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A little OFF....

As you know I rarely do sports stuff.

But, even though Kobe Bryant.

 Seems to have been out of the limelight of late.

I get the feeling there's something. 
I can't track him after 2019/20.

Big, bad not good.........

Also something to be exposed.


Chick'sOpinion said…
Well well well.

We shouldn't be surprised.

That China and Russia are working together on this CoronaVirus epidemic ...that China created.

In China. And all over the world.

Except in Russia.

Surprise surprise. There have been no confirmed cases of the virus in Russia.

Funny that.

Even though they share a f..cking border...the Far East border. With China.

And have only decided to close that border that connects to China today.

Oh and Russia have only just decided today, to limit railway links with China.

Also just today, Russia decided to stop issuing Russian visas to Chinese. And block Chinese tourist groups from Russia today.

And. Also from today, only direct trains between Moscow and Beijing.

This CoronaVirus has been raging for almost 2 weeks now.
Doesn't it strike you as strange?
That Russia didn't panic about this virus 2 weeks ago.
And. Put in place quarrantine measures. In Russia. And on the border.

That's because guys....China assured Russia that they would not be a country they infect with it.

If you want any evidence that Russia and the Chinese Government are working together.

Then this is it.

Christian said the infection was very very fishy.

And here's the evidence.

And I still think the aim too. For China.
Is do a quick population control of the Chinese population.

They can't murder their people.

So a Pandemic is the next best thing for them.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Can you tell us if she is a total golddigger?

Elon Musk's pregnant girlfriend, Canadian singer Grimes.

Yes. That's what she calls herself. Grimes.
She's 31. But looks and sings like she just walked outa high school

Perhaps that's the attraction.

And it's only my own opinion. But I think her take on Techno music is as boring as batshit.

And unremarkable.

Given I'm a Fat Boy Slim, Underworld and Groove Armada fan from way back.

I reserve the right to say..her music.

Is shit.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Canadian singer, Grimes has a song.

It's called 'we appreciate power'

Well Golddiggers really appreciate power.

And having alot of money and it's power it gives to them.

So love with Elon Musk is making Grimes prosperity affirmation come true.

She must sing 'We Appreciate Power' every morning.

And has a vision board of Bank Statements.

And being conveniently up the duff and having a baby with a billionaire, like Elon Musk... is essential.

For when you really want to collect the coins at separation time.

Babies need millions to maintain you know.
Chick'sOpinion said…
It's official.
Elon Musk has the worst taste in Techno music.

I hope for their sake. Elon Musk doesn't make them listen to Grimes on the Space X Rocket.

Oh sorry. I forgot.

Christian has predicted that the Space X Rocket's first passenger trip to Mars or the moon or wherever the hell they are destined for.

Will crash.

Well. Lets look on the bright side.

At least they won't have to listen to Grimes, his girlfriend's Techno music for long.

I'd get out at Mercury if I was subjected to that music...crap.

I've checked. Mercury is the first stop closest to earth.

It's like a Galactic bus stop.

Actually. Get out at Mercury if you've booked a ticket on his rocket.

Too many psychics have predicted its a doomed mission.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well. The truth comes out.

The recorded conversations are in the Daily Mail today.

Of Amber Heard's admissions of violent behaviour towards Johnny Depp.

Mind you, it's clear when you listen to both recordings. Johnny Depp is just as violent as her.

I wonder if she punched Elon Musk too.

And that's why they parted.

I recall Christian saying that Elon Musk was perfectly aware of Amber Heard's golldiggin intentions.
When she was his GF for awhile.

The recordings of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in Couples Therapy and at home arguing about lying... some other stupid shit. And yet another physical fight ....paint a picture.

They sound like a typical arguing couple.
Johnny Depp comes across as mature and rational.

Perhaps he's stoned or drunk. Cause he sounds completely calm compared to her.

But we know Johnny Depp has mental problems. And severe addiction problems.

That he may not recover from.

But it's smart that he decided to counter sue Amber Heard. For 50 million.

Because he knew he had the evidence. To back up the claim that she assaulted him too.

Many times.

The pair of them should just pack it in.

And walk away.

Like we all do. When relationships just get too crazy.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I see Adam Sandler is coming back from 'actor oblivation' and has got very good reviews for his movie Uncut Gems.

It's a crime drama about a nutty jeweller.

But don't think it's typical Adam Sandler goofy silliness.

Not at all.

In fact. It's high time we saw a serious side to Adam Sandler.

