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No doubt....


T. W. said…
I bet he didn’t wash them...
Anonymous said…
How do we stop mandatory vaccinations for something you don't even have? Your too focused on the distractions and not what is behind all of this and other plans they want to execute.
T. W. said…
Here’s some more celebrity gossip. Christian has a lot of Told Ya’s.

1) Ellen DeGeneres sparks backlash after joking that self-quarantine is like 'being in jail'

2) In Strange, Over Produced New Video, Madonna Mumbles, Says She’s Lost Three Friends, and “I’m Over It”

[The article’s title is misleading.]

3) ‘Contagion’ Tops Pay-Per-View Movie Charts in the U.S.

4) How the Movie “Contagion” Laid the Blueprint for the Coronavirus Outbreak

T. W. said…
Wanted urgently: People who know a half century-old computer language so states can process unemployment claims

On top of ventilators, face masks and health care workers, you can now add COBOL programmers to the list of what several states urgently need as they battle the coronavirus pandemic.
T. W. said…
Vice President Mike Pence's office has declined to allow the nation's top health officials to appear on CNN in recent days and discuss the coronavirus pandemic killing thousands of Americans, in an attempt to pressure the network into carrying the White House's lengthy daily briefings in full.
T. W. said…
More coronavirus patients testing positive again after recovery: report
T. W. said…
People, please wake up! THEY want to control what we purchase during the lockdown.

THEY say large screen televisions are not essential.

I disagree.

Some people use them as computer monitors so they can see better.

Don’t we need computers to do our work?

1) Walmart, Costco, Target ordered to STOP selling ‘nonessential items’ to discourage foot traffic in some states

2) Some Walmart, Costco, Target stores barred from selling nonessential items
T. W. said…
Christian, I am serious. Is Bill Gates The AntiChrist?

If the Masses don’t wake up & take action The End will come sooner than we thought.

Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine

Bill Gates recently stated on Reddit that “digital certificates” will be used to identify who received the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine. And these certificates will also be used to identify who can conduct business or not. Here’s how this plan is already backed by a massive organization called ID2020.


In October 2019 (only a few months before the apparition of COVID-19) the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (in cooperation with the World Economic Forum) hosted Event 201, a 3.5-hour table-top simulation of a global pandemic.

Oddly enough, this simulation was about a novel coronavirus that would kill millions. About eight weeks later, an actual novel coronavirus spurred in China. This lead to some people wondering if this exercise actually predicted the spread of COVID-19. In response to these questions, a statement was posted on the Event 201 website.


While most of Gates’ answers were received with praise, this one raised lots of eyebrows. The most upvoted reply highlights the similarities between Gates’ solution and the “Mark of the Beast” in the Bible.


In short, according to ID2020, vaccinations are the perfect opportunity to introduce a digital ID that would store the medical history of each individual. This identity would also be used to grant access to basic rights and services.

ID2020 is already testing the introduction of digital IDs in Bangladesh.
[...] In this Bangladesh experiment, digital ID is “biometrically-linked”, meaning that it is based on the fingerprints of individuals. The article describes the process in place:


For the people overseeing nationwide vaccination initiatives in developing countries, keeping track of who had which vaccination and when can be a tough task.

But researchers from MIT might have a solution: they’ve created an ink that can be safely embedded in the skin alongside the vaccine itself, and it’s only visible using a special smartphone camera app and filter.

In other words, they’ve found a covert way to embed the record of a vaccination directly in a patient’s skin rather than documenting it electronically or on paper – and their low-risk tracking system could greatly simplify the process of maintaining accurate vaccine records, especially on a larger scale.


The article states that this study was the result of a direct request from Bill Gates.


Considering the fact that this entire project is eerily reminiscent to a passage in the Book of Revelation (a Mark of the Beast that is received on the “right hand or forehead” and that is required “to buy or to sell”), the introduction of such a system would most likely be received with a great deal of resistance. And not only from religious people.
T. W. said…
Event 201 - A Global Pandemic Exercise

ID 2020

Te (sic) Great War Cometh & The One You Call Antichrist
T. W. said…

1) VIDEO - Te Great War Cometh & The One You Call Antichrist

2) Blind Item #11 April 9, 2020

3) The Need for Good Digital ID is Universal

The ability to prove who you are is a fundamental and universal human right. Because we live in a digital era, we need a trusted and reliable way to do that both in the physical world and online.

