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Stop hoarding .. SHARE...

Dear World.
No matter how much loo paper you hoard.
It won't stop you getting the virus.
But, going to stores to be greedy.
Will help you get the virus.
Get It !!!!!
Use that greed energy, to help a neighbour.
Help a friend.''''''''''
Clean the house.....
Binge watch TV....
Skype you loved ones.
Play cards/games over the internet.


Tricklem said…
Well said. Unfortunately, I am sure the message is falling on deaf ears.
Tony said…
Thankyou Christian. I have never seen anything like it in my whole life. It's shocking to see how people are behaving. I remember a prediction you made about aliens.."They are amongst us and are shocked in the way home we behave towards each other" and that really sums it up. It's horrendous and I honestly never thought I would ever see anything like this in my whole life. The staff in our supermarkets are suffering abuse from shoppers and yesterday I was horrified to hear one shop worker was spat at by another woman because they ran out of toilet rolls. And two women were fighting over a 24 pack of toilet rolls. Dreadful behaviour. Shocking and outrageous. I just pray and hope this virus will be gone very very soon...because this kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable and has no place in society at all. Shame on all those hoarders!!!!
T. W. said…
Amen Christian!

Tony, I am thrilled to hear from you. I was afraid something bad happened. Now see, when you don't visit us in North Carolina bad things happen here. Cam Newton was forced out of the Carolina Panthers! I know, that is nothing compared to the pandemic crisis. I just wanted to talk about something else.
Kitt Med said…
People are also rude in the stores. Grabbing, smarting off. True people are getting nasty. I try going to stores in evening or off hours.
Nikki Smith said…
Yeah, I bought some toilet paper myself. If a neighbor or a friend needs a roll or 2, take it. For free, as a matter of fact. 😘
Chick'sOpinion said…
I agree with Tony's comments. The behaviour of some people at the moment is obscene.
And they will regret it.

But I want to add positively too. To CD's post.

Stop hoarding and start growing.

Your own food.

Yesterday as many noted. I said I was digging a vegetable garden.

And I did.

It's only half finished cause I've realised it must be bigger due to too much shade at the end.

But then I discovered spinach prefers to grow in shade. So I'm planting spinach seeds today.

Since yesterday... I've planted radish seeds. Broad beans. I bought and planted a very dark green leafy italian cabbage seedling.

A row of white cabbage goes in today. So does corn. Spring onions and normal onions.
And capsicum. UK people call them peppers.

And I bought seeds for tomato plants, to plant for spring.

Admittedly. I took 2 days off work to do this.
But if you mention you feel ill. You will get an instant day off. Trust me.

I understand not everyone can do this.
But planting a garden shifts the reliance off grocery stores. And connects you instantly with the earth.

Not grocery stores. And their fed up workers.

I'm vegetarian anyway. So I don't care if they run out of meat.

I understand it's hardly the growing season in the UK. And the UK have a very short growing season anyway.

But start now with seedlings. And cover them. And protect them from frost. If you don't have a yard. Use a friend's... relative's. Apply for an allotment. Find an abandoned yard.
And just put in a vegetable garden.

I will end up with too many vegetables. So I will give away alot of it by the end of winter here.

I've decided I don't have enough room in my small yard for a potato patch.
But I know theres a community garden in my next town.

So will maybe go see them.

There's an old hippy song.
Sung by Joni Mitchell. Also Crosby Stills Nash and Young sang it too.

It's called Woodstock

Yeah yeah I know and my songs.

But lyrics go,

'We are star dust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves, back to the garden'

Never has this song had more meaning.
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
I am willing to trade 1 roll of toilet 2 respirator masks. I am in a high risk group.

This is NOT a joke.

Contact me if you are local & want to trade.
writestuff said…
I went to the drugstore to pick up some photos and saw many people carrying four packages of toilet paper(that's the limit). I grabbed one package and got in line behind a lady with four packages. She also had snack food and was using a cane. She said she was getting one package for herself and giving three away to her elderly neighbors. So thoughtful! God bless us each and everyone!
T. W. said…
I have a pregnant relative who can’t find any food to eat.
T. W. said…
5.7 magnitude earthquake in Utah knocks out power to thousands and diverts flights
T. W. said…
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Chick'sOpinion said…
I'm just waiting for the first prosecutions to come. In every country.

For profiteering.

That is, people buying up certain foods and goods.
And re-selling them at high prices.
To desperate hotels etc. Desperate people.

I feel world governments have been very slow to introduce law or enforce laws on profiteering.

And prosecute these people.

It needs to happen urgently.
The laws are there in most countries.
They were introduced in World War 2.

And I also think that possibly a version of rationing may have to be introduced.

Because I don't see people stopping anytime soon with this greed.

The U.S had a rationing of food etc program in World War 2.

