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Perfect call...


Cordelia said…
I'll scratch your back.....
T. W. said…
Anyone else notice those photos in the background?

Russia Sends 60 TONS of Medical Supplies to U.S. After Phone Call From Trump
T. W. said…
Take precautions:

T. W. said…
Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing
T. W. said…
Pelosi pushes 'SALT shakeup' stimulus that could reduce her tax bill and enrich her wealthy district
Anonymous said…
Why don't you hint what's really going on? And why they're releasing prisoners worldwide? And the vaccine certificate that will be imposed.
T. W. said…
Navy relieves captain who raised alarm about coronavirus outbreak on aircraft carrier

The United States Navy is expected to relieve the captain who sounded the alarm about an outbreak of COVID-19 aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And you scratch mine.
T. W. said…
It’s hitting the fan.

ABC World News is doing a second national broadcast here on the East Coast.

1) Americans who lost their jobs are not allowed to apply for ObamaCare at this time (normally you apply at the end of the year).

2) 1300 New York Police Officers have CIVID-19.

3) State of New York will run out of ventilators within the next 6 days.

4) At least 10 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits.

5) Hundreds of healthcare workers contracted COVID-19. Several have died.

6) The National stockpile of protective equipment is gone.

7) The state of California claims the Trump Administration sent several thousand ventilators. NONE OF THEM WORKED.

We must make declarations when we pray. Don’t ask God to do something. God has already acted on His end. We need to speak the miracles & the blessings into existence. Don’t forget, God created the Universe by speaking it into existence.

Dear God,

I thank You for listening to and answering our previous prayers. I declare Your help is manifesting on the Earth right now. In the name of Jesus Christ I declare it is done. Amen.
T. W. said…
Trump tells CNBC he spoke to Putin, MBS and expects Saudis, Russia to announce 10 million barrel cut
Chick'sOpinion said…
And here's head scratcher.

Why is the U.S Navy Hospital Ship, Comfort. That docked in the harbour in Manhattan, New York this week.

Only got 3 patients on board ?

It's a 1000 bed facility. And is just unused. And it's 1200 Crew on this ship are idle.

I find this strange. And it's not the only American Navy hospital ship that being under used.

The New York Times today are reporting that

'The U.S.N.S Navy Hospital ship, Mercy, anchored in L.A at the moment.

Only has 15 patients on board'.

I was under the impression American hospitals were at breaking point for beds. So this is a little odd.
Chick'sOpinion said…

So petrol prices will be going right down.
But we are not allowed to go anywhere.
In this isolation period.

Isn't it ironic.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I note that in February this year, it became law that lynching is a Federal crime in the U.S.

This is a long time coming.
Astoundingly so.

And. It's actually 65 years since 14 year old black boy, Emmett Till was lynched and murdered in Mississippi.

It appears Illinois Rep, Bobby Rush named the Bill after murdered, Emmett Till.

How happy Emmett Till will be in spirit. To finally see progress in his country.

As Lynching is now a Federal Hate Crime in U.S by definition. . And people who do it. Will get up to Life In Prison. A fine. Or both.

Emmett Till was actually visiting Mississippi from Chicago where he lived. When he was abducted and murdered by White men.

And they got away with it.

But those who murdered this innocent little boy did far more than just Lynch him.

I'm not going to put the details here. Because it's way too unpleasant.

But let's bear in mind today's situation and how important this law being passed is.

It is only 25 years since the last Lynching of a black person in the U.S.

I know TW... you realise how significant it is.
Im gonna celebrate it, by lighting a candle for little Emmett Till.
Anonymous said…
Well, Anonymous asks a great question: Why are they releasing all these prisoners?

Like WTH? Apparently, jails are a "hotspot" for the virus, so they released all the non-violent offenders. People who haven't hurt others (killed, raped, beat up, that kind of thing).

So now, New York is experiencing a crime wave. Some 900 plus ex-prisoners back on the street. Hi Mom, I'm baaaaaack!

Not to worry Anonymous, they will all soon return to jail. There just out having a little vacation. Hope they enjoy it, because it will be short-lived.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…

The US Navy Hospital Ships cannot & will not treat critically ill patients.

Petrol prices going down is still good because that means utility bills will go down. However we won’t see that benefit until a few months later. Also, nations can purchase oil to stockpile at a lower price. Manufacturers will have a lower bill in the next few months but they may not be able to pass the savings along to the consumer.

As for lynching being specifically recognized as a hate crime, please tell me this is a joke? Perhaps some criminal defense attorney successfully argued lynching is not a hate crime because white people can be lynched too. I guess they forgot to say that the white people who were lynched supported equality.

Humans ain’t $hit sometimes.

As for releasing prisoners during pandemic, this was a movie plot. I kid you not. THEY love predictive programming...
T. W. said…
1) The "Ventilators" in Tesla's Big Coronavirus Donation Were Actually BPAP Machines

2) The "Ventilators" in Tesla's Big Coronavirus Donation Were Actually BPAP Machines
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

That's worrying.... 900 prisoners released into New York.

Perhaps it's quite fortunate New Yorkers are currently in lock down.

But like you say. They are already experiencing a crime wave.

Wonder what the prisoners up to.

Receiving stolen goods
Breaking into houses ....shops
Stealing cars

Are they specifically considered non violent crimes?


So funny. How after this is over. They are going to have to go get them all and lock them up again.

Have fun with that. Cause I get the feeling. Alot will NOT want to be returned to jail.
Chick'sOpinion said…


Releasing Prisoners during a Pandemic was a movie plot ?

I dug around to find out which movie it was. But couldn't find it.

But they are saying that a current horror film currently streaming to Netflix is a mirror of what we are experiencing in lock down right now.

In a completely sick way.

It's called The Platform.

I don't recommend anyone watching this fear-based shit.

There is even a scene apparently in it, where a room mate eats part of his room mate's thigh.

See what I mean?

Personally, I would readily agree to censorship of these kind of movies.

It doesn't raise the energy. Of anything.

Except dark forces.

And fear.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Can you do a post on how the world will be different after this Pandemic?

What will be the significant change?
T. W. said…

Please go to the VigilantCitizen website for more information. Just don’t do it at night. You will get a good education on THEY.
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion,

It's very concerning indeed, all these released prisoners.

I believe it won't be just the ex-prisoners causing havoc, it will be regular folk who need to eat, pay their rent, their bills, survive or feed their addiction(s).

We haven't seen the repercussions of this Coronavirus shutting down our economies yet, we're all going to suffer further for it. That's a promise.

Tonight Bill Maher said let's call it what it is: The China virus.

CAP Anonymous

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