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 I have posted about this before.
But, this morning.
I awoke with the following in my mind.

An odd place to be for anyone!

The Law Suit between.
Actress, Gold Digger, Domestic Abuser.
Actor Johnny Depp.







From whence she came...



Sana said…
Women are abusive too and she’s a Taurus ♉️
They usually are quite combative (violent and manipulative)
Speaking from my experience of Tauruses, and I’ve met a lot of them

Seriously Happy for Johnny
He’s truly a great actor
Seen almost all his movies, live the Tim Burton Movies
Kiwi said…
Awesome! Good news.
Letty said…
I see her as a con artist! She knows how to
Lure these men.
T. W. said…
I’ve never liked Amber Heard. Evil vibes.

Now I know why Johnny always looks sad and defeated. The tabloids claimed he’s in hard drugs. Now I’m thinking Amber put those stories out.

I’m glad Johnny is getting a ton of money.


Didn’t he have to sell a lot of stuff because his business manager stole from him & mismanaged funds?

Karma & Goat Lucy coming after people this year. Friends, please ask God to help you make your mistakes & intentional infliction of pain upon others “right” before you get a visitation this year.
Chick'sOpinion said…
WTF is wrong with Amber Heard?
She was so lucky to make it in Hollywood as it was.
Then lucky again. To be dating/marrying Johnny Depp.
Yet. She's carried on like an idiot.

It's clear to me.
That she thinks with her beauty. And who she knows.
She can have this remarkable success continue.
Without any problem.
Well according to Christian. She's wrong on that.

Cause he posted a while back that she ends up hooking. And in the gutter.

Did her stupid lawyer talk her into not accepting the generous divorce settlement amount that Johnny Depp offered her initially?
And she took that advice from the lawyer. Rejected the offer....And with her insatiable greed.
Went after far more money. From Johnny Depp.
Looks like it.

But I wouldnt blame her lawyer for it.
She is an adult with her own mind.
She could have said, 'no I'm good, 11 million is enough for me'

The universe tends to let you go on and on with greed.... for quite a while.
And then suddenly bang! You lose badly on a deal.
Get found out for taking too much

And learn your lesson.

Amber Heard is about to learn this lesson.
And you know, Johnny Depp has already moved on.
He was dating a very young Russian dancer for awhile.
Not sure if he's still with her.

But also, Johnny Depp has plenty of long term trusted friends in the entertainment industry.
Amber Heard does not.
At least not enough of them.
She doesn't seem to realise that a core group of people in the entertainment industry are judging her. For the public spectacle she has has made of Johnny Depp's life and career. And her own.
Not to mention the money she's trying to steal from him.
She deserves all she gets.
In losing her career
Especially as it's clear, she is in fact the violent one.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I see Amber Heard as an abuser of gay women too.

She recently started a relationship with a female gay director.

And CD posted that bisexual Amber was on only dating this woman so that the woman will put Amber in one of the movies this female director plans.

What a ruthless user Amber Heard is.
That's so wrong.
Anonymous said…
Good news for Johnny! Rrrrraww

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
I've been reading all the comments about Jessica Mulroney's firing from that TV show.
it's Karma. In a way.
Jessica Mulroney has been telling alot of lies.
For her bestie friend, Meghan Markle.
To the media and public.
Jessica Mulroney, like Meghan Markle ...likes to hitch her ride on famous powerful people.
How else did Jessica Mulroney get.... to go to a Royal Wedding in the UK.
So when Meghan Markle, Jessica's Royal buddy, who hit the jackpot in marrying a prince. And Meghan asks her to lie to the press for her, a whole range of PR lies to the public.
It gets a bit much.

And. The chicken comes home to roost.
On lies

Meghan Markle and Jessica Mulroney remind me of 2 other ambitious gold digger friends. Who wheedled their way into the British aristocracy. Years ago.
With devastating results.

