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Trumps BFF Pres Putin.
Needs to be very careful for the rest of 2020?
WHY< so the old expression goes.
"Keep friends close, & your enemies closer"
How apt....
'Cause one of them has a gun, locked & loaded.


Me said…
Putin knows the entire white race is one family so they are brothers. See the confusion of tongues. Won’t be any wars going forward from Russia. What he wants is to expand that reality with Europe
T. W. said…
I have no comment to publicly share.
T. W. said…
Gunman kills at least 12 in rampage across Nova Scotia
T. W. said…
Exclusive: Neiman Marcus to file for bankruptcy as soon as this week - sources
Chick'sOpinion said…

Finally an end to this destructive and dangerous Russian Tsar.

Cause that's what he is. Regardless of who he claims to be.

Well if he's assasinated in Russia.

He's definately not the first autocratic dictator to be taken out there. And a whole range of people, including quite innocent people too. That have been assasinated by the Russians.

Let's look at some of the assainations over the decades.

Fyodor Kokoshkin, a member of the first Russian State
Nicholas II last Tsar of Russia
Alexander Dutov, Russian Cossacks
Leon Trotsky, Soviet Politician

And in modern times, you know, so many leading Chechens have been assasinated by the Russians. It's ridiculous

They even murdered the Deputy Prime Minister of Chechyna, Turpal-Ali Atgeriyev.
And Vakha Arsanov, Vice President of the Chechen Republic

Vice Presidents of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria were murdered by the Russians too. They were Zelim Yandabiyev, Aslan Maskhadof and Abdul-Halim Sadulayev.... from 1996 to 2016.

Also the Prime Minister of Afganistan, Mohamed Daoud Khan.

The Russians have murdered so many Ukranian generals, soldiers, colonels, and visiting representatives from other countries. It's just incredible.

Assasinations are like a national pastime.

The leaders of the old European Communist countries used to live in dread of invitations to Moscow. Because it usually meant they were being lured to Russia. By the old Soviet Russian be murdered.

So it amazes me Putin has survived so long. With all these well planned assassinations they excel at.
Because when the Russians want rid of soneone. Be it, if they are in a powerful position. A leader, a Military General from an old sattelite Soviet country.

They just murder them.

I'd say Putin's security has been a work of perfection since he fist came to power in what, 2008. That far back.

But he was head of the Russian Security Council before that I think.

And even earlier as we know, he was head of the KGB.
The darkest heart of Russia.
Letty said…
The bullet’s is karma
T. W. said…
I thought there is only one race, the Human Race. I guess I was wrong.
T. W. said…

1) Chadwick Boseman Reportedly FIRED From Black Panther!!

2) Chris Brown Rape Accuser Drops Lawsuit Against Him

3) Blac Chyna Unveils Shocking New Face - Looks Like She's Wearing A Horror Mask
Letty said…

This video song about trump is priceless
A must watch!!
T. W. said…
Letty, thank you for the link! God bless that woman.
Honey badger said…
Frankly, I'm tired of human exceptionalism, period. Forget about the tired concept of race. We like to think that we are special, but we have so many flaws, and we are fools to exalt ourselves over the other creatures who share our world.
T. W. said…
Honey badger

Thank you. God created all of us.
T. W. said…
If rasPutin is healed of the deadly wound then he is The AntiChrist.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Honey Badger

I agree with you. Because if we consider the state of the environment globally.

The earth would be far better off without the human race.

And could finally heal.
And recover.

Anonymous said…
I agree with everyone, but the sad reality is there is always another waiting in the wings to emerge.

I think I'd like to go back to the 20th century, please. You know, when there were toys at the bottom of the cereal box (and for some strange reason, sugar cereals did not give us kids diabetes).

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
HRH TW, whoa Blac Chyna. WTH?

I think she looks adorable in the high school photo, and I think she was very pretty up until now. If that's her face currently, she needs to get a lawyer and sue. It looks like she had liposuction done on her face.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

You are so right! Don’t forget about the pesticides. Speaking of which, the Impossible Burgers have that glycophosphate pesticide in it. That’s the active ingredient in Round-Up, which is still being sold despite being banned.