4) Event 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise

5) An Invisible Quantum Dot 'Tattoo' Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids

6) Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination

Science Translational Medicine 18 Dec 2019:
Vol. 11, Issue 523, eaay7162
DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aay7162

7) Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine
Bill Gates recently stated on Reddit that “digital certificates” will be used to identify who received the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine. And these certificates will also be used to identify who can conduct business or not. Here’s how this plan is already backed by a massive organization called ID2020.
Anonymous said…
What happens after the 90days? Are people waking up to the truth yet?
Jules said…
Bill Gates is getting on my last nerve.
CyndiTx123 said…
those panties are probably Jared Kushner's ....... hahahahaha!
Chick'sOpinion said…

You discuss interesting points.

And yes. Universial I.D is nesscesary.

But the issue is. Is our civil liberties at risk here. Personally I think not.

And as for i.d.
it's been a well over due fact. That paper passports are a very outdated form of i.d.

They need to go.

The use of Biometric identification in airports is now wide I think. That is, the scanning of the eye...the iris... is now common.

But really facial recognition to control secured and restricted areas is assisting that too.

The very idea of tatooing people once they have had a vaccination sounds horrific.
At first glance.
But really it's not new.

Doctors and nurses can recognise definate scars from a range of vaccinations. On the upper arms.
Even now. Particularly in the older generations.

Some of them the clear scars are from the early BCG vaccine for tuberculosis
And smallpox vaccine scarring.

I don't know if the immunization programs they run today. Cause that level of scarring as they used to.
Cause they used to go into deep layers of skin.

Not sure.
A registered nurse could inform us on that.

So I'm thinking that a quantum dot tatoo that's almost invisible. Is actually an improvement. Compared to the past scarring from vaccinations.

But really. If they want to know who is vaccinated they can just check for antibodies.
Laborious yes..I know.

People have to have these immunisation checks if they don't know. Or have no documents to prove their vaccination history. When they are applying offshore...for migration to another country.

It's a standard.

I know that Australia are really tough about not allowing people to migrate. Who haven't got the standard range of child vaccinations we all have here.

They make them have them before coming.
I would say the U.S insist on it too.

Mmmmm. We are all getting very interested in vaccinations now.
Because it's raised the issue with us.
That in fact, some vaccinations mean you will live or quite possibly die.
If you don't have them.

And the anti vaxxers are going to finally get their seat at the government table of debate I think. Cause if the whole world HAS to be vaccinated. For Covid 19.
The world are gonna wanna know what's in this shit, this vaccination.

High levels of mercury?
As is the usual in child vaccination injections.

The anti vaxxers will think they are losing the fight right now.

I'd argue, quite the opposite.

They are going to have to listen to the world. Not just the Anti Vaxxers. And change the recipes of the 'vaccinations'.

To far safer ingredients for our bodies.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I just wish they'd get that clown Trump OFF the world's stage.

And just have Dr Fauci communicate with the public.

The U.S public deseve someone with intelligence running the show. In this crisis.

You know, an American language expert studied Trump for a while.

And he came up with a conclusion.

That Trump's speech, 'oddly adolescent'

So it's official he has real low maturity.
As if we didn't know anyway.

And the language expert noticed too. That Trump does not even try to include truth into any of his language.

Quite the opposite.
All the time.
Chick'sOpinion said…

'Jared Jared give Ivanka her knickers back'
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous 10.37

If you think there's a big plan, agenda behind all this Pandemic and economic collapse.

Then YOU reveal it. Seeings your so sure of it.

And you and other commenters who hide behind the name Anonymous, keep asking and demanding Christian to reveal what you call 'Whats really going on'

Claiming Christian is just discussing/'focussing on distractions'

I think you are being unfair.

If there's some big reveal. And YOU know what it is.

Spill the beans.
But don't try and discredit Christian's approach to his own blog.

Psychics, tarot readers, astrologers, Channelers have their own rights. About what they choose to reveal. And what they don't.
Especially when it's contraversial, unpleasant or unpopular.

More than often , they don't reveal. Because guides either ask them not to. At a certain stage.

Or. Psychics etc are worried about their safety.

The dark evil energies, as you know. Don't exactly like to be called out. On their secrets.
And lies.

John F Kennedy said,

'All secrets are evil'

I tend to agree with that.

Especially government ones. Not knocking your desire for truth.

But support psychics who attempt to bring as much truth as they feel able. At this time.
Or any other time.