Angelika Lazansky came to the UK, husband shopping with Princess Michael of Kent back in the 1970's.
Princess Michael of Kent. Had already been married to one of the British aristocracy. At some stage.
It ended in divorce. So in about 1973, she was looking for another aristocrat. To marry.
She found one. The Queen's cousin, Prince Michael Of Kent.
Her friend Angelika came along to the UK with her, with the same goal in mind.
I have to say though. At least Princess Michael of Kent had a mother who was a German Baroness.
Angelika though, is a German nobody.
Unfortunately for Princess Michel of Kent though, her father was an SS Officer in the Nazi Party.
But that's another story.

Anyway Angelika scored big in the UK.
But more specifically in Scotland. Not far away.

In scotland, there was at the time, problems in the marriage of a Scottish noble family. They were Catherine Hinde and Hugh John Vaughn Campbell 6th Earl Cawdor.
The problem was, he had become hopelessly addicted to 1960's psychedelic drugs.
They owned and lived in Cawdor Castle.
In the Scottish highlands. They are one of the most important Aristocrat families in the UK and Scotland.
Angelika, the rich husband hunter, was able to meet Hugh Campbell 6th Earl of Cawdor. Because he was often alone in London without his wife and children. On drugs.
In fact he was highly abusive to his wife and children when home. And strange.
Smashed high performance cars regularly when high.

Angelika saw her opportunity.
Greatly encouraged by her young German friend, Princess Michael of Kent. A relationship started between him and Angelika. So much so, the 6th Earl of Cawdor decided to divorce.
And marry Angelika.
Cathrine Hinde, his wife, had to move out of her castle.
And Angelika moved straight in.
The children stayed for the most part at the castle. For the moment.
Then in 1993, suddenly Hugh Campbell the 6th Earl of Cawdor died. Of drugs.
And shockingly his children discovered he had left in his will, the castle entirely to Angelika.
Which meant his adolescent son, Colin, at the time.
And heir to Cawdor Castle. Could not inherit it.
And they all had to move out.
Because of Angelika.
There was another mansion. But Hugh Campbell 6th Earl of Cawdor had it demolished in one day in 1963, when he was angry and high. I think it was called Stackpole Court.
Anyway the 6th Earl of Cawdor's son, Colin was forced, when quite young. To to enter into lengthy court proceedings with Angelika. For the rest of his life. To get control back of the family's ancestral Castle, Cawdor back.
Young Colin is now married with children, in his 40's and will never get his family's ancestral seat, Castle Cawdor back.
And Angelika is free to leave Cawdor Castle to anyone she likes in her will.
Angelika is known as the...
'Real Lady Macbeth' because Cawdor Castle in Scotland is associated with Shakespeare's play, Macbeth.
Can you see the similarities with friends, Meghan and Jessica Mulroney?
Chick'sOpinion said…
(Lady) Liza Campbell wrote a book about how her drug f..cked father, Hugh Campbell 6th Earl of Cawdor and Angelika robbed her brother, Colin...and her. Of Cawdor Castle.
The book is called Title Deeds.

I read it.
And it taught me.
Never underestimate the ambitions. And power of destruction of the Meghan Markle's and Jessica Mulroney's in this world.
Social climbers who will stop at nothing

If Jessica Mulroney was not married at the time she attended Meghan's Royal wedding in the UK.
Meghan would have been husband hunting for Jessica.
For a cashed up vulnerable aristocrat. With a Title, a castle or mansion. Or one to inherit.

But unfortunately for Jessica Mulroney. And fortunately for the British aristocracy . She won't get the chance now.
Because the British aristocracy despise Meghan Markle now.
And she will be shut out forever.
Out of their world.
The aristocracy can now breathe a sigh of releif. That Meghan Markle and her friends.
Are now gone.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Looks like Meghan Markle and Jessica Mulroney are going separate ways anyway.
At least for public and business purposes.

As Jessica Mulroney is now considered a racist.
Apparently Meghan Markle deleted all Jessica's comments from her Social Media today.
Diviner21 said…
Amber's Mars in Capricorn (attraction to men with status, money, power) is an exalted malefic. Mars rules how we apply personal energy and sexulaity, Mars in Capricorn likes to be focused on money, career , or fame in profession. Its the most ambitious placement in the Zodiac. Yet , since Mars gone awray shows anger, as positive as Mars in Capriocorn can be , it is also an angry and destructive energy. For both sexes there may be a pent up , repressed rage against the parents, particularly the Father , but sometimes the Mother also .

