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Machine Gun Kelly.. at risk.

I had never really heard of actor/musician.
Until the other day.
When I did a post on Meghan Fox.
Then I sensed that he is in great danger...
Same Old Same Old.
Also his mental issues.
If he doesn't curb this behaviour.
He won't reach 33yrs of age...
Meghan & He 
won't last 3 years...


CyndiTx123 said…
He is supposed to be a nice guy... and neighbor to the picky icky Jeff from flipping out....
Sad to know that you get those drug feelings about- hope one of his buds lets him know to curb his enthusiasm for the bad drugs.....
Chick'sOpinion said…
He reminds me of Lil Peep.

Anyway. If he's so far into drugs.
And Megan Fox is hanging out with him alot.

Is Megan Fox on drugs too?

Or is she blissfully unaware her new friend is so deep into drugs?

Or she doesn't care.

They make strange friends.

But I guess it's a case of ....what I truly believe...

Your real friends in life

Are the ones who walk in the door

When the others walk out.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think Mr Control Freak, Jeff Lewis knows Machine Gun Kelly is currently a train wreck on drugs right now.

And that's why he's pissed off about Machine Gun Kelly car full of dirt and rubbish dumped in HIS driveway.

Even drug addiction is too disorderly for Clean Control freak like Jeffy Lewis.

Plus maybe it's more too. That Machine Gun Kelly has dealers now comin into the neighbourhood.
And druggie friends.
And that will affect Jeff Lewis' house value.
Cause he live directly near him.

No all of this. This would be to much for Jeff Lewis.
Who probably gets his arse irrigated twice a day.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And for once I agree with 'arse irrigator' Jeff Lewis. The Neat Nut.

He has a little girl. He's a parent now.

No thanks.

Who wants drug addicts in you close locality when you have kids
Chick'sOpinion said…
Hart Of Dixie show actress, Jaime King. Is having big problems.

Husband problems.

Hart Of Dixie is an old feel good U.S show.

About the South.

I get the feeling TW may hate it. Quite possibly.

And list her valid arguments against it.

But I love some 'feel good' shows. Even though Hart Of Dixie is a bit formulaic. And predictable.

Anyway Jaime King, who played , Lemon Breeland in it...with Rachael Bilson as Zoe Hart. Is claiming in her current divorce. That her husband, filmaker, Kyle Newman has subjected her to emotional and verbal abuse.

And physical abuse. Chased her in his car. Appeared at her friend's house screaming, staged fake interventions.

Yes...Kyle Newman's been very busy. According to her. Driving her nuts.
But is he telling the truth?
Or just tryin to destroy her acting career.
And get the kids.

Because she's claiming he has a big drug problem too.

She's taken out a restraining order on him. But he's fired back requesting an emergency order for her to address her 'alleged' by him, alcohol and drug issues.

He's even claiming she used while she was pregnant with their child Leo.
They are in a big custody fight over the kids, called James Knight and Leo Thames.

Why would you name your kid after a dirty river in London?

Anyway. He's keepin the kids until this Pandemoc is over and they can get a hearing.

This Pandemic has revealed the unacceptable sides of spouses for many.
And people are lining up to divorce.

Cause they don't want to spend another day. Or year with that arsehole.

Well. I guess distressing times.... forces us to make changes we should have made ages ago but avoided.

Jaime King was also in Black Summer.

About a Zombie Apocalypse.
Why do people obsses over zombie Shows...movies?

We have enough real Zombies in real life.
We don't need movies about them.
CyndiTx123 said…
So True Chick'sOpinion So True!! Totally forgot if gun kelly has his druggie friends over, etc., and A.I. Jeff Lewis is a parent of an adorable daughter- (A.I. Arse Irrigator hehehe... But Jeff is really anal about stuff.... My hubby is & shares some of Jeff's ocd issues... hahahaaha) I would be upset too.... Lucky we have great neighbors.... one is my sis... but a greenway separates us.... and the other just moved in and super sweet family... I met their dog first... big dog....His name is Bobby.... I was driving down my street and saw Bobby being walked on the street with his human dad -(my neighbor)... slowed down my car (like a creeper I am hehehehe) Said Hey I know him.... HAHAHAHA! That's how I met our neighbor.& got Bobby's name! love Bobby he is a rescue and is a funny dog!!
T. W. said…
Good afternoon everyone!

I caught the final season of Heart of Dixie several years ago & I enjoyed the show!

Jamie King has admitted to using drugs in the past.

As for Machine Gun Kelly, if CDAN is to be believed he is Megan Fox’s drug dealer.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I wouldn't have a rescue dog personally.
Because they have too many emotional problems.
They are often very scarred.
Did you see in the news, that Polish model the other day. Attacked in her face badly.

By her rescue dog.

Scars all over her face. Her modelling career is now over.

If I get a pet. I prefer them not to be too scarred. Cause I'm too busy. For problems.
Those animals need time, love and lots of patience.
But it's wonderful that getting 'rescue' dogs has become a thing.
Many people choose to save them. And heal them.
That wasn't a thing before.

I don't think I could cope like you. With a husband that was anal about things. With OCD behaviour.
That would drive me crazy.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Ah so you like Hart Of Dixie!

So it's all true about Jamie King, the actress.
There you go.

Hope she doesn't lose her kids though.

It's so sad. When that happens to people.
T. W. said…
I’m scared of dogs & allergic to them. I was watching a video & someone asked an Asian man about eating dog meat. He said he never ate it but he has relatives that did. I think due to famine. Get this. They said eating dog meat makes you sweat.

Chick’sOpinion - Oh yes! I think it got cancelled too soon. The CW network cancels their shows too soon. I’m still upset about Valor getting cancelled after 1 season.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I will check out Valor.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Clearly, Pet owners in China.

Need to hide their dogs.

Pretty certain the younger generation of Chinese would refuse to eat dogs.

It's just wrong.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, it gets worse. They even eat fecal matter. I’m serious.

There’s documentaries & videos about this.

Remember that show “Bizarre Eats” with host Andrew Zimmern? I thought about him when the Virus Crisis began. He is definitely an unobservant Jew because he was not keeping kosher. The things he ate. I f you can eat squid ink & animal sperm & semen then you’ll eat, oh, never mind.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I've never seen that show.
Or heard of it.

If I lived in China. I'd make sure my cat. Was a House Cat.

As we know....they have disgusting breeding farms for cats. Kittens in particular.

Just to skin them for their fur.

China have racked up so many crimes against humanity.

If they are experiencing Karma now.

With a destroyed economy.
I wonder if they know it's retribution.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion - Don’t forget the dog festival. They skin the dogs alive & then butcher them for meat.

If you aren’t squeamish about watching people eat bats, here’s an entire episode of Bizarre Eats - Samoa:

Here’s an episode of Bizarre Eats - Beijing:

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