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Madonna on the outs....

Madonna, who really has been a long lost case.
Is at the tipping point.
If, she doesn't listen to REAL HELP.
She won't see her next birthday...


writestuff said…
Madonna has gone beyond the tipping point. Her handlers and record company are probably rubbing their hands in anticipation. She was born in 1958 - the same year as Michael Jackson and Prince. She's so addicted to fame that it must have dawned on her awhile ago that she'll be even more famous if she dies. May she get the help she needs!
CyndiTx123 said…
That's sooo sad about Madonna! I pray that she gets a grip at least for her kids sake!!
Still in good shape though....
Kitt Med said…
Wow, this is too bad! Hope she gets help soon!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yeah. I was a big fan of hers throughout her career. And many changes she went through.

Despite the foolish things she's done in more recent times. To try and keep relevant.
The reality is...Madonna is a feminist icon. But doesn't get the credit she deserves for it.

Early in her career, in a far different era to what we have today.... she fought men who tried to manage her image, her music style, rape her, distort her beliefs in interviews. Claim she was mad. Steal her money, steal her ideas.

And she's fought all of it.
You can see it in her interviews. Just how tough she is. She's very guarded.
And doesn't kiss up to people. And challenges them if their interview questions are just wrong about her.
When John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) does that all the time in interviews. People think he's amazing. Amazeballs.
When Madonna does it.... even more subtley, people claim she's a bitch.

I don't think I have to point out the gender double standard here.

I think Madonna's done with life. And done with people. And their manipulation. She was done with the entertainment industry long ago. And their attempts to harm her as a woman.
Madonna is not sweet. Nice. Or submissive.
To men. Or anybody.
Her kids yes.
But adults.

But as Christian is she done with life more so now?
If she is. It's not a big deal in my veiw.
She's had a huge life.
Achieved everything.

She's been unable to find 'marriage' happiness.
I think because she too strong and independent for marriage. I don't think she really believes in it.
So what she doesn't really value, she doesn't miss I don't think.

And emotionally Madonna's always been self reliant.
Especially because she lost her mother when she was about 6.

If she's havin health problems. I think it would be because she doesn't know how to slow down.
She adopted all those kids. I think cause of her inability to have a permanent partner.
And she's putting alot of energy into developing them into high acheivers.
Like her.
She's narcissistic in that way.

Lourdes, the daughter isn't interested particularly in high achievement. Madonna's admitted that.
So Madonna focusses on the others.

She even moved to Lisbon.
For her adopted son's football career.

My concern is. If Madonna dies. What's gonna happen to those lovley kids she adopted.

I guess Madonna, the eternal control freak. Will have a legal contingency plan lined up.
And they will be OK.
Spiritually she will beleive they will be OK.
Because she survived losing her mother at 6.

But she still had her father as a kid.
Her adopted kids don't seem to have father figures in their lives.
And Madonna isn't very close to her siblings.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah. I noticed that. Madonna is in good shape.
She's so fit for her age.
She's had a macrobiotic diet all her life.
And works out incessantly.
I'm wondering if the endless exercise is part of the problem.
She's never been a drinker.
Or into drugs.
So is Christian referring to mental health problems with Madonna?

Or has she been diagnosed with something? Been given advice to take certain medication.
Or advised to have treatment?
And refused to follow that advice from Doctors. Cause she claims to know better.

As you know, working in the health sector.
You get these strong willed people.
Who have their own ideas.

And Madonna has always had her own ideas....about everything.
She doesn't care what other people think about her choices.
Never has.
Oh sorry, she listens to the ideas of highly talented influential music producers.
She respects them highly.
She has the intelligence at least.
To respect musical genuises.

So why can't she listen to health professionals?
LovesBreadCarbs said…
My favorite Madonna song. A lower key, more controlled pitch. But the lyrics strike a deep chord.

“Live to Tell”
T. W. said…
Anonymous 843 - - That is a nice song.

Here’s one that makes me smile:


Madonna tickles me.
T. W. said…
According to blind items Madonna became hooked on opioids. She needed knee replacement surgery & put it off. Then the Virus Crisis hit. I’m not blaming Madonna because it’s been proven the human body becomes hooked on these kinds of medications if a person takes them for more than 4 days.

You know what else is interesting?

1) Michael Jackson became hooked on pain pills after his hair & scalp caught on fire.

2) Prince became hooked on narcotics after hip replacement surgery.

3) There were rumors Michael Jackson was HIV+. The National Enquirer even ran a cover story about it.

4) Prince was rumored to be HIV+ as well.

5) I’m not saying Madonna has The Sickness. I will say she has made comments about wanting to get out of the deal she made to sell her soul, etc. There are videos of her saying these things. Not in these exact words of course.

