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LEMMINGS to the slaughter for Donald J Trump...

Soon to be known as the 

Kinda reminds me of the


chris said…
PERFECT analogy...
David said…
Please stop with the hatred towards Trump.
What’s better - child trafficking by the ‘elites’ ???
Trump is the only one putting a stop to this crime
against humanity. Direct your hatred towards these
disgusting pigs and not towards Trump. Rant over.
Aka - your not always right, I’m psychic too!
Psychic Gossip said…
David as you claim to be Psychic.. then clearly you should see what this monster is up to.. Or maybe you are looking from the dark side CD
Psychic Gossip said…
PS David if you have read this blog for anytime you would know I go after the child molesters more than any other blog CD
CyndiTx123 said…
Go Home David...... Trump is ruining America & causing sooo much hate!!
This website is for entertainment purposes.... but with real incite of what will be and what to look out for.
We do wish Trump well, but does he to us fellow Americans... nope.. wait and see a rise in the good ole' state of Okla w/covid..... I feel bad for them and the actors that are hired to be there. I wonder if they get paid extra if they do not wear their masks????
Letty said…
David start your own pro trump website
This is CD website and he runs this playpen!!
David said…
CD - I stand by what I said in the previous comment. Yes I am psychic. I’ve been following you since 2014 and your are far ffrom accurate. I’m also from the UK and you are not and never have been a household name. I’m in my late 40’s and I’ve never heard of you. Stop with the arrogance and accept that not everyone in life is going to believe you and that your the best thing since Nostradamus. There is many a better psychic than you - tarot by Janine and psychic ray to name a few. It’s time for you to become more humble and less insecure.
Anonymous said…
I feel sorry for you CyndiT123, what a sheep you are. Eventually you’ll get it, but by that time it will be too late.....
Anonymous said…
I feel sorry for you CyndiT123, what a sheep you are. Eventually you’ll get it, but by that time it will be too late.....
David said…
Letty - I’m not pro-trump. I don’t particularly like trump but he is the best thing for the US at the moment. Democrats are into child trafficking. Trump is putting a stop to this, if Joe Biden is voted in then these disgusting practices will continue. We need to protect our children and bring the likes of the Clintons down! It’s not about me being dark. It’s reality and more people need to accept this. It’s the truth unfortunately and until we accept this then nothing will get done to stop it!
David said…
Letty - I’m not pro-trump. I don’t particularly like trump but he is the best thing for the US at the moment. Democrats are into child trafficking. Trump is putting a stop to this, if Joe Biden is voted in then these disgusting practices will continue. We need to protect our children and bring the likes of the Clintons down! It’s not about me being dark. It’s reality and more people need to accept this. It’s the truth unfortunately and until we accept this then nothing will get done to stop it!
Anonymous said…
David, if you have been reading this blog from 2014 , then you will know that CD has been consistently providing information about the Orange Cheeto. Why go on the attack now ? You could have been for the last four years. Haven’t seen your name before.
Chick'sOpinion said…

My view is....Get your own blog.
Cause clearly you need one.

Christian lives in America. He is an American citizen.
If he chooses to disagree or dislike the current President of his chosen country.
That he has to either vote for. Or decide not to vote for.
Then that's his business.

Further, Christian isn't trying to be a household name.

Who the f@##k wants to be a household name?

And you are wrong. I've been following Christian's predictions since about 2010.

He is usually correct in his predictions.

If you haven't got a blog. Of your own. And you are as you claim, psychic. Then may I suggest you get a blog. Of your own.

And stop being envious of Christian's or any other psychic's success this way.

We are happy here. And have a bit of fun.
You are welcome to be part of that.
But no bitchin at Christian.

If you don't agree with the general feeling here...about Trump and the current corruption in the U.S.
Then that's your issue.

Trump has to go as a President. As soon as possible. And you know that.
Because if he doesn't go soon. America will end up in a war with either China or Iran.
Lose allies. Because of weakening relations with partner countries.
Because those relationships are so poorly managed and inconsistent with Trump.
And the U.S will continue to deteriorate.
In the eyes of the world.
And to a degree, as a people.
With so much racial inequality and civil unrest too.

And further, Trump and his friends will continue to steal millions in U.S government money.
If he dosen't go soon.
Yeah they will be prosecuted for it.
And jailed.
But is it a way to govern a country?
Steal from it.
And it's people.
And it's alright for you. You are not living in the U.S
...not putting up with it.
My feeling is, it's you who needs to get your priorities right.
Not Christian.
He has been aware from day one, about how corrupt the Trumps are.

