The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Shirley Caesar - Mark of the Beast
THIS WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING - It sounds like science fiction, but they've made a weapon that modifies people's brains and makes them lose faith in God.
More Companies Are Starting Microchip Employees
The Jacksons..... Alot them, just want her money.
Sorry but that's a fact. To fund their lavish lifestyles.
Their goose that laid the Golden Egg for them...Michael. Died long ago.
And they got way too accustomed to luxury with the money he brought in after his first success as a solo artist.
I think they want what Paris inheritied from Michael Jackson, her father.
You know...if they can prove Paris is unfit to manage her inheritance.
They could possibly go for Conservatership. I think that's the term.
And control her money. Forever.
Like Britney Spears' father did successfully.
When she hit rock botton with drug addiction.
And. It wouldn't surprise me. If someone in the Jackson clan is having Paris watched. 24/7.
They'll even know her dealers.
And could quite easily go for an easier solution. And pay her dealers to deal her way stronger stuff than her usual.
And bump her off.
She is a talented girl. But is she using her talent and family connections? For success... in general.
Given their love of money and fame. And hard work. The Jacksons would see her as a waste of space.
And money.
Big money.
One thing I have always admired about the Jacksons. Is how hard they worked. To achieve success and fame in an era where racial segregation was still actively going on.
I was outraged when Michael discussed once how he and his brothers had to use the rear entrance of some venues they were playing in America. Back in the 70's.
Forced to use the back entrance because they were black.
That, is beyond offensive.
CD. Are the Jacksons having Paris Jackson watched closely?
Princess Anne Opens Up About Her Lifetime as a Royal
Aready the U.S is introducing the term, Latinx.
Instead of Latina. Or Latino.
And the idiot who kicked all this change off. In Spanish. Is quite surprisingly, Argentine leader..politician, Alberto Fernandez.
And he is determined to introduce 'e' to spanish words in Argentina. That are usually gender indicated with an 'o' or an 'a'.
Wanker he is.
He's obsessed with Gender Neutral terms.
I'm so tired of this gender politics b.s.
Especially when there is currently people starving in the Philippine slums in Manila.
Not only is there no food for these Philippians during lockdown. And poor hygiene and sanitation.
They are going hungry.
Like alot of people are globally right now.
And yet these gender obessed single issue campaigners bang on. About something that doesn't even qualify as a basic universal need.
For basic survival.
Perhaps while these boring idiots are banging on about such irrelevant crap, like Gender Neutral terms. They are not noticing the shelves in supermarkets becoming empty.
Because if there is not enough manual labour. Even more food will remain unpicked in the paddocks and fields. And the food will not reach the markets. Supermarkets.
Around the world.
It's a great shame that it isn't illegal to discuss issues like stupid identity politics and Gender politics during a world crisis.
It actually disgusts me. The insensitivity of it.
And time UK singer, Sam Smith migrated to Argentina.
He'd be quite at home there with his many gender identities.
Perhaps one of his gender identities could live in the UK.
While the other one lived in Argentina.
And he could change his name.
To Samo Smitho, Samx Smithx
Or Same Smithe
Insane in the membrane.
Drug Addiction was not Britney Spears' problem. She suffered several psychotic breaks, which were caught on live television. They even broadcast her being taken from her home cuffed to the gurney on live television. Britney has schizophrenia. That's what happens when you roll with the Kabbalah Centre. Ask Madonna...
Well who can blame him?
The LGBTQTIA+ and the Easily Offended have already altered the English language.
Yes. Paris Jackson has definately got her mother's.... Debbie Rowe's eyes.
Waardenburg syndrome
I think her eyes are her best feature.
But does she know that?
Probably not.
Imagine how pained in spirit Michael Jackson would be now.
The way Paris is abusing her body.
She needs some prayers TW.
Can you say one for her?
I thank You for existing. I thank You for all Your creation. You are Love & the Source of Love. You are The Light & the Source of Light. No darkness can overcome You. No hatred can overcome You.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I ask You to please send extra Love and Light to Paris Jackson. Please shelter her in The Hiding Place. I thank You for being The Hiding Place.
I take the power & authority given to me and I use it now to command the desire for drugs to leave Paris Jackson right now. I command healing, recovery, rest, relaxation, repair, and perfect shalom peace to enter into Paris Jackson’s mind, body and spirit. I pray she receives and manifests these blessings right now.
I command Paris’ spiritual eyes to open. I pray she receives more wisdom and understanding from the LORD. I pray she can discern right from wrong.
I thank You Father God for loving Paris. I thank You for protecting her and her brothers. I thank You for hearing and answering our prayers.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.