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Kim Jon Un advisor to Trump


T. W. said…
“Order Out of Chaos”: How the Elite’s Plans Were Foretold in Popular Culture

The core philosophy of the occult elite and its plans for humanity are hidden in plain sight. From famous landmarks to blockbuster movies, it is all laid out for those who have “eyes to see”. At the center of it all, one motto: Order Out of Chaos.
T. W. said…

Change your passwords!

Passwords and email addresses for thousands of Zoom accounts are for sale on the dark web
Zoom users who reuse the same passwords from other accounts can face an ugly unintended consequence.
T. W. said…
Celebrity Gossip & Told Ya’s:

1) Tiffany Haddish and Common Are Back On the Market (And She’s FURIOUS)

2) North Criticizes Kim K's Parenting: “You should be busy with your kids, not friends”

3) McDonald’s Forced To Apologize After China Restaurant Bans Black People
T. W. said…
4) Cardi B Drags Donald Trump As Bernie Sanders Laughs

5) Tom Hanks' Wife Warns Of Side-Effects Of COVID-19 Drug

6) Prince Harry Is Having Trouble Adjusting To Life In Los Angeles After Moving There For Wife Meghan Markle To Resume Acting Career

7) Prince Harry is 'finding life a bit challenging' in Los Angeles, says his friend Dr Jane Goodall
T. W. said…
Microsoft Releases (and Deletes) an Ad With Elite Occultist Marina Abramovic

On Good Friday, Microsoft released a video promoting its association with the elite’s favorite artist: Marina Abramovic. After massive backlash, the video was set to “private” and all traces of the campaign were scrubbed from Microsoft’s official website. Here’s what this fiasco was all about.
T. W. said…
“Out of Shadows”: A Documentary About Hollywood and the Occult Elite


Out of Shadows is a full-length documentary that is currently free to watch on YouTube. Shortly after its release, I received several e-mails asking me what I thought about it. And, after watching it, I understood why: The documentary aptly sums up the contents of most of this site in an insightful and entertaining matter.


Through the input of personalities such as CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp, investigative journalist Liz Crokin and some Hollywood insiders, Out of Shadows tackles topics such as:

Mass media control by the elite
Hollywood as psychological warfare
Project MKULTRA and trauma-based mind control
Satanism and pedophilia in Hollywood

In short, Out of Shadows is a well-produced documentary that exposes difficult topics using great insights, footage, and information. The documentary does sometimes go into unverified “conspiracy-101” territory (i.e. the origins of the word “television”) which may detract from its overall message. Nevertheless, it remains a good introduction to several important topics.
T. W. said…
Michael J. Burry (The Weird Genius in the Movie “The Big Short”): “End the Lockdown”

Michael J. Burry is mostly known for predicting the 2007 mortgage crisis months in advance and for inspiring the movie “The Big Short”. In the midst of COVID-19 panic, this financial genius (who usually values his privacy) created a Twitter account to communicate one single message: End the lockdown.


In many ways, Michael Burry is the anti-Bill Gates. While Gates recently called for a mind-boggling 10-week national lockdown (and for microchipping those who get the upcoming vaccine), Burry calls for a quick end to the lockdown and the introduction of a more targeted approach. Although both Burry and Gates are very rich, there’s a major difference between them: Burry is an actual licensed physician with an M.D. from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine while Bill Gates is a college dropout with zero qualification in medicine. However, it is Bill Gates who the “authoritative figure” right now.
T. W. said…
Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine

Bill Gates recently stated on Reddit that “digital certificates” will be used to identify who received the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine. And these certificates will also be used to identify who can conduct business or not. Here’s how this plan is already backed by a massive organization called ID2020.
T. W. said…
“Order Out of Chaos”: How the Elite’s Plans Were Foretold in Popular Culture

The core philosophy of the occult elite and its plans for humanity are hidden in plain sight. From famous landmarks to blockbuster movies, it is all laid out for those who have “eyes to see”. At the center of it all, one motto: Order Out of Chaos.


In Conclusion

Although this article looked at items that are widely different, they have a few points in common. First, they’re were funded and commissioned by the elite. Second, they are all part of popular culture, which defines and “colors” our society. Third, they all tell a similar story: The “welcoming” of a major crisis to usher in a New World Order.