We even have Jared Kushner with the highest level of security clearance in the U.S possible. And he's selling U.S military secrets and more to other countries.
For his own pocket.

He's a f...cking estate agent.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I think we all need to just ignore this claimed David guy.
It's not his real name anyway.

He's just a republican. Who wants Trump to win the election.

He is probably really disappointed that Christian is not predicting Trump wins the next election.
And that Christian refuses to show any support for Trump.

Well he needs to get over it.
Most psychics have their opinions about politicians.
Cause they pick up plenty. That is unknown to the public about politicians.
And the public aint stupid either.
The public's own intuition are seeing how bad a President he is.
And the practical evidence for it is there every week, every month, every year.

Yeah Trump has some good points.
But not enough them.
The bad outweighs the good.
By a mile.

And David needs to visit Linda G Commanche Psychic.
An American psychic ....who puts up You Tubes almost every week. On the corruption of Trump. And anyone who folllows him in the Whitehouse.
And beyond.
She's been doing it since even before 2016.
Is she wrong too David?

And she has regular other well known Psychics and tarot readers on her channel.
Who pick up pretty much the same alarming insights into the Trump Administration.
Anonymous said…
I'm more alarmed by what that "David" guy said he believes about there being a Democrat agenda for child trafficking. Surely this must be a bot hired counteract Trump bad press as we are now entering the campaign season? He's not that dumb I hope? I have heard this said about the Republican Party, too, and that they drink blood of babies. People need a reality check.

There are surely a frightening number of child traffickers and those that commit crimes towards children, but they are not affiliated with EITHER political party. They are just regular sickos, some extremely wealthy and thus have power. Please step away from the conspiracy websites. People have a tendency to believe in conspiracies because it makes them feel special to have "privileged information" which helps them overcompensate for what they feel are their own meaningless/aimless lives.
T. W. said…
David, if you never heard of Christian Dion then how did you know to come to this site?

How can you talk/write to a person you never heard of?

Have you listened to some of the recent radio programs he has appeared on? The hosts talk about some of the shows Christian appeared on in the UK. Last time they got Christian to talk about why the BBC didn’t want him to come back. They didn’t want him back anymore because he told the plain truth about something & they didn’t like it.
T. W. said…
I feel sorry for Anonymous 10:34 pm. They want us to take their vague comments seriously but they refuse to identify themselves.

T. W. said…
David, if you were really psychic please explain:

1) If Trump is putting an end to human trafficking then why did he separate children deemed illegal aliens despite they & their families being here legally from their families? Why did he separate immigrant children from their families?

2) THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION PUT CHILDREN INTO CAGES. If that doesn’t scream human trafficking then I don’t know what does.

3) America’s 2-party political system is in name only. They are all friends with each other. You don’t have to take my word for it. There’s a plethora of video footage, audio recordings, & photographs to prove it.

4) The Trumps consider the Clinton’s personal friends. A multitude of video & photographic evidence proves this.

5) Trump was a Democrat before he decided to run for office. Ask yourself why that is.

6) If Trump put a stop to human trafficking then why does it still exist?

7) Why hasn’t Trump pardoned all non-violent criminals in America? It’s legal to use prisoners for slave labor. Don’t believe me? Read the US Constitutional Amendments. Did you know they legally perform medical & scientific experiments on prisoners without their consent? If that doesn’t scream human trafficking then what does?
T. W. said…

T. W. said…
David lists names of psychics.

If David is not a bot then he should know almost all reputable psychics agree Trump was not fairly elected as President of the United States of America, he has to go, and he will go down as the worst U. S. President EVER.

If David is truly psychic he would know Mike Pence is worse than Trump.
T. W. said…

You are psychic you say?

Christian is not accurate you say?

You never heard of Christian Dion you say?

Well guess what sweetie.

I’ve never heard of you.

Time to shit or get off the pot.

We want to hear from accurate psychics.

Please be a dear and tell us your website, blog, YouTube channel, Vimeo channel, & Bitchute channel.

With love,

Chocmint33 said…
David if you don't like this site don't come here. That's a no-brainer!

We here on this site see nothing but darkness with the Babyfart. Therefore, this blog is anti-Trump. We don't like him here. Get over it. Start your own blog.

I'm psychic too. I have a talent for picking up bad stuff and with psychometry. I was part of a psychic circle for 5 years. I can suss out pretty quickly good and bad psychics.

I basically come here for confirmation and because I love seeing and hearing good psychics like Christian do their work.