6) The Summer Solstice is close at hand. Who will be the sacrifice this year?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous Friend 843

I like her song Borderline.

It is a good song. About how some guys string girls along.

Play with their hearts. But don't really want them.
While the girl puts in ALL the effort.

And nearly ends up mental because of it.
She didn't write it. But she did write alot of her own songs.

Madonna had her share of affairs in her lifetime.
But she kept alot of them completely quiet.

She's more experienced with men than people think.
But after her husband, Sean Penn. And how he came close to affecting her career.
She learned. That if they are not helping with your career. Supporting it.
Or causing it to be at risk.
Then...Get rid of them.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Mmmmm and we know. If Madonna got lots of publicity. For showing her knickers.
She will probably be very pleased.

She's a past master at publicity.

But these days, it seems to work in the reverse for her.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Has anyone else heard the story of how Madonna's ex, actor Sean Penn tied Madonna to a chair once when he was drunk. And crazy?

And he was mad on guns too.

I think at that point. She decided that spoilt brat Sean Penn had to go.

I really can't stand him.
He's the bratty son of a famous director.

And I'm baffled Madonna put up with him in their brief marriage. Because she wouldn't put up with anyone else.

Psychics consistently claim Sean Penn is her soul mate. Well he may be her soul mate.
But he's bat shit crazy.
I'd rescue my soul if he was my soul mate.

He's the sort of guy. If he even stepped onto my front lawn again. I'd call the cops.
Honey badger said…
Yes, post links to your favorite Madonna songs! Songs are prayers. This is my fave. Peak Madonna. Ray of Light.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Chick’s Opinion,

I do remember the talk that Sean Penn was physically abusive to Madonna including the tying to a chair thing.
Psychic Gossip said…
Friend 843 Sean Penn is one of the most disgusting human beings you could ever wish not to meet. Totally out of it all the time and totally about SELF.. CDX
Chick'sOpinion said…
Christian is so right about Sean Penn.
Of the few things I learned about Sean Penn from reading Madonna's brother's book on her.

Sean Penn emerges from that book, as a self involved drunken twat.
Not least the violent episodes Madonna had to put up with from him.
I think her brother left out some of the worst Sean Penn did.
After all he was his brother-in -law.

But the ones the world saw.
And I remember....Can't be hidden. Like....When Sean Penn tried to shoot the Press helicoptor on him and Madonna's outdoor Wedding day.
The brother didn't leave that out of the book.

I find it rather superficial and inauthentic. That Sean Penn has been able to re-brand himself. As a right on Leftie.
Political and Human rights campaigner these days.

It's a bit of a joke.
And I've often wondered if it's all faked.
But most of it isn't.
He gets involved in things.

His claimed outsider and better member of the Hollywood elite 'image' he works at.
That's for sure.

Its astounding. Especially when most of his life he's spent drunk. Still does. And he spent his life as a rebel just for kicks.

Yes. It's easy to be a rebel just for kicks. When you come from a rich family like Sean Penn does. And family give you your wealth.

His father was Leo Penn, a director

So therefore Sean Penn got an immediate entry into acting.

He was even on Little House on The Prairie for a bit. Cause his dad directed some of it.
But then his dad got serious about launching Sean's career. Despite him rarely being sober.

Leo Penn put him in a movie he made called Taps.

And you know, Sean Penn recieved an Award for his commitment to Free Speech.

Well here's some Free Speech.

So many far more worthy political activists deserve the recognition that Sean Penn gets. Those activists that have made huge personal sacrafices. With their lives or incomes.
To achieve amazing outcomes.

All Sean Penn has to do. Is turn up in Cuba or Iraq. And suddenly he's considered to be equal to Colin Powell, Emanuel Kant or Kofi Annan.

Well I'm not buyin it.
Well not all of it.

Not sayin political and humanitarian activism isn't worthy in people.

I just get annoyed when people claim they are better than they are, in real life.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Honey badger

Omg I love Madonna's song, Ray Of Light too.

It seriously is the song I can dance to on my own alone.
Thank god she went into techno.

She was very aware of Techno far earlier than most people of her generation.
Before it became what it did in the 90's.

I learned a while back also. That Madonna knew Frenchman, Patrick Hernandez. Who did that famous 70's techno song, Born To Be Alive.

She was a dancer in his video.

Strange thing. Where I live in the country. Rural Australia. The local community radio station I often listen to. Is obsessed in playing that song, Born To Be Alive by Patrick Hernandez.

They play it incessantly.
It doesn't fit with my vision of country life.
How I imagined it.
I feel like emailing them.
And asking them why they play it everyday, at least.

