The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The national bird may be the rooster but the French don’t play around.
Smart people go shopping while the rest protest.
1) Rat with empty liquor bottle
2) Egg McMuffin rat is the newest fast food rodent star in New York
3) Pizza Rat - Our Newest Obsession
4) Cigarette cockroach is giving pizza rat a run for its money in New York
Scholastic is offering free online courses so your kids can keep learning while schools are closed
And the Russians would be the same. If the result wasn't almost certain torture. Or possibly murder.
Yesterday, in Russia, young protesters and brave human rights campaigners. Staged a protest outside the headquarters of the Russian Security Service
This is a service that tortures young Russians. Actually anyone. Who refuse to stop challenging the Putin Government.
It used to be called the KGB.
They just re-branded their name, when the Russians moved from the Soviet era.
Anyway.... the protesters were there, to demand that they free political prisoners.
Who were detained this year and years before, on Terrorism charges. For opposing Putin.
The political prisioners claimed the day they appeared in court. That they were tortured by the Russian FSB Security Service.
Unsurprisingly, the Russian police arrested 49 of these young protesting Russians at this demonstration outside the FSB. Pressuring to get these young people released.
Some got injured in the process too.
Protesting will instantly get you tortured and jailed in Putin's Russia.
Young Russians are absolutely fed up with his repression. And their most recent protests have been against Putin's attempt at Constitutional change. So he can stay on as President for basically the rest of his life.
And he acheived this the other day.
The Independent Moscow Times have learned of an underground movement called 'Network' in Russia. That has the singular goal of overthrowing Putin.
But last month unfortunately The Moscow Times learned from a Court Case in the Penza Region. That 6 to 7 young Russian men who were arrested in relation to this 'Network' back in 2017 and 2018.
Were sentenced to 6 to 18 years.
For their involvement in 'Network'.
There's absolutely NO justice in Russia.
The young men all claim they were tortured with electrodes while in custody. extract confessions.
As I mentioned yesterday. Psychics have predicted Putin is NOT gonna last much longer.
Because younger Russian generations refuse to put up with his repression and abuse any longer.
Not to mention the censorship of their internet. Media. The banning of Gay people or transgender people. And almost total lack of human rights.
Hopefully CD will do a post on how it ends for Putin.
Because now Putin has changed the Russian Constitution... he can't be removed from power through an election. There has to be a coup, and uprising or worse.
To remove him from Office.
Chick’sOpinion - As you know I’m not in to astrology. However, this year’s events are falling in line with the astrological forecast. The governments, financial markets, etc. will be restructured & THEY won’t be able to stop it.
Well that sounds like a good thing.
As they say. It's in the stars.
I really think though, that Macron should have resigned long ago. His policies and him have been deeply unpopular for so long.
But he's a little Napoleon. And won't let go of power.
He's worked too hard for too long to just give up.
And I'd say his road hasn't been easy.
Because I still think he's gay. And the older 'wife' is more like someone he was with when he was in high school. Cause that's when he met her. When she was a school teacher. And he a student.
And he realised later that he was gay. But they remained together because he wanted a political career.
Without having to come out.
Fair enough. Difficult choices.
But really....he became a French President.
He acheived that. Acheived his goal.
And it's now time I think for him to step away.
France needs to pull together after this economic downturn....due to CoronaVirus.
And it would be better off without the civil unrest continuing.
I do think the French, being so stylish...could have come up with a more elegant vest.
But I guess the Yellow Hi-Vis Vest is a modern symbol of manual workers today.
Or general workers for that matter.
It's a global symbol.
But the French probably stop for breaks during protests.
And have wine and cheese.
However. I noticed in France they don't have alot of snack food. I found out that they don't believe in snacking. Between meals.
Because it destroys your appetite for your main meal.
Was this why I hardly saw anyone that overweight in France?
Only the tourists seemed to have obesity.
No. I need food inbetween. Otherwise I go full nuts.
Chick'sOpinion... Putin was raised KGB.... like you mentioned, he just renamed it.... His time/karma is coming......prayers that all is well and safe even all that is in power to rule over us. Pray that they see the light for humanity , compassion, love. God BLess, Amen.
