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When you watch MI7....

While filming the latest MI movie.
MI7, in Europe....
In the script.
There's a scene in which an old bridge explodes.
Tommy Boy....
Demanded that they use a real bridge.
A bridge that was hundreds of years home.
He, would settle for a fake and/or CGI.
No Tommy Boy wanted the real thing.
So, a bribe was arranged.
So that the bridge could be blown up.
How arrogant, that you feel you deserve.
Such a thing to happen.
Just because you are insecure of you height OR?
But karma will have her say, "HOW?"
Box Office flop.....


Nikki Smith said…
Are you fucking serious?! A piece of history died.... FOR A MOVIE?!! 😠😠😠😠
Chick'sOpinion said…
This is outrageous.

CD. I'm very keen to know which country this bridge is in.

There is no info online to say. Where this senseless act will happen. My worry it is in one of the poorer economically depressed Eastern European countries.

You couldn't get away with that in Western Europe.

The movie this stupid event occurs in. Is either his new movie Luna Park, Mission Impossible 7 , Mission Impossible 8

or Live.Die.Repeat (Edge Of Tomorrow).

The last one sounds like the story of his life.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Must be Mission Impossible 17
Anonymous said…
I legit saw a blind item about this hahahahaha
shamaro said…
By the time it comes out, it will have some very stiff competition for an audience. That whole production has seemed cursed from the beginning.
T. W. said…
Tommy Boy messes with history now his reputation & career are history
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of short people.

Does anyone remember that shocking song from years ago. That was a hit.

Called Short People.
By American, Randy Newman.

It had outrageous lyrics.

Here's an example of them...

'Short people, short people, short people
got no reason to live.
They got little hands
Little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They were platform shoes
On their nasty little feet'

I swear Randy Newman wrote that song about Tom Cruise. Inadvertently.

But perhaps he knew him in 1977.

No. An offensive song like that could never get on radio, itunes today. People would go berserk.
And quite rightly.
It's wrong.
But it's amazing what used to be tolerated.

And no one cared. Like today.

But Randy Newman stated that the lyric in that song, that went

'short people are just the same as you and I'

Was to demonstrate the prejudice short people face.
And I agree.

In fact. In future, being so short, under a certain measurement, will probably be defined as a disability.

And I think that's fair.

I'm not particularly short.
But excessively short people can't even reach high kitchen cupboards.

Given the issues. And Hollywood's obsession with beauty and perfection.
Its astounding Tom Cruise made it all.
He is apparently 1.7 m
Sana said…
I agree with Nikki Smith this is completely outrageous who the fuck does he think he is - blowing up a bridge - hope this senseless act will eventually blow up in his face 💥 I’m sick to death of these Hollywood assholes making such a spectacle of themselves - i’ve also recently heard that this fucker Tom wants to connect with Harry and Meghan; the hazards and befriend them. He even said That he admires them - well dumbasses think alike, don’t you think ? let’s see if Covid- 19 gets him 🦠 or Whatever Karma decides- film flop seems to lame of a punishment (sorry CD) - Tombitch and Megaho needs serious asylum treatment
Sana said…
Oh I forgot did you hear that Harry and Megan’s new foundation actually leads to Kanye West music video “Gold digger” on YouTube - I’m not joking. Try it 😂 I died 😆 😂 🤣😭

The fuckers are trying to avoid taxes by laying the new foundation arch well - named after their son supposedly - especially during this pandemic time. If Archie is real Is call the social workers - this is apparent child abuse

Do they actually think they’re going to make billions especially during this time where people are experiencing A global traumatic event?
What the fuck really? (Pardon my French) 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anonymous said…
my comment is off topic from Tom Cruise but I am intrigued to know what is with all the Megan and Harry Hollywood PR pieces in the press?! I am finding them very inappropriate during these difficult times. While the majority of the press is about the virus a small amount is about how Megan is hoping to be mentored by Angelina Jolie and Harry has an IMDb page for his new job as a Producer. It seems very selfish.
Jules said…
absolutely disgusting ... shame on those who allowed this sickening event to happen.
Psychic Gossip said…
T. W. said…
Thanks for telling us about Prince Harry’s IMDB page. Wow!

I recently found out he never went to university. I guess all that gossip & those blind items about him having to cheat his way through school & being dumber than a box of rocks are true. No wonder he fell for MeghaTron.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I'm sorry. But I can't stop laughing about Meghan's site Archewell Foundation being highjacked and redirected to Kanye West's video ....of the song Golddigger.

A song I love by the way.

No. This is excellent.

And if Meghan ever wondered if the world is onto the fact.
That she's just a Golddigger.

Then there's her evidence.
Of how the world feel about her.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Prince William and Kate will be laughing their arses off about Meghan's site being re-directed to the song Golddigger.

I can just see them rolling around the floor in hysterics.
At Amner Hall.

NR said…
Tom Cruise suffers from the same illness that Madonna has - refusetoadmitthati’moldasfuckandutterlyirrelevantandmycareerdiedyeasagoitis.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Thanks for alerting us here in the comments.

That Meghan's latest money spinning venture is going to be another monster flop.

When is she gonna get it?

