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Ya, ya, ya..... What ?


Anonymous said…
I guess this is to protect Andrew.
Tony said…
I think he'll get an earful from Camilla!!!
M2 said…
To me the question is, what are the ramifications if you test positive but do not get very ill? Will there be lingering effects or something else? Testing positive without severe illness may not be significant at all. Will everyone be a carrier that tests positive? Are some individuals immune? etc...
T. W. said…
A while back Christian predicted a death for the British royal family. Other psychics did too.

Prince Charles has congestive heart failure. I will not comment further.
T. W. said…
How to make a Mask with your bra & Dear God
T. W. said…
M2 asked good questions.

I wonder if some of the people who tested positive already had the sickness. This could explain why some people who have no symptoms are testing positive.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting questions.

And I think they have only just discovered how to recognise immunity for CoronaVirus.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Its a sad thing.

But the fact is...Prince Charles just got too old and tired to be King.

No doubt though. Prince William will consult his father on Environmental matters. When William becomes King.

Because Prince Charles excels in that area.
Its his passion.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah it is sad. I hope he gets better as we do need his environmental passion.

M2 - About those who are tested positive and do not get very ill. As far as I have read and heard, they can still pass it on to many people or whoever they are in contact with, be that many people or two or three people.

And it depends on the immune system of the person they pass it onto whether he/she becomes very ill.

That's what is so scary about COVID-19, there are people walking around who have it and have no idea they have it because they show no symptoms.

It's like an invisible bomb. You don't where the Virus germs are.

That's why it is so important to stay home as much as possible. And if you do need to go out for essentials - keep your distance and sanitize and wash those hands with soap and water until the cows come home.
Anonymous said…
I saw him tonight on the news and his cheeks were Rosacea red.

I am aware there are many reasons for Rosacea, but my experience knowing a judge who had the same condition (actually a wee bit worse), ended up having a heart attack.

He survived, but my gut tells me that things are not looking good for Prince Charles, sadly.

Did anyone see Dr. Oz talking about anti-malarian pills that have been used to treat the virus with much success? I think they said it blocks the virus in the cell (may not be accurate). Right now, according to President Trump, they have ordered pills to treat people. That's why he said let's open America up again on April 12. He left out that part. I almost think he gets a kick out of causing people distress and upset.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah poor Prince Charles will hate being cooped up indoors being sick.

His idea of a great day ... is a day digging in his garden.

I often wonder. Had Lady Diana had such a big interest in gardening and saving the environment too.

Would their marriage have worked?

But the problem was.... Lady Diana was so much younger than Charles when she married him.

Gardening would have seemed a total bore to her then.

I can honestly say. When I was 19 , 20, I had a limited interest in gardening.

80’s Synth bands were my interest.

And also, Diana said that Prince Charles read boring as batshit books all the time too.

Makes you wonder how she managed to get pregnant to him.

Well perhaps Camilla did.

There’s a rumour Camilla and Charles have a love child.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Do Camilla and Prince Charles have a love child?
Psychic Gossip said…
Cd says hardly she’s a white as was her grandmother cdx
Sana said…
We all don't like being cooped up, like "poor" rich Prince Charles. He will be fine considering the top doctors they can afford and his position. Cannot say the same for the actual heroic Doctors, Nurses, all medical experts and personnel who are at this moment risking their lives fighting this pandemic. So I have hard feeling sorry for royals...or any rich, well off person...Just not me

I think Princess Diana's psychic vision is coming to fruition, she predicted that Prince William (who hasn't uttered a political opinion or discussion - what I know of) will be a very good King. Fit for the role and already stepping up

Harry - yeah you know the answer
Prince Charles - stated political opinion, yes he is old - but is he fit for the role of a King? - I personally think NO

Hope u all are well in you cooped up" environments, there are many things one can do while staying inside. I've started meditating. OH AND ONE MORE THING;

There is an APP called BALANCE which is at the moment offering a FREE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to their, members. Download the app & Starting my meditating - great health benefits like reducing anxiety, stress and worry - what the world is feeling now

Staring my 🧘🏻‍♀️2 morrow

Positive vibes Guys
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

Prince Charles’ hands have been bloated too. He can’t get his Adrenochrome due to the pandemic so he is now on borrowed time.

As for the malaria meds, one of them puts children & African Americans at higher risk of death.

THEY could not have orchestrated a better Event if THEY tried.

But guess what.

Jesus defeated death. Jesus defeated Satan.

Jesus is the Light & the darkness can not overcome him.

Jesus will protect us if we ask him too.

Please join me.
T. W. said…

Thank you for making me laugh!
T. W. said…
Musaka - thank you!

Astronaut's Tips on Surviving Long Periods of Isolation
Chick'sOpinion said…
Im glad I'm not the only one strugglimg with auto correct. It's so annoying.

I've recently started using Whatsapp on orders from my daughter.

Because according to her 'everyone in the UK uses WhatsApp.

It's the bane of my life.

It auto corrects everything I say. To bizarre things.

Oh. And I'm aware of Camilla Parker-Bowls's vulgar grandmother.
Who perfected the art. Of being a tart.

Her name was Alice Keppel. As many will know.
She's infamous.

She even had a sofa she shagged the men on. Called the Pouncing Couch.

How many people's granny's were a tart.

Somehow granny and tart dont go together.

But it does in Camilla Parker-Bowls family.

Apart from shagging for 12 years, Queen Victoria's son Edward VII.... who eventually became King.

Alice Keppel shagged aristocrats and tycoons. For money.

Does that make Camilla Parker-Bowl's granny a prostitute.

Yes in my veiw.

Alice Keppel claimed she had to do it because the aristocrat she married didn't have as much money as he claimed.

And Alice Keppel did all this shagging a married man, the King. Regardless of how much of a fool she made of Queen Alexandra, King Edward VII's long suffering wife.
For so long.

And Queen Alexandra detested Alice Keppel. That's well known.

It's exactly the same dynamic the Princess Of Wales, Diana had to endure.
For a long time.

It's interesting....Camilla Parker-Bowls's former bf stated that Camilla was obsessed in the subject of her Tart grandmother, who was mistress to the King.

Given this obsession in shagging other women's husbands. To me, Camilla Parker Bowls is a typical case of someone who won't get her own life.

Or her own man. All these kinda of women are like this I think.

What I mean specifically is... wonen who won't develop their own identity. And way of life. Seperate from men...or family tradition.

And just copies ancestors.

It's kinda sad.
Cause in Camilla's era. She could have got a career.
A vocation of her own. With the amount of aristocracy connections she had.

But no. She devoted herself to destroying some else's marriage.

And focussing her whole life's attention on a man.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Positive vibes to you gurl
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I wonder if Prince Charles and his rosey cheeks/face is also caused by high blood pressure.

He constantly has bright red cheeks anyway these days.

Not a healthy sign. If the whole face is like that.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree. Prince William has never uttered any political opinions.

But I do believe he has plenty of them.

But more about particular political figures he doesn't like I think.

Apparently he's very sensitive. And can read people very easily.

Well if that's true. He'll spot the fakers, liars, sexual deviants, double dealers, double agents quite easily.

Highly prized skill for a King.

And Kate is his rock.

How much better would we all have fared in life. Had we had as good as marriage as Prince William has a partner.

He's actually a very lucky man in that regard.

There's no way someone like Meghan could have fake-arsed her way into his heart.
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, love that info. I especially love the term, "pouncing couch."

That just cracks me up. I know "shag" is an English term, it also makes me laugh.

Well, I think that's true, Charles red cheeks are not roscea per se, but a symptom of something much more serious -- as you said, high blood pressure.

I like Prince Charles. He seems so happy and charming. I love his energy. Great with his grandkids. I do not understand the attraction of his Camilla. But hey, twin flames come in all colors, shapes and sizes. It seems to work for both of them. Don't forget, she comes from a different generation, one that serves men and men are the end all be all.

That said, I kinda like Camilla. I think I would get along with her very well. She is an interesting woman. I like different, interesting people. I know she was selfish and caused so much grief in Diana and Charles marriage, but Charles never loved Diana. At least that's the story told.

Meghan, on the other hand, uses men to get what she wants. A coquette, a manizer, a man-eater. There's other terms but I think you get the picture.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Camilla is very popular in America.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Meghan is a shagger. LoL
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I guess we both failed to notice.

Camilla Parker-Bowls does have a career.


Or rooting men we say in Australia.

It's so funny.... when my mum was alive, my mum used to crack me up laughing. Calling Camilla-Parker Bowls.

'Camilla Park Ya Balls'

Mum thought it outrageous that Camilla was shagging Charles.

And wrong.

Camilla is a totally different person to what Diana was.

Camilla had been around by the time she started doing it with Charles. She'd had many boyfriends. the game of life.

And her background was no where near as rich as Diana's family, the Spencers.

Also...Camilla is tough and takes what she wants. And doesn't care what people think.

She's the Cardi B of the Royal Family.

Diana on the other hand. Had no prior experience with men before marrying. Was even a virgin.

And was sensitive and emotional.

Somehow Camilla doesn't come across as sensitive and emotional to me.

They may like Camilla in the U.S but she is a selfish type.

She didn't care one bit about humiliating Diana and the Queen and Prince Phillip with what she did.

I read that Prince Charles wasn't even allowed to mention Camilla's name in the Queen's presence. And was banned from the Palaces.

I remember how bad it was for the Queen. Every week some front page news in the UK. Of Camilla being seen with Charles.

Not his wife.

It was a bad long scandal.
T. W. said…
Diana had royal blood. I don’t know about Camilla.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Very good point.

Diana had something Camilla could never get.

Well known Royal blood Royal blood. Through the Spencer line. And Charles.

Makes you wonder.

As Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowls were only ever casual friends. And occasional lovers.... prior to Charles meeting and marrying Diana.

Makes you wonder if Camilla did everything she did out of pathological jealously. Of Diana.

And many will know ....pathological level jealousy goes deep. Very deep. And can be life long.

I believe this. Because of an unpleansant experience.

When I was in high school. A nerdy girl tried to join my group of female popular friends.

She tried to be like us. Talk like us. Dress like us. But it was clear she didn't fit in.

It was, I guess like a Mean Girls scenario.

Anyway this nerdy girl. Who unlike us, attended all classes. And did all her homework. Was subtlety banned from our group.

We all discouraged her presence. By ignoring her. Not just me. Everyone ignored her.
And she was never allowed to hang around us.

Years later I'm 22.
I'm living overseas and married.
And my brother lets me know from Australia that this nerdy girl I was in the same year with at high school. Is now hanging out with our cousin and him. Both of whom are 6 years younger than her.

The age gap was disturbing to me. But I thought it's probably just a passing thing.

But I also thought... why is she doing this? She doesn't even come from same neighbourhood. And we've all left High school. My brother and cousine were not even at High School when ger and I were there.

I also found this alarming because this male cousin of mine she began hanging around with lived at our family house like a brother when we were growing up.
And was still very close to my kid brother. Bosom buddies in fact.

Then I hear she is shagging my young male cousin. And 'helping' my little brother with his 'life' instead of me.

According to my kid brother, he claimed, ' She's become like my sister now you're not here in Australia'.

That statement disturbed me.

Then I learn this Nerdy girl is at my mum's house regulary. And has moved in with my young male cousin.
And. Eventually buys a house with him.
And so becomes one of my relatives.

And she remained so.

For decades.

I just want to say. I beleive she did it all because she was so angry and jealous. Because she was rejected from my group at high school and wanted revenge.

She was also nuts. And had quite serious anorexia. For years.

The much younger cousin of mine she moved in with could never hold down a job.
And he refused to marry her. Just live with.

So that relationship never really worked.
She was basically too old for him.
So he slept with chicks his own age.
All the time.
While the Nerdy girl (now a woman) paid all the bills.

Right from the start it was a bizarre 'mother and son' relationship.

They only separated officially about 5 years ago.

Do I finally have this Nerdy Psychopath woman out of my life and family?

No. Because she had a baby on IVF with my young cousin. So I will never be rid of her.

Some may not agree. But I don't doubt she did all of this because of a painful rejection at High School. And a hatred and jealousy of me.
That she never got over.

But in doing so.
I think she destroyed her own life.
Not mine.

It definitely caused big problems in my relationship with my kid brother though.
As she had replaced me.
With herself.

As my kid brother had learned while young, to be dependent on her older person 'advice' and 'help' while I was stuck overseas.
Which in my veiw was in fact... just her manipulation of my brother.

And my kid brother and I have never been close since.

So can revenge and jealously be a life long ambition?

Yes. In my experience.

This why I believe Camilla had a pathological jealously of the much younger and born Royal, Diana.
T. W. said…

I agree, that girl allowed jealousy to turn her into a monster. Or she was psychotic. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has Borderline Personality Disorder.

As for Camilla, Prince Charles did propose to her but she turned him down back then & married someone else. I wonder why.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I know why she turned him down.

Will post later about it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
When Prince Charles met Camilla for the first time. At a Polo Match. It was the early 1970's.
She had a boyfreind at this time.

His name was Andrew Parker-Bowls. And when she met Charles, Andrew was on deployment. Like alot of men.... in Northern Ireland.

At this time. Prince Charles was just about to go off for about 8 months into the Royal Navy too.

By all accounts they did have an affair though ....behind Andrew Parker-Bowls back.

It is unlikely that Prince Charles would have asked to Camilla to marry him.

I say this because Prince Charles would have been acutely aware from childhood that he had to marry an aristocrat of the highest breeding.
And a virgin.

So he would have known. At that time in England.
Marriage to Camilla would have been out of the question.

Further than that. Camilla had a past.
She had been very sexually active since the 1960's.
She only ever slept with Upper Class guys.
But she was just no way suitable for The Prince Of Wales...which is as you know, Prince Charles' Title.

He was a future King.
And. The conventions of the time were far different than today.

And I realise....that Prince Phillip, his father...would have put an immediate stop to Charles marrying Camilla.
Because he had already prevented another 'unsuitable' marriage that was similar. In one of Prince Charles' male cousins.

So as was the custom. Camilla went on to marry her boyfriend Andrew Parker-Bowls in 1973.

And both of them continued to have affairs.
In the old way. It's OK to have affairs once you have had your kids. And are married. And have produced a male heir.

That was the aristocracy's approach to marrying.
Sick and strange in my view. But it was about keeping titles. Property and money in the family.

And Andrew Parker-Bowls' cousin has since stated. That Andrew was forced by his father to marry Camilla. Eventually.

Princess Ann went to the wedding. Because she was once Andrew Parker-Bowls girlfriend for a while.

Camilla and Andrew Parker-Bowls divorced in 1995.

But Camilla still couldn't marry Prince Charles. Despite the fact he became a widow soon after.

Because the change in the Church Of England rules about marriage and divorce. Did not come into effect until 2002.

A future King could not marry a divorcee.

I'm pretty certain Camilla can never be a Queen. Because she did not marry in a Church. She married Charles in a Civil Ceremony in the Guildhall.

They did have the marriage blessed by the Church. At St Georges Chapel at Windsor later.
The Queen attended that.
But not the Civil Ceremony.
T. W. said…

Maybe Charles really did love Camilla at the time. Wow.

You know, you can’t wife up a whore...
Chick'sOpinion said…

I love that saying!!!

Yes. And you know... Camilla used to stable her horses at Prince Charles' Highgrove Estate. His preferred home. And she stabled them.....Even when he was married to Diana.

Diana hated Highgrove House. Because she claimed it was really Charles's bachelor pad.

And she was right.

In fact ... Camilla chose Highgrove House for Prince Charles.


Well it was not far from her own marital home. The one she sold recently.

Camilla stabled her horses. Because she likes to hunt .....regularly.

And is it any wonder to the world...that Camilla perfected the art of hunting for other people's husbands.

And that she always caught her kill.

I personally don't believe Prince Charles is capable of being 'in love' in the way that we know it. And how Diana wanted it.

He's known to be an extreme narcissist.
He is certainly portrayed as one by Princess Diana's former long time friend and butler, Paul Burrell.

But I do think there are people he gets on with far more than others.

And Camilla is one of them. Plus she is his age. They have plenty in common.
They go way back.

Camilla moulds herself around men's needs too. Completely. And would agree with everything he says.
Asking for very little in return.
She's tough.

And I don't think she would take too personally, his tendency to self involvement.
Camilla knows how to roll with it.

But had I been Diana. I would have set free Camilla's horses from the stables.... every night.

In revenge.


Because hunting is a blood sport that should be banned.

Anyway. Camilla and Charles are no longer really relevant I guess.

And the younger Royals are what interests me.

Im hoping CD starts doing more posts on Eugenie and Beatrice.

Far more interesting in a way.

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