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JB send her back to the old garage..

As Jeff Bezos, gets ever richer.
He should do a bit of accounting.
Well his latest bit of "FLUFF" Lauren Sanchez.
Has a habit of having deposit boxes.
She, feels it's her right to skim some off the top.
Before her recent catch.
She had a deposit box, while with her ex hubby.
(Whom, she schemed against to get to JB).
Where she skimmed alot.
But now she has richer pickings.
She has two new depsoit boxes.
Perhaps, she thinks.
That these boxes are secret, nope.
Even the Swiss ones aren't totally secret.
As she's a cheapskate so the ones she has.
Are easy to find.
So lets hope JB.
Comes to his senses.
Gets rid of her.
Before she gets even richer off of him.


T. W. said…
Christian, did THEY compromise Jeff Bezos? Sometimes it's hard to tell because some people infiltrate THEIR secret societies.
T. W. said…
Orlando Brown: Will Smith Raped Me When I Was Child Actor!!

LINK TO VIDEO - WTF: Orlando Brown Claims Will Smith Touched Him When He Was A Child! "You Raped Me As A Kid"

Disney's Orlando Brown: Nick Cannon Was My Gay Lover!! (Graphic Details)

link to video - Orlando Brown Claims Nick Cannon Sucked His Dxck
writestuff said…
Whoa. This twisted story could turn up as an Amazon Prime movie!
Letty said…
JB IS P....whooped
She seemed like she controls him through s.x

Hopefully he finds another woman to pleasure
Him the way she does so he can replace her
T. W. said…
Coronavirus, Kabbalah, and the Mark of the Beast
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well isn't he the one who screws his workers with wages and conditions?

So I guess the universe has found a way to give him a taste of his own medicine.
T. W. said…
Lauren looks like a man.

Atomic Androgyne
Anonymous said…
I'm in agreement once again with Chick's Opinion and with Letty.

Some rich men like bimbos for the purposes of looking good on one's arm and sex in the bedroom. That's where they are skilled. It isn't always about intellect.

Yeah TW, she does look odd with her plastic surgery face (those lips are not normal, at least not to me) and her outlandish large fake? breasts on a small frame. I do not find breasts that spill out of their dress to be attractive. I wouldn't be caught dead displaying my breasts on a plate like that (they are not that large by the way, ha ha). I believe a woman should be a little mysterious and show the goods only to her man instead of the whole world.

I find people who have had TOO much plastic surgery they look almost alien. They don't look like real people and they lose that feminine aspect to their face. My opinion only.

Jeff left his wife for this bimbo, and now the bimbo is apparently going to leave him. A tast of his own medicine for sure. Karma.

But the thing is, he's got so much money, it really won't matter. And there is always a new bimbo waiting in the wings.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous


Lauren Sanchez has Tranny boobs.

That's fine on Trannys. But on gf's.
Ummm. Not sexy.

And I agree with Cap Anonymous. Displaying what should only be on show to your partner. Or doctor.
Is cheap.

I always feel...that girls/women with their tits out. Are trying to compensate for some lack they feel in themselves.

Girls ! Know that you are whole.
And complete. Without having to add to yourself.
Or demean yourself.

And you know, God dosen't reveal it all to you. At once.
We get to see the beauty in things slowly.
And often privately.

Dressing in a very revealing way. Sends out an energy. A message to men. Who are hard wired to notice.

Men receive that message in different ways. As we know.

Some think...'ah she's easy and doesn't respect herself. So neither will I'.

Some think 'awww that's a shame cause she's a pretty girl. But is dressing like a tramp, bad sign'


'well I could sleep with her. But she wouldn't make a wife dressed like that and I can't take her to meet mum'

Women should be allowed to dress how they like I know. But society hasn't changed much for that to be safe.

And anyway. Guys of any age..never wear trousers or pants that give us a sneak peak at their balls.
Men don't do that to us women.
In fact women can barely cope with men wearing very tight pants and trousers.
If they see that. They go on about how obscene it was.

Scarred for life by the vision of it.

So in this context. We can get an idea of what it's like for men. When they see most of our breasts.
And they can hardly not see them.
There they are.
Almost at eye level.
Apple Monkey said…
Bezos is a weird creepy guy and I agree with you Cap - Lauren Sanchez has gone over the top with her procedures. Mackenzie is far more beautiful and was there right from the beginning.
TW - you are right - Bezos is profiting from this sorry situation so he won’t be short of money.
T. W. said…
Amazon employees plan 'online walkout' to protest firings and treatment of warehouse workers
T. W. said…
These comments tickle me.