About that tarot reader Janine - she once didn't like Babyfart. Therefore, I don't think she is a reliable source.

Here's a list of good psychics who can see through the orange man's bullshit. Christian Dion, Linda G, Revealing Light Tarot - Maryanne, Kirsten Langston, Lena Rodriguez, Nine's Corner Tarot, psychic Violetta, Marie's Table, Dianne's Tarot, John Edwards, astrologer and psychic Jessica Adams, David Johnson, Celtic Tarot-Sheila, Melissa Free Range psychic, Sterling psychic medium and psychic medium Jenn Lynn. I could find even more too.

I constantly hear from his supporters that Trump is stopping the Elite . If you ask me he is controlled by the Elite and not to mention the ultra-right and the KKK. I remember Babyfart was once buddy buddy with the biggest child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Now he pretends that he doesn't know him. So much for him wanting to stop child trafficking.

The Babyfart supporters are a pack of lost souls. They are into all sorts of wacko conspiracies like COVID 19 doesn't exist, ALL the media is fake, the Moon landing never happened, 911 was an inside job, the 2004 Dec 26 tsunami never happened - it was a fake media story. But their most troubling belief is that Babyfart is the Messiah.
Chocmint33 said…
Also I find it extraordinary that people like so-called David still believe that Hillary/Pizzagate conspiracy theory that falsely implicated Hillary and the Democrats in a child trafficking ring.

That was debunked eons ago by law enforcement agencies and the police.

That was largely spread by that proven liar and Babyfart arselicker Flynn and the alt-right to help orange man win in 2016.

I can now understand why fools still believe the moon landing never happened.
David said…
Chicks opinion - seriously you need to get a life. What a boring life you must lead, Christian has a fan base of about three people and unfortunately your one of those three. No psychic is 100% accurate so stop believing everything that CD says. He’s right 50% of the time and thats me being kind. He’s right about things that are obvious, but not right about Trump. I don’t like Trump and I’m not a republican, it just gets to me when Trump is portrayed as some kind of devil when there is worse out there.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Whenever we see a sudden spike in trolling, I always assume CD and/or posters have hit a major nerve(s) for someone or some people.
T. W. said…

Your 5:01 AM comment entertained me!


You are right about conspiracy theories & sites. Most of the sites, blogs, & groups have been infiltrated. I consider them entertainment unless I “feel” it’s true or I know from prior knowledge and/or experience the theory is true. You are also right in that we should not regularly spend time studying these things. To quote a line from the show Star Trek Deep Space Nine, “He who studies evil is studied by evil.”

Well, I was in the military at the time 9/11 occurred. Let me publicly say we don’t have the full truth...

As for the moon landing, I do not believe it. BUT. That does not mean I cannot be convinced with sound evidence it did indeed happen.

I do believe humans have been to outer space but I do not personally believe we should be going there. At least not at this time.

I do believe the Earth is round. I got laughed at for saying the Bible says the Earth is round. One person correctly pointed out the Bible talks about the four corners of the Earth. At least the person asked me to explain. I’ll do it again:

1) The Bible says the winds go AROUND the Earth. You can’t go around a flat object.

2) The 4 corners of the Earth are: North, South, East and West.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think that's good you mentioned about the American 2 party system.

We need to get away from a system when one party holds a majority.

And the other is in the minority.

The two party system has been going on for far too too many countries.

Psychics say it will end eventually.
And we get a one world government.
Most fear a one world government. But not me.

Because when we are living under one flag. The One World fllag.
It's highly unlikely there will be many wars.

But overall, I'm done with elected officials.
I find it hard to trust any of them.

Linda G psychic has mentioned a few in American politicians that can be trusted. I won't name them.

Some I'd never heard of. So they must be in the background.
T. W. said…
PizzaGate was a fake conspiracy that is based on factual events. That is how a lot of conspiracy theorists/Truthers got suckered. THEY used true and factual information to create a lie.

T. W. said…

1) If Christian only has a fan base of 3 then why do more than 3 people comment here?

2) If Christian only has a fan base of 3 then why does his site get millions of page views?

3) If Christian only has a fan base of 3 then why do radio shows etc. have him on as a guest?

4) If Christian only has a fan base of 3 then why does he have celebrity clients?

5) If Christian only has a fan base of 3 then you must be one of them because you keep coming back here. No mentally stable person reads blogs written by people they detest.

6) If other people need to get a life why do you respond to them? Are you in need of a life too?

7) Why did you decide to come out of the shadows after I publicly announced I would take a break from the internet for medical reasons?