Macron has been disastrous for France!
Thank you!
I didn't know that about their Yellow Vests. Australian workers all wear them too.
Also, I read that French leader, Macron planned to reform French pensions.
Particulary the Pensions of the Paris Metro workers.
And I remember they went bererk about it last year.
And quite rightly. Because when you look into it. French Metro workers and some other key professions in France. Get a special pensions for a reason.
Due to the fact that they always have to work unsociable hours.
Any leader who tries to come in and reform things that workers have benefited well from. For a long time. Always find themselves I guess, in Macron's unpopular position.
He should have known better.
Given the French's capacity to rioting. And protest.
You only have to consider the 1968 French Student Protests. And how historians see 1968 as special. There was huge civil unrest in Paris in 1968.
It was so effective and intense...The Rolling Stones wrote a song about it. Called Street Fighting Man.
Mick Jagger, singer of the Rolling Stones had already been involved in an Anti-Vietnam War Protest that year. That turned very violent, close to where he lived in Grosvenor Square in London March 1968.
But 1968 is a key year for many many things.
The Prague Spring, students at South Carolina State Campus in America protested about segregation. And were fired on by police. L.A Latino kids walked out of high school. And demanded better education.
It was, in energy terms.
An unusual year. Globally.
As the world definately changed in 1968. For the better in many ways.
Global protesting did it.
And remarkable key events Martin Luther King shot. So the public had to follow through his crusade for civil rights.
Overall. Because of the French student protesters in May 1968.
It looked very like a global revolution was happening. Brought by the younger generation.
And if you reflect on the changes that came by the 1970's.
1968 was a revolution.
And it kicked off with the French.
This is why I always say.
The French know how to bring change.
Yeah. They'll never take the KGB out of Putin.
I didn't watch it all because I disliked it. But that Hollywood movie, Red Sparrow with actress Jennifer Lawrence .Is not far from the truth as we older people know.
Of how Soviet Russia operated.
But did the Soviet era really end? Seriously?
It just modernised.
With Putin as the Creative Director of it's change.
To many ways.
May not be a popular opinion. But I think it was good politically that Hollywood made the movie, Red Sparrow.
Because younger generations got to learn from watching it. Just how f..cked up the Russian government are.
And always have been.
The supposed end of the Cold War (which never really happened in my view)
Deprived younger generations of a focus politically. For understanding how bad Russia was/is.
We had the advantage in the 1980's. Of having to be politically aware of Russian Soviet aggression.
Because there was always discussion in the media of the possibility of ..... as the Forever Young song went,
'Are they gonna drop the bomb on us'
Because nuclear war tensions with Russia were often so bad.
That kinda stuff brings it into sharper focus.
Further to that. We were acutely aware we couldn't travel to Russia.
As tourists.
Because like 8 of the Communist European countries then. They were behind the Iron Curtain.
You couldn't go there. And they couldn't visit us.
I remember feeling sorry for young Russians in the 1980's.
They couldn't get Levi Jeans.
Modern clothes, music. Least of all, personal freedom.
It was terrible for them.
And Putin. Who lived for Soviet Communist Russia. Has held the progress from that period back totally in my veiw.
In reality ....he wants Russia to return to complete Communism.
Well. He's not gonna get his Red fingered chance.
One psychic predicted that Russia enters a Golden Age. Culturally. Of being Amazeballs.
Once he's fully gone.
Bring it on.
They've waited so long for it.
He will be at the Elysee Palace.
Where he lives.
Chick'sOpinion- I need to watch Red Sparrow now.
THese times and days are crazy, lets all be positive with prayer and keep in touch. I am having to go into work today... They just closed down Nords and Sephora..... Prayes for those that might lose their jobs. including me. BIg hugs & positive light to all!!
SHout out to T.W. gurl- u know your awesome :) and u too C.D. (lady gaga too)
Let us remember to pray for caregivers, light workers, the helpless, the hopeless, the missing, the fearful, those in prison & jails, those in foster & group homes, the elderly, the disabled, & children.