For instance, Lizzie Borden had Mars in Capricorn, as well as Katie Holmes, Anna Nicole Smith, and Katy Perry . A Mars Cap women's may stem from arly sexual assault or abuse by an elder.

This buried deep and even these gorgeous women can appear hard with ambition driven by rage .. Until by some loss of status , public humiliation, or serious case of personal loniliness, they begin to slowly relaese their anger and embrace their sexuality without self judgement. Until this process begins, they are known privately for a bad temper .

So , Amber takes her deep anger out on her partners , like Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp has Moon in Capricorn , conjoining Amber's Mars. Moon in Capricorn is in zodiacal detriment especially the men, deals woth emotional fears related to not being good enough ,neurotic fears related to their Mother's apparent coldness or indifference to them , unless through some self denial, her approval is earned conditionally.

This can give Moon in Capricorn men like Johnny Depp, Arnold Schwarzenegger,Michael Douglas, life long problems with women , feeling a threat of rejection or abuse by wives, mothers,lovers. Or they are abuser of those who wish to simply nurture them . In both cases, Moon in Capricorn men are seemingly stoic yet usually highly sensitive , defensive people until they learn how to accept themselves unconditionally, and extend themselves without fear or suspicion of motives.

Amber is most surely the aggressor in this relationship, but Depp's suspicion and emotional fears played into her vengeful behavior. She showed him disdain regarding his emotional deficiencies, and played the role of his castrato .

In the end , neither is guilty .. Neither wins.. except the one who uses this fated marriage to change themselves rather than an opportunity for emotional provication, victimhood, financial gain.
Apple Monkey said…
Ehrm Musaka I am a Taurus.....
I have nothing in common with Amber Heard. I agree women can be abusive and violent but not all Tauruses.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Can you shed any light on what happened to Emma Fillipoff. Who vanished from Victoria, British Columbia. In 2012. Aged 26.
Never to be seen again.
Her mother still walks the streets there. Handing out pictures of her. To people.
Hoping someone has seen her.
Emma appeared to have a mental breakdown before she vanished.
The theory is she may have committed suicide.
But a body has never been found.
She was last seen wandering with no shoes.
In Victoria. British Columbia.
She was stalked there by an ex lover briefly.
But he has been so far ruled out for murdering her.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Anonymous Friend 843 here. After all the weirdness on a recent post with so many “Anonymous” comments/questions felt it better to just change screen name completely. The eyes and brain tire trying to keep up with so many.

And it did feel as though someone were fishing (in a bad way) for more information on KR’s “she.”
CyndiTx123 said…
Good news for our dear Johnny!!! This strange cat isn't a great actress. Her lies and manipulating ways are gonna get her right where she deserves....something called Karma anyone?
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion is right. Hollywood is a small town. Everyone talks. Certain people get protected and my money is on Johnny.

These English & Scottish aristocracy stories are outrageous! We all know I love outrageous stories.
T. W. said…
Diviner21 — Do you give private readings? This Leo Sun/Gemini Rising/Capricorn Moon wants to know for entertainment purposes only.
T. W. said…

I understand! Have you watched Tiger King? I haven’t finished yet but it is crazy! I think Carol Baskin fed her previous husband to the tigers. Joe Exotic is outrageous!


Yeah. We will stay out of karma’s way and watch her make visitations this year.


I got Mars in Gemini. Gemini on House Cusp 1 & 2. Is that why I’m always bored & need outrageous stories & tv shows?
Anonymous said…
Diviner21, very interesting atrology information you posted, thanks so much for that! I am a Capricorn woman and we also have lousy luck with men.

I think there are good and bad Taureans just like good and bad people. All types, same sign. I've met some nasty earth signs, but I still believe in astrology, in fact, I find it fascinating.