But as that even led to underground markets. By 1943 the U.S started efforts to control the underground markets.
There'll always be some smartarses who want to exploit a crisis situation like this.

In the UK and Europe wide in WW2, looting was a big problem too.

During WW2, the UK government had to introduce the death penalty and life Sentences as a deterrent to looting.

Ration abuse of Ration Books was a big problem.
But the ability to fiddle the books in WW2. Was very easy.

I feel if they have to introduce rationing in some countries. To stop people buying up and hoarding food. Then it will be a system that cannot be exploited.

Exploitation of Ration books in WW2 took on the macabre in my view.
A kind of mean spiritedness that we can see in people right now.

Back then, people were even caught using the ration books of dead people. But I guess we have to consider. That in those years. People were actually starving.

They are not now. And look how they are behaving.

In World War 2 they were prosecuted for taking the rings from the fingers of the dead.
Charging people a fee for a place in an air raid shelter. And made quite a living from it.

Global crisis brings out the worst in some people.
These people going into supermarkets buying ridiculous levels of food are not even starving. They have no excuse.

But with the greatest low lifes. In times of crisis. Those who are determined to engage in profiteering emerge.

One of the best things the UK introduced too in World War 2. Was compulsory work and farm quotas. To provide aid.

And people in the UK, who broke the many laws that were introduced during WW2 ended up on a compulsory work order.

I guess I'm saying there needs to be severe penalties for people hoarding food etc. And an appraxh to food production. And to keep people working.

Also in World War 2, you could be charged for sloppy work, refusing to work or being consistently late for work.
That would have found you charged under the Essential Work Order.

When Trump realises that under the current extreme conditions, he can enforce all these certain laws that were created in WW2. He will do so I think.

Right now. I think some governments are waiting to see if people will stop this food hoarding of their own accord.

But if they don't. ...A kind of rationing will be introduced.

Suppy chains of food are not affected like they were in World War 2. So why these people are doing this hoarding baffles me slightly.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah I don't understand the link between toilet-paper hoarding and Coranavirus. I understand hand sanitizer going short, but I wish they wouldn't hoard that either. People need it if they have to go out in public.

The trouble with the lack of toilet paper is that people have been forced to use products like paper hand towels, and disinfectant cleaning wipes which will only block the toilet if flushed. I can see the plumbing business doing very well in the coming months.

The problem with the lack of products that we have taken for granted, is that it makes people go to the shops more often just to find them. And more outings to the shops, the greater the risk.

So hoarders please stop, and let us minimize our need to go out to get the basics.

jele6 said…
I was in the pharmacy yesterday and there were no sanitary napkins. I was told that people bought them to make masks. What the hell?
Kitt Med said…
If I see masks TW, I will give them to you TW. No trading needed.when I get paid I will send you them.
T. W. said…

I’m glad you said this. Some of us “hoarders” are actually shopping for people who can’t or won’t leave the home.
T. W. said…
Kitt Med


If Christian allows you can contact him to get more information if/when you are able to send masks.

I had shared some items with a pregnant relative. In return she listened to me talk as I had not seen her in a year.

Perhaps God is repaying my kindness through you?
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

1) Watch the ration books be electronic. Gotta prepare the masses for one world currency & one world government. While I do not believe THEY caused this pandemic it is playing into THEIR hands.

2) I think the US Farm Bill Act contains obscene legislation that allows the US government to confiscate food & supplies from private citizens during times of crisis. All them people that shared prepping tips online had better know they will be targeted. All them people that have bunkers had better know they will be targeted. Why? Because if they followed the laws to build that bunker that means the city had to get the architectural & construction plans before a building permit was issued. I think only 2 companies in the US build bunkers. Trust & believe they kept records on who ordered the bunkers & where they are.
T. W. said…
Chocmint33 - I think I can help.

1) I went shopping last week to purchase extra trash bags to to get contractor bags. I told someone people don’t know how to shop for a crisis & they don’t think to get TRASH BAGS and CONTRACTOR BAGS. If the city terminated trash collection then people will have to double or triple bag their trash. Those “force flex” bags easily get holes in them too.

2) Not all trash can or should be burned. Did you know burning cds & DVD’s releases toxins into the air & damages your lungs? Put an “empty” bottle of lighter fluid into your burn bin & see what happens...

3) As for toilet paper:

(a) Other diseases are going around. They can cause diarrhea. Better to be safe than sorry.

(b) I blow my nose with toilet paper, not tissues. Little Sister told me that is low class. Well, I’ll just say it. I blow a lot of stuff out due to allergies. I also must use saline nasal spray. Tissues ain’t gonna handle that.

(c) If need be I can use old towels or t shirts to blow my nose. I have my own washing machine.

(d) This part is gross. I still have a fully functioning uterus. I have a health condition that causes prolonged periods. I also experience explosive diarrhea during my periods. I NEED TOILET PAPER.
T. W. said…
jele6 - Are condoms sold out???