Don't disapprove of them. Be satified.
With what they feel comfortable to reveal.
And be supportive.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. As a financial expert is claiming today that '60% of Americans say they will last less than 3 months living off their unemployment skyrockets'.

Will crime start to break out far worse in America?
Chick'sOpinion said…
You know. With this enforced pause. In isolation for a ridiculous amount of weeks. That looks like stretching into months.

How many are loving the downtime?

Cause I get the impression alot of people were not happy in their jobs anyway.

And had that...

'Stop the world, I wanna get off' feeling.


It's wonderful really. Cause after this is over. So many people are going to get the opportunity they never had the courage to do or opportunity to do, prior to this Pandemic.

They are already saying to themselves. 'They can take that old job and shove it I'm doin something else'

People will move into new fields.
Where they belong more. And the hours they can cope with.

Yeah there will be unemployment for some. Many.

Buts it's more positive to turn unemployment into what I call,


That is. Rather than focussing on the negative. Focus at what quiet relaxation and comtemplation you have to gain...... from Funemployment.

Or start a hobby you have wanting to do for ages.
Write want you want to write.
Anything. That floats your boat.
And you can afford.

Lots of college kids have had to move back home.
Some of them had little part time jobs.
You know the type. Legalized slavery on a low wage.

Some of them will be releived to be back home with mum and dad.

And alot of mums and dads will be glad to see their adult child.

This crisis is certainly bringing people together.
In a good way.
T. W. said…
Jules & CyndiTx123

Thank you for making me laugh!
T. W. said…

The paper passports contain RFID chips. Trust & believe we are being tracked.

Some scientific researchers found that facial recognition does not work well on people of color.

I do not want the COVID vaccine. Some people who survived this disease are getting sick again. So is it another strain or does the virus lie dormant & attack again? And again? And again?

As for the stimulus checks, that works out to $100 dollars a month. That is too sad to be a joke.

I don’t see crime going up yet. If criminals don’t catch the COVID while they are out then they’ll catch it in prison.

Perhaps certain crimes will go up like physical assaults against grocery workers & price gouging.
T. W. said…
The anonymous trolls state their opinions as though they are facts.

They have yet to provide any evidence to support their statements.

I know I tell crazy stories here but at least they are based in reality & I provide links & such that are the basis of my stories.
CyndiTx123 said…
I am wit ya Chick'sOpinionin! Anonymous needs to clarify what he-she is blabbin' about....
funny.... jared needs to turn over his knickers back to the original owner...Ivanka's ...hahahahaha
Chick'sOpinion said…

I wasn't aware Passports had RFID embedded in them. But it doesn't surprise me.
And actually I have to say I'm glad.

The thing is... I'm glad for many reasons. The fact that my passport can be tracked wherever it goes. Is a relief to the average traveller.

Given the fact these days.... that 5 things can go missing when you are travelling

The passport itself
You and your passport
Your organs
Your money/cards/phone

Stopping theives getting their hands on your passport or anything. Is a contimual pain in the arse problem.....when you are travelling. And tryin to enjoy a holiday.
You can't relax enough at all I feel.

You can't use hotel safes anymore down in reception. To keep your passport safe.
While you stay.
Because no one is to be trusted anymore. Not even staff.

You can't use the safe in your hotel room.
The hotel staff just break into it. While you are out during the day.
By simply re-setting the password.
As you recall that happened to me in Italy.
And in a good and huge hotel.

No. In my veiw. The travel experience has been transformed into quite a dangerous activity these days.
And it's sad.

Yeah locals have always stolen off tourists.
But it's gone next level in modern times.
With highly organised crime gangs.
South East Asia is really dangerous too.
I'm not prepared to go there alone.

Let's look at some of the more extreme examples and dangers in travelling today.
Egypt is somewhere you really have to worry as a younger person. That you are not abducted. In order to steal one of your organs (sorry but that's a fact) It goes on.
They try to trick you....lure you to a location.
Where they have a doctor paid in advance to do it.

I was was horrified about how common and determined crime against tourists had become when I went on my big tour around Europe in 2018.

And the local police don't do enough about it. In any of the countries.
Cause for a start, alot of them are corrupt. There's too much of the crime. And...the tourists are only temporary in the country. Not citizens.
So they don't care.

When I lived in London...I went downstairs into the back garden of the flats with my children for them to play.