One could ask: “Why are these messages even there? Wouldn’t they want to keep their plans secret?”. No. The plans need to be hidden in plain sight, for several reasons. First, the concept of predictive programming tells us that, once the masses are exposed to a shocking idea, they are less shocked and more accepting when it actually happens. Second, the elite believes in karmic laws. If the masses are properly warned and if they willingly accept what is happening, the elite is relieved from karmic “revenge”. Finally, symbols rule the world. Throughout history, the symbolism of those in power was always plastered all over society.

Those who rule the world right now want a New World Order. But, before this can happen, there needs to be chaos.
T. W. said…
From Vigilant Citizen:

For years, The Economist has been creeping out people for years with strange, enigmatic magazine covers that appear to make grim predictions. While some might say “who cares”, there’s a reason why this magazine should be taken seriously: The Economist is directly linked to the world elite – those who make these predictions a reality. [...]


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. One of them is wearing a mask.

The Book of Revelation describes the Horseman as harbingers of the Last Judgement. The White Horse is said to symbolize Conquest, Pestilence and the coming of the Anti-Christ; The Red Horse represents War; the Black Horse is associated with Famine, and the Pale Horse brings Death. In today’s context, one could say that the current crisis simultaneously brought some forms of conquest, pestilence, famine, and death.

Here’s another weird element found on the cover.

At the bottom left of the cover is a pangolin.

Although there are several theories floating around regarding the origins of the virus, there is one that keeps popping up in mass media: It was transmitted to humans by a pangolin.


Now, here’s the cover of the latest issue of The Economist.

The hand of the elite keeps the masses “on a leash”. Like a dog. That’s what they want.

[Cover shows drawing of a large hand holding a leash attached to a man who is walking his dog.]


1) The Meaning of the Cryptic Messages on The Economist’s “The World in 2019” Cover

A look at the cryptic symbolism found on the cover of the Economist’s “The World in 2019” which includes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What are they trying to tell us?

2) “Order Out of Chaos”: How the Elite’s Plans Were Foretold in Popular Culture

The core philosophy of the occult elite and its plans for humanity are hidden in plain sight. From famous landmarks to blockbuster movies, it is all laid out for those who have “eyes to see”. At the center of it all, one motto: Order Out of Chaos.
T. W. said…
Celebrity Gossip

So Kanye Pest proclaims words are the lowest form of communication. He claims to be a Christian.

Can someone please tell him the Bible says God created everything by speaking it into being?


1) Kanye West Is Voting For Donald Trump In The 2020 Election


Inside Kanye West’s Vision for the Future
T. W. said…
Fashion Designer Michael Costello Called Out Celebrity Clients Who Ignored His Requests For Help
T. W. said…
Anyone else see the movie "2012"? I did & I highly recommend it.

There's a reason they want Africa for themselves...


The slogan of the movie: “We were warned”. The image on the poster: The Brazilian monument “Christ the Redeemer” monument falling down. Symbolic.

As explained in my article The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012”, the story is less about the end of the world and more about the world elite surviving a major crisis. Indeed, in the movie, the elite knew that a cataclysm was coming years in advance and they hid it from the masses. They used that time to prepare for a new era while the rest of the world population was left to die.

In the movie, the elite mandates China to build massive ships that would keep the “chosen ones” safe as the world gets wiped out. The price of a ticket to enter these ships: 1 billion Euros per person.

In the end, the chosen ones survived the cataclysm while the rest of the world died. Their ships landed in Africa and the elite started a new civilization in place they’ve called Cape Hope. Once again, we’re seeing echoes of this today.

SOURCE: The Vigilant CitizeN - “Order Out of Chaos”: How the Elite’s Plans Were Foretold in Popular Culture

The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012”
T. W. said…
Sorry for all the posts but it's poppin' and there is more to come. The Mass Awakening is upon us and THEY are trying to stop it.

This post is dedicated to Anonymous.

I warned everyone about Atlanta, Georgia & the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). If you like being a lab rat then please move to Atlanta.

Funny how no one is talking about Bill Gates being a guest on Epstein's Lolita Express private plane. Bill Gates was once the world's wealthiest man so wouldn't he have a private plane or jet? Where was he going with Jeffrey Epstein?

Funny how only CDAN is talking about how Bill Gates & Elon Musk recently joined Bohemian Grove.

Why is this important you ask?

I guess you don't know who THEY are. Would you like to know who they are?