Chick's Opinion, really enjoyed your post on Angelika and the Crawdors. Like a PBS mini novel. Angelika sounds like a Meghan or Amber. I'm sure people wonder why I post so much negative comments towards Meghan -- It's because I pick up her energy and whatnot, I can't explain why or how, I just do.

I've never liked either Meghan or Amber Heard. I've always liked Johnny. He's not perfect, but he's not the conniving goldigger that Amber was and is.

I don't like women who use men for money and status.

Whatever happened to love?

CAP Anonymous
Sana said…
Sorry, Applemonkey!

I don't refer to all Tauruses - but just had bad experiences with most of them. Not all of the Tauruses are bad of course 🌹☺️✌🏻

Diviner21... I like your interpretation, write more of these
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. I found it interesting.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Johnny Depp's spending was way out of control.
To the point he was nearly broke.
I don't knkw about anyone else.
But I get more sensible with spending as I get older.
But not Johnny Depp.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good idea.
Quiet said…
OK did some research ..

Jessica Mulroney married Brian mulroneys son 12 years ago when she was 28. Jessicas maiden name is Brownstein. Her uncle is a famous Brown show designer that started their shoe and textile companies with her father back in 1940's, Jessica comes from money. She was raised rich and hung out in the same social circle as Justin Truduea and his wife as similar in age. Ben mulroneys father Brian was a conservative prime minister of canada in late 80's. He was not a well liked prime minister. Justin Truduea being a liberal really dose not affiliate with the conservative party socially as it would be like Pence going for a lunch and vacations with biden, but because justin and jessica and ben are all the same age bracket and all went to the same universities in Ottawa and montreal, they grew up together and all went to school together as children.

Point is.. Jessicas family has major money and Meghan needed jessica more than Jessica needed Meghan. Jessica knew the trudeau family her whole life growing up. BY hanging with Jessica, mm got to meet more famous/powerful people like justin truduea who knows Harry from decades ago and so did Justins father Pierre trudeau who was former prime minister of Canada. 2 Generations of Trudeau's knows the queen and her whole family. A lot longer than mm only knowing Harry since 2016 and only knowing jessica since 2011 in toronto when she started suits is when mm met jessica.

Anyhow what jessica did was wrong to the Sasha gal. She was power tripping her power and her money.

Im sure there is more to come in the near future especially after Lady colin campbells book is out and mm's book is out .

Once these rooted people with long life ties to powerful people are out of meghans life she will be sorry she did not stay friends with her in the future if mm is looking for power.MM is not going to become powerful all by herself or just because she is married to an ex royal for 2 years. Jessica has the money and power around her, her whole life but she has become more power hungry as her kids have been growing up last 10 years. If mm gets divorced from Harry she has no money and no power. Just an ex royal named "H"
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

I’ve been 16 for a long time. When I get married it’s gonna be for love.


I had no idea! Man, it’s a small world when you belong to the upper class. Must be nice not to have to worry about money. Oh well. Thank you for your research!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anononymous


Yes. They need to make a Hollywood movie about the Campbells of Cawdor Castle in Scotland.

And the evil golddigger Angelika.

The thing is about it. It's all true.
And Lady Liza Campbell, the daughter is furious about it the theft of her family's castle.

Are Hollywood staying away from this story because Princess Michael Of Kent, is the Queen's cousin's wife?
They still live at Kensington Palace.
Diana lived right near their apartment. And called Princess Michael Of Kent, the German.

And there's another reason maybe Hollywood isn't picking up the option on Title Deeds, the book about it all.
Cause it exposes Princess Michael of Kent. That she is the daughter of a Nazi Officer.

Oh by the way, Cap Anonymous, Happy Sweet 16.

I turn 16 every year too.
Sometimes 21.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Wow. Just read it all what you wrote.

Mmmm. Everything you described backs up what Christian said. That one by one, person by person. Meghan Markle got closer and closer.
To people who knew Prince Harry.
So she could meet him. And get him.
What a sociopath she is.

So clearly, Jessica Mulroney has been very wealthy her whole life.
I had heard she came from an influential family.

And you are absolutely right. Once Meghan divorces, Meghan needs Jessica more than Jessica needs meghan.