How will people breathe through maxi pads? I imagine the plastic & glue will block air flow...

I purchase my pads in bulk every month due to a health condition. I bought extra last month just in case & I’m glad I did.

In my response to Chocmint33 I forgot to say that some women experience prolonged periods during times of stress.

Some gay men use feminine napkins to catch the remnants of their “activities.”

I also suspect some pregnant women purchased pads because they will have prolonged bleeding after they give birth.
jele6 said…
TW- I was told that in China, some people had been using pads and bra cups to make masks. I live in NYC, so my guess is that the Asian community must be purchasing these items. I guess shoving tampons up the nose will be the next step.
T. W. said…
*I meant OBSCURE legislation, not obscene.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. You are right. Mercifully, any ration books that are introduced will be electronic books.
Not even as coupons.
So impossible to fiddle.

It's interesting though. In 2018 Trump, as you kmow decided to remake the U.S Food Stamps Programme.

From what I've read. He banned the old coupons that distributed buy food....
At a set monetary value.

And Trump moved it to charge cards.

And what was proposed, was that the charge cards would eventually be changed too.
To getting little boxes of food.
To households recieving $90 or more a month.

Apparently the poor in the U.S were outraged at the prospect of getting cans of food instead of Charge Cards. Or coupons.

TW. Did the 'cans of food in boxes system' ever come into effect in the U.S?

I feel though. At this point in history. Any people would be glad for little boxes of canned food now.
Not angry.

As my late mother used to say,

'You don't miss the well till the water runs dry' don't value something till it's gone or hard to obtain.

I guess we are all learning that by degrees now.

I never used to bother buying oranges. They are dirt cheap in Australia. But although very filling. And very good for you. I couldn't be bothered peeling them.
So rarely bought them.

Well I peel them now. After most meals.
There are always oranges at my Grocery store.
Australians rarely buy them.
They sit there unwanted.
Even under these extreme conditions.

As my job takes me everywhere. I've often noticed old fruit trees, teeming ripe with fruit. Falling on the ground. Wasted.

Well today I'm sharing the knowledge with a friend, of a Mulberry tree that's on a surburban street. Not in a yard. That overflows with Mulberries every year.

Ripe for a raid.
T. W. said…
jele6 - People are desperate. China practices herbal & holistic healthcare. If they are afraid of this we had better pay attention.

Here’s what to do:

If you are Christian, get Holy Olive oil (you can consecrate it yourself) & anoint yourself, family, your home, your pets, your vehicles. Say a prayer out loud if you can talk, saying you are blessing all the anointed items & everyone & everything that is on, around, near, next to, above, & below them. Declare that the LORD is providing the protection. Declare no plague comes near you, your dwelling, your loved ones, & your properties.

If you are not Christian, see if you can find a healthy one who knows how to do this & is willing. Please note that Jesus Christ is our Passover Lamb & he is our protector. Remember that when the plague does not touch you.
T. W. said…
I ordered something similar to these items from Amazon. No, I am not joking:



T. W. said…

The last time I saw actual food stamps I was a child. Our government has been using cards for over 20 years now so I do not know what this is about.
Apple Monkey said…
Hi friends - I went to four different shops today to buy eggs and potatoes. There weren’t any. I was thankful I could go to those different shops. What about those who can’t do the trip. It’s an absolutely ridiculous situation. I felt sad that in all those shops there were messages pinned stating the shops won’t accept abuse to their staff. Those poor people trying to do their jobs and having to deal with abuse. I despair with this world. I worry about mums who haven’t got enough to feed their babies and children. This hoarding must stop.
T. W. said…

The food box system was never implemented because some people joined together in protest. What may not be taught in foreign schools is that the President & Congress are not the government. The American citizens are the government.

I wish I could eat oranges. They are too acidic for me.

Thank you for telling your friends where to find fruit. People that know how to can fruit should have been buying that fruit & storing it for times like this.

Earlier I talked about anointing. You know, Jesus Christ can and will still help if you don’t have the Holy Oil or don’t want people to come to your home. I blessed & anointed my mother via telephone.

T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

You have a good heart. I think we should pray and speak blessings so they can manifest. We should help people if we are able. Please do not hurt yourself to help another, just use wisdom. God freely gives wisdom to all whom ask.

May everyone who shows love and kindness to others reap the blessings they have sown. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Jules said…
The corporate greed of the supermarkets not bringing in some form of food/supply rationing from day one along with the press feeding the publics fear has caused the hoarding. But then again, the government could have stepped forward and said something ..

I pray that we hear the voice of God and that we follow the path the teachings of Jesus. This could make the world a better place.
Apple Monkey said…
Ah TW - you are the best. Have been praying a lot. Your prayers are beautiful. Xo
T. W. said…
Amen Jules!

God bless you Apple Monkey!

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