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Awards ahead, if.......

Up and coming Actor Timothee Chalamet..
Has a wondeful career ahead of him.
But he needs to be very careful...
Of allowing "NEW" people into his life.
They are not what they appear to be.
Especially the "Girlfriend" that the PR team.
Want him to "DATE"..
Or he may just see that career...
Go down the tube...


T. W. said…
Rumor has it his career is going down in flames. Just like Christian predicted.
T. W. said…
It’s not funny anymore.

Cops hunt for person wearing creepy 17th-century plague doctor costume

Walker dressing as 17th century plague doctor to be offered 'words of advice' by police
Unidentified individual has been spotted in Norwich suburb of Hellesdon wearing a long black cloak, hat and a pointed beak-like mask

Coronavirus: Hellesdon walker's plague doctor outfit 'terrifying kids'
Chick'sOpinion said…
He's a bit too young I think to always make sound career decisions.

He just doesn't have that discernment yet.

But this isn't unusual in young actors I guess.
But you would think his management would have better judgement.

As for his movies, I want to see his new movie, The French Dispatch. But it seems a little weird.

I mean the way it's presented. Not sure if it's supposed to be a comedy. Or serious.
It's got Bill Murray in it.

And because the movie is weird, Adrien Brody is in it too.
Of course.

And for the Scifi lovers. Timothee Chalamet is in the re-make of the movie, Dune.

Not sure if it's been released yet.
T. W. said…
Anything except with Bill Murray in it except “What About Bob” is a pass. Don’t waste your time.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think dressing up is talent the British excel at.
So I guess someone dressing up there as a 17th Century plague doctor doesn't surprise me.

There is a man in his early 20's in Brighton, UK. Right now.
Who dresses fully in 18th Century costume.

The clothing is beautiful.
And he's amazing.

He even has a stylish walking stick.
He was first noticed because he did a Tik Tok on his life in costume.

But if Brighton Council in the UK had any brains at all. They would start paying this guy.
As a Tourist Guide.

Brighton in the UK is a Georgian seaside town.
With buildings that match the era of the clothes this amazing guy wears all week.

He even wears a beautiful hat.
CyndiTx123 said…
Chick's OPinion I would love to go visit that area to see the man dress so beautifully in a long ago era.
and get my picture taken with him! but that is something on my bucket list to visit the U.K.
My job is going full time on Monday... so my last day off today friday... enjoyed it. I just found out some strange stuff about the loan that the gov. gave to company's... in the US... how people who own company's... can get a loan for the people-workers they have on , once they get the loan, they can fire people.... or let them go... because they can't get into trouble..they pocket the money instead....T.W. might know a lot on this subject....
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Go to England before you die.
It's an amazing country.

The young guy who dresses entirely everyday in 18th Century costume (or Recency costume to be precise) is Zack Pinsent.
There is a short BBC Documentary on him. I will post the link to it after this.

And this British guy, Zack Pinsen should be in movies. In my view. And acting right now.

He has more on stage presence in his little finger than the majority of these unremarkable actors we are constantly subjected to.

My impression is, history fans are crazy about Zack Pinsent
And I noticed he has the most beautiful speaking voice too
Very posh.
And it's seriously like he just walked out of the 18th Century. And through a Time Warp to us.
The 1820's is his favourite it seems.

He says that when he was in school, on non uniform days, he would go to school wearing a three piece suit.

Who does that?

He said that he started wearing period costume clothes. When he moved with his parents and in the move, he found a box full of his great grandfather's old suits. And started wearing them.
How cute is that?
Well, His great grandfather in spirit would be delighted with that.

CD. Does Zack Pinsent have a future in films? Or something different?
He seems to be currently self employed making costumes for other people in the UK.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Link to BBC Documentary on 18th Century clothes wearing UK guy, Zack Pinsent
Chick'sOpinion said…

TW will give us the low down on these loans they are giving companies in the U.S.

TW is really good on finance stuff.

It sounds very fishy I agree.

Boy there are gonna be some prosecutions in the U.S once Trump is out of office.
With all the corruption that has gone on.

The seats in U.S courts will never be cold next year. There will be a never ending rogue's gallery of cronies being tried.

They should sell popcorn and tickets to courtrooms next year.
Actually any year.
Anyone who has had to sit through some cases at court. Know it's highly entertaining in real life.

I was seated at an Australian country town local court years ago, when they were hearing traffic violations.
This redneck middle aged Australian guy, when his turn came. Gave the greatest compelling speech to the magistrate as to why he should not lose his driving licence that day.
The speech was up there with one of Obama's speeches.

But when the speech and spectacle was over, the magistrate complimented him on his remarkable speech.

Then said,

'Im sorry Mr Grant, but your driving record reads like a dog's dinner. It's as long as your arm. And you are liar.
Further, there is no way you are NOT going to lose your license today. So Goodbye'

The court audience thought it was hilarious.

They say Judge Judy is funny. I agree. She is.
But little local courts around the world have their own resident magistrate comedians.
That no one even knows about.
T. W. said…
CyndiTx123 - The loan is meant to prevent employers from firing employees due to lack of business/revenue because of the pandemic crisis. In simpler terms, it’s a loan meant to help businesses meet payroll & keep employees on staff or hire them back. Sounds like they are finding reasons to fire people so they can keep the money. Either they didn’t read the fine print on the loan documents or they figure the government will not follow up.

If the government were smart it would track the companies, the date they received federal funds, & how many employees filed for unemployment benefits after the former employer received the funds.

The loans are supposed to go to small business owners. But for some reason large corporations have received payroll loan money. I’m not sure if all of them are publicly traded.

I truly believe some people will come out better because of the crisis. I think some of the people who don’t brought the problems on themselves.
T. W. said…
CyndiTx123 - I just remembered Texas is ending the lockdown. Thankfully we still have “lockdown” in North Carolina. I have a medical appointment tomorrow though & it can’t wait for the crisis to be over.

Chick’sOpinion - Thank you! I think I’ve heard of this fellow. I had to Google him quickly. He should tell the truth about his TARDIS...

But seriously, he looks so handsome! He says women propose marriage to him but they are barking up the wrong tree. I swear. All the good ones are gay or taken. The young man makes all his clothes by hand. He said some outfits can take a full year to make. People love his look & he now has his own business:

Zac Pinsent - Pinsent Tailoring:
T. W. said…

Thanks for the video link. I thought that guy sounded familiar.

Good Lord that voice and that accent...
Chick'sOpinion said…

I knowwwww. Zack Pinsent is so handsome.

If he's gay. What a waste to the world of women.

And I hate waste.

In everything.

I'm like my grandmother in that way.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yahhhh. Doesn't his accent and manners alone make you swoon.

In an 18th Century way of course.

Boy George would adore him.

That's for certain.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - I agree! I thought I would have to get out the smelling salts. ; )

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