And there the quiet, quite secluded back area, was someone's luggage. A suitcase...cut open.
Stolen direct from an Airport. Even the duty free the traveller bought was still in it.
They clearly just wanted particular things in the suitcase.

My husband said immediately 'don't touch it.
Don't report it either, as they will think it was us who stole it.
Or it's a drugs drop off'.

What shocked me. Was that the thief travelled all the way to South London with the stolen suitcase. To finally hide and open it.
From the tags, I recall it was stolen from Heathrow.

So somethings gotta give. With all this crime.

I'm personally glad. That facial recognition security systems exit now.
But agree, they are NOT accurate enough yet. To be even in operation yet.
But trust me... they will be accurate.

Tourists need way better protection than they are currently getting. The crimes against them are outa control.

And look at violent crime. You can't even go to Thailand now without the possibility of a local Taxi driver having a pre arranged plan.
To drive you down an ally where he suddenly stops. And his co offender jumps in the Taxi to rob you. Or your whole family. By knifepoint.
And what do they want too?
Your passports.

Tourists no longer actually having passports will go some way. To discouraging local criminals being interested in Tourists at all.
They will always find a way to try and get your money/phone. But the paper passports need to be phased out.

We need 21st Century deterrents and technology. To control 21st Century level crime.
And 21st Century control.... on corrupt cops.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And lets hope. In have to get a security clearance just to vist an airport. Or pick someone up.

Sounds crazy?
Not really.

Cause theives have way too much access to airports at the moment.
They know you have currency on you. And you are often wanting to change it up when you get off the flight. They know you have your passport handy too.

No ....not everyone will agree. But I believe the public should be banned from airports. Especially with the terrorism issues too.

It should be this.
If you are NOT travelling on a flight then you don't have a need to be there.
You can wave people goodbye at home.

Sounds crazy.
No. It isn't if you look at the issues.
Because it would protect travellers and airport staff so much. If the public were banned.

When you are arriving at an airport to take a long haul flight. What are you?
For a start you are usually very stressed.
You are facing a set of, at times, intimidating security processes too.

Should you have to worry about theives stealing your passport?
Cause if theives get it.
You can guarantee. You WON'T be travelling on that flight. Or anywhere for a while.

So. Unless it's an unaccompanied minor travelling.
Non flying public do not need to be at airports.
Ever in my view.
Only staff.
And travellers.
That's it.
T. W. said…
I'm against Big Brother. I know we can only slow him down.

People want high-tech protection but don't realize the same people who create it are the very ones who are or who are helping criminals get around said protection.

How can high-tech protection help me when I do not understand it?

That's not all.

I can tell you for a fact that low-tech solutions can beat the high tech security.

Stole a passport that has an RFID chip? Wrap it in aluminum foil to prevent the radio waves from coming out.
T. W. said…
Grandma Goes Viral For Telling People To Use Panties As Coronavirus Mask!!
Chick'sOpinion said…

I swear you have another Dart Board in your kitchen.

With a cut out picture of Bill Gates in the middle.


Ya on the phone to friends every week, LoL, sayin,

'Yeah, come around tonight, yeah and we can throw darts at Bill Gates's face. Nawwww. Dont worry I'll do the catering. It'll be great'

TW, I get it.

I feel the same way about an Australian TV presenter and all round Wanker, called Scott Cam.

I can't even listen to his voice.

And then....

To my horror years ago. I discover... he used to live near my friend.

And she confirmed everything I intuitively picked up about this fake working class Australian hero.

She said,

'Yeah....he used to live in a small ordinary house near me. And as soon as he became famous and got money. He moved to a mansion in one of the most expensive suburbs of Sydney'

See. Fake.

And there's no way Scott Cam drinks beer with his mates.

No, no effing way...he's the sort of Australian who drinks Chardonnay on the balcony of his mansion.
And thinks he's better than everyone.
T. W. said…

Thank you for making me laugh!

No dart boards with pics because that is “witchcraft.” That always comes back to the person doing the ritual. Please take my word for it.

As for Scott Cam, I went on YouTube to hear him. He does sound fake.

As for Australian accents, y’all would be understood easily in America, especially in the midwestern states. You all draw out your middle vowel sounds. Listen to Carol Burnett speak. Or view clips of Wilma Flintstone speaking. I know I live in the south & have nerve to say this but I’m gonna say it. Drawing out the middle vowel sound irritates me.
Chick'sOpinion said…

See. Even you as a non Australian can see that Scott Cam is faking his image.