New World Order Rising - Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe

* * * * * * *

Bill Gates Calls Trump ‘Dangerous’ for Cutting $500M in WHO Funding


Trump said the WHO failed investigate early signs of the virus' ability to spread from one human to another and failed to call out China for its lack of transparency.

Bill and his wife Melinda Gates pledged $100 million to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Gates stepped down from the Microsoft board to focus his efforts on developing the vaccine.

Of that pledge, $20 million went to the Atlanta-based CDC and the WHO.

In an interview with CNN, Melinda Gates said COVID-19 is going to "be horrible in the developing world." She added there will be "bodies in the streets of Africa" if the vaccine isn't distributed globally.
T. W. said…
You know your life sucks when you have no choice but to rely on the government to pay your bills.

IRS site CRASHES as millions check the status of their $1,200 stimulus payments
T. W. said…
Final World Government When? Now!
T. W. said…
Attack on Christian America: The UN's Threat to Your Beliefs
Anonymous said…
I never trusted the vigilant Christian, simply because he gives me the creeps.
T. W. said…
Bill & Melinda Gates did a pre-recorded interview with David Muir on ABC World News Tonight.

1) Why does Bill's "wife" have a deeper voice than he does?

2) Why does Melinda have a larger skull than Bill? Human male skulls are larger than the female's and grow larger over time even in adulthood.

3) Why does Melinda have such a strong brow ridge yet Bill has none whatsoever that I can see?

4) Why is Melinda wearing a turtle neck sweater during Springtime? ANSWER: See the next question.

5) Why does Melinda have a visible Adam's Apple? HUMAN FEMALES DO NOT HAVE VISIBLE ADAM'S APPLES.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Loved that movie, The Big Short. And love Michael J Burry.

He's a modern American character of heroic status.
And yet so few people even know what he did. The very succefil hedge funder. Was one of very few people who saw the Sub Prime economic collapse of 2007 coming.
Saw it years before.
By thorough analysis of the lending practices on U.S mortgages. Going back as far as 2003.

He profited by what he saw was gonna happen. By buying up bad sub prime mortagages. Swapping them. 1000's of them.

But he is an unacknowledged American Hero. Because he tried every way possible to alert everyone in the finance and stockmarket industry....of the crash he predicted was about to happen.
Did anyone listen to him?
No. Not even people in the industry.

He actually couldn't believe that no one had studied and recognised clearly what was about to happen.

Anyone who wants to understand the brilliance of Michael J Burry. And what happened in the last American economic collapse. Should see this movie, The Big Short. That came out in 2015.
And directed by Adam McKay. it twice. To understand it more fully.
It's a fun movie. Not heavy. As it sounds.
And actor, Christian Bale plays Michael J Burry to perfection.

What does Michael J Burry invest in today?

T. W. said…
Although Burry tried to warn people he still made money off other people’s misfortune.
T. W. said…
I don’t watch Vigilant Christian’s YouTube videos.

I have been reading Vigilant Citizen’s site since the beginning and I highly recommend it. Especially if you need a crash course on THEM, THEIR symbols & The Program.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And as many will already know... approximately 4 days ago. This clown Trump attempted to shut down the U.S Postal service, USPS.

Because USPS needs an infusion of money, now... to survive. Because it has been hit hard by the CoronaVirus epidemic.

Not much is moving in the U.S postal service right now. And hasn't done for a while during this crisis.

So doodle dick Trump blocked potential emergency funding for the agency the other day.

And let's reflect. Apparently USPS employs 600,000 American workers.

Can you believe this moron?

And further... to hold the America at gun point. Trump threatened to veto the 2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, the Economic Security Act (Care Act) If the legislation contained any money directed to bail out the U.S Postal agency.

Heres the good news. A lifesaver for the USPS was added at the last minute. Senators Gary Peters and Ron Johnson added at the last minute, a 10 billion Treasury Department loan to the Cares Act.
To keep the USPS going.
At least for a short while.

So why is Trump so opposed to providing a financial bail out for USPS?

Well 2 things. It's thought the Republicans want USPS privatized.

And or...Trump believes that the USPS is giving Amazon a sweetdeal on shipping.

Who knows.
He's a f..ckin idiot. Of the highest order.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And are Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner selling American secrets to North Korea?

Well that wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Michael J Burry may have made money during the U.S 2007 Sub prime mortgage crash. But he suffered alot before that.