That. The majority of the public don't trust her to run a foundation.

If you are a goldddigger. Are people gonna trust you with the cheese?

No they are not.

Personally I doubt whether she'll ever live down her reputation.

Which makes me wonder. What the hell can do she with the rest of her life.

She's close to 40 even now.

I used to think she could get a fairly solid policical career up and running well.

But public perception of her is generally not good.

If she wants to do good works. For women. Vunerable women etc. She's gonna have to do it how most of the authentic philanthropists, charity workers do it.

In private. On the down low.

But as we know. Meghan doesn't like the down low.

She wants to be a star. Of humanitarian works.
Of everything.

Take note Meghan Markle.
Lady Diana was loved by the public. Because her intentions were authentic.

In wanting to help humans who were suffering.

The public are now more tuned in than ever. About whether someone is energetically being authentic.

In their words. Actions and choices.

In this way. Meghan Markle is out of step with current times. In my view.
Louis said…
CD...I'm just tired of America, this behavior of blowing up a bridge to suit a movie stars ego is just typical of the people Americans have become.

Boorish, crude, narcissistic bullies.

I have enough of the America that pays God by stealing other nation medical supplies with this time it's Canada's turn and the third time this week, or blocking medical supplies dying Iranians. This is a world where the Russians and Chinese send you medical supplies and the Americans steal them off you. I lived in New York, this is not the nation you were or the Americans I knew, what happened to you America?

But the America I see today so deserves Trump...he so defines the nation you have all become so look in the mirror America if you want to change him. Look at the nation you have become.

Being inside the EU I'm sooo glad the UK is gone now, at least the they have taken the Americans with them and given us our freedom, our chance to stand for the values of humanity. This rant is over...officially.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You're safe here.

It's free to rant.

And get away with it
Chick'sOpinion said…

I took the time to read your long description of Madonna's and Tom Cruise's affliction.

Very accurate.
T. W. said…

I hope you are healthy and happy where you live. Many blessings to you!

With love,

T. W. said…
Madame Xpiration Date needs our prayers. But does she want them?

Enty at CDAN has been telling us since last year Madonna is hooked on pain pills.

Christian told us she will become permanently insane or dead unless someone steps in.

Blind Gossip says she needs joint replacement surgery & her bizarre videos are part performance art & part high on drugs.
CyndiTx123 said…
Louis... tell us how you really feel about America.... Trust me, I do not believe in Trump-ism....nor care for his idiotic president ways.... Please don't combine the true Americans with scoundrels that's in the white house.... We are suffering because of his presidency, but we do see a light at the end of the tunnel . America will overcome this presidency... It will take time, but we will overcome. Sorry you feel that way. God Bless America !
louis said…
Hi Cyndi...From my travels, I think the ordinary Americans would compete with the ordinary Iranians as the nicest people on the planet, I hope for the return of the nation I knew, liked and enjoyed. Seeing the mass graves in New York on TV tonight, I honestly thought I'd never live to see this. Brutal as the Chinese are, they at least provided an urn with their loved ashes to grieve over, these families only have a mass grave which is truly medieval.

TW - I'm scared to say this, out of fear that it will all suddenly turn to merde, but I'm doing fine at the moment. Divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me...though you couldn't tell me that at the time. Every day I drive to work, no traffic, and I think "this lock down is driving me nuts (and today it was extended to may 5th) ...then I think "OMG..I could have been locked in a house of week 5 of a complete lock down with my ex"....and suddenly it is okay. Hope you're well TW..been praying for your recovery (yes God is still in shock at me praying), keep safe and cocoon snugly.
T. W. said…
Hi Louis!

1) Don't believe or trust China. They had to burn the bodies en masse so there's no telling who's remains are in the urns.

2) They have more bodies than they can bury or burn.

3) They are experiencing a second wave of the COVID-19. There is no turnaround for them yet.

4) As for your divorce, there is no shame or sin in divorce. Do not believe the lies. People twist the Scripture that says "What God has put together let no man tear asunder." Looking back, do you think God put you and your ex together? Your comments tell me you did the right thing. You have my blessings.

5) I thank you for your prayers! I do need them! I stopped one allergy medication because it started to make me itch within a minute after I took it. I started another that is working well. It makes me very sleepy and I feel "drunk" when I am awake. But I rather deal with that than constant itching, throat tightness, hives, and possible anaphylaxis. As for the head injury, still slow going. I spend more time in bed than I would like.

6) Please know God listens to your prayers.

7) I pray you and everyone else become and remain happy, healthy and safe!

With love,

Chick'sOpinion said…
I divorced years ago.
And married myself years ago.
Best thing I ever did.
It’s takes a while getting used to be single

But after a while it feels completely normal.
Embrace single life. Don’t look at the negatives.
And don’t allow idiots to set you up with their friends
It’s a rather demeaning thing I think.
I can’t believe ’friends’ try and do that shit.

And also, think of it this way.
You will never have to shag that bitch again.

Anyway.... as Lizzo sings it in Truth Hurts,

‘I put the sing in single’

That means, see it as a super power.
And an opportunity to get a better understanding of yourself.

Instead of someone else.

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