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Round two ?

If the Orange Idiot, in anyway, shape or form.
Lifts the stay at home order.
Or re starts the economy.
Before the end of July.
He's going to see more dead bodies..
Many more.....


Enigma said…
can you tell us anything about the comet.
Should we worry?
Chocmint33 said…
A Clueless Idiot. Poor America having him as President. Pray for America.
Anonymous said…
Wasn't that the plan all along as if this is by accident and more people are recovering than dying. The media is controlled by business men and we vote for the same.
Anonymous said…
Wasn't that the plan all along as if this is by accident and more people are recovering than dying. The media is controlled by business men and we vote for the same. If we would focus on it being gone as a whole, the difference would be amazing. And yet they will still lay people off and remove them from their homes just as they wanted.
Anonymous said…
And research who funds and those behind WHO.
People plz vote this idiot out of office!!
Plz vote this fool out of office!
Nikki Smith said…
I would hope people would be smart enough to never listen to him, but.. ☹️☹️☹️☹️.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. I noticed British Politician, Keir Starmer is gettin quite mouthy.

Isn't he the one you mentioned a long time ago.. that you predicted will be a UK Prime Minister one day?

Or am I recalling that wrong?
T. W. said…
I agree with Anonymous. WHO has done more harm than good.

I wonder why every nation that had WHO run their vaccination programs has a high HIV infection rate.

I wonder why all those nations that had WHO oversee their medical care have a low life expectancy for their population. You’d think they’d be the healthiest on Earth...
T. W. said…
CDC, FEMA, White House create plan to REOPEN America (But you might not like it)
T. W. said…
THEY love Africa. Gotta get that Adrenochrome...

Melinda Gates Warns Vaccine is ‘Ultimate Solution’ to COVID-19: ‘You’ll See Bodies in Streets of Africa’
Chick'sOpinion said…
The WHO, the World Health Orrganisation has a wide donor base. To say that 2 rich familes provide the finance for it. Is just wrong.
Many countries contribute to it annually.

And. If Trump decided to stop U.S funding to it, to annoy 2 families of the Elite. Then that would be a good thing right?

But the truth of the matter about the WHO is more boring.
As a global Health body, the WHO was formed in the aftermath of WW2. To promote world health. And. Protect aganst infectious disease.

They are currently tryin to expand. To bring universal healthcare to all.

But the reality is. The WHO is badly underfunded.
The WHO decides the data on emerging disease. And supports eradicating them. It does support vaccination programs in developing countries. And stressed healthcare systems.
Anerica is only one of many country's who fund the WHO.

But the fact early as February this year, Trump tried to cut the U.S contribution to the WHO.
Trump wanted the U.S contribution of $400 million, cut in half.
But he actually planned to cut in half all U.S contributions to ALL global health. Not just WHO.

The U.S only contributes to the WHO, roughly 10 -15 % of it's budget... as a contributor.

But the WHO need more to fight the CoronaVirus. That's a fact.
Trump hates the WHO because he believes they are China-centric.
No ....they are developing world-centric. Cause healthcare systems in these countries are so poor.
Also, I feel Trump is lying about the WHO being slow to warn of the risk of CoronaVirus.

Because Technical Advice on Coronavirus transmission was provided by the WHO in January this year. And back then they declared it a public health emergency.
Perhaps Trump's learned how the WHO failed badly in containing the Ebola breakout years ago.
That incident undermined the WHO's credibility. And the U.S suggested even then...scrapping the WHO.
But Obama did not support that.

Trump's determination to try and get the WHO abolished. Is like all his attacks on alot of Post World War 2 organizations. Organisations that were set up directly after WW2. Because after the disaster of WW2. The world pulled together to protect themselves.
Not apart. Like he's doing.

I understand Trump's tryin to protect America's money. But contributions can be negotiated with these orgs. Not attempt to abolish them.

You will note that Trump has previously attempted in a way.... To dismantle NATO too, The North Atantic Treaty Org.

By unbelievably threatening to withdraw the U.S from the alliance. That move would destroy this hugely protective military alliance. Between the U.S and Europe and Canada. Another Post WW2 protective org that was created for a reason.

The U.S withdrawing from the NATO Alliance (North Atlantic Treaty) would be a dream for future aggression for Putin and Russia.
That's a certain.
There's nothing Putin wants more. Than this strong NATO alliance to end.
So he can invade.
And expand.
T. W. said…
President John F. Kennedy publicly stated he would dismantle the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and secret societies. Soon after he made this statement public he was killed.

Interpret that any way you want.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Chick's Opinion's post on WHO. Nailed it.

HRH TW, I think Melinda and Bill Gates are good guys, who just happen to be very rich. They mean well. They're not like the others. Perhaps CD could confirm this but I don't think he's ever posted anything bad about the Gates. They care. Gates tried to warn people about an upcoming pandemic back in 2018. Why would he do that?

I also agree with Anonymous and all the other's posts. You better believe the media is controlled to some degree. Depends who owns the broadcasting company. I don't think Trump will be voted in again (God forbid). I wish Governor Cuomo was running. He'd get the votes, but now that Obama has stepped out to support Biden, that will help, I would think. I mean, who else you going to vote for? Trump? It's either Biden or Trump. I'm not crazy about either of them, but it is what it is.

Today was the first day we had sunshine and warm weather. It's wonderful. I opened the windows to let fresh air in. Nice. I also see more people have ventured outside. As CD has stated, we need to remain isolated for sometime to come. It's so hard, but we got to hang in for a little while longer.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous! Have you forgotten Bill Gates funded the Wuhan biotechnology lab that was researching the virus now known as COVID-19? Funny how they were researching something that allegedly didn’t exist until someone ate a bat.

To answer your question, Luciferians believe they have to earn society about what THEY are going to do so THEY won’t reap bad karma. That’s why you see so much predictive programming in the entertainment industry. You don’t have to take my word for it. You don’t have to search conspiracy sites and videos. You can go straight to the source. THEY have written books about it. If you know a Luciferian that person will confirm this.

“The Secret Teachings of All Ages”: The Ultimate Reference in Occult Symbolism
An in-depth look at the most important book about occultism of the 20th century The Secret Teachings of All Ages and its author Manly P. Hall.

If BillEnda Gates are good guys then why do they want to FORCE vaccination & microchipping? People won’t be able to buy or sale without it. Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Revelation Chapter 13

Why did Melinda say people in Africa would be lying dead in the streets if THEY aren’t allowed to test the C0VID-19 vaccine on them? S/he conveniently forgot to say that the African continent has one of the lowest rates of corona infection. Why can’t she use America as lab rats? Oh. That’s right. We have laws pertaining to scientific experimentation on humans. Oh. That’s right. Africa is an undeveloped jungle full of black peoples swinging from trees.

I have posted multiple links to video & written articles so people can hear these things from the horse’s mouth.

Do not go back the the slaughter with the rest of the sheeple.

T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

I thank you for sharing your thoughts & I'm glad you have better weather where you are.

Speaking of weather, I wonder how Australia is doing?

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