Comedy actors often hide their serious side.
So thank God that Adam Sandler has been given opportunity to show that.
Letty said…
Death was a planned sacrifice for the NBA, Grammys, LeBron, and Zion Williamson
Watch the Lakers win the championship and watch Zion and LeBron
Kobe passed the torch to LeBron when LeBron passed him
In scoring points a day before he died. So he was not as useful

Also he was in a big legal fight over his Black mamba name
With a huge pharmaceutical company for three years they were
Going to court I think in February so this is suspicious

High powers trying to lower the collective energy on
This planet by causing pain and heartache and keep
Us in low vibrations
Letty said…
Gematria numerology connects his death with NBA,
LeBron and Zion Williamson.

Zion Williamson will be the next Kobe!

Celebrities are getting killed on Grammy
Day as part of a ritual!

These sick powerful people control Hollywood
entertainment and Sports Because it creates
the energy they need to manipulate and survive!

Imagine all the worldwide emotional energy they harnessed
from the death of Kobe!!

As long as we don’t question what is happening they
Will keep on doing it!

Great prediction CD!! ⭐️⭐️
Chick'sOpinion said…

Although alot believe Hollywood was built on the occult. And that the Occult control Hollywood.

I disagree strongly.
Hollywood was built on the networking and creativity of the Gay community.

And yes. Who different gay producers, or gay writers or gay newcomers were sleeping with.... was part of the network.

And no one cared. They were just quiet about it. In a way.
But they had their own fun parties. And it was all about helping eachother.
Not just sleeping with eachother.

It's a fact, that in pre Hiv and AIDS days. Gay men and women in Hollywood purposely helped eachother with their careers. They were not interested in the Occult.
They were focussed on their careers.

And I very much doubt they are generally today either.
They are way too creative for that crap.

In fact. It was easier to get success in Hollywood and New York in the 60's or 70'. If you were gay. They made important connections immediately if they were gay.

The Gay community was a community.

In the 60's and 70's they really came into their own.

And what an amazing bunch of creative people they were.
Claiming they acheived all that they did, because of the Occult. Completely ignores their massive contribution.
And talent.

And their creative output was prodigious. Because back then..they were already refusing to marry. And to live as Heterosexuals.

They usually never had children and devoted their lives to their creativity.
Every bit of it.

I feel claiming Hollywood is run by the Occult is just not true. And it would piss alot of the Gay community off.

Because you have give credit where credit is due. They built Hollywood. And the scene in New York.
And they made the decisions.
And still do.

They still run Hollywood. And theatre in New York.

I knew alot of gay guys in the early 80's because I worked in catering.
I can tell you. Very few of them would have been interested in things like the occult.

They were interested in dancing, music, fashion, love affairs and gossiping.

Golden Hollywood Actors from the 40's and 50's also have confirmed...Hollywood was run by the Gay community. And powerful Jewish men.
Not the Occult.
And believing the Occult ran it and still does run it power. It shouldn't have.
And the accolades it doesn't deserve.

If anyone in Hollywood was into the occult in any of those decades. It was just a small collection of people.

It's a fact, the Occult just doesn't interest alot of people.

Anita Pallenberg tried to get Mick jagger into it one afternoon
Not successful. Because he found it a bore. All the spells he had to remember. And all the details involved in it.
He thought it was stupid.

And why would he get involved in it?
He was highly creative...successful.

Happy creative people don't need the Occult to be successful.
Or to get power.
Chick'sOpinion said…
An Australian restaurant have nailed it.

With a sign they put out the front yesterday.

It reads...

'The Coronavirus won't last long. Because it was made in China'

T. W. said…
Made in China. Ain’t that the truth!

I have read books & magazine articles linking the beginnings of Hollywood to the occult. You can find a multitude of videos about the connection on YouTube.

Biological females were not allowed to be actors in the past. Not just our past, go all the way back to the beginning. I learned about this in high school. Actors would put on a show but they made their money from prostitution. That is why societies have looked down upon actors for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

Now you know why both male & “female” actors are called ACTORS. How often do you hear “female” performers called “actresses.”

THEY love intersex and bisexuality/pan sexuality.

THEY believe God created Adam as a hermaphrodite. I am serious.

Take a look at the god THEY worship:
T. W. said…
Was this pilot “persuaded” to crash the helicopter?
T. W. said…
Here is Jay Myers’ documentary:

Kobe Bryant, What Really Happened? Strange Coincidences, Predictive Programming, and more!
Anonymous said…
The Simpsons seem to be the select show for showing celebrity demise.

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