CAP Anonymous - Those are definitely store bought jugs.
CyndiTx123 said…
I wouldn't mind being BEzos bimbo!!! but I am already a bimbo to my hubby.... hhahahahaha!
T. W. said…
I’ve seen plenty of men that wear pants that reveal their “religion.”
T. W. said…
It’s hard wearing clothes when you are too heavy. If the neckline is too high that can be worse than having the torpedoes on display. High neckline accentuates the bust (so do prints) & people’s eyes go straight to the torpedo launch bay.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion is right. Seeing a man’s d*ck print is psychologically damaging.

CyndiTx123 is living the life!

Jeff Bezos will gladly pay off my student loan debt after he spends one night with me. Lauren who?
Chick'sOpinion said…

The Torpedo Launch Bay.

Too funny girl.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Long live bimbos ! Who can cook.

But you know. I'm getting increasingly frustrated with mansplaining.

Do men feel a similar thing? When we explain....slowly how to cook something? They asked about.
Something basic. Like an omelette.


Here's a weird thing I've noticed about men though.

Beyond their tight pants.

If they ever wanna cook something from frozen out of a box.

They read the instructions on the box very carefully. And aloud.

As if you need to read the instructions?
It's already cooked in the factory.

All you have to do is heat it up.

I once got so frustrated with listening to a guy reading the Instructions on the frozen food box.
I snatched the box outa his hands. Removed the food.

And shoved it in the oven. And switched it to medium high.
And walked away.

As I've said before. There's a reason why they call it man hours.

Cause women get that shit done in 10 minutes.

And feed the baby at the same time.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

You know...For a man who gets an endless line of bimbos.

Jeff Bezos has the sex appeal of a geriatric.

He's butt ugly.

I don't think he would have had good looks... even as a young man.

And yet. These goldiggin Bimbos are lining up to shag him.

I wonder if the most expensive lawyers in the world he hires in future. Are gonna discover this latest Bimbo's deposit boxes.

Seems like Christian is saying yes.

And she's a tight arse, a skin flint
And refused to pay more... for Deposit Boxes that could be far more hidden in Switzerland.

Not a shrewd move.

I recall my grandmother's saying,

'A stitch in time, saves nine'.
Good expression.

And Lauren's golddiggin ways are a shame to the feminist movement in my veiw.

Because in 2016 she founded Black Ops Aviation. The first female owned aerial film and production company.
Something to be proud of.

But diggin into rich men's money.
It's hardly feminist.
And nothing to be proud of as a woman.

Financal independence and feminism are inseperable.
As concepts.
And equality in finances is a pivotal part in women's issues.

I'm referring to the wage gap too.

So. While thieving men's money.... These kinda women are not working on their own gig.
To gain financial independence through career.

Effectively...we know money is power. And power imbalances is what leads to the worst experiences for women.
So that's why, as ae dependency on men is so bad for women.

And anyway. What baffles me... Lauren Sanchez has plenty of personal wealth herself.
So why is she doing this?
Must be all her divorces cost her alot of her wealth.

But Lauren Sanchez has decided to embrace the early gains that feminism gave her.
The freedom to earn her own big money. For herself. Get a career.

But.... these days...she's decided to commodify her with Jeff Bezos. And steal from a man's bank account while she's doing it.
Hardly a modern woman.


Anyway. What I'm wondering is.

Will Jeff Bezos get her prosecuted for stealing his money?

I kinda hope he does.
Anonymous said…
Oh you guys, I have never laughed so hard! I have tears in my eyes from reading all your posts!!! TW, CyndiTx, Chick`s Opinion, love all your humorous remarks!

Yes, there is double standard unfortunately. Apple Monkey, I agree, Lauren has had way too much work done.

Chick`s Opinion, perhaps Lauren knows Jeff is never going to marry her. So, this is her way of getting a little bonus each and every time she sings into the pink karaoke machine, no?

Then I think of Meghan Markle. There`s not much difference between Meghan and Lauren. They both manipulate men for pleasure and wealth. But there is a big difference between Jeff and Harry. Harry really isn`t all that worldly and he`s got a sweet sensitive side to him which makes him vulnerable to black widows like Markle.

I wish I could say something kind about her. Okay, I like her shoe collection. 😏

CAP Anonymous
CyndiTx123 said…
hahahaha! love you chica's!! This has made me giggle! Hope & pray all is safe and sane!! I am needing comfort food like donuts or ice cream aka azz cream- because the ice cream goes to your booty!! hahahaha!
T. W. said…
I’m glad I made y’all laugh!

I thought Christian meant p***y when when wrote about the deposit box.

CAP Anonymous - “pink karaoke machine” 🤣🤣🤣

I miss ice cream...
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

LoL. And I'll say something kind about Meghan Markle too.

I think the clothes, style she wears, are really nice.

I think her style. Will be considered icon in decades to come.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Omg. Clearly I'm not the only one using this Pandemic. To eat the wrong foods.

I keep saying to myself,

'Well there IS a Pandemic on. So it's really OK to have a large Chips from the Drive Through at Macdonalds'.


