last night should take a special interest in where all the cash is going.

It's claimed it's going to communities ravaged by bushfires.

Ummmm. Lets see. If all the rich farmers apply for alot of this money.

Despite insurance companies paying for the re-building of their farm outbuidings. Vehicles. Anyway.

Notice they never drive all their cars, vehicles away from their properties when a bushfire has been on their doorstep for days.

No they drive away in 1 car.

Cause the insurance pays for brand new cars for them when commonly lost in bushfires.

Sorry. Hate to be the grinch.

But country people know theres b.s going on.

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