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Made in China "La Pong"


T. W. said…
If this was real I'm convinced people will buy it.

How many homes can one person live in at one time? How many homes does a person truly need?

I bet those homeless people would love a room to stay in, let alone an entire home.
T. W. said…
More evidence WHO sucks:

How can this World Health Organization book be so Bad
T. W. said…
British Friends,

Isn’t England’s government a monarchy?

Meghan and Harry tell four British tabloids they can expect 'zero engagement'


The newspapers — the Daily Mail, the Sun, the Mirror and the Express — were notified of the new policy in a letter sent on Sunday on behalf of Meghan and Harry and shared with CNN by a source close to the couple. The couple's new approach also applies to the Sunday and online editions of those publications.

In the letter, the couple say they believe a free press "is a cornerstone to any democracy" but add that "there is a real human cost" to the way the tabloids go about their business.
T. W. said…
Maggot of the Month Candidate

Billionaire Branson Asks For Government Money To Save Virgin Atlantic, Claims He ‘Did Not Leave Britain For Tax Reasons’
T. W. said…
Another Hero:

Shake Shack returns $10 million emergency loan to the US government


Shake Shack CEO Randy Garutti and chairman Danny Meyer revealed their decision to give back the funding in an open letter Monday, saying that the NYSE-listed company no longer needs the money because they are "fortunate to now have access to capital that others do not." The company said in a filing Friday that it expects to be able to raise up to $75 million from investors by selling shares.

The executives also shared their frustrations with the PPP, arguing that many restaurants had been left out unfairly because the program "came with no user manual and it was extremely confusing."
T. W. said…
More Maggots

Lawsuit alleges Wells Fargo unfairly shuffled Paycheck Protection Program applications


The lawsuit filed on behalf of small business owners on Sunday alleges that Wells Fargo unfairly prioritized businesses seeking large loan amounts, while the government's small business agency has said that PPP loan applications would be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

The move by Wells Fargo meant that the bank would receive millions more dollars in processing fees, according to the lawsuit.
T. W. said…
While I don’t agree with the author she does make valid observations:

Harvard Professor Wants A ‘Presumptive Ban‘ On Homeschooling, Claims It Promotes White Supremacy
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian! So I guess my personal opinions about the British Monarchy are valid & Britons need to get rid of the crown the way America & France did. If y’all want to join America you can help us make it great again!
T. W. said…
Piers Morgan says his friend President Trump is 'failing the American people'
Letty said…
She should have another perfume called
T. W. said…

Madonna’s Friends And Past Colleagues Want Her To Stop With Her Messy “Quarantine Diaries”
T. W. said…
In 1911, another epidemic swept through China. That time, the world came together

A history of the plague in China, from ancient times to Mao -- and now
T. W. said…
A barrel of oil is currently in the NEGATIVE. As of 6:34 pm today it's a little over -$16 per barrel. It might as well be free.
Odin said…
Interesting, what is your take?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good point. Her perfume should be called Corruption

Or maybe Embezzlement.

And one thing I'm sure of. Ivanka's reputation stinks.

Chick'sOpinion said…

This is asounding about the price of oil hey.
Chick'sOpinion said…


Mmmm. China had another virus pandemic in 1910.
It was called the Great Manchurian plague.
63,000 died apparently.

They believe the epidemic was caused by the Fur trade there at that time.

It was particularly bad apparently in Harbin.

Anyway it killed alot Russians too.
Who were based there. As they controlled the railways there.
And of course the Trans Siberian railway.... which connected to the Japanese controlled Port.
It would have contributed alot to the spread.

I guess the buying and wearing of fur was really big in 1911. Hard to fathom that. Murdering animals to look good in a coat.
So wrong.

And Marmots, that apparently caused the plague. Were sourced for it's fur.
It was a species of rodent. And it appears to have definitely caused the plague.

Marmot was one of the most affordable fur for ordinary people everywhere then. Who couldn't afford Sable, Mink or Otter furs.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Can you do a prediction on Archie?

Is there something wrong with this child. And that’s why the public never sees this child?
Or has this child been removed from Harry and Meghan’s care.
Or never been in their care in the first place.
It’s all very baffling.
I’m wondering if the child has developmental delay problems.
Or another condition.
If so. Then it would make more sense.
Louis said…
The likeness of the Trumps and the Borgias is uncanny.

Whether Donald wins in November or not....he's positioning her as a future US president. You've been warned.

