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Told Ya.. So it begins...

Seems they don't want to be my neighbours!

WTF, what a fall from the top.
To the very bottom.
Please don't buy this BS.
This is just another Megexit posed event.
Over the next few weeks.
We will see more of this...
How do I know it's crap you ask?
Well, apart from being Psychic.
I can smell a PR job, from fifty miles.
She is just dragging HRH lower and lower.
Don't be surprise, Meghan.
If you dark night.
Little grey men, in grey suits.
Collect Archie & Harry.
Leaving you in South LA.


Cordelia said…
Every path has a bridge the journey is crossing it
T. W. said…
Harry moves to the paparazzi capital of the world. What did he think would happen?
T. W. said…
Christian, is Karreuche Tran male or female?

Open Post: Guess this makeup-free celebrity
T. W. said…
Make It Stop: A New Houston Estate Produced Whitney Houston Biopic Is In The Works
T. W. said…
Christian, I hope we get a told ya soon:


All is NOT as it appears....

September 16, 2018

Who’s your daddy:

70-Year-Old Richard Gere Is A Dad For The Third Time
T. W. said…
More evidence Corey Feldman is one of THEM:

Corey Feldman Says his Movie only Made $666,000 then cries for 40 Minutes on Instaghoul
T. W. said…
The first ever YouTube video was uploaded 15 years ago today. Here it is

Chick'sOpinion said…
Makes you wonder if Prince Harry has ever been to L.A before.

Or has spent minimal amount of time there. So had no clue what kinda place he was moving too.

And maybe Meghan’s behaviour has changed since she arrived home.

We know though, that L.A wasn’t Prince Harry’s real first choice.

Canada was his real choice.
writestuff said…
Free The Ginge & BeBe!
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - rumor has it he’s still in Canada.

writestuff - Thank you!
Anonymous said…
This comes as no surprise that Harry is feeling homesick. Anyone of us would feel the same. Back in Canada, there are similarities to Harry's turf, but L.A.? Palm trees and desert, plastic surgery, fake people and paparazzi on every corner.

I do feel for him. Meghan is probably trying to make him feel better, but only because he is her ticket to a dream life. She needs Harry right now. Soon, she won't. Harry needs his family (the family back in the UK), and sadly, I think they are probably rather "cool," if not royally pissed at the moment.

Home is where the heart is. LA isn't home to Harry. If they had stayed on Vancouver Island, there might have been some chance of happiness, but as we all know this was never Meghan's dream, her goal was to get Harry to leave, and then to Canada, and then baby steps to L.A. I believe she knew all along that that is where they were going to end up -- back in L.A.

L.A. is HOME to Meghan. She was born there.

And she succeeded in getting Harry to leave his home, his family, and his title. But people are starting to talk, starting to notice. This can't be good for Harry's mindset, and Meghan won't be happy with the negative talk. So as CD tells us, looks like we'll see more food deliveries to the hungry and God knows what other sightings from the unroyal duo.

The link CD attached above, if you go to that website and go to the bottom to see all the negative comments. I'm sure Meghan reads them all.

I wonder if someone is advising her to get out and do this? Like one of those agencies who manage people's reputations or is it her talent agent or lawyers or ?

They should all be fired. Hire me! I would have told them to stay in Canada, find a nice home and settle in. Avoid being seen. Disappear. Make a life in Canada. Be kind to your family, because family is a real gift in this microwave world.

I just can't understand WHY they went out in L.A. to deliver food. It doesn't make sense. And most importantly, WHY is Harry not protected 100% wearing a proper N95 or N99 mask? Why the bandanna? Why has Meghan got the proper mask (or seemingly so) and not Harry?

Wouldn't you want your husband to be safe? Wouldn't you want yourself to be safe? Doesn't the charity supply these masks to their delivery people?

You don't just buy one mask, they come in twos or more.

When people are stressed, they have a greater chance to catch the virus.

Well Meghan, your husband is stressed.

Two covid-idiots with millions and a young child.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anononymous


Whenever I think about Prince William and the Royal family and how they feel about Meghan now living in L.A now

The song by the American band, the Spin Doctors comes to mind.

I can hear Prince William singing the first line of their their funny song about Meghan. It goes,

'Been a whole lot easier since the bitch left town
Been a whole lot happier without her face around'

Actually the whole song is about Meghan.
A controlling wife...a fame whore, a know-it-all, a demanding bossy but accomplished wife.

Who specialises in manipulation.

As the song says,

'You cook so well, so nice and French
You do your brain surgery too, with a monkey wrench'

'She holds the shotgun while you dote-se-doe'

Well we all know Meghan holds the shotgun.
And she makes all the decisions.
And Harry just follows.

But what happens when he finally gets tired of following Meghan's crazy decisions. And tired of being bossed around.