8) Were you scared I would use logic and reason to rip you to shreds?

9) Maybe you thought I created all the other accounts to make it look like Christian is popular? If you knew anything about ISP addresses & Google Analytics you would know that even if I did this there is no way Christian would have millions of page views from multiple people.

10) Why haven’t you told us how to contact you? No blog address, no YouTube channel, no nothing.

11) Are you really who you say you are?

12) Are you AG?

13) Are you Madonna?

14) Are you affiliated with The Kabbalah Centre?

15) I know you aren’t part of The BeyHive. They take credit for their comments.

16) I know you aren’t Putin. Putin can run circles around your limited intellect. He’s also more fascinating than you.
T. W. said…
God bless LovesBreadCarbs&NetflixBinging!!!

LovesBreadCarbs&NetflixBinging said…
Whenever we see a sudden spike in trolling, I always assume CD and/or posters have hit a major nerve(s) for someone or some people.
T. W. said…
Anyone else notice you can’t click on David’s name?

This means he/she/it is not using a Google account to comment on the Blogger Platform.

This means we can’t click on the name to see how long the Google Account existed.

Smells like a bot to me!
T. W. said…

America has several political parties. We have several candidates running for President every time. Part of the problem during the last presidential election is that in some jurisdictions the other party candidate names did not appear on the ballot.

That alone tells me the election was rigged.

Critical thinking skills are becoming extinct.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thankyou for putting the names of all those Psychics there. And astrologers.

Some I had never heard of but will check them out.

I didn't know that some conspiracy theorists believe the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami didnt happen.

I find that so silly.

Cause we know, cause we are both Australian...
that Australia responded big to that whole 2004 Tsunami event. As Search and Rescue. And everything else. Because we are the closest to Indonesia.

Ordinary Australian first responders flew out in 100's to Indonesia immediately. The Australian Navy, army, airforce too. And stayed through that horror of a disaster at Christmas.

Conspiracy theorists who deny that the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami happened.
Should consider how they are deleting the unbelievable contribution first responders made. Including Indonesian first responders. Doing shocking tasks like....Finding and buying the bodies that they could.

Instead of putting them (tourists) in refridgerated trucks to await their families to fly to Indonesia to identify them. 1000's of them.

Also in regards to that Tsunami, most of these conspiracy theorists wouldn't know, that, that Tsunami affected not just Indonesia. It hit the Northern province of Sri Lanka and Khao Lak, Thailand and a part of India too.

Also Americares, an American health focussed relief and development organisation. Helped hugely after that Tsunami in Indonesia. They worked closely with local Indonesian authorities.
And did amaze balls work.
And also American, USAID contributed so much aid money.

Australia gave so much money to help Indonesia reconstruct too.

And let's not forget Germany. Who worked closely with Sri Lanka on many many projects.

Personally from my research. I think the Conspiracy theory stems from how some of the money allocated to Sri Lanka disappeared.
Australia gave Indonesia 1 billion. But it was not misappropriated. Only that part of it was supposed to be spent on Tsunami Tracking Warning Systems in Indonesia.
And that didn't happen in Indonesia. Well properly for years. They have them now.
Cause Australia needs to kmow too if Indonesia is about to be hit with a Tsunami.

But from a spiritual perspective, I think the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami was God's way of bringing peace.
Because the Tsunami, that mostly affected the Aceh area of Indonesia.
Had been saturated in conflict since 1976. In a goal to make Aceh independent.
The aftermath of the Tsunami was that it brought the 'Free Aceh' to the table. And a Peace Agreement was finally made.
Peace at last to Aceh.

But not in Sri Lanka.
A shocking conflict....civil war, had raged there for years. Between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government. This conflict even stopped Tsunami relief efforts. And food and medical supplies being distributed.

Can you believe that some people won't even stop
fighting in a natural disaster.
No wonder so many Sri Lankans moved to Australia.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Read Howard Berry's (old film maker) opinion on the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing film.

He is fully informed about the capabilities of film in that period of the moon landing.
And. ...He has a thoroughly well informed understanding of how they did or didn't film that moon landing.

And he has very interesting arguments for and against the Conspiracy theory about the film of the moon landing.

The article is a 'film makers dream'info I think.
Cause it goes into technical detail.
To argue his view.
And he mentions director, Stanley Kubrick. Who is long believed by conspiracy theorists as the one who made a 'fake' moon landing film for NASA.

The article is called...

Was The Moon Landing Faked? Absolutely Not, Says Film Expert

and the article is on (Quartz) site

I loved the article.

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