It’s proven to cause cancer. Even WHO spoke up about it.
T. W. said…
Blac Chyna got cheek implants & who knows what else.

She looks so bad Little Kim, Madonna & Michael Jackson are laughing.
Chick'sOpinion said…

It doesn't get any uglier than Blac Chyna.
And the fact that she's paid to make herself even more ugly. Is an outcome I think she deserves.

And she's ugly on the inside.
That's the worst part.

T. W. said…
+1 Chick’sOpinion
Anonymous said…
Right TW! I forgot about glycophosphate!

I no longer use North American flours. I purchase flours made in Italy. I can eat their foods, their pasta, etc., and it doesn't make me sick.

If anyone has gluten issues, buy Italian pasta and flours (made in Italy).

And they do not have to be "gluten free" products if they come from Italy.

Since I stopped using North American flours and pasta, I have zero issues.

I drink Italian coffees, eat their cheese, drink their sodas, their breads, I mean everything from Italy is like it was back in the olden days when food didn't have Roundup and chemicals (or a ton of sugar added).

It tastes better too, like real food should.

CAP Anonymous

Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion,

I sometimes think Blac Chyna wants to look like a Kardashian. Everybody wants to be a Kardashian!

The Kardashians are gorgeous, I don't think any of us will disagree.

I think some people who get plastic surgery have deeper issues and I'd be willing to bet that Blac Chyna is one of them.

I'm confident this won't be the last of her many plastic surgeries. It's almost like self-mutilation. Lack of self-worth.

She is 31 years old. Can't even imagine what she is going to look like at age 40. She didn't need to get more work done on her face but instead she should have got those gawd-awful butt implants removed.

What is it with black women getting butt implants?

Don't they already naturally have a more curvacious beautiful buttock?

How do they sleep? Not on their backs! How do they have sex? Obviously the missionary position is impossible! Unless they have a deep foam mattress!

I would think jeans, skirts, panties would all have to be custom made to fit. I just don't get it. I would die of embarrassment having an ass that size. I used to think JLO's butt was big back in the day, but this is just ridiculous.

I'm laughing so hard!!!!

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anononymous

Totally agree. For some people, plastic surgery becomes a form of self mutilation.

That Blac Chyna has the most repugnant face. And body now.
She's like a caricature of a person. And the bizarre thing is...she thinks she's becoming more beautiful.

No Blac Chyna, you look like deformed bat-faced monster.

I agree some of the Kardashians are naturally beautiful. It's the Armanian background I think that they get from their father. That adds to their beauty.
I also agree. Blac Chyna wanted to be them.
And get in on their money game.
Notice Blac Chyna had a baby with Rob immediately.
She did that so she could linked to that family forever.
And her kid could carry the surname Kardashian.

Blac Chyna will be merching that kid alot more in future.
Bringing out a kids clothing line called Dream Kardashian.
Blac Chyna is the ultimate Golddigger.
She has babies with men who have money....immediately.

But Blac Chyna is a spenda-a-holic. And her fixation with continuous extravagant spending. Is what's going to be the end of her. She's a strong girl. And smart in many ways.

But almost everyone has a weakness. And in her, it's her spending.

Can't wait to see the news of her filing for bankruptcy.

No psychic has ever claimed Blac Chyna has a good future.
Just problems problems problems.

I remember Christian predicted that Blac Chyna attempts to blackmail Rob Kardashian. That she'll try and try and try.
And then, bam! She ends up prosecuted in court over it.
Don't know if that's happened yet.
If anyone knows post here.

Blac Chyna claims the Kardashian Klan deliberately had her reality show about her and Rob shut down legally.
Well I hope the kardashians did.
Because quite clearly Blac Chyna was trying to get in on the money game. About a Kardashian.
To make money off their backs.

And there's no way back then mama Kris Kardashian was gonna allow that Blac Chyna to make money out of a link to their fame. Without them even getting a cut of the profit.

I'd hoped ALL the Kardashians would have gone away by now. Out of the media for good.
But see, they are breeding more of them.... with babies.

A next generation of this boring talentless family.
So I ask ...will we ever be free of this annoying family.
The cancellation of Keeping Up With The Kardashians isn't enough for me.

These days only Kanye West's antics keeps Kim Kardashian in the news.

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