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Think Ivanka......!

 Jesus may or may not love you VP Pence.
But on who doesn't, is your boss.
That big orange tub of lard.........
Is setting you up, to take the fall.
For the useless handling of this Corona Virus.
Why? you ask........
Well. he doesn't want you as VP.
In his next election.........
This is the perfect way to get rid of you.
Personally, I feel you deserve, to go
Plus this will bring him down too.


Chocmint33 said…
Ivanka as VP? The public won't like that.

Oh well, that's a sure fire way for Babyfart to lose the election, so go ahead you orange dumbass.
Quiet said…
Great Insight CD

Every time I see trump in a large crowd like India 2 days ago, usa tonight, I cant help but think he is where people are coughing, sneezing, shaking hands, possible air borne water molecules containing corona in these arenas.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. You have a Told Ya.

2 Female former students of actor James Franco have made complaints. That James Franco tried to get them to agree to do explicit sex scenes.
In exchange for roles.

He's a creep.

And basically a Harvey Weinstein.
Truth said…
Really ?
this is where you go with don't have a clue do you ?
Odin said…
All gets fair share of Corona...........

>Boris Johnson has been accused of shirking responsibility after it emerged he will not hold an emergency Cobra meeting on the coronavirus outbreak until Monday and is spending the weekend at his country retreat, Chequers.
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian!

Everyone stay safe!

Go to Wiki-How to learn how to make your own hand sanitizer.
T. W. said…
Ivanka will look even if she has nothing to do with her dad’s decisions.
T. W. said…
*look bad

If she is VP and Trump actually wins I need to look into moving to Mexico or some other place with good affordable healthcare. I am serious.

Blow Job, uh, I meant Boris Johnson is acting like Trump. He’s basically telling the UK to suck his pee-pee

Why on earth did Trump go to India?!

I am baffled with world events. I need the Friends to help me at this time.
Chick'sOpinion said…

On the India visit.

The BBC have speculated that 'Trump wanted to show people that he was hugely popular abroad by going to India. And that he was capable of negotiating huge deals out of a country he once labelled as the King of Tariffs'

I tend to agree with that comment.

What the leader of India needed, Narendra Modi, was some good PR.

But here's what the Trump achieved and Modi acheived. And it isn't all good.

The worst community violence broke out while Trump was in India.

Between hindus and Muslims during trumps visit to the capital. Raising the question of whether India shares democratic values with the U.S.

The U.S embassy in Delhi had to issue a security alert to U.S citizens in Delhi.
Thats how bad it was.

Rioting continued. And alot of damage was caused. To shops and mosques. These riots are over Indian leader, Modhi's new citizenship laws.
It's causing unrest.

Trump applauded Modhi on religious freedom while he was there. But in fact Modhi's decision to cease the Kashmir region region's independance.

Is not very ....well, free.

In fact ending Independance in Kashmir is only going to increase conflict in South Asia. As India / Pakistan rivalry is only going to worsen.

But Trump did acheive a far deeper security relationship with india while there. In defense and sales. Indian is buying 3 billion in military eqipment from the U.S.
It's all to bolster too a relationship with India join forces against China.

I think the U.S are going to provide technology to India that provides greater security.... in securing the Indian shared security....

weapons systems too.

But unfortunately Trump did not acheive a major trade deal. That was that would have meant the U.S build 6 nuclear reactors for India via the company Westinghouse.

Oh and Trump offered to mediate on the India/pakistan dispute over the region of Kashmir. Then kinda changed his mind.
The thing is....Trump does not want to anger Pakistan.


Because Pakistan helped the U.S get a peace agreement in Afghanistan. Enabling a U.S troops drawdown there.

So I think Trumps visit to Pakistan did actually achieve a few things.
A better relationship with India for a start.
T. W. said…

Thank you for all of this information. I did not know these things. The US is right to have a military partnership with India. The Dragon & The Bear are allies you know...
T. W. said…
According to my local news Pope Francis has to cancel services because he has a “cold.” Let us pray he recovers because the next “pope” will represent the god of this world, not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And the Pope does alot of hand shaking.

But usually with a glove.
T. W. said…
Gloves don’t protect eyes and mouth. All it takes is a cough or a sneeze...

Pope Francis cancels third day of events amid mysterious illness
Anonymous said…
Shut up! Oh, does this make sense or what?


Daddy wants Princess Blondie to be his running mate.

Oh yes, people who love Trump will have no issue with Blondie.

(Um, I like Blondie but I should not say anything because I know some of you will want to beat me up, LOL).


But no, I do not agree that Blondie should ever be considered for VP.

Do I think she is smart enough? Yes.