They have plenty of other music available.
Is the song trying to tell us something?
Diviner21 said…
I hope Madonna writes an autobiography before she leaves this mortal coil. I was one of her biggest fans as a child. I took my Leo sister to her Soldier Field concert back in 88 for her birthday.
T. W. said…

I remember part of the Sean Penn story. Didn’t he break Madonna’s arm too?
T. W. said…
Christian - Thank you! I never liked Sean Penn. My instincts won’t let me like him.
T. W. said…
I agree with Chick’sOpinion about Sean Penn.

Wasn’t he friends with El Chapo?
T. W. said…
Diviner21 - How did your sister feel about the concert? Did you both have a good time?

Also can you & Christian please tell us about Brian May (Cancer)? He ripped his gluteus Maximus, he has sciatica, & he had a heart attack. He also strikes me as whiny & weird.

Here are some links:

1) Queen guitarist Brian May says he 'could have died' after he was rushed to hospital with heart attack

On Top of Nerve Damage!
T. W. said…
Madonna Has Been Forcing Young Entertainers And Athletes Into Secretly Filmed Sex With People Who Are Not Their Sexual Preference As Kabbalah Initiations In What Has Left Some Suicidal
T. W. said…
Desperate Madonna Madam Xpiration date Nips Up & the Return of the Big Giant Cursor
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think Brian May has had it.

If you cant do gardening without ripping your bum open. And then having to have major heart surgery during recovery.

Then there's something wrong.

Very wrong.
Chick'sOpinion said…

If Sean Penn met the notorious Drug smuggler, El Chapo. It would have simply been so he can say he met El Chapo.

Or ....ludicrously, that he was instrumental in the capture of El Chapo.

Sean Penn goes everywhere to meet everyone. To give himself notoriety.

He's the ultimate famewhore.

Did he break Madonna's arm?

I seem to recall that happening.

Thank god she didn't stay with Sean Penn long.

He was a PR nightmare for her.
Chick'sOpinion said…

The other reason Sean Penn would have met El Chapo.

Is so he can get a shipment of drugs.

Or at least a few kilos of drugs.

Sean Penn is a chronic addict.

That's why he looks so shit.

Years of abuse.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I hope Madonna will write an autobiography too. Before she dies.

But I doubt she will though.

She's way too private.

And a control freak.

I don't think she could get along with a publisher. And their demands and ideas.

The thing is. People like her make a mistake in not writing their oen story.

Because ultimately when you die.
Someone else writes your story.

And says stuff that is either not based in fact..half the story.
Or didn't happen at all.

And also....the most interesting deep secrets die with you.

I read alot of biographies. And autobiographies.

That's how I've come to this conclusion. About famous private people like Madonna.
Jules said…
I agree regarding everyone's thoughts on Sean Penn.

I loved Madonna's music and artistry, and I too have seen her perform live in concert, more than once, since peeping down the rabbit hole, I have an entirely different view on her and I cannot unsee it.

Madonna is a Kabbalist .. and all I can see now is occult symbolism in her performances and videos.
T. W. said…
Don’t mess with Kabbalah:

1) President Trump's Former Incarcerated Attorney Michael Cohen Joined Madonna's Violent And Deadly Kabbalah Cult To His Detriment

2) Curious About Michael Cohen ‘Red Bracelet’ Worn During Weds House Hearing? So Were We

3) Rosie O’Donnell is helping Michael Cohen write ‘spicy’ Trump tell-all
Honey badger said…
Like a Prayer is a prayer:

I agree Chick's Opinion, Madonna was a pioneer in techno. That was also probably a good point in her life for her - motherhood and all that. (-:
Chick'sOpinion said…
Honey badger

Omg remember how outraged people were about Madonna's video for that song Like A Prayer.

The Catholics went berserk.
Cause of all the Catholic icons in it.
And there was outrage that Christ on the cross was black.

It was hilarious how the media was outraged.
And the clergy complained about it.
Especially how Madonna was half dressed in the video too.

That was too much for the Conservatives.

Yes. Madomna has been shocking and challenging conservatives for decades.

She seems to enjoy it.
T. W. said…
Jules is right.

1) The song “Like a Prayer” is about the Dark Lord.

2) In the video for “Human Nature” Madonna is in the center of a pentagram the dancers create.

I will links shortly.
T. W. said…
I will be posting links here:

May 28, 2020
T. W. said…
Madonna's Deadly Hollywood Cult Kabbalah Is Targeting British Footballer Jadon Sancho And Other Professional Athletes
June 23. 2020
T. W. said…
Madonna Has Damaged The Appearance, Mental Health And Well Being Of So Many Men And Women She Has Dated And Became Obsessed With

June 23. 2020

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