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NOT FUNNY... Ok just a bit...


T. W. said…
Christian tickles me. My sense of humor is “out there” too.

Here’s some celebrity gossip:

1) Katy Perry And Madonna Fell For Fake Videos Of Italians Singing Their Songs During Coronavirus Lockdown

2) Daniel Radcliffe Says Playing Harry Potter Turned Him Into An Alcoholic
T. W. said…
Notice how the celebrities have masks & sanitizer.

Notice how THEY have managed to keep the masses on lockdown without declaring martial law.

The test run is going according to plan.

T. W. said…
With God’s help will get through this. Please watch & share this video. Thank you.

NEW FROM PERRY STONE - A Vision of America's Empty Cities
T. W. said…

Sex Workers Bracing for Income Loss During Coronavirus Pandemic

Orgies, Homosexuality, and Prostitutes: What Sex Was Like During the Black Death!
T. W. said…

“RONA DEFENDER!” Watch as Memphis Superhero Saves People from Virus
T. W. said…

Distilleries are making hand sanitizer with their in-house alcohol and giving it out for free to combat coronavirus
T. W. said…
Good luck:

Trump tells America lock down now with '15 days to stop the spread,' saying old must stay home, gatherings over 10 people end and schools, offices, bars and restaurants should close but Tony Fauci has to correct that it is NOT till August
Chick'sOpinion said…
Daniel Radcliffe is just another child actor who became an alcoholic.

There's a long line of them.
Historically speaking.

I really don't know why anyone would want their child to become a child actor. It's a recipe for
mental disaster in their child's lives.

Commonly, they are targeted by pedos.

That's what happened to English actress Daniella Westbrook too. They and their parents have to trust adults in the industry. And they so shouldn't trust them.

There isn't people I would trust less. Than Entertainment industry people.

Perhaps Daniel Radcliffe was sexually assaulted.
And at this stage he is not revealing that.

And that's why he developed a drinking problem.
Letty said…
Hi CD ❤️❤️❤️
Is there something behind the corona virus???

I just can’t help but to think that once the virus which is man made
Is controlled . Someone has the vaccine out there
are going to push something over on the Population?

Letty said…
I have read the following corana virus theories

1 related to 5G and the effects on our bodies
China is full of 5G towers
2. Biological warfare against China by the US
3. China and Iran accused the US of infecting them with
The corona virus
4. US infected China bring their economy down to
Prevent them from being the number one super power
And by passing the US
5 start of the New World Order
6 we are bringing in the new earth after these virus
7 the viruses are preprogrammed to target certain
Blood type and certain people
8 every two years there is always a new virus specially
During election years
9 virus created to bring the Trump presidency down
10 Ivanka , Bill Barr, and Jared Kushner have the virus

Letty said…
The Reptilian lizzies are breathing in all the fear energy
That is being created by this virus
Psychic LJ said there is a scientist working with
The reptilian Lizzies. I wonder if the scientist is tony Fauci
He has been involved with many of the virus that
HAve been created
Chick'sOpinion said…

Love how you call them lizzies.

Too funny
T. W. said…
Joseph Tittle is live on Ewe Toob right now
T. W. said…
China made the virus. Notice how fast they blamed the US. What does the US export to China? I can’t think of anything.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. I didn't know all the theories.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, try to read The Biggest Secret by David Icke. Don’t read it alone or at night.

Don’t forget the Vigilant Citizen site.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I know who David Icke is.

If I recall. He was a british Professional footballers.

Before he discovered alot of of Spiritual stuff. And conspiracies.

T. W. said…

I don’t know if Icke became insane or became corrupted. I do know Christian said Icke “lost the plot.”

I still recommend the book The Biggest Secret.

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