And like you money or power once she divorce Harry.
The upper classes don't like social outcasts. Which is what Meghan is in danger of becoming if she doesn't start playing by the upper class rules of respectability.
I don't agree with all 'the rules' they impose on womens behaviour. And not men's.
But you can't change the beliefs of elite family's. Like the Trudeau's and Mulroney's.

They change when it suits them.

Yes. Clearly Jessica was just one more stepping stone for Meghan on the pathway towards Prince Harry.
Though pretty sure Christian said Meghan ultimately met Prince Harry when she was hired as an escort.
But I guess them having mutual friends in Justin Trudeau and and Jessica helped convince Prince Harry. That Meghan was from a rich family.

Garrrd. Did he find out later. She's from a bat shit crazy family.
With very little respectability.

The only one I like in her family is Doria.
She has Grace and dignity.
Unknown said…
Hey there T.W. .I do indeed read privately. I have a decent size practice reading both Tarot and Predictive Astrology. If you want more information I can be reached at
T.W. that is a tricky astrological
triad you have there. But I have known several Leo Sun Cap Moon polarity people, each were highly capable and successful to what they applied themselves. One is a top Hospital Administer and another teacher.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I have a Taurean cousin. And she's a very strange cousin.

I can't put my finger on it. As to what it is exactly.

But whatever it is. I've decided to work with it. And get along with her good.
We eat out. Goss about family. Cats, diets. Celebrities.

I've come to the conclusion. She doesn't like alot of change. But that's OK. I'm not keen on change either.

But I think she's a typical Taurean. Cause she's very practical.
I am too. But she takes it to next level.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion — Princess Michael of Kenya is a known racist. I wouldn’t do a film about her either. A documentary would be better. As for a Doria Ragland, word has it she taught MeghaTron everything she knows. People think she’s classy because she’s kept her mouth shut.

All the Taurus people I know have weight troubles, like to eat, and have money.

Diviner21/Unknown — I did not know you are Unknown! Tarot gives me the creeps. Yeah, you notice I have a difficult time focusing on things. Plus, the moon is in its fall in Capricorn. But at least it’s controlling all that Leo Fire & it’s not void of course. I will send an email. Oh! Can you please explain void of course moon in a natal chart? All I know is that it’s very bad & Eva Braun has this.
Apple Monkey said…
Oh no TW - I thought we were friends! These comments about Taureans making me sad. You are right though I love food and have weight trouble but am not rich. And like you say Chicks I don’t like change.
I know TW you are a Leo and dear CD is a Libran but what is everyone’s star sign. Musaka you are forgiven 😆 I do like reading your comments Taurus things aside.

Can’t believe how things have changed for Jessica Mulroney . And hasn’t she had so much plastic surgery

Love to you all ♥️
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey — We are friends! I don’t know too many Taurus people. I don’t have anything bad to say about them but I do find they are quiet. Even if they aren’t rich they manage the money they have and tend to have luck with getting money. Try buying a lottery ticket.

I think Cher is a Taurus. Janet Jackson is a Taurus and she struggles with her weight for sure. I wish she left her face alone.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey — I forgot to say, Libras tend to be very pleasant but they hide their worry. If they are mean you’ll wish you never met them. That’s because they prefer beauty and harmony. They are also nice to look at and you’ll find the men have nice rear ends. Think Jean Claude van Damme.

As for Leo’s, you like us or you don’t. People think we’re crazy anyway. I blame Madonna. Fidel Castro was a Leo too.
Chick'sOpinion said…

As I've said before. The world needs Leos. Because they tell it like it is.
If someone in the family needs a ticking off.
Or a good confrontation.
To change their ways.
A Leo will do it.
And do it well

Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

And the shared difficulty with change my Taurean cousin and I discuss.

Is giving up chips.

We are both overweight.
And struggle with changing eating habits.
We've bonded over that.
T. W. said…

Oh yeah, we gotta take action! Gotta make things right. I hate injustice.
T. W. said…
Friends, in the “Another Round of Questions” post Goodhearted revealed Amber’s attorney dropped her. This is not good. Here’s a list of reasons why a lawyer can legally drop a client:

[...] if your attorney has advised you not to do something criminal but you insist on doing it anyway, he or she may withdraw from the case.