Because the finance industry thought he was nuts and irresponsible what he was doing... saying. And predicting.
...investors in his Hedge Fund company threatened to pull out. They threatened to withdraw their money. Because they thought he was totally mismanaging their investments.

No he wasn't.

Another thing. He liquidated his credit default swaps by 2008 and 2009 and did not benefit 1 cent from the financial bailouts of 2008 and 2009.
As others did.

He has autism. Or rather he has stated he 'has Asbergers.' Now considered a spectrum of Austism.
He had alot of trouble communicating his analysis and predictions.

And I believe that's another reason no one would take take him seriously back then.

They do now.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion wrote the following:

"So why is Trump so opposed to providing a financial bail out for USPS?

Well 2 things. It's thought the Republicans want USPS privatized."

I will address the comment. I'm not attacking her.

1) The United States Postal Service is NOT part of the federal government.


3) The USPS has been getting federal subsidies for decades & mismanages that money.

4) It's no secret the USPS has been horribly mismanaged for decades.

5) The USPS has misappropriated funds so I don't blame Trump for wanting to bail them out.
T. W. said…
I do not feel sorry for Michael J. Barry.

Time for me to put my accounting degree to use so I can explain why.

He purchased the subprime mortgage loans. He warned the financial industry but did not warn homeowners they got a bad loan.

In America, if a person does not pay at least 20% for a down payment on a home (cars too), they have to pay PMI- Primary Mortgage Insurance.

But T. W., this protects the homeowner!


PMI protects the lender if the home loan goes into default. The homeowner is paying that benefits another person if the insurance needs to be used.

But T. W., if the lender gets the money from PMI then that means the homeowner is off the hook!


The homeowner has to sell the home, oftentimes via short sale or bank auction. Let's say the homeowner owed $10,000 on the home but the home gets sold for $1,000. The homeowner still has to pay the difference plus interest.

My sister's friend was one house payment away from home ownership but the bank foreclosed anyway.

If you think that's bad, you don't want to know about student loan debt in America.

At least homeowners can discharge their home loan debt in bankruptcy court. Student loan debt cannot be discharged.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for explaining that.
I wonder if it's still that punitive in America with Home Loans.
And what happens to home owners if they default on the mortgage.

I was under the impression alot of different regulations were brought the U.S. To protect home owners more. After the Sub Prime economic crash.

But I wonder how far it went ?
Because if it didn't reform the process you just explained very well.
Then many are gonna lose their homes in the U.S quite soon.

If the U.S government doesn't continue to protect their home loans.

Last I read, the Federal government in the U.S announced in March that it would provide forclosure protections for the next 60 days.

That forclosures will be paused for mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration. Or backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (why do banks in the U.S sound like sweets (candy) It's strange.

Anyway. It's frightening times for homeowners in the U.S I think.

And I feel you illustrated perfectly how wrong the process is when you lose a home.

I nearly lost one in the last crash.
But I got the paperwork done, saw a financial counsellor. Who helped me save the property in default.

Long enough to get the lenders off my back.

And sold it myself without the lender getting their hands on the profit or anything.

That's because I caught up with payments on the loan. By urgently moving out. And renting the property out for 6 months.

That wasn't a walk in the park either.
Nightmare tenants. Who threatened to sue because a big branch of a backyard tree fell on their outdoor setting.

Luckily they weren't sitting there at the time.

I wonder TW. How many people really fully understand how legally deep they are getting. And how outrageously risky it is. Having a home loan?

You get it fully.
As you have an accounting degree.
But most people are just transfixed on the house they want when they enter into home loans.
Not the fine detail.
Well not enough in my view.

I have student loan debt too TW. But I repay a bit of it with each wage cheque I earn.
But the government here can't make you repay any payment of your student loan. Unless you are earning quite abit.

At least that used to be...the rules of HELP Debt...australian Student loans
T. W. said…

I’m glad you were able to salvage your housing situation. Maybe I ought to move to Australia. I wonder if I can survive the environment though. Plus I can’t be close to the ocean.

We have a lot of predatory lending in America. Sometimes a government agency’s hands are tied when a lender signed paperwork that hurts them.

A good example is reverse mortgage. I’m too mentally fatigued to explain it but if anyone is considers it, DON’T!
T. W. said…
I forgot to say that potential homeowners can take classes at some non-profit organization to earn money to help with down payments & closing costs. Veterans can qualify for a sweet home loan but as usual there is a ton of paperwork.

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