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Not quite Mrs Buckets Way....


Chick'sOpinion said…
Are the UK entering into isolationist political policies?

Well I don't think it's part of the plan at all.

But may end up that way.

Somehow I doubt it because the UK are striking deals in Trade globally right now.
And were elsewhere....even in 2018

As far away as Morocco, Jordan, Southern Africa and Chile.

40% of the UK trade is already with the rest of the world. Not the EU.

The UK did OK before becoming such a huge part of the Common Market.
They can do it again.

But any new trade deals now...that UK businesses want to start with non EU countries.

Will have to wait until the 'transition' period passes.

Apparently that's at the end of the year.

So quite possibly UK businessss are gonna struggle this year. Until their trade deals are sorted.

Boris Johnson has removed Tariffs on Canadian goods coming into the UK. There's a big focus on Canada. As a trading partner.

Trade deals with the EU though from here on....are gonna be tricky for the UK.

Because they have get around all the EU rules and regulations.
And there's alot of them.

Being part of the EU meant that you could get financial help from government with your UK business.
They won't be getting that now.

Unless Boris Johnson has come up with financial packages that assist UK businesses through the transition.

The UK would be far better off focusing on the U.S as a trading partner. Than the EU now.
Because trading with the EU countries now. Is problematic.
For a start the UK have to pay import taxes (tariffs)

All the checks for UK goods exported to the EU are going to be ridiculous.

I guess everything depends on the UK acheiving trade deals by end of transition date, 31st Dec 2020.
If they dont.
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) steps in. And imposes basc rules on trade.

This is predicted to make goods alot more expensive and more difficult to sell.
Plus full border checks for goods

And. Worse.... the UK service industry willl lose it's access to the EU Single market.

That will affect everyone. Who has a skill. Who like to use it in the EU.

Mmmmm. Changing times for the UK.
The UK now have to put down their flags.

Pull together.

So that the UK. Can survive outside the European Union and the Common Market.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD You have a Told Ya.

Pamela Anderson has quit her marriage to movie producer, Jon Stevens.

After 12 days of marriage.

Why is this woman addicted to marriage?

Once is enough for most people.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah I'm sure the rich 1% of England will thrive, but not the rest though.
Chick'sOpinion said…
This pic is based on the British Comedy show

The League Of Gentelmen.

Very amusing old UK show.

Is the UK about to become the fictional town, Royston Vasey?

Secluded, cut off, deeply suspicious of outsiders.

Well. I think the UK already have villages like that.

I'd love to live in one.

Because if there's anything the UK people do well.

It's eccentricity.

So cut off, individual and not many outside influences might suit them better.

But as Nigel Farage claimed with a big satisfied smirk on his face the other day to the European Parliament....

'We (the UK) love Europe.

We hate the EU'

Maybe that's a truth too.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You are probably right.

But even the really rich own busineses.

And even they have to either change who they trade with.

And accept the difficult adjustments.

And they may lose business over it.

And/or have to pay to trade with new partners.

The next 12 months is the defining moment for the UK. To get through this.

But after that. The UK are going to be able to save themselves and their government.... alot of money.

That's currently been spent on Welfare payments to foreign Nationals currently living in the UK.

It's been costing the UK alot.

Here's what these unemployed. Sick or rarely employed EU Nationals now face.

By the 31st Dec 2020. They will be cut off from UK Welfare Benefits. Unless they get proactive about their situation.

All the EU Nationals, who having been living off welfare in the UK. Will have to successfully apply for Temporary Immigration Status by 31st Dec 2020.

That will actually allow them to stay for 36 months.

But after that period ends. These EU Nationals will have to apply to the future Immigration Scheme.

And only some of them. Will qualify.


Well. For a start they haven't been working all the time while they have been resident in the UK. Or. Are sick.

So why would they be approved for immigration?

They can't demonstrate an ability to contribute to the UK. Only take.

The UK's Future Immigration Scheme is a skills based system.

So if EU Nationals have just been living off UK welfare. With no particular trade or skill.
And very little employment history in the UK.

Their application will fail.

And they will either have to self-deport.
Or be deported.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I'm not in the least surprised that Boris Johnson was an opponent of the EU.

He's been involved in it in a way his whole life.

His father was an economics expert who worked at the early European Commission. At least by 1973.

Due to this, Boris Johnson lived in Brussels for a long time. And schooled there.
For a long time.

The EU and everything to with it, runs through Boris Johnson's veins.

And I think that's why he hated the modern version of it.

And determined very early, to get the UK out of it.

Yes. He's an old Eton rifle. But he's a very experienced European.

And if anything he's a liberal conservative.

His mother's family were clearly a bunch of Lefties. Who hated all forms of racism.

And it may surprise some people. That Boris Johnson has not actually been getting along with British Elites.


Because he claims they do not understand the level of suffering EU policies were causing ordinary people.

He called it ...'the cynicism of the elite'

Best of all I love old Ken Livingstone's opinion on Boris Johnson. He told the New Statesman...

While he 'had once feared Johnson as the most hardline right wing ideologue since Thatcher, over the course of Johnson's mayoralty (he) had instead concluded that he was a fairly lazy tosser who just wants to be there while doing very little work'

Well Boris Johnson's current position leaves absolutely no room for laziness now.

Because right now he's hit the ground running.

He has a devil of a job ahead of him.

To make this transition come right.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And the Foreign Office swear Boris Johnson once referred to the French as 'turds'.

I'm sorry. But I find that hilarious.

He claims he doesn't remember saying it.

Well. That's what they all say.

Boris Johnson admires Winston Churchill. And his amazing skill as an orator.

Pretty certain Churchill never called the French, turds.

Perhaps he did at home. After a few drinks.

But Boris Johnson's favourite quote from Churchill's. Which I think refers to the 2 World Wars was ....

'Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed, by so many, to so few'
Miranda said…
CD can you shed any light on the next leader of the Labour Party?
T. W. said…
I do not understand. I thought the previous Prime Minister did all she could to expel non-white British citizens from England?

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