Just remember the African proverb.....the female of the species is always the more dangerous.
Anonymous said…
“ Isn’t England’s government a monarchy?”.
No, Britain has democracy & we vote using ‘first past the post’ electoral system with House of Commons for setting down legislation & House of Lords for ‘perfecting’ the legislation via using their experience. Out Royal Family is SEPARATE & cannot / must not show / discuss/ birth politics (political view) - well if they do it is not illegal but it the act of doing would arise outcry. State & religion are also separated - secular state. Simple ! ;)
T. W. said…
Hi Anonymous!

I’m still confused. Seriously.

Why does England have a king or queen if they have no political power of any kind?

Why is the Queen the head of the Church of England?

Why does the Queen host state dinners if the monarchy has no political power?

Why do they get diplomatic passports?

Why is the Queen considered above the law?

Why do people bend over backwards to kiss the Queen’s wrinkled flat arse & bring her gifts?

Why do people care about them at all?

If y’all want to be a true democracy why not get rid of the Windsor’s? You ain’t got to roll out the guillotine...
Chick'sOpinion said…


Thankyou for that simplified version of how UK politics works. Fantastic. The more simplified explanation on how governments work, the better in my opinion.
Though to outsiders. The UK government system would seem highly unusual.
And complicated by the Royal family.

I agree TW. How does the english monarchy fit in. In beteewn the UK government?

The short answer it does.

By staying out of it.

But let's put it more simply.
The Queen has her specific jobs to do.
And the government has it's specific jobs to do.

The Queen has more power in alot of areas.
But rarely uses them.


The House Of Lords section of UK goverment is very interesting in itself. And I will post her later why.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Omg yes. The Trump's are so like The Borgias.

Excellent comparison.

And Ivanka Trump is Lucretia Borgia.

She even married a similarly weathy family in Real Estate please her father, Trump.

And did it for a dynastic power alliance.

Anyone can see Ivanka's marriage is just a business relationship. And plenty of other psychics that I've watched videos of. And good tarot readers.... have picked up that it is.
T. W. said…

I’m still confused.
Chick'sOpinion said…

To be in the House Of Lords you have to be appointed.

Unlike the first stage, the House Of Commons. Which is election only. You HAVE to be appointed to be in the House Of Lords.
Call it the upper house.

And.... the majority of appointed members in The House Of Lords, are peers. That means they come from families with a heriditary title. Hence the name House of Lords.
Among them will be some Dukes too.

Alot of them are Life Peers. Forever members.
But there are heriditary peers who were elected among themselves. Not sure how that works though.

There are some also ...who were appointed by the Queen to be in The House Of Lords. But only because the Prime Minister advised her to.
Or. The House Of Lords Appointments Commission did.

Also, some of those entitled to sit in the House Of Lords are Bishops. More about that later.

Membership of The House Of Lords used to be the entitlement of all hereditary peers. That is, people with Titles. Dukes, Baronesses etc.

But quite recently in history, the amount of Titled people in the House Of Lords has been restricted. Though there's still alot of them.

And unfortunately it's quite gender biased.

As most Titles in the UK are inherited by sons.

But I don't feel the House of Lords is as classed based in reality. With regards to Bills that either become legislation or not.

As the House Of Lords can only stop Bills coming into law and legislstion in certain circumstances.
But they can delay Bills.
So they have that power.

It's important to note though...members of the House Of Lords can take on roles as government ministers too.

The House of Lords also used to act as a final Court Of Appeal. But quite recently, a Supreme Court was established instead. To do that.

The Church Of England plays a big role in the House Of Lords too.
As by an Act Of Parliament, they are allowed to put in 'Measures', basically legislation.

These members who do this, are made up of Laymen and Bishops. And their participation in the House Of Lords comes from the Church Of England Assembly (powers) Act 1919.
It created an Ecclesiastical Committee within the House Of Lords. And the Lord Speaker chooses them I think.

Anyway, each year these Church Of England people write a report for Parliment.
And depending on what happens, their report is presented to Parliament.

If it passes that.
It is presented to the Queen.
To agree to what 'measures' they are asking for.
If she agrees. It becomes Royal assent.
And then immediately becomes a law in the UK.
T. W. said…

It sounds like there is no separation of Church & state but there is no absolute power of Church over state & Vice versa.

What you are describing works for Britain but it is still convoluted. As is any government.

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