What really riles me up. Is how he makes out he's a 'man of the ordinary people' on TV, in his personal life. But in reality, is not in the slightest.

Makes out that he's not even slightly materialistic. But. Nothing could be further from the truth.

But, really... he is just a poster boy for a common lie in Australia. About Tradesmen.

That Australian tradesmen are all down to earth all round nice macho guys.

Well in my experience that is totally untrue.
And most of them purposefully cultivate that fake macho image.

In real life. They'd rather 'get on the beers' than help anyone. They have ex wives because they are chronic cheaters and make terrible husbands.
They do things like, get you to pay all their debts. Then leave you.
And. Sleep with their ex while living with you.

Also. They behave in unforgivable ways...when they take Cocaine on the weekend. Cause on the money they earn..they can afford too.

And. Get 'money free' major house improvements from their Tradesmen mates. On their houses.

As in, 'I'll put in a new fancy bathroom in your house. If you put a new roof on my house'

And you know, nobody has to just take my word for it. About them.
That facts are there in Australian statistics.

Australian tradesmen are the biggest Tax Evaders we have in Australia.
If you call them to fix something. They'll give you 2 prices. Cash or a taxable quote.

No. The Australian Tax Office exposed these so called claimed patrotic Australian heros a few years ago. Australian tradesmen are Australia's chronic Tax Evaders.

That's one of the ways they got rich in Australia.

And to top it off. They are often hard core racists.

And before any Australian says the classic line, 'they are not all like that'.


But sorry. Alot of them ARE like I've described.

Fake good guys.

I've known personally enough of them. And. Hired them.
My daughter's even dated them.
And paid their gambling debts.

In the world we live in today.
Most would agree that....we need authentic good guys.


Fortunately so many of us today are noticing our intuition is heightened.
And we are able to spot insincerity.
And when I spot it. As you can see,
It annoys me.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And. Not too long ago, TV Handyman Scott Cam was exposed. In a very heated interview with Sky News.

They challenged him about his $350,000 Australian Tax Payer funded National Careers funded, Ambassador role.

Yes. Australia has started to finally wake up. About him a bit.

When challenged recently, by the Sky news reporter on TV, about the obscene amount of Tax payers money he was getting to tour our technical trade schools called Tafe. In the Summer...when students weren't even there.

He snapped at the reporter,

'Thats none of your business. That's a commercial arrangement. And how that came about is between my manangement, myself and the government '

See. He doesn't even have an ethical clue about Australian Tax Payers rights. To question the money he's creaming off Tax payers.
Nor does he care.
All he cares about is how much money he can rake in.
From everything.
And anyone.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And you are right. Australians understand Americans when you speak.... quite easily. And I guess vice versa.

Scott Cam's accent is very typical.

I listened to Carol Burnett's accent. She spoke with a very cute accent.
She was quite a sophisticated lady. In her own way I think.

Has anyone heard Billie Holiday...the very famous Black singer of the 30's, 40's speak?

No wonder Frank Sinatra was infatuated with her as a young man.
In the way young men today. Have been infatuated with the singer, Rhianna.

I don't know where Billie Holiday's accent originated from. But she was so ladylike.
No wonder she was called Lady Day.
A listen to her being interviewed in New York demonstrates how deeply polite she was too.

Or was she just scared of the white guy interviewing her?
It was frightening times she grew up in.
It's a miracle she was even 'allowed' to become popular as a singer in those days.
Love how she wore flowers in her hair too.
T. W. said…
Scammers are everywhere. They will always be here until The Eternity comes.

As for Billie Holliday, she is from Philadelphia. That is in the northeastern US. Most people from the north are easy to understand.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And I guess people from that era Billie Holliday came from. In Philadelphia...Were extremely polite socially.

Unlike today. All over the world... they now chew your arse out some minor parking issue.

With all the worst turns of phrase. And abuse.

No. Take me back to a more polite era.
It matched the effort the people then .....made, in how they dressed too.

And Billie Holliday knew how to dress.

What I find she died chained to a hospital bed.
Or so it's claimed.
She wasn't ...I don't think chained, when Frank Sinatra visited her in hospital right before she died.
She was on a narcotics charge at the time too.
Maybe that's way.

What an end to an amazing ladylike Star.
And very moving singer.
God rest her soul.

Thank god the singer, Rhianna won't go that way at 44.
Rhinanna, it appears...has no addictions.
Or at least none we know of..

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