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TOLD YA... She too...


T. W. said…
Last year I read an article that claimed Jizz Lane used her mouth to assault the poor girls.

I hope corona knows about this...
T. W. said…

1) Thank God Billionaire David Geffen Is Safe (On His Massive Yacht In The Grenadines)

2) Yacht Man And Pool Man

3) The Pool Man
T. W. said…
COVID-19 Lockdown: A Global Human Experiment


One of the elite’s favorite sayings is “never let a good crisis go to waste”. And this crisis is definitely not going to waste. This pandemic has enabled the “testing” of various authoritarian measures that are exactly in line with the world elite’s long-term plans. In fact, it is difficult to imagine a better plan to simultaneously terrify, isolate, subdue, impoverish and demoralize a society as a whole – creating the perfect context to reshape to fit specific interests.

In short, the dystopian future is now. For years, this site has been warning about plans for a world government that is based on intense mass media indoctrination and high-tech police state surveillance. We are living all of this now – to a degree that many of us did not even fathom a few weeks ago.

Read more here:
Apple Monkey said…
Hope she gets her just desserts. Horrible woman.
Quiet said…
Melania has hung in there for 25 years. Why?

I am so phobic. Especially to air borne diseases. I always have been. I had to go to Walmart today as my printer ran out of ink and I have lots of personal office printing to do right now. I couldn't believe seeing some young adults with kids in shopping carts, walking around Walmart, aimlessly, not on a serious fast shopping mission, walking around like zombies.

I felt like screaming GET OUT GO HOME. Then... as I paid for the ink at front check out I pass by 3 staff members in a huddle just hanging out talking to each other. No social distancing even by the staff. I went home and washed all of my clothes I wore to Walmart.
Anonymous said…
HRH TW, thank you very much for posting that link to Vigilant Citizen. I can't disagree with some points in his article, but I do find it very disturbing. However, I do think this is China's near immediate future, not ours. The sad reality is there are so many nuts today. Religion no longer works, so they have to control people in a different way. When you have as many people as China does, they have to find some way to keep order.

China has always controlled its people, why do you think so many have come to North America? Freedom.

People would go apeshit in North America, Australia, England, and many other counmtries. No way in hell is anybody gonna control our lives. China is a different world than ours. And let's all bloody hope it stays that way.

I see leaders in many provinces, states, countries, trying to do the best thing for its people during this crazy time. Look at the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo. He's been working so hard to save lives in his state. Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles, he's a trend setter in this fight. Some people have been saying Cuomo for president. Garcetti is the mayor, I don't know if he has any aspirations to be anything more than mayor.

I think they both have done a fantastic job on their respective turfs.

Governments want us to resume our "normal" lives. They want and need us to work. They cannot function without us. Again, China is different. North America is not China and never will be. Technology and automation is in our near future, and there will be many job losses. The world will adapt. It always has and always will. No doubt the world has changed once again. We've stepped into another new era. Let us all hope and pray it's for the better of humankind.

One last thought: It was really startling to read all those comments in the Vigilant Ciitizen's article. All those people have ONE consensus of opinion. FEAR. I do not consider myself to be ignorant, but even though I'm no expert on this subject, I'm going to rest on the side of optimism and hope.

God's still driving the bus (or at least I hope she is).

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
Nick Gordon. Did you all know that he overdosed? That he died a few months ago?

Where was I when this happened? I was shocked to learn this.

What a tragedy. I think he had a difficult time living with the guilt.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

No one should read Vigilant Citizen comments section. Trolls flood his/her comment section to make him/her look bad.

Humanity as a whole is enslaved, not just the Chinese. Some of us are awake & we pray for & work towards The Mass Awakening. Trust and believe it is coming.

Christian did post about Nick Gordon’s death before & after it happened.
CyndiTx123 said…
I am so with ya (of course a good social distance) Apple Monkey! :) that this horrible woman gets her just desserts!! Brutalizing sooo many young girls. sick sick sick!!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I tend to agree with your many points.
I agree...the governments want us all back working asap.

To produce money for them. In some form or another.
Yes. Alot of businesses will fail.
But I accept that somehow they were meant to in this catastrophe.

So their owners can choose another path.
Alot of people will not return to their old way of life. Cause they won't want to.

I beleive many will return to their old job if it stll exists .....eventually. but will resign soon after.

They've had time to think. About themselves.
And if they were happy.

I started to live in perfect fear of this virus initially.

Unfortunately I'm in an essential service job. Which takes me into the communuty. So I don't dont have the luxury of self isolating permanently.

So fear has to be managed.

Thankfully though, alot of people have stopped their services. So I don't have much on my roster. So I have plenty of time when I go. To plan gloving up. Gowning up. Beforehand.

Once I do that. I stop fearing.
I can't live in that level of fear.
It gives me anxiety.
I directed my attention to gardening instead. And reading about different subjects.
Not the CoronaVirus.
And it's victims.

I am aware of some of what's going on.
But not all.
I believe in looking at your own current reality. And makin yourself happy.
Doing things that make you happy.
Not fear based things.

I tend to agree wholeheartedly with you about China.
Generally the ones who escape China. Are the ones who want freedom desperately.

China live under a totalitarian dictatorship as we know.
But that's their country.
Not mine.

There are alot of Chinese in Australia too. Living happily.
Yes... China send alot of Chinese Agents here. To live among us. And spy. Promote communism.

But really. It's a useless activity. Because all they have to report back. Is that we are happy.

Australia have already controlled China's practical efforts to take over here.
It's an ongoing problem.
But China can't invade here.
And I think they ultimately know that.

China currently have a huge identity crisis in my view. As a people, they know. If they want freedom. Like the West...politically they have to bring that about themselves.

The U.S may intervene and save Hong Kong and help them gain independence from China. But ultimately in mainland China...they have to get rid of the Communists themselves.

The U.S I think, is done with tryin to eradicate Communism all over the world. Vietnam was a good lesson for the failure. In that regard.

It was costly, ineffective and devastating. In terms of attempting to end Communism in another country. Particularly in terms of fatalities of Americans. And for what?
Ultimately the fall Of Saigon.

The Australian military were there at the Fall of Saigon too. And a key player in that stupid war. A war, we also as a nation deeply regret being involved in.
Our vietnam Vets today have so many psychological issues.

How do I know?
I meet them in my job.

No. China needs to rescue itself.
I often wonder. If alot of Chinese, who have escaped China's Communism and gone to live elsewhere. Will return when Communism falls in China.


I hope so.

They need to re-claim their country.
And their true identity. Because the majority of Chinese do not want to live under Communism.
Blackbird said…
@CAP Anonymous:

GREAT post - bravo! I agree wholeheartedly.
Apple Monkey said…
Cyndi that was so funny re good social distance! But GM is sick sick sick. How can she live with herself and go to sleep at night. Hope you are safe at home. Xo
Apple Monkey said…
Quiet - I think money would be the answer. Ages ago on Blind Gossip there was a blind saying Trump and Melania had split up but then he wanted to run for the Presidency so she agreed to stay because it would be good for his image ie being a family man. They have separate rooms. I understand re shopping as when I went to get food yesterday, there were people not keeping their distance etc. It’s so serious - I can’t believe they aren’t listening.

Friends - hope you are all safe and looking after yourself.

CD - how are you? Please let us know xo
Jules said…
Scum of the earth .. vile woman.

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