An attorney may also withdraw if you insist on acting in a way that he or she finds morally repugnant or fundamentally disagreeable.

Similarly, the attorney may withdraw if you’ve used their services to commit a crime or a fraud.


the attorney is not competent to continue the representation

the attorney becomes a crucial witness on a contested issue in the case

the attorney discovers that the client is using his services to advance a criminal enterprise

the client is insisting on pursuit of a frivolous position in the case

the attorney has a conflict of interest or cannot otherwise continue representation without violating the rules of professional conduct, and

the client terminates the attorney's services


Many times an attorney will allow the opposing party to believe that the withdrawal is based on issues surrounding payment when in fact that is not the true reason. This can be done for the client’s own protection.

Lawyers can withdraw based on the fact their client refuses to be truthful,

refuses to follow the attorney’s advice,

demands to pursue an unethical course of action,

demands unrealistic results,

desires to mislead the Court,

refuses to cooperate with their counsel as well as countless other reasons. Bringing to light one of these reasons as the basis for an attorney’s desire to withdraw could have a negative impact on the client’s case. Therefore it is typically safer for the client if the attorney cites reasons involving legal fee disputes or generic non-compliance with the employment agreement.

Apple Monkey said…
TW phew glad we r friends. Leo’s are cool - there are a lot of them in the entertainment business. Yes - Janet doesn’t need plastic surgery.i don’t understand why people go down the plastic route.
Libran men are very handsome - our CD is a testament to that 😉
Chicks - what is your star sign. Omg I love chips - they are one of the best things in life. ♥️

Chick'sOpinion said…

Very interesting.

And I wonder if CD will tell us which one of those possibilities. Is why Amber Heard's attorney has chosen to not continue representing her.

And also possibly... I wonder if Johnny Depp's people have paid her attorney to drop her.

That's possible too don't you think?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Very interesting.

And I wonder if CD will tell us which one of those possibilities. Is why Amber Heard's attorney has chosen to not continue representing her.

And also possibly... I wonder if Johnny Depp's people have paid her attorney to drop her.

That's possible too don't you think?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

I am Aquarius. A typical crazy Aquarian.

Yes. Chips are like Cocaine.

At least that's how I imagine Cocaine must be.

Lethally addictive.

It's so bad when I go out to eat. And they ask me.... do I want a serve of chips with that?

I wish they didn't ask me. Then I wouldn't even have to make a choice.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey — Thank you for the compliment! We Leo’s aim to please! Yes, Christian is quite lovely! We need to hear out his nights on the town ; )

French fries and potato chips are delicious!

Chick’sOpinion — If Amber’s attorneys were paid off then that means they are either unethical or they wanted to drop her anyway. In any case this is unethical. As for the chips, think of it like this: you are eating fried sugar. That is why we crave them. An adult serving of chips (French fries) is 11 chips. That’s why they make us gain weight. Maybe tried eating a small baked potato with the tasty skin. I miss baked potatoes. I can’t eat butter or cheese. ��
Apple Monkey said…
TW - CD must have so many stories - CD I hope you write a book one day.
TW and Chicks - chips are so good. I could eat them every day. But u r right TW - potato is full of sugar. And like you say Chicks are seriously addictive.
Aquarian’s are very social
If AH’s attorneys have been paid off then surely that is breaking the law and couldn’t they be disbarred?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey


That's it. I'm havin a gluten free salad sandwich from Subway in my lunch break today.

Fried chips have taken on new meaning to me for today.......As fried sugar. Though I only have them once a week as rule. For lunch. So many options with them these days. Australians love stuff poured over their chips. Gravy....mayonnaise etc.

TW. Yes I bake potatoes. Quite often.
And eat them sometimes at night.
With butter, salt or Olive oil.