Well I think he will suddenly remember.
Hang on a f..cken minute. I'm a f..cking Prince.
Nobody tells me when to jump. And how high. Unless I'm in the British army.

And then the worm will turn.

And he will get out of this toxic relationship.

We all get out of toxic or controlling relationships...eventually.
We put it off because we know we suddenly have to take big resposibiility for our own lives again. Or are fearful of retribution.
But most people eventually do it. Break free. Harry is no different.

And Harry being a Prince without a title is not a problem either.
I think the Royal family already have a plan on how to reinstall him as a Royal again.

And it will happen quickly.
And easily.
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, oh that song is a great analogy to Meghan. Absolutely, that song is what William and Kate and everyone else is thinking (singing).

Harry's got to be talking to somebody, I mean, he has friends. Maybe at first they were supportive, but as time goes on perhaps they'll eventually see that things are going south, that something is not quite right with Harry.

David Beckham is good friends with both Harry and William. So is Elton John, who is supportive of Harry and Meghan. There are other close friends too. One of them has got to see that this move is not good.

I think when you get married, especially when you have a child, you have this feeling of sticking with it to make the marriage work. Can you imagine what Harry must feel? He's left home, left his family, left his country, his role, his kingdom, his power. I think he feels enormous pressure to make this marriage work, otherwise he'll look like a whipped fool to his friends, family, and the world. Foolish pride.

So I think no matter how bad it's gonna get, he'll stick with it.

To the end.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
CD has been telling us for ages now --- and here is another psychic sharing her thoughts on Meghan the Markle:

"She views herself much loftier than she is. She was a short term actress that snagged the prince. She's the squeaky wheel within the palace causing much chaos by getting all the publicity both negative and positive. Yes it's true, sadly I see that Meghan has driven a wedge between the royal brothers. As I wrote and predicted in 2017, she will not conform. Meghan believes it's a competition between her sister-in-law and her own popularity. It's funny, I see that the queen gives her many indulgences even though Elizabeth likes Kate best. The queen has her eye on Meghan and is watching and wants to discover her real motives.

I see that Meghan is delusional and she believes that she will be the next queen. She is making plans and already executing them. If you've slighted her in any way, don't turn your back or you'll be sorry that's the kind of vengeful score-keeping person that she is. I see her as bossy, demanding and not royal in her words or actions behind closed doors. In fact she acts ugly and mean spirited. Years from now Harry and Meghan will most definitely separate. Meghan is Harry's karma because he broke so many hearts."

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Thanks for putting that Psychic's prediction about Meghan here.

There you go. That psychic nailed it.
And confirms what Christian has always maintained about Meghan's personality and motives.

I thought Meghan saw herself as a future queen.
Despite the obvious that in the line of succession for the Crown. That was / is so remote. It's not even a possiblity.
Totally delusional.

Perhaps she finally learned she will never be Queen Of England.... Under any circumstances.
And that's what sealed the deal on her decision to leave the Royal family.

Wouldn't surprise me.

And in competition with Kate?
I knew from the start she was competing with Kate.
And felt Kate and William were finding this behaviour deeply disturbing.
And odd.
As Meghan is/was a minor Royal.

And that's all she was going to be.
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, yes indeedy! She did nail it, didn't she? I also think you are correct in saying when it finally dawned on Meghan that she would never ever become queen, that's when she probably started packing and heading toward the gate.

Did she really think Harry would become the king, before Charles, before William? I mean, really? She dumb.

Perhaps the only way that would ever happen is if Charles and William were to pass, God forbid. George is too young.

Or would that mean that Kate would become queen?

Perhaps Jules could once again tell us how it works?

Yes, I agree she was in competition with Kate. It was a no-brainer though, Kate doesn't have to compete, and she didn't. She is a queen, if you get my drift.

I've known women like Meghan. I've worked with women like Meghan. They don't like to share the spotlight with other women. They want the attention to be solely on them. They need the attention. They are fake to your face and will stab you in the back.

I recall reading something about Meghan how she resented all the attention that William and Kate's children received in the media. "Perfect children."

She is so egotistical and delusional that she probably thinks she will become the new "queen" of Hollywood. CD did mention that she wants an Oscar.

I think she will regret leaving Harry and the monarchy.

She'll look back one day and say with regret: I had it all. I married a prince and we lived a rich, royal, privileged lifestyle. The stuff of dreams.

There is a saying, "He who is greedy is always in want."

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

If Charles & William dies before Prince George is of age then Duchess Catherine would become Queen Regent until Prince George becomes old & fit enough to rule. I dreamt this actually happened so we need to pray for Prince William.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for info on the succession.
It's the bottom line.

And it can go no other other way.
And unfortunately for Meghan, the Queen believes in the absolute monarchy.

