The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
I had no idea she actually joined. This explains everything!
This move to L.A. is not surprising. This is Meghan's turf. This is where she wants to be.
Mommy's there too.
Harry, you have no idea what's coming your way, and it's not good, at least in the interim.
Harry can go back home (where he belongs) and the world can finally see Meghan's true colors.
How's that for a world reawakening?
CAP Anonymous
Yeah. Agree. That explains everything. About this woman.
I'm a bit shocked that it really didn't come out earlier ...into the mainstream media.
Clearly Piers Morgan doesn't know.
Wait till he finds out.
He'll go on another crucifying campaign on her.
Yup. Cap Anonymous .....Harry has no idea what extremes these scientologists will go to. To exclude family out of your life.
No wonder Meghan was ruthless in getting him away from his loved ones.
I wonder if Prince William has known via Mi6 or Mi5, that Meghan is a Scientologist.... from the start.
Cause he clearly despises her.
I do think Scientologists won't succeed in brainwashing Harry. When they attempt to.
Because he's had rigourous Military training. And as a soldier he's been trained to understand fanatics. And fundamentalism. And how they operate.
But ya know. He's been quite naive thus far.
And he's hopelessly infactuated with Meghan.
Remember that PR lady who she stopped contact with when she voiced her concerns about the ramifications of marrying Harry? I remember the PR lady saying that Meghan said something along the lines of, "Save it. I don't want any negativity. This is a positive time in my life."
Wasn't there a photograph of her and TomTom together?
Meghan certainly has a way with men about her. Men eat out of her hands. They do anything for her. Look at her poor father. He worshipped her and did everything to start off her career. And then there's the ex-hubby.
Now Harry. Wow he left his royal role and ties partly for her!
While it is a novelty for Harry now, and I'm sure they are closer than ever because they left the Royals together, I think Harry will tire of the Hollywood lifestyle just like Meghan got irritated with the Royal lifestyle.
It took her 2 years. I wonder if it will take the same amount of time for Harry?
Meghan has proved that it is very hard to leave your lifestyle and culture for another one.
It will be doubly hard for Harry to leave his Royal culture and lifestyle for Hollywood which is like cheese to the royal chalk.
Thomas Markle - a suppresive
Samantha Markle - a suppresive
Kate Duchess of Cambridge - a suppressive
Prince William - a supressive
For those who don't know. A suppressive is what Scientologists call people who are either not in the Scientology Cult. Or who have left.
Yes. Chocmint33 I agree with you. Meghan appears to have men eating out of hands over the years.
When really. She should be only fed through a cage.
She's that destructive.
Well I wonder if Meghan will lose her appeal to most men. When they discover she's a nutty Scientologist.
Pretty certain most men don't find mental illness sexy.
And that's what I'm thinking you need to be. To belong/be in a Cult. Nuts.
A form of mebtal illness.
Men out there. Back me up on this.
Mental illness is not a turn on in women. Right?
Men run away screaming from it.
Do Scientologists also call them 'negative' too?
I'm wondering if Doria is in the cult too.
Wouldn't surprise me.
No. We're not sure.
I'm not well informed about how Scientologists operate.
Anyone know. Please comment here.
Though I am wondering if they use the old trick. Of using the more attractive girls to lure / recruit people into the Cult of Scientology.
Charles Manson did the same thing. He used Catherine Share to lure. Socially.
And she focussed on pretty naive girls. Homeless girls. Who would be useful to do the same.
One of them that she lured successfully was former Homecoming Queen and LSD addicted, Leslie Van Houten.
Leslie Van Houten eventually participated in the Manson murders of the La Bianca couple.
Leslie Van Houten was tried and jailed for life for it. And is still in prison today.
But Catherine Share isn't. The recruiter.
Because despite being in the Manson Cult she didn't go on any of the Manson murder sprees. Or at least they were not able to prove she did.
But decades later. Catherine Share, the recruiter... lurer...wrote to Leslie Van Houten in prison.
And confessed to her. That when she met her that day at a music festival and invited her to live at the Manson ranch.
She was actually recruiting her.
Not befriending her.
Leslie Van Houten was stunned. Because she thought it was real friendship.
Even decades later.
At her trial, at 19, Leslie Van Houten was the youngest person ever, to be convicted for the death penalty.
But luckily for her. The following year in 1971. The death penalty was banned in that state.
Here's the thing. Does Prince Harry think that Meghan's love is real?
Or does he know he's just being recruited for his money and connections.... for the Scientology Church.
We know that he has an ongoing drug and alcohol problem.
This is what really worries me now. About his relationship with Meghan Markle.
Prince Harry would be a fine catch for the Scientologists.
And catching and recruiting him would elevate her within Scientology.
No wonder Meghan was furious when she discovered Harry doesn't actually have that much access to huge amounts of money. She could have channelled to the Scientology Church.
And I feel I should mention as I've mentioned before.
Charles Manson, leader of the Manson Cult, did a Scientology course in jail before he got out and developed his cult.
And he applied to the letter. Everything he learned from that course.
To start a cult of his own.
There is a very good 2016 movie about The Manson Cult girls.
It's called Manson's Lost Girls.
I don't know how accurately they portray it.
But bits I've seen of it. And what I know about the facts. It appears quite authentic.
Probably the most authentic yet ever about that Cult.
And what they famously did.
And this movie is probably why Quentin Tarantino didn't bother doing a full potrayal of the Manson Cult in his most recent movie, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
It's already been done...... and better.
25 SHOCKING Facts About Scientology
Leah Remini EXPOSES Scientology
Joe Rogan Experience #908 - Leah Remini
I will be reading the 25 Shocking facts about Scientology after work today.
But to be honest. Cults and what goes on in them tends to give me nightmares.
But there is good news.
Do you know it's nearly 10 years since Warren Jeffs of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) was jailed.
The leader from that Mormon polygamous denomination.
He is serving a sentence of life. Plus 20 years. For child sexual assault.
I wonder if 87 of his wives miss him.
Doubt it.
Apparently he was on America's most wanted list too. For a long time..
Well it will be a happy day. When we see alot of key figures in the Scientology Church tried and jailed.
Sometimes it seems like it will never happen.
But as we've discussed before. There are psychics who have predicted the fall of Scientology.
And I think Christian did too.
I think the end of them has already started anyway.
Apparently they are struggling to get recruits these days.
And their 'churches' are empty.
I really get offended that they have the hide to call them Churches.
They are so not.
I forgot about that cult guy.
I agree with you about $cientology not being a church. They play on people’s ignorance of what that word really means.