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Chick'sOpinion said…
The term Fake News entering our general use. And belief. Is actually a very dangerous thing.


'The New York Times Effect' is such a thing.
And talked about for a reason.

It exists as a term. Because for many many many decades. There has been no reason to distrust reputable newspapers. Like them. That have proven over many decades.

That what they report can be trusted.
They won't actually publish if they can't prove it in a court of law it's a fact.

And these newpapers were perfectly and justfiably trusted. By most of us.
For many many decades.
Until this f..ckin idiot liar comes along. And says otherwise.
And claims' Don't trust them, they're fake news'

Apart from Trump never reading an intelligent newspaper report once in his life. From a reputable newspaper like The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The UK Guardian, The Times and The Independent.

He has the impudence to try and denigrate their hardworking profession.
Of ethical journalism.
And us reading their articles.

Well the main reason as we know, he tries to diminish their stories or journalism. Is because they do write the truth.
About him.
About facts he claims. And his cronies.

And he made the fatal mistake rather early.
Of criticising journalists.

He didn't get.
They write the stories.
We read them.
How did he think that was gonna end. Trying to diminish them.

Well it resulted in a never ending full scale crusade. By wronged journalists.
To get him out.

And if you consider it.
They are succeeding.

Read their articles.
It's your democratic right
T. W. said…




T. W. said…
Can you believe Dr. Ben Carson used to be a brain surgeon?

Dr. Ben Carson says 98% of coronavirus cases recover and ‘we can’t operate out of hysteria’


He said the country may not recover economically if America does not open back up for business.

Despite this, the HUD Secretary said the country can't reopen too early.

"Obviously, we don't want to [resume economic activity] too early. We will wait for a couple of weeks and see if [the curve] continues down and then we also need to make sure that we have appropriate testing."

Carson suggested that the government's response to the virus has been extreme.
T. W. said…
Trump’s AG Barr ‘very concerned’ after Bill Gates proposes mandatory digital vaccine certificates
T. W. said…
Bill Gates & Elon Musk have been corrupted by demonic entities. Gates and Musk were meant to do good for humanity. Now Gates and Musk are one of THEM.

1) Blind Item #4 Friday, April 10, 2020:

2) Our New Norm THE CORONA EFFECT - Predictions by Michelle Whitedove
T. W. said…
This song is not a joke but it did make me laugh. I need to get off the Internets...
Chick'sOpinion said…
So it didn't take them long.

The Mafia have moved in to exploit Italians in a time of crisis. The Pandemic.
Italians have run out of savings.
So the Mafia are now supplying starving Italians with groceries based supposedly on no interest loans.

How sweet of them.

Ummm ......There's no such thing as a no interest loan with the mafia.
They will seize your house, busness.
And anything else you've got. By force.

And/or put you and family to work in crime.
Cause you owe them.

And the Mafia have a long history of doing this kinda thing in an Italian crisis.

In more recent times...the Mafia, Italy's organised crime families, have infiltrated Italy's food chain...right through the system. And unfortunately the EU system too.

In 2018 the Mafia attempted to murder Italian, Giuseppe Antoci. He was a Stare Representative who opposed the Mafia's theft of EU Farm subsidies on farmland.
And won.
How did he do it?

Well. Giuseppe Antoci is responsible for introducing new EU regulations, blocking millions of Euros in EU Subsidies from reaching the Mafia's bank accounts.

Basically the Mafia were siphoning off farm subsidies. And it was a highly lucrative system for them.

And they didnt stop there. When the last economic crash happened years ago. The Italian Mafia bought up all the cheap livestock, markets and restaurants. At a cheap price. And. Laundered their money through them....these Italian leading industries.
Including much of the olive groves.
Everything from production packaging. To transport and distribution.

Then they moved by force onto Italian National Park land. To farm. And to dump illegal waste.

Giuseppe Antoci was head of the Italian Nebrodi National Park. And discovered what the Mafia were doing. And how they were buying up by force, the few leases available on National Park land.

The reason the Mafia wanted to farm it. Was so they could claim 1 million Euros in EU subsidies. Each year. And lease it for as little as €37,000 a year.