'Oh ...your working when others aren't, so you need more energy. So I guess it's OK to have chocolate. To get you through. And chocolate has iron in it right? Hell, have 2 bars of chocolate, for Iron, one for now and one for later'.

This is the self talk of a compulsive over-eater guys.

If you are doing this. Replace it with conversations like...

'Every Kilo ...pound I give my body during this Pandemic. I am going to have to spend eating diet food lettuce leaves. For months afterward.

And because of that. I will end up feeling like a squashed Lettuce leaf'.

Damn guys. I'm going for a huge exercise walk round my town today. Australians are allowed to do this.

I dont like doing it though. Cause alot of the Australians are sitting on their front verandahs, decks.

And they watch you intently as you walk by. Discuss you.
Cause they are bored.
It's very annoying.
Anonymous said…
CyndiTx, Chick's Opinion, ha, ha, you are not alone. I have eaten more junk in past 3 weeks than I have in the past year. And, the house is a mess, a total disaster, like a bomb hit. My mother would be horrified. I'm on the isolation vacation. I've got to channel Martha Stewart!

I have gained weight. After biting off the head of the last chocolate Easter Bunny in my Easter basket, and then finishing of the rest, I can officially announce that I have gained 10 pounds or 4.5 kg or more.

Time to dust off the Nike's. No excuses. I like going early in the morning and avoid people, crowds. The air is fresh and it's so peaceful. And Chick's Opinion, I too wouldn't like to walk/run by homes where people are sitting out on their verandas, decks, etc., watching every juggle of my Easter Bunny ass and then discussing it with their friends and family. Annoying indeed.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Pray while you walk. The LORD is our hiding place. God bless you.
T. W. said…
$10,000 a second? Amazon’s results could be amazing

The retailer’s quarterly figures will have received a huge boost from lockdown sales
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Glad you are dusting off your Nike's.
We all have to think up ways to get rid off this weight.
From endless snacking through this Pandemic.

You make laugh about the Easter bunny's head.

It reminded me how, years ago. The Chocolate Easter Egg bunnies were on display at my cousin's house.

And then at Easter, his wife found all backs of them eaten out. Still wrapped at the front though. So no one knew.
But then again. That couple kept alot of secrets from eachother.

Not just chocolate bunnies.

Usually Drug use, affairs. So I guess eating the Easter bunnies back's was nothing.

I find it strange when couple's persistently try and keep secrets from eachother these days.
What's the point?
You live with that person.
They're gonna find out.

And in terms of Big Brother. And what you do when you are single.
I think you have more rights to 'secrets'
But. With all the Social Media. And your friends who use it. And blab and gossip on it...about the smallest things. Like if you just said hello to someone at the pub.
Basic secrets like that are impossible to achieve these days.

How can couples even convince themselves they are gonna be able to keep any kind of secret.

We don't really need Big Brother that much. Do we? The population are doing most of Big Brother's work. Discussing the every move of their friends.

Here's a perfect example.

My young neighbour's had a big blow up a few weekends ago.

Well they'd all found that one of their friends slept with an ex of their friend's. Who happened to be one of their friends too.

I've discovered from this frenzy they went into, in great detail in their backyard. That this is close to a Capital crime.

I heard them networking like crazy in the backyard via phone and social media. To spread the news ....about the crime of these 2 people.
They had what was close to a conference about it.

Deciding on what level of ostracization these fornicating pair should get.
Discussion of the morals or lack of, in the girl. The guy.
The people's place where they did it.

It was just crazy.

I thought. For f..cks sake. Leave this pair alone.
But no. By lunch time they were still at it.
In fact they even rang the girl.

Saying 'tell the truth about what you did and the truth will set you free ya bitch'


You know, BS. Should be reconfigured. To mean 'before social media'
Because before social media ...there was privacy. Lots of it.
What's sad is...the newer generations will have grown up totally. With intrusive social media experiences, as the norm.
And without 1 gram of real privacy ever in their lives.

Growing up without social media... we didn't know we had it so good.

We could do shit and nobody knew.

People only knew stuff if YOU decided to personally tell them.
And often we didn't.

Not today.

Your actions from the night before are printed or uploaded as video. And are headlines on the front pages of local social media.
For your friends and family.
By the next morning.

No. There's no such thing as privacy anymore.
In any context.

And from what I heard. It's damaging social life.
And relationships.

There used to be an old saying. As many will recall.

It was, Let sleeping dogs lie.

I'm a great believer in it.
Cause sleeping dogs don't cause problems.
Chick'sOpinion said…

But will Amazon's results...profits ...trickle down to those who work for Amazon?

Somehow I doubt it.
T. W. said…

I swear. You have the most outrageous stories!

Yeah, I don't think Amazon is gonna share the profits with the employees. They never have & they never will.

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