Do I think she has "earned" the role of VP? No way.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous!

You are entitled to your opinion.

I don’t think about Ivanka, therefore I have no opinion. Her clothes are crap though.
Anonymous said…
Her clothes actually don't seem to exist anywhere anymore.

I do have some of her clothes, coats and shoes.

I've always waited for them to go on sale.

I think all her clothes were made in China.

And speaking of China, what a financial fallout from this COID-19!

Some man on the news today from the U.S. was telling people NOT TO BUY MASKS THEY DON'T HELP. Then he went on to say that the Healthcare workers are having a hard time finding masks and masks should be reserved for their use. (Not verbatim)

So which is it, mate? Masks are useless or not? If they are useless and do not prevent us from getting COID-19, then why do Healthcare workers want and need them? Kind of oxymoronic, no?

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
Perhaps Trump had the "vaccine," so he can travel freely knowing that he is immune from getting COID-19.

I think the Chinese president also had the vaccine. He walked about and acted like everything is AOK.

I don't trust either of these leaders. **Cough** Leaders, huh.

Just a thot.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

1) Ivanka’s clothes are sold in stores like Ross & TJ Max.

2) I was at the ER today. I am fine. There are NO masks. Even the nurses didn’t have any. Keep in mind people were coughing & not covering their mouths.

3) The masks have other uses for the healthcare workers.

4) I have severe allergies and respiratory issues. Last year my ENT specialist told me to use the N95 respirators as the regular masks are no good against smoke & fragrance. I could not afford them. At the time you could get 3 for under $15. Now one mask is about $100.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I'm feelin for ya.

Since I had bad pneumonia in my early 30's I cannot be anywhere near people smoking.

I walked past a man smoking at a railway station years ago. And immediately had a spasm of a cough. That sounds like a honking horn.

You know, like whooping cough.

It's happened to me a few times.

Less so since the era of smokers. Now means.... smokers are pretty much banned from everywhere in australia.

They are not even allowed to smoke outside our hospitals now.

Good. I get an immediate kinda allergic reactiion to cigarettes smoke.

And I've never been a smoker.

TW. Hope you get well. Healing angels will gather round you.

And work their energy magic on you.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion ,

I thank you for your thoughts & prayers. Pneumonia sucks. I was hospitalized at age 9 because of it. I had bronchitis my senior year of high school. That was constant pain. I do not understand why people smoke or vape.

ER found nothing wrong Monday. I fell hard Tuesday. I thank God nothing is broken but it sure felt like it!

I found out most of the people at the ER has the flu. North Carolina is having both an influenza & COVID-19 outbreak.

Oh well.

We were warned.

I shall continue praying.
Anonymous said…
Thank you T.W. for the stores. I am no longer buying her stuff. I sincerely hope you are doing AOK.

The masks have gone up in price because of the demand. Since I purchased mine a week ago, they have gone up 20 bucks! Tonight, they were saying on the news that people are stocking up on pre-cooked foods (that you would use for camping and hiking treks), and toilet paper is unavailable at some Costco/Sam's stores. WTH People are really getting freaked out about the virus. I understand completely. You'd think we were preparing for war.

I think allergies are becoming a severe problem for millions of people, including myself. All the exhaust and environmental dust, and of course all the smoke. Smoke is filled with so many chemicals, I am amazed the human body can withstand it for years.

I'm one of those people whose purse, jacket pocket, whatever I'm carrying, is full of tissues. I got to have tissue with me all the time. The minute I step out in the world, my nose runs. Need tissue. I catch the train in the morning, my nose runs. Need tissue. It runs while on the train. Need tissue. Off the train. Another tissue. Getting on an elevator. Tissue please! And if you've ever stepped on a campus these days, let me tell you it's smoke heaven, mixed with a little cigarette and marijuana. The warmer the weather, the worse it becomes. Once inside, I am fine.

I go through a lot of tissue. I buy bulk from Costco. Apparently tissue is still available at Costco/Sam's.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
You are welcome CAP Anonymous!

I bought about 6 month’s worth of toilet paper from I also have toilet paper from when I go out & about. I use digital coupons at Dollar General & I’ll pick up things if I am at Walmart.

I ordered bulk gloves from Amazon. Be sure to order medical grade nitrile gloves. No latex!

I was at Walmart yesterday. One man was trying to get Lysol spray. An employee said there were only 2 cans on the shelf.

I’m okay with non food items. I’m concerned about food because of the allergy situation. I’m gonna have to bite the bullet & eat new food.

As far as shopping, part of the fear is that people can’t go to work if they are sick. Who will pick the crops, raise the animals, butcher meat, process, pack, & ship food?

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