So Giuseppe Antoci, who now lives under armed new rules introduced in Italy.
Forcing even the smallest leaseholders of Italian farm land, to pass police checks. Even old leases the mafia had got.

And voila, the new rules , criminal records checks, meant criminals owning/leasing farm land ended up having the land confiscated by the Italian government.

You know, after American troops liberated Rome from the Nazis in WW2. The Americans unwisely gave a Mafia crime boss a role as mayor.

Rather quickly he was exploiting Italian's desparate hunger. With an expansion in his black market food.

Well I guess we shouldnt be surprised at any of it. When at the time...half the country was Pro Facist too. But that's another story.

Personally I'm very particular about purchasing Italian goods. I will not buy Italian made shoes or handbags. Despite how good they are. Cause I know the Mafia own these Italian luxury companies. And in modern day slavery, force Blacks to work in their factories. For hardly any money. And assault them badly if they ask for better wages and conditions.

And as for EU Subsidies.
Can you see why the UK wanted out of the EU? Alot of the money the UK contributed went in reality. To funding organised crime.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think you summed up very well, the appeal that people have in watching Trump's Press conferences.
T. W. said…

I agree!

Depending on the context, we used to call fake news “gossip” or “lies.”
T. W. said…
The Mafia gets glamorized while black & Latino mafia, pardon me, gang members get thrown into prisons.

If the mafia & gang members want to exploit & fight people why don’t they fight the REAL enemy?

Oh. That’s right.

THEY put them up to fighting the masses to kill off the weak.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, yes. Trump’s press conferences are Train Wreck TV. If he was in blackface I would call it a minstrel show.

More like a comedy of errors?
T. W. said…

We have permission to share another seer’s predictions. As I’ve all ready stated elsewhere all the legitimate psychics agree with Christian. Also, the WHITE woman who likes DOVES has juicy information on her blog. I posted a link yesterday. Took me over an hour to read her psychic insights.

Link to Eric Leigh-Pink’s Latest Predictions

God Wins said…
Hi all,

I have been following this site for a decade and have only ever posted a reply two or three times. Had a couple of readings from CD many years ago :)0

Liz Crokin (first mainstream reporter to break the Pizzagate story) and two former stuntment/directors from Hollyweird just dropped an amazing documentary on the evils of Hollywood and the presence of CIA/Washington DC in Hollywood, as well as organized ped*philia rings/satanic ritual abuse that go on thier. I think it will help wake a lot of people up. I invite you to watch it. It is available for free on youtube if you type in OUT OF SHADOWS... or I can just share the link :)

Also, CD I was wondering if you could offer any insight into the following: Trump and the military working together to liberate the children and women who have been enslaved/human trafficked in underground tunnels/bunkers (some were born there for sexual abuse/their blood for the elite's lust for adrenochrome etc, so they have literally never seen the light of day). I believe they are taking this opportunity, while the world is on lock down to move them into hospitals (specifically the ships) and to round up the ceos/elites/celebrities who are enmeshed in this. Anyone notice the very bizarre posts from celebrities who seem to be cut off from their supplies/some wearing visible ankle bracelets, like Ellen, Madonna, Justin Trudeau...
Trump has signed many Executive Orders against human trafficking and ped*philia, since he entered office.

Again, I have been visiting this site and reading the comments for about a decade and I know the views of Trump are not positive at all. I am hoping people will be respectful to my genuine inquiry and the right for all of us to have differences of points of views and opinions. I have been watching Trumps actions and listening to/reading his words in full, so I am not basing the things I know of him off of political pundits or snippets/segments on the news. I try to get the info straight from the source wherever possible.

Thank you! Hope everyone is safe and healthy!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Bang on right.

People glamourise the Mafia. And Latino crime families are not admired in any way.

Funny that.

Well all the lovers of Mafia themed movies...myself included.

Need a modern day reality check.

The reality is, the Mafia don't do crime in a glamorous way anymore (not sure if they ever did)

Now in modern times....they are Red neck farmers in Italy, growing Lemons and collecting EU Farming subsidies.

And in my view. That ain't sexy.
Or powerful.
T. W. said…
Hi Wasan TV! I think you should comment more. I thank you for sharing the documentary & I will watch it later. I hope you are happy & safe as well.