The absolute authority of the reigning monarch.

So the Queen would have seen Meghan's unwillingness to learn. And rejection of protocol and tradition.
As nothing short of treason.

And would have deemed Meghan unfit to rule anything, let alone the country.
But it wouldn't have been considered much anyway. Cause Meghan was so far down the pecking order.

She was a Duchess yes. That's quite high. But as explained.... Prince William's kids will ascend to king or Queen....given any circumstances.
Even Kate's daughter can become a Queen in her own right.
That's the new rules on female offspring.

Yes. Meghan's problem is...she learned Kate and her children....and William outrank her by a mile.

And yeah. If anything was to happen to William, Kate would act as Regent for Prince George, her son. To rule.

I hear Kate has been learning languages.
....the languages she doesn't know.

Preparing her role.
Because when she becomes William's Queen...she will be travelling far more. And meeting so many more foreign dignitaries.

Kate takes her role very seriously.
She not interested in changing the monarchy system. As Meghan decided she wanted to.

Kate wants to preserve the monarchy.

Not cause a revolution, like the French revolution, as Meghan tried to do.

And failed.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yes. I think we've all worked with someone like Meghan at some stage. They hide behind claims to be feminist and strong.
And in alot of cases, that's the excuse for abusive behaviour.

Claiming to be an assertive feminist women...when really, they couldn't give a shit about other women.
Quite the reverse actually.

They don't give shit about the sisterhood.
The Sisterhood scares them.

And it becomes very obvious very quickly with these kind of women ... that they they are in direct competition with other women and girls. Who they see as having talents that intimidate them.

I beleive this is why Meghan got rid of Prince Harry's new P.A, Melissa Toubati. The pretty, young and awesomely talented Melissa Toubati.

And every other female staff that Prince Harry hired since Meghan came along.

Meghan I believe, harrassed or bullied every single one of Prince Harry's staff. Forcing then into resigning.
Cause as we all know. It's devastating to be sacked. Far better for your resume to resign.

Prince Harry never EVER had such a high overturn of staff before.

He had established staff. That he was very happy with. For years.
Even going back as far as his days with Chesly Davy, his ex.

And yet, when Meghan came along...suddenly there's an avalanche of new staff. And resignations...from within his staff.

No. Meghan Markle claims to be feminist.
Well un my opinion, you can't claim to be something you don't get.
Or model yourself.
Because fundamentally I don't believe Meghan understands the basic tenents of feminism.....

That a strong woman stands up for herself. But a stronger woman stands up for others.

But I believe Meghan actively attacks them. Others.

And standing up for people as she claims to.
Should include ALL women.
Not just others.
Or a few chicks she chooses to appear on the cover of an elitist magazine, Vogue.
Anonymous said…
Tee Dubbayu, thank you for letting me know that Kate will become Queen Regent. Ahh, that makes sense. I just couldn't see Harry -- throne -- power -- Meghan with crown, controlling Harry. Nope, nope, nope!

Chick's Opinion, there seems to be so many narcissists today and a lot are female. They try to dominate and control. I can work with these bitches because I know they are fearful and weak, and I'm not. I remember my first job working with a female narc telling her that it takes strength to be kind and gentle, that it's not a weakness. And while that's all true, Ha Ha, you know that Margaret Thatcher saying: "Power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't."

And Meghan, while she may claim to be a femininist and kinda is and kinda not, she is a bonafide narcissist. Like many other female "narcs," she has to be the center of attention. I personally hate attention, I don't seek it but it seems to follow wherever I go. If I were an actress, I would do few interviews and remain as mysterious as possible.

So Meghan basically sabotaged Harry's staff because she was jealous or perhaps didn't feel like they put her high enough on a pedestal? Female narcs engage in a great deal of relational aggression to undermine and extinguish those they perceive to be threats. And of course, Harry was completely oblivious to his new wife's underhanded tactics to rid of his staff.

I think Saturday Night Live nailed it. Harry is "whipped."

CAP Anonymous

T. W. said…
How can the Queen of England rule if the monarchy is symbolic?
Psychic Gossip said…
TW Its the wat the people got their power to govern. By allowing her to stay the head of the Empire. in a word TRADITION CDX
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous - You are welcome!

Royal Gossip:

1) 'If Kate was being criticized no one would put up with it.' Bitter Meghan tells friends the palace favored her sister-in-law and would have attacked the UK tabloids if she was the one 'relentlessly picked on'

2) Harry and Meghan 'help journalists write bombshell new biography' that risks opening new royal wounds

3) The Royal Family Scared Prince Harry And Meghan Markle's New Book Will Be A Tell All
T. W. said…
Christian - If I understand correctly, the British monarch is the head of state, not the Prime Minister. The monarch (QE2) also has some powers but does not always use them. This explains a lot.

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