It's so sad you can't have them with butter. Due to allergic reaction.
That would drive me crazy.
Apple Monkey said…
Chicks - did u enjoy your gluten free sandwich? Am envious as here in the U.K. we don’t have gluten free subway buns.
Baked potatoes are lush. Do you have baked beans and cheese with yours?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

No I didn't. Because where I working that day there were no Subways nearby.

My lunch depends on where I am unfortunately.

Gluten-free everything is becoming more and more common in Australia.
And I think intensifying because Doctors are tellimg people if they think people are gluten intolerant.
So some people, who do what the doctor tells them to do
Go on gluten free diets. Permanently.

It's driving the trend.

Personally I think everybody's body is gluten intolerant.
Your gut cannot tolerate modern wheat.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey — I’m patiently waiting for Christian to write his books. If I were him I would change names & details to present the book as fiction. But make it easy for people to guess who he’s talking about. That way he can’t be sued for libel.

If Heard’s attorneys were paid off then yes, they can and should be disbarred.

Chick’sOpinion — Please do not eat your baked potatoes after 3pm. Carbs after 3 pm turn to far. Well, it takes 4 hours for food to leave the stomach (fruit is 30 minutes). So if you are going to work out at 5 pm I guess that’s okay.

Why y’all put mayonnaise & gravy on your fries? That is nasty! I think the Canadians pour gravy on it & call it poutine. I’m not sure. Black people don’t really eat mayonnaise anyway.

Yes, I miss butter, cheese, and ice cream. But my waistline doesn’t!

Genetically modified food is poison. I’ll share a secret. Many processed foods that say they use genetically modified ingredients on the label tend to contain aborted fetal tissues. Please do not consume Pepsi products. This includes Gatorade & Ocean Spray drinks. Unless you like to drink aborted babies...

People are having allergic reactions to corn (maize). It’s nearly impossible to obtain maize that has not been genetically modified. Even when people find it their bodies still react to it because their bodies associated GMO maize as poison, so now they can’t eat the food God made. Unfortunately, corn is in almost all processed foods in America.

Here’s another secret. Corn (maize) is considered starvation food. Meaning you aren’t supposed to eat it unless there’s a period of famine. Although it contains some iron & the starch (sugar) provides some energy, there is no nutritional value. It fills your stomach. That’s why it’s starvation food. Just like white rice.

I agree with your assessment about modern wheat. I know people with true gluten issues. One woman I know can’t use the drive-up option at restaurants or step into bakeries and such. Her throat will close because the gluten proteins are in the air. A lot of people don’t understand this. Proteins can linger in the air for several YEARS. Not just food. This includes rubber, latex, cockroaches, etc. Need that air purifier.

I already told the story about the boy who was diagnosed as schizophrenic. His mother trusted her gut, took the boy to an alternative medicine practitioner who diagnosed celiac disease. The mother got the entire family off gluten and the boy does not have schizophrenia.

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2025.... PREDICTIONS !!!


Alexandra Grant. More lies? Did she forget she married another person 10 years ago... & is still married... UPDATE...

  I had a dream about Alexandra Grant. (Which in it's self is disturbing)   This is what I saw in the dream.   I SAW...   Alexandra Grant   is married. Not to Keanu Reeves.  T he marriage took place around 9/10 years ago on the  East coast of America.  (Not New York City)   I Saw She was in a  very close relationship with this  "Person" I See she was paid to do this... The person she is married to is of dubious character...   This person has been  "Away"  for quite a while...    (If you know what I mean)   This person is threatening to return..   She will...   To expose the marriage & other criminal behaviors  they both had a part in.    As I write this.   Keanu Reeves & his team.  Do not know of this.    Alexandra,  knows is still legally married. Has her head in the sand. Hoping it will go away...   STAY TUNED...    MORE TO ...


So here's a photo of  Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart's  "Lovenest" How cute..... It also happens to be where Roberts dogs where staying while he was down under. So is he staying there due to her, or the dogs. Ermm. My bets on the dogs. Before long we'll see the moving vans. As he gets to the point of no return. Mind you the PR team must be loving all this publicity. Oh well. As they say money goes to money......  Bear & Bernie