Here are my opinions:

1) The problem with Pizzagate is that misinformation agents “leaked” the story & some real Truthers ran with the story before they verified all the details. Even Vigilant Citizen took down his/her article about it. However. The scandal is based on reality & the misinformation agents achieved their goal. Few people believe pedophiles frequent pizza parlors & use code words & symbols related to pizza. Funny how Prince Andrew made sure to be seen eating at nasty ass Pizza Hut. Funny how Cyndi Lauper uses some of those symbols during her concerts. Funny how the Olsen Twins made a disturbing video involving pizza (links provided later due to word count limit).

2) If Trump & US military are working to free human trafficking victims then why did Trump separate families & put them in cages? This theory works only if all those illegal immigrants are human trafficking perpetrators & victims.

3) New York City is a sanctuary city but the feds picked up immigrants. Mayor Bill DiBlasio is on record saying these people are being trafficked by the US government.

4) Trump, the Clintons, & Epstein ran in the same social circles. Do you really need me to connect the dots?
T. W. said…
1) The Infamous Gimme Pizza Video:

2) Full and Fuller House Wholesome Family or Demonic, Illuminati, Soft Core Porn?

3) Well Kimmy Gibbler Wears a Pizza Sweater!

4) Bob Saget Admits 'Inappropriate Acts' in New Book

5) Are You $hitting me Bob Saget?

6) Bob Saget's camping pizza movie-another child star bites the dust

7) Mary-Kate Olsen Talks about Married Life to Creepy Illuminati Banker!
T. W. said…
About Bob Saget.

He was a comedian before he was cast as the clean-cut dad in Full & Fuller House.

Saget is just like Bill Cosby & other comedians.

His entire act is nothing but dirty jokes.

Unfortunately Full House was marketed to kids on Friday nights on ABC. Which is owned by Disney.

They figured kids were too young to know about Saget & too young to catch the dirty jokes on the show.

They didn’t count on people like me & my sister. When we were kids we were allowed to read tabloid magazines, watch talk shows, & watch tabloid journalism like Hard Copy, Current Affair, & Hollywood Babylon.

We caught the jokes. We knew what time it was. We knew about THEM.

You can find some of these programs on YouTube.

If anyone has Hard Copy on tape & can digitize it please contact me. I am serious. That show was “terminated” because it revealed THEIR secrets.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, you are keeping the laughs coming!

My mom loves gangster films. I think she’s in love with Robert DeNiro. My dad looked like him a little bit.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I am deeply in love with Robert De Niro. More particularly his younger self.

I will never forget his performance in Taxi Driver.

Robert De Niro is my on-screen, old guy bf. LoL

Did your mum love the actor, Al Pacino too?

You are so lucky to have a dad who looked like Robert De Niro. I wonder if people often noticed.

Also, I wonder if your mum saw the movie, Serpico...with Al Pacino.

Fact. Loving Mafia films helps you bond with people. Or any genre of film to be honest.

My daughter had a bf I hated.
Just about everything about him.

Until I discovered we shared a love of gangsta movies.

I spent a whole morning with him, discussing them.

He even knew the lines from Al Pacino's Scarface.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Wasan TV

Watched the Out Of Shadows documentary.

Veeeeerryyyy interesting.

It's a must see.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, with mother there is no telling. She doesn’t speak much & doesn’t like holding conversations. She’s a Sagittarius but I believe she was raised to keep quiet.

Here’s another pizza video:

Tom Hanks SNL Pizzas & Typewriters
Chick'sOpinion said…

We have something in commom.
My mother was a Sagittarian.

Obsessed in holdidays.
And believed there was seriously something wrong with me because I didn't spend my life planning and going on holidays.

I like holidays small doses. That's it.

To say that Saggitarians are never home.
Is an understatement in my opinion.

Their favourite word seems to be....

T. W. said…

My mom & nephew are either at home or at work. They don’t make a big deal out of holidays.

They are very bright & abrupt. They LOVE dogs. Good sense of humor though they prefer intellectual humor like “The Far Side.”

Good